13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do_ Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success ( PDFDrive )

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If you’ve spent most of your life feeling like a victim of your circumstances, it

takes hard work to recognize that you have the power to choose your own path

in life. The first step is to develop self-awareness by identifying when you blame

external circumstances and other people for how you think, feel, and behave.

Take a close look at the people you are devoting your time and energy toward.

Are they the people you want to receive it? If not, you may be giving them more

power than you think they deserve.

Each second you spend commiserating with coworkers about how unfair your

boss is, you are giving your boss more power. Every time you tell your friends

how controlling your mother-in-law is, you give her a little more power over

you. Resolve to stop giving people your time and energy if you don’t want them

to play a big role in your life.


Sometimes retaining your power means changing the way you look at the

situation. Examples of language that indicates you’re giving away your power


• “My boss makes me so mad.” You may not like your boss’s behavior, but

does he really make you feel angry? Perhaps your boss behaves in a manner

that you don’t like and it may influence how you feel, but he’s not forcing

you to feel anything.

• “My boyfriend left me because I’m not good enough.” Are you really not

good enough or is that just one person’s opinion? If you took a poll of a

hundred people, it’s not likely that they’d all come to that same consensus.

Just because one person thinks something, it doesn’t make it true. Don’t give

one person’s opinion of you the power to determine who you are.

• “My mom makes me feel really bad about myself because she’s always so

critical of me.” As an adult, are you obligated to listen to your mother make

critical statements about you over and over? Just because she makes

comments you don’t like, does it really have to lower your self-esteem?

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