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neck, and I know with absolute certainty that Zade would follow through

on his threat if I pushed.


He con nues as if he didn’t just serve me the most delicious threat I’ve

ever heard. “Don’t speak of your personal life. Nothing that means

anything to you anyways. You’re here to get informa on on Gigi, and that’s

incen ve enough.”

“Incen ve?” I interrupt, whipping my head back towards him.

“You’re walking into the viper’s pit because Mark found something that

you care about and is holding it over your head,” Zade explains plainly. I

snap my mouth shut, contrite and a li le worried.

“If he finds out anything else you care about, that will be something he’ll

use to his advantage if he’s given the chance.”

My mouth falls back open. “But don’t worry,” he says, cu ng in before I

can demand that he take me home. “I’ll flay his skin from his body before

he can even think to do anything to hurt you.”

With that, he opens the door, gets out and throws his keys at the wai ng

valet, shu ng the door firmly and cu ng off any ques ons I had on the p

of my tongue.

For starters, can I go home now?

I’m asking myself if solving Gigi’s murder is worth involving myself with

dangerous people. But it’s too late. I’m here, and I’m bound and

determined to get at least a few more of my ques ons answered before

Zade takes me home.

I have the feeling that not only am I pu ng my safety in Zade’s hands

tonight, but my life.

Because I’m walking into a house owned by an evil man, I don’t need

Zade to spell that out for me.

Zade opens my door and holds out a hand for me to grab onto as I slide

out of the car. Electricity explodes from where his hand grips mine, and all I

really want to do is guide his hands to other parts of my body.

I suck in icy air, the cold offering a balm to my insides, and allowing me

enough clarity to concentrate on everything else besides the domineering

man beside me.

Mark’s house is ostenta ous. A massive white monstrosity with five huge

pillars and a million windows. In my opinion, the house is ugly, typical and

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