Iconic Concierge Fall 2022

The Luxury Lifestyle Magazine (not just) for the Affluent Gentleman ... Motoring | Watches & Jewellery | Electronics & Gadgets | Yachts & Boats | Style & Fashion | People & Interviews | Travel ... and more! The definitive magazine helping to define affluence with high-end living, Iconic Concierge provides an amazing and unrivalled interaction and exposure with the over-the-top lifestyle. Filled with the best in luxury cars, travel, watches, private jets, yachts, fine dining, fashion and, of course, profiles of the city’s who’s who, Iconic Concierge is the must-read resource for those who live or aspire to live the life of a luxurista. This edition: Croatia - Exploring Istria and the Kvarner Riviera | Ageless Living | The Pagani Utopia | Big Watch Special | New Electric Vehicles | Star Worthy - St Lawrence Restaurant | Fall Fashion - Be a Style Icon | Luxury Real Estate | The BMW Museum in Munich, Germany | Interviews ... and more

The Luxury Lifestyle Magazine (not just) for the Affluent Gentleman ... Motoring | Watches & Jewellery | Electronics & Gadgets | Yachts & Boats | Style & Fashion | People & Interviews | Travel ... and more! The definitive magazine helping to define affluence with high-end living, Iconic Concierge provides an amazing and unrivalled interaction and exposure with the over-the-top lifestyle. Filled with the best in luxury cars, travel, watches, private jets, yachts, fine dining, fashion and, of course, profiles of the city’s who’s who, Iconic Concierge is the must-read resource for those who live or aspire to live the life of a luxurista. This edition: Croatia - Exploring Istria and the Kvarner Riviera | Ageless Living | The Pagani Utopia | Big Watch Special | New Electric Vehicles | Star Worthy - St Lawrence Restaurant | Fall Fashion - Be a Style Icon | Luxury Real Estate | The BMW Museum in Munich, Germany | Interviews ... and more


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BC: Having a Little Kitchen Academy within reach of every child is

success. Seeing our community containers on school properties in underserved

communities, our curriculum entering school systems and

empowering children to make decisions that are important to them is

success. Watching our students come back as instructors. Seeing our

franchise partners create jobs. The potential for success is endless and

we are so excited to celebrate every step of the way! Our vision to become

the global leader in teaching practical life skills and food literacy

to children to promote a more educated, independent, and healthier

society…is already starting to take shape.

IC: You are surrounded by some exceptionally talented people

with some impressive culinary skills. Have your own personal

skills in the kitchen improved along the way?

BC: Ha! I pride myself on surrounding myself with incredible people,

my wife Felicity being the most incredible. This allows me to focus

on what I do well both in and out of the kitchen…mostly out of it. I

have become a better human because of LKA and have dramatically

improved the welcome I receive when I venture into the kitchen. Most

notably, my knife skills have certainly improved.

IC: As we already mentioned, one of those exceptionally talented

people that you work with is your wife, Felicity. What are

the best bits about working together? …And what are the more

challenging aspects???!

BC: The best bits are countless. We love to celebrate each other’s

strengths. We are so proud of the team we have built, and the impact

we are making in every class. As anyone who owns their own business

will know, there are good days and difficult days. We have each other

to lean on. We are each other’s number one fan. The tough times are

when we can’t “leave it at the office”. And when we disagree…thank

you George Clooney for Casamigos!

IC: What do you enjoy most about your work?

BC: Knowing that I’m doing something that is bigger than me, will

outlive me, will make my daughters proud, is changing lives from

scratch for this generation and those to come, and selfishly, seeing my

wife’s vision and passion come to life.

IC: Aside from growing Little Kitchen Academy, you are a mentor

to other local entrepreneurs in the city. Which local start-ups

should we be keeping an eye out for and why are you excited by


BC: Yes, I serve as a director on the boards of ChopValue and Incisive

Genetics. Both companies and founders are equally purposedriven

in totally different industries. One is redefining the term waste

to resource, one chopstick at a time, whilst the other is transforming

the field of genetic medicine by being at the forefront with its novel

Incisive Delivery System for gene editing therapy. Both companies are

having, and will continue to have a positive global impact on our lives.

IC: What 4 words would your closest friends use to describe you?

BC: Driven, Resilient, Kind, Excitable.

IC: Thank you, Brian. I always enjoy our conversations and enjoyed

meeting the team on my visit to the LKA “Nest” recently.

It must be such a positive environment to be immersed in on a

regular basis.

BC: I am surrounded by strong, passionate, and kind women at the

Nest…yes, I’m the only local male on our team. We encourage collaborative

work, having fun, and always putting our student’s first. Best

part? It doesn’t feel like work. Daily, we hear “I love this place”, “I

have never worked in an environment like this and don’t ever want to

leave” or, the best so far, “I’m going to die with you and Felicity”, and

we actually believe this to be true!

IC: …and finally, here are our ‘Completely Unrelated, but Nevertheless

Entertaining Standard 10 Questions’…you ready?

BC: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, so let’s go!

IC: You lose everything you own. How do you rise like a phoenix

from the ashes?

BC: With forgiveness for myself and others, and by being fueled by

the amazing people that I get to call my family and friends.

IC: We finish this interview and as you step outside, you find

a lottery ticket that ends up winning you $20 million. What do

you do?

BC: I would do what I could to find the person that lost it and hope

they split it with me!

IC: You can invite 5 people for a dinner party…and the guest list

isn’t restricted by the confines of time and mortality. Who joins

you for dinner and why?

BC: My wife Felicity because she is my simply the best at any dinner

party. My three daughters Gabby, Bronwyn, and Gwen, because they

are incredible women whom I cherish every second I get with. My late

dad, to let him know that I love him and for him to meet his miraculous

granddaughters and daughter-in-law. And, Larry David, because

I think we might be related or maybe I think we would just get each

other. And yes, I know math, but family first always.

IC: What was your first car, what do you drive now and what is

your dream car?

BC: 1984 Toyota 4Runner, Polestar 2, 1974 Ford Bronco…electrified.

IC: What one piece of advice would you give to your 16-year-old


BC: Don’t be such an asshole, don’t be so hard on yourself and don’t

change a damn thing because you have one hell of a life to live.

IC: Who would play you in a movie about your life?

BC: Jason Bateman

IC: Where is your favourite travel destination and why?

BC: Versailles. It was a place that I had never been to and on my first

visit, it was the place that I felt at true peace, and I honestly think I

may have been there in another time. We now visit on a frequent basis.

IC: Tell me your favourite joke…

BC: In private because it would not reflect well on LKA ;)

IC: Where is your favourite Vancouver restaurant?

BC: Autostrada, Vancouver House for the food, Dockside at Granville

Island Hotel for the ambience.

IC: Complete the sentence: “Vancouver is a great place be an

entrepreneur because…”

BC: “...it tests you at every turn and makes you stronger because of it.”

IC: Thank you, Brian. Keep up the great work you are doing

with Little Kitchen Academy and beyond. You really do have

such a positive impact on our community, and I look forward

to seeing how wide that reach expands over the coming years as

Little Kitchen Academy spreads its wings.


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