North Canterbury News: September 07, 2023

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Thursday,<strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong> | Issue1062 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Fish die following industrial spill at Sefton<br />


Fish have died in Saltwater Creek as<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan)<br />

continues investigations in to an<br />

industrial spill into the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> waterway.<br />

The fish,which includes bullies, and<br />

tuna/eels, were found following the spill<br />

of wastewater and effluent from Daiken<br />

New Zealand’s medium density<br />

fibreboard (MDF) production property<br />

at Sefton, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The spill happened just as the<br />

whitebait season opened and ECan is<br />

urging fishers, and recreationalists to<br />

stay away from the wider Saltwater<br />

Creek and Ashley/Rakahuri estuary ,<br />

and keep animals out of the water until<br />

the all clear is given.<br />

It urges people to pay attention to<br />

signs warning of the danger posed along<br />

the waterway which runs for several<br />

kilometres east of the factory, and<br />

crosses State Highway One.<br />

‘‘It’s important that people do not fish,<br />

whitebait or harvest mahinga kai in the<br />

area,’’ ECan says.<br />

Teams were taking water samples and<br />

making assessments about wildlife<br />

recovery on Monday, and planning a<br />

clean­up operation.<br />

‘‘We are working on getting afull<br />

picture of the nature and type of<br />

discharge, but we are not expecting to<br />

have this from our water testing and<br />

investigation until the end of the week,’’<br />

an ECan spokesperson says.<br />

‘‘Any decision around enforcement<br />

action won’t be taken until we've<br />

gathered the necessary information,’’<br />

ECan says.<br />

Grant Davey, operations manager of<br />

the Ashley­Rakahuri Rivercare Group<br />

says Saltwater Creek runs into the<br />

northern part of the estuary, so it will<br />

not impact on the Ashley River —‘‘at<br />

least not on the non­tidal part of it’’.<br />

‘‘The magnitude of the spill, and the<br />

toxicity of it isn't clear, but along with all<br />

the other threats to the birds, and<br />

everything else in the estuary, this is<br />

just another blow —one that should be<br />

completely avoidable.’’<br />

Meanwhile in astatement Daiken<br />

New Zealand says it shares community<br />

Grim find ... Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> ecologist Jarred Arthur retrieving dead fish from Saltwater Creek near the bridge on the corner<br />

of Factory Road and Amesbury Road, in Sefton, on Monday, after an industrial spill in the creek last Friday.<br />


concerns about the ‘‘accidental<br />

discharge’’ into Saltwater Creek from its<br />

premises in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Operations director Duncan Ward<br />

says the discharge was stopped as soon<br />

as it was discovered early last Friday<br />

morning, and Daiken reported it to<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan) soon<br />

after.<br />

‘‘The company is working with ECan<br />

to help mitigate any environmental<br />

damage and is fully cooperating with the<br />

regional council’s investigations.<br />

‘‘Daiken has also commenced its own<br />

internal investigation.’’<br />

He assured the public Daiken NZ is<br />

not atimber treatment plant, as had<br />

initially been reported, and therefore<br />

there were none of the heavy metals or<br />

other highly toxic substances usually<br />

related with timber treatment, in the<br />

discharge.<br />

‘‘We compliment and thank ECan for<br />

its speedy work to notify whitebaiters<br />

and other water users not to harvest and<br />

consume whitebait, shellfish and eels<br />

(etc) in the meantime.<br />

‘‘We also promptly notified the water<br />

and environmental groups we are<br />

partnered with to look after Saltwater<br />

Creek.’’<br />

Continued Page 2<br />




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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Rock‘n’Wheels show rocked<br />


Thededicated,<br />

local team are<br />

here to help<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Robyn Bristow<br />

027 312 1581<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Sales Manager<br />

