Connecting Points Magazine Fall 2017

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because of Christ’s resurrection.

Christianity cannot be lived in isolation. We gather because it unites our hearts in one

common belief in Jesus Christ. As we celebrate together, we sing, pray, hear God’s Word

and regularly participate in the Lord’s Supper and baptism as instructed in the New Testament.

We meet to encourage each other to live out our faith as we are sent out.


because of Christ in us.

The Bible tells us in Colossians 1:27 that Christ in you is the hope of glory! How could

we not be transformed when God lives in us? As we grow in our awareness of God’s

presence in and through us, our lives reflect Him in even greater ways. We’re all called

to growth, and growth happens best together.


because of Christ’s sacrifice.

Christ’s own sacrifice compels us to get out of our own story and into the story of

others. Jesus calls us to serve and not sit, to sacrifice our personal time, gifts and resources

to see others transformed by the gospel. We lead and are not just led, we feed

and are not just fed. We find meaning and purpose in choosing to serve.


because of Christ’s love.

We are compelled to reach out because of Christ’s love within us. At the heart of a

missional church is the desire to bring Christ into our sphere of influence, to be the salt

of the earth and a light on a hill. Yet, it does not stop there. CLA has a special call to

our nation and world. We pray, we love, we give, we represent Christ here and globally.


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