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His hand ghtens further while my breath shortens. Words rise to my

tongue, but they fail to release when a low growl vibrates from his chest,

and throughout my body.

“You know how much I love it when you run,” he rasps. His other hand

travels across my stomach roughly before sliding up to my heaving breasts.

He cups one in his hand and squeezes. I feel the blood rise, rushing to

my face as another whimper is wrung from my throat. My nipples are

hardened into twin peaks, rubbing almost painfully against the fabric of my

bra. Once he bares me completely, he’ll see the evidence that I’m enjoying

this far more than I should.

Somehow, that always seems to be the case with him.

“Stop it,” I choke out, a emp ng to get away, but his grip holds firm,

ghtening around my throat un l black pinpricks dot my vision.

“You don’t want this, baby? You don’t want to be full of my cock and

discover a new religion each me I make you come?”

“You have a lot of faith in your abili es,” I croak.

He chuckles, as deep and dark as the ocean. “You need faith to be a

believer.” He cups me between my legs. “And this pussy deserves to be


My eyes shu er as his hot breath fans down the expanse of my chest.

Goosebumps rise and a shiver crawls down my spine.

His fingers pinch my nipple through the fabric of my shirt and bra,

tugging hard and wringing a pained cry from my throat.

Yet, my body reacts without permission. I grind back into him, feeling the

hard expanse of him pressing into my back.

The hand around my throat pulses, ghtening almost to unbearable

levels. I rise on the ps of my toes to decrease the pressure, but he doesn’t

let up.

“Does it scare you?” he whispers, his breath ckling my ear. “Or does it

make your pussy wet knowing that I hold your life in my hands, and I allow

you to breathe?”

Blood rushes to my head, and fear begins to pump through my veins.

Just when I think he’s not going to stop, his hand loosens, and I greedily

suck in precious air.

But he doesn’t let me breathe for much longer. He twists my body

around and backs me towards the wall beside the T.V., smiling viciously as I

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