Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900: Paradise on the Beach of Lido di Venezia. If you want to escape from the chaos and brawls under the beach umbrella and desire to enjoy a relaxing day at the sea, the beach of Lido di Venezia is the ideal choice. This charming beach stands out for the orderly arrangement of its “cabins” along a wide expanse of golden sand. Among these, the Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900 is the most exclusive and captivating novelty, offering an unparalleled experience focused on relaxation. Description of Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900 Immersed in the colors of the sea and bougainvillea, Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900 is ideally located at the end of the Gran Viale, the road that leads from the docks to the beaches. Here, guests can choose from three types of accommodations: the iconic pagoda-shaped cabins, convenient changing rooms, or traditional umbrellas, all arranged along the refined stretch of golden sand. A Unique Experience Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900 offers much more than just a day at the beach. In addition to the magnificent view and splendid beach, guests can enjoy a restaurant that serves culinary delicacies and a bar for refreshing drinks. Moreover, a wide range of leisure activities is available for those who seek a bit of adventure and fun during the day. Maximum Relaxation and Comfort The Beach Club is committed to providing a top-level relaxation experience. The cabins and changing rooms are equipped with all the comforts to ensure guests a private and cozy place to unwind without worries. Impeccable services and attention to detail will make this experience on the beach of Lido di Venezia truly unforgettable. Conclusions If you desire an exclusive seaside experience, immersed in luxury and tranquility, Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900 on the beach of Lido di Venezia is the perfect choice. Enjoy a day of relaxation and fun in a refined and enchanting environment, where the colors of the sea blend with the scents of bougainvillea, creating a truly magical atmosphere.

Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900: Paradise on the Beach of Lido di Venezia.
If you want to escape from the chaos and brawls under the beach umbrella and desire to enjoy a relaxing day at the sea, the beach of Lido di Venezia is the ideal choice. This charming beach stands out for the orderly arrangement of its “cabins” along a wide expanse of golden sand. Among these, the Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900 is the most exclusive and captivating novelty, offering an unparalleled experience focused on relaxation.

Description of Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900
Immersed in the colors of the sea and bougainvillea, Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900 is ideally located at the end of the Gran Viale, the road that leads from the docks to the beaches. Here, guests can choose from three types of accommodations: the iconic pagoda-shaped cabins, convenient changing rooms, or traditional umbrellas, all arranged along the refined stretch of golden sand.

A Unique Experience
Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900 offers much more than just a day at the beach. In addition to the magnificent view and splendid beach, guests can enjoy a restaurant that serves culinary delicacies and a bar for refreshing drinks. Moreover, a wide range of leisure activities is available for those who seek a bit of adventure and fun during the day.

Maximum Relaxation and Comfort
The Beach Club is committed to providing a top-level relaxation experience. The cabins and changing rooms are equipped with all the comforts to ensure guests a private and cozy place to unwind without worries. Impeccable services and attention to detail will make this experience on the beach of Lido di Venezia truly unforgettable.

If you desire an exclusive seaside experience, immersed in luxury and tranquility, Luxury Beach Club Des Bains 1900 on the beach of Lido di Venezia is the perfect choice. Enjoy a day of relaxation and fun in a refined and enchanting environment, where the colors of the sea blend with the scents of bougainvillea, creating a truly magical atmosphere.

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Borgo di Pellestrina: fino al 6 agosto.

Una festa popolare arricchita da un variegato

calendario di appuntamenti, tra cui una serie di

regate festeggia la più importante ricorrenza di

quest’isola posta tra mare e laguna: una miracolosa

apparizione avvenuta nell’anno 1716.

Nell’occasione saranno allestiti i tipici chioschi di

specialità gastronomiche.


Portosecco, isola di Pellestrina: dal 12 al 15 agosto.

Tradizionale sagra paesana che ricorda nel giorno

di ferragosto il patrono del piccolo borgo all’estremità

nord dell’isola di Pellestrina.

Un programma presenterà regate, giochi, il caratteristico

palo della cuccagna in acqua, serate

danzanti... Per l’occasione un chiosco servirà alcuni

piatti della cucina locale.


Isola di Torcello: martedì 15 agosto.

Nel cuore dell’estate da molti anni un rito celebra

in quest’isola, antica capitale della laguna, la solennità

liturgica dell’Assunta, ovvero della Madonna

dell’Assunzione, alla quale è dedicata la sua

millenaria basilica. Il programma (da confermare)

vedrà oltre alla celebrazione della messa solenne

in basilica, l’apertura gratuita al sito monumentale

comprendente il museo della laguna, l’antica basilica,

e l’adiacente torrione. Un concerto corale nel

pomeriggio completerà la giornata di festa.


Scuola Grande di San Rocco: mercoledì 16 agosto.

Una ricorrenza celebra il giorno di San Rocco,

co-patrono di Venezia, la traslazione in città delle

wspoglie del Santo.

Nell'occasione alcune iniziative permettono di approfondire

la conoscenza della Scuola Grande,

luogo ricco di storia e arte, che resterà aperta al

pubblico dalle ore 10 alle 17. Nella giornata sono

previsti una messa solenne, la consegna del Premio

San Rocco e un concerto all'aperto. Il campo

adiacente la Scuola verrà adornato, secondo un’antica

tradizione, con lo storico “Tendon del Doge”.




Village of Pellestrina: until 6 August.

A traditional village fête enriched by a varied

calendar of events, including a series of regattas

celebrates the most important anniversary on

the island, located between the sea and the

lagoon: a miraculous apparition which took place

in the year of 1716. For the occasion, typical

kiosks will be set up with food specialities.


Village of Portosecco: 12 - 15 August.

Traditional village fête in memory of the patron

of this small hamlet at the very northern end of

the Pellestrina island. The programme offers

regattas, children’s games, a characteristic

maypole in the water, dancing evenings, theatre

shows... For the occasion a kiosk will serve typical

local cuisine dishes.


Island of Torcello: 15 August.

For many years on this island, the ancient capital

of the lagoon, a rite in the heart of summer

has been celebrating the solemn liturgy of the

Assumpta, or the Assumption Madonna, to whom

the thousand year-old basilica is dedicated.

The programme (to be confirmed) will feature, in

addition to the celebration of the solemn Mass in

the basilica, a free admission to the monumental

sites including the lagoon-museum, the ancient

basilica, and the nearby tower. A choral concert

in the afternoon will round off this festive day.


Scuola Grande and Church of St. Rocco: 16 August.

This commemoration on the day of Saint Roch,

co-patron of Venice, celebrates the transfer of

the Saint’s relics to the city. On this occasion

certain initiatives offer the opportunity for a

further discovery of this venue full of history and

art (from 10am to 5pm).

The day will feature a solemn Mass, the awarding

of the St. Roch Prize and a concert.

The square next to the Scuola, or Guild, will be

decorated according to an ancient tradition with

the historic “Doge’s Banner”.



un Ospite di Venezia

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