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His words create a visceral reac on deep inside of me. There’s no

stopping the flood of arousal between my legs, no more than I can control

the intense need to hand over every bit of my soul to him on a silver

pla er.

He's s ll a stalker, Addie.

The small voice inside my head is becoming weightless. So small and

insignificant that its words are no longer holding power. I’m becoming

annoyed with the voice of reason because nothing I feel for Zade is

reasonable. He s rs up emo ons too powerful for reason and logic. Too

strong to be eclipsed by a li le voice in my head.

“What if I don’t want you to?” I croak, though my words are in direct

contrast to my ac ons. One leg hikes over his hip, bringing him closer while

my mouth s ll a empts to push him away.

“What if the last thing I want is you inside me?” His lips skim over mine,

traveling down my cheek and to my jawline. He nips harshly, his teeth

pulling out another moan as pain and pleasure stab at my nerves.

This me when he grinds into me, I meet his thrust, desperate for him to

be closer. S ll, I can’t give up, even though my body already has.

“What if I come to hate the feeling of you inside me?”

Finally, he releases my pinned wrists, grabs the collar of my shirt, and

tears it in half. I gasp from the brutal onslaught of cold rain pel ng my skin.

My back arches as his hands sweep up harshly across my stomach, sending

waves of electricity dancing across my flesh. His touch alone is making me

feel crazed. Nothing has ever felt so fucking good.

And then he’s clawing at my bra, exposing my breasts, before that too is

torn away from my body.

“You would hate the feeling of coming so hard that your body gives


Before I can answer, he nips at my jaw again, so er this me, before

moving down to my neck. His mouth pauses over the sensi ve spot right

below my ear. He releases a single breath, and that ac on is the only

warning I have before his teeth clamp down.

The only response I’m capable of is a garbled scream. My eyes roll, his

tongue lapping at the s ng and drawing out the intense pleasure.

Sharp bites descend down past my collarbone un l one of my nipples is

being sucked into his hot mouth. A strangled cry releases, and I shudder

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