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told John he didn’t give a shit what he did in his free me, but if he showed

up to work drunk and fucked with his money, he was a dead man.”

I frown. I can’t imagine Angelo would target Gigi if John messed up, but

that doesn’t mean he didn’t do something else to piss off the mob boss.

The possibili es are endless on the ways John could’ve go en Gigi killed.

“Wasn’t this something Frank told the detec ves since he believed John

was guilty? They didn’t look into this?”

He huffs out a dry laugh. “You ever try to pin a crime on a mob boss?

Not that easy, kiddo. They got all kinds of people in their pockets. It was

dropped due to a lack of evidence. If you want my opinion, I think John got

a taste for the danger, and whether it’s because Gigi was having an affair or

because she wanted to leave John, he snapped and killed her.”

Jesus Christ.

The possibility of that sounds… likely. Very likely.

“I just have one last ques on,” I say, fiddling with my dress. I’m creasing

it, but I don’t care. “What made Frank turn on John? They were best

friends. So why not give John the benefit of the doubt instead of trying so

hard to pin the blame on him?”

He takes a moment to puff on his cigar. “My guess is that he saw John for

what he was, and chose to try and bring Gigi jus ce, even if that meant

pu ng away his best friend. With his drinking, temper, and then ge ng

involved in the mafia, I think it’s safe to say he was becoming a violent

man. Would explain why my father was so goddamn torn up over

everything a er John was proven innocent.”

I frown and can’t help but feel sympathy for Mark’s father. He got caught

up in a pre y toxic vortex of chea ng, lies, and crime between Gigi and

John. I imagine that would’ve taken a toll on anyone.

“Anyway, I think that’s enough of that for tonight. There’s an annual

charity we’re hos ng in a few weeks. I could always expect to see you there

and speak on it more then,” Mark says, his eyes sparkling.

“I’ll check my schedule,” Zade cuts in, relieving me of having to make any

commitments. In most cases, I wouldn’t appreciate the implica on that

he’s the boss, but right now, I’m nothing but grateful for it.

“Of course,” Mark concedes, his smile a tad more strained than before.

Mark drones on about boring work-related stuff for another hour,

drinking his alcohol, puffing on his expensive cigar, and increasingly

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