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Above him, the stars are twinkling bright, and the nearly full moon is

cas ng a so white glow down in the room.

It’s almost dooming that the sky happens to be completely clear of

clouds tonight. Overcast skies constantly plague Sea le.

I swallow, tears pricking my eyes.

“Such a gentleman, le ng me look at the stars as you murder me,” I

mouth off, forcing the words through my ghtened throat.

I really need to shut the fuck up. But I can’t seem to stop myself.

Apparently, when I’m in a life-threatening situa on, all I can manage to do

is make it worse.

Some might call it fearlessness, but I just call it stupidity.

He supports himself on one hand as the other reaches behind him. I

open my mouth, gearing up for more insults, when his arm reappears, a

gun in his hand.

Another audible click of my teeth later, and I’m back to being choked

silent with fear.

“You let a man touch you in here. Make you come,” he states, his tone

bled dry of emo on. “Normally, I’d replace his fingers with my own, but I

think you need something else to teach you a lesson.”

“Okay, I’m sorry,” I rush out, my eyes widening as he points the gun to

my chest. “I-I’m really, rea—”

“Shh,” he hushes. “You’re not sorry yet, li le mouse. But you will be.”

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