ACCA F8 - Audit and Assurance Revision Kit 2016

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– Obtain a written representation from management confirming the management’s opinion that the

business is a going concern

– Evaluate the evidence obtained and come to a conclusion as to whether the company is a going

concern and that the going concern basis should be used for the preparation of the financial





Kiwi & Co’s responsibility to report on going concern to the directors

Kiwi & Co must report to the directors any information which casts doubt on the ability of the

company to continue as a going concern. In accordance with ISA 570 Going concern Kiwi & Co will

report the following:

– Whether the events or conditions constitute a material uncertainty

– Whether the use of the going concern assumption is appropriate in the preparation of the

financial statements

– The adequacy of related disclosures in the financial statements.


Impact on the auditor’s report

If the directors refuse to amend the financial statements and we believe that the company is not a

going concern, the audit opinion will be modified. An adverse opinion will be issued as the matter is

both material and pervasive.

The adverse opinion paragraph will state that the financial statements do not present fairly or do not

give a true and fair view.

The basis for adverse opinion paragraph will provide an explanation of the inappropriate use of the

going concern assumption by the directors.

117 Clarinet

Text references. Chapters 18.

Top tips. Part (b) asks you to explain the indicators of going concern in the scenario provided. Note the verb used

here: ‘explain’ requires you not only to identify the indicators, but also to explain why each fact would affect

Clarinet’s going concern status. Saying that something ‘will impact going concern’ is not specific enough – you will

need to describe how it is likely to do so. If you do not provide adequate explanations, you will only score half of the

marks available.

In part (c), again, be specific. It is important to link your answer to the scenario.

Examination Team's comments. Candidates’ performance was mixed in part (c).

Those candidates who failed to score well produced vague procedures such as “obtain the cash flow forecast,”

“review board minutes” and “discuss with management”. These examples lack the detail of what the actual

procedure involves and therefore limit the amount of credit that can be awarded. In addition some procedures were

unrealistic such as asking the bank to confirm whether it will renew the overdraft facility when the scenario made it

clear that the bank would only make such a decision after seeing the audit report. Candidates must use the scenario

and be practical when generating audit procedures.

176 Answers

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