13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do_ Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success ( PDFDrive )

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the basement to get them and most of the time, he found that he was more

motivated to reach for a healthier snack. As soon as he started making progress,

he found it easier to make more changes. Eventually, he was able to feel more

inspired to lose weight and manage his blood sugar.


Although it’s often easy to say you want to change, successfully making a

change is hard. Our thoughts and emotions often prevent us from creating

behavioral change, even when it will improve our lives.

Many people shy away from making changes that can drastically improve

their lives. See if any of the following apply to you:

You tend to justify a bad habit by convincing yourself what you’re doing

isn’t “that bad.”

You experience a lot of anxiety about changes to your routine.

Even when you’re in a bad situation, you worry that making a change might

make things worse.

Whenever you attempt to make a change, you struggle to stick with it.

When your boss, family, or friends make changes that affect you, it’s

difficult for you to adapt.

You think a lot about making changes but put off doing anything different

until later.

You worry that any changes you make aren’t likely to last.

The thought of stepping outside your comfort zone just seems too scary.

You lack the motivation to create positive change because it’s too hard.

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