Flight International - 04

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Has British Airways’ ban on employees posting on

social media platforms while engaged in professional

activities backfired?

Several pilots have built huge personal Twitter,

TikTok and Instagram followings with their

spectacular photos and videos from the cockpit

depicting the likes of the aurora borealis and iconic

aerial cityscapes.

As ambassadors for the flag carrier, they provide

the sort of positive publicity and goodwill BA would

need to spend millions on advertising and charm

offensives to achieve, helping to make flying and the

brand exciting and glamorous again after what has

been a rough few years.

Some, however, appear to have found a way around

the po-faced prohibition.

@JonnyLutton says he has employed a courtroom

artist for future tweets.

“The budget is very tight,” he remarks. “I can

confirm this was commissioned while at my home

and not at LHR or on a jet.”


fur-st class

When you are the only airline serving remote

communities – indeed their only practical transport link

to the rest of the world – you mess with the service

your customers are used to at your peril, particularly

when domesticated animals are involved.

So it was when Loganair hiked the charge for

carrying pets from £20 to £100 for a return journey,

a decision chief executive Jonathan Hinkles revealed

recently was one of the most controversial in his time

running the small Scottish-based airline.

Loganair’s move, in 2018, sparked an “internet storm”

and accusations of profiteering from its clientele,

Hinkles admitted to Aviation Club luncheon guests. He

says the carrier had no choice: too many passengers

were taking their pets on their trips simply because

it was cheaper than paying for kennels. Loganair was

turning away those who needed to take their pets

because there was no room in the hold.

Hinkles won back many fans during the pandemic.

Loganair was one of the few airlines in Europe that

continued flying throughout, carrying everyone from

essential workers heading to North Sea oil rigs to

patients to hospital appointments on the mainland.

Lunch failure

Evidence surely that media hospitality budgets are

not what they were.

An invitation arrives from an electric vertical takeoff

and landing (eVTOL) developer to mark diaries

for a midday media event at which it was due to

make a major programme announcement.

“Since it will be at lunch time,” advises the sender,

“please feel free to bring your lunch.”

US Navy

From the archive


1923 Airships as carriers

The experiments which have been made in the

United States during the last couple of years, and

the decision resulting from these experiments of

building airships to act as aircraft carriers, should

give us something to think about. We in this country

were the first to suspend aeroplanes from the keel

of a rigid airship and drop them while in the air. The

airship may give military aeroplanes the necessary

range by carrying them the greater part of the way to

the objective, then dropping them to do their work.

The fact that America has a monopoly on helium

makes her position even stronger, and although a

war between Great Britain and the United States is

unthinkable, by using airships as carriers America has

brought Europe within flying distance of New York.


1948 Running on the wing

The R.A.F. were this year unable to repeat their

1947 victory over the Army at Twickenham on April

3rd. This last Inter-Service match of the season was

less exciting than the earlier two, but there were

nevertheless some bright moments. Douglas, the very

big wing, looked the most dangerous of the R.A.F.

outsides, running fast and very hard indeed if ever the

ball came his way. But just before a rainstorm, which

altered the game considerably, Cameron dropped a

slick straight-from-the-book goal which put the Army

in an almost unassailable position with a score of 11

points to 3. Too late the R.A.F. took the initiative as

the rain ceased. Since 1920, and omitting the war

years of 1940 to 1945, the Army has won 15 matches,

the Royal Air Force 7, and one match was drawn.

78 Flight International April 2023

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