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Rushing over, I grab the swinging string and yank on it, clicking on the

light bulb. A whirring sound breaks through the silence, adding an extra

note of spookiness.

I squint my eyes, readying myself to see some scary monster hiding in

the corner, but nothing is up here.

At least, not that I can see.

“Why did you lead me up here, Gigi?” I ask aloud, looking around the

area and trying to figure out what I could possibly see up here.

Of course, I don’t receive an answer. It’s never that simple.

My eyes track over every dusty item clu ering the space. I have

completely avoided coming up here and even opted out of renova ng this

space. I don't know what it was, but I felt like if I did, then something evil

would be unleashed.

I already have enough monsters haun ng me.

There’s an old, cracked mirror in the corner with a white sheet hanging

par ally over it. I make sure to avoid looking at it at all costs. I love to be

scared, but I s ll don’t have any desire to see a demon standing behind me

in the mirror.

Loads of dusty boxes and totes are sca ered throughout the area. It’s a

fairly big room, so there’s a lot of places to look.

Stuffing my phone in my pocket, I take a deep breath, feeling like I just

filled my lungs with toxic waste. And then, I head over to one of the boxes

and start digging.

They’re covered in cobwebs, and I almost consider going down to the

bo om floor and finding a pair of gloves. But I don’t want to stop when I’m

already commi ed. I might convince myself not to come back up once I’m

no longer sharing space with something malicious.

Ignoring the spiders sca ering from the boxes, I keep digging. All I find

are old clothes, shoes, trinkets, and knick-knacks.

Nothing of importance, but maybe a few of these things could be


A loud bang sounds from behind me, and this me I scream loudly. The

echo of my scream rings out as I whip around and face whatever made the


Nothing’s there but a dangling wooden board, hanging on by a single

nail. The en rety of the a c is made up of wooden boards, most of them

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