Connecting Points Magazine Fall 2017

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I’m very excited to present you this magazine. Last Spring we released our new

missions statement for CLA. “Joining God in transforming our lives, neighbourhood,

nation and world.” We are going to accomplish this mission by Gathering, Growing,

Serving and Going. This document will help. It presents opportunities and illustrations

for meaningful engagement in our church mission.

Whatever your age or stage of life, you can be involved, you need to be involved.

This Fall, make it your goal to connect with your church family in a deeper

way. Come and join us on Sundays but also through a mid-week Connecting Point.

Allow yourself to grow spiritually. Grow in faith, in love and in spiritual disciplines.

As you let the Holy Spirit to fill you, He will propel you forward in servanthood.

Church is not a selfish pursuit, all about “me”, but rather it is an opportunity to help

others discover and grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This may

mean stepping out of your comfort zone, taking a risk, doing something new. Do

it! God will bless your step of faith and obedience. As you “Go” into your sphere of

influence, you will take the compassion of Christ with you. The Spirit will anoint you.

You will make both our church and community better. God has plans for you in the

season ahead. Exciting!

Can I encourage you to share your stories of faith, ministry and witness with

me? I love to read emails or listen to people recall how God is at work in their lives.

This magazine will illustrate some of these stories, but I know there are many more.

CLA is a church family of 3500 people, five generations of Christ followers, learning

from each other. Our children, youth, young adults, adults and seniors are working

together to “spur one another on to love and good deeds”(Hebrews 10:24). We are

working together to be “the light of the world”, “the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5).

God is at work. Together, we celebrate this. Be encouraged.

Let’s connect with God’s vision for us.



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