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so flesh digging into my teeth produces a pained moan from my throat.

An answering, low growl rumbles from his chest right before he asks, “Are

you ready to be eaten?”

Using the hand gripping my face to turn me around, he pulls my body

ghtly against his. But I won’t go down without figh ng.

I thrash my arms and kick my legs, twis ng my body to get loose from his

unforgiving hold. My violent struggles cause my foot to slip and my body to

go teetering backwards.

We both fall, but the impact of my body against the unforgiving ground

is saved by his hand catching both of us, keeping him suspended while his

arm holds me ght against his body.

Of course, this s ll doesn’t deter me.

“Let me go, you fucking maniac! I will fuckin—”

“Do what?” he hisses, cu ng me off with an angry growl. He traps my

body between his and the cold ground, the freezing temperatures invading

my body.

Grabbing both of my wrists, he pins them above my head in one hand,

while the other wraps around the back of my neck.

“Tell me, Addie. Do you think killing pedophiles is wrong?” he asks

sharply, his one light eye shining bright in the darkness.

“I think killing people is wrong,” I shout in his face, breathing heavily and

allowing my body a moment’s rest. I’m scared, but my body is exhausted.

“Why?” he volleys back. “Because society told you it was? Because

humans fabricated morals so they can control and manipulate people into

law and order? Do you think other mammals follow the same morals and

rules? We’re all fucking animals, baby. The only difference is I don’t

suppress mine.”

Pan ng and angry, I buck against him, trying to rear him off me, but it

accomplishes nothing. It’s like an elephant si ng on a hamster.

He presses my wrists ghter against the ground as he rearranges himself,

using his knees to spread my legs and se le between them.

Even in the cold rain, he’s as hard as a fucking rock.

"You're going to get me killed!" I argue. "Because you had to be sick and

torture them so badly, it made na onal news!"

“You want to know what’s fucking sick, Addie? Those men you’re so

upset about dying are the same men that hurt, rape, and torture innocent

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