DaynaBurton<br />

027 312 0089<br />

dayna.burton@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

ShelleyTopp<br />

027 404 6137<br />

JohnCosgrove<br />

021 195 0284<br />

Advertising<br />

The cars kept rolling into the Amberley<br />

Domain lastSunday as vehicles of all<br />

shapesand sizes attendedthe 13th<br />

Rock’N’Wheelsmeet.<br />

OrganiserKatrinaPlattsays shewas<br />

overwhelmed and humbled by the<br />

Father’s Day turnoutwhich she<br />

believes numbered more than 760<br />

vintageand veteran cars, trucks,<br />

motorcycles, micro cars, jeeps,<br />

homebuilt hotrods,custom and classic<br />

musclecarsand high performance<br />

sports cars.<br />

Carssmall and large,camefrom all<br />

overthe South Island to attend,with<br />

severalmaking thejourneyfromthe<br />

WestCoast.<br />

Chris King fromWaikukuwas<br />

amazed at the variations of Mini’s that<br />

paraded on theday, whileGaryMarton,<br />

alsoofWaikuku,showed his1955 Chev<br />

Sedan street dragster completewith<br />

it’smesmerising air brush flame paint<br />

job.<br />

One of themost popular customcars<br />

was Ian Wright’sFredPig Farm ute.<br />

Ian,ofAmberley,said his project car<br />

startedoff as abarn find.<br />

‘‘Itwas arolling chassis Ibought off<br />

an old farmer, it hadbeen in ashedfor<br />

over20years, the tyres were flat, the<br />

Austin motor was full of water and<br />

seizedup, so it took me awee while to<br />

sort it all out, thenIbuiltthe cab on<br />

thatout of old corrugated iron which<br />

seemtosuititquite well.’’<br />

The crowd liked it too, awarding it<br />

one of thePeople’s Choicesawards.<br />

Owner of WIKD36, Ash Jones of<br />

Lovely wicked Ford ... Cleaning up his ‘36 Ford Cabriolet street rod was Ash Jones of<br />

Loburn, at the 13th Rock‘N’Wheels car meet held at the Amberley Domain on Sunday,<br />

Father's Day.<br />


Loburnisachippie by trade, but says<br />

he enjoyed takingonthe challenge of<br />

rebuildinga1936Ford Cabrioletintoa<br />

streetrod.<br />

‘‘Ittook me eight and half years, it<br />

required ahugeamount of workbut I<br />

had alot of supportwhenIneeded it<br />

and it’s all steel, witha572 BigBlock<br />

Chevinit.<br />

Mrs Plattsays she couldn’t have<br />

staged theannual event without the<br />

kind support of personnelfromthe<br />

Leithfield BoxingClub, Amberley<br />

Squash Club, Broomfield and<br />

Amberley Schools,the Amberley<br />

Volunteer Fire Brigade, herfamily and<br />

students fromKaiapoi HighSchool.<br />

‘‘Thanks to everyone whocameand<br />

thankyou foryoursupport.’’<br />

More photos page 26<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

027 536 6224<br />

amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Focus on root cause of incident<br />

Jillian Dickie<br />

022 024 3092<br />

jillian.dickie@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Graphic Design<br />

Heather Hood<br />

heather.hood@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Get in touch<br />

Phone: 03313 2840 or 03 314 8335<br />

14 AshleyStreet, Rangiora<br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Editorial: info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Advertising: sales@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Distribution: deliveries@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

2577925<br />

Take note ... AEnvironment <strong>Canterbury</strong> sign placed near the Saltwater Creek bridge<br />

on the corner of Factory Road and Amesbury Road, in Sefton.<br />


From Page 1<br />

Mr Ward saysDaiken’s primary<br />

focusnow is to thoroughly<br />

investigate the root causesofthe<br />

incident.<br />

‘‘Daiken New Zealand is very<br />

proudofits commitment to the<br />

environmental health of Saltwater<br />

Creek,’’MrWard says.<br />

Therefore the company sharedthe<br />

community’s ‘‘sadness and<br />

concerns’’ thatspillinto Saltwater<br />

Creekhad happened.<br />

He says anyone worried about the<br />

impact of the discharge on food or<br />

watersources should refertoadvice<br />

beingcirculated by ECan.<br />

Anyoneseeing affected wildlife,<br />

should not touchit. Instead phone<br />

0800 765 588.<br />

It is important not to eat fish,<br />

whitebaitorshellfish fromthe area.<br />

If you have any concerns contact<br />

your GP.<br />

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Raisingthe dead -equipping the living<br />

Raising the dead -equipping the living

Vaping epidemic prompts action<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

3<br />


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Cameras andsensorsare being<br />

installed in toilet corridors at<br />

Rangiora HighSchoolinabid to crack<br />

downonvaping.<br />

The growingvaping epidemic has left<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> schoolsgrappling<br />

withwaystomanage it.<br />

Rangiora HighSchoolprincipal<br />

Bruce Kearney says vapinghad led to<br />

anti­social gatherings around<br />

bathroomsand the schoolwas<br />

determined to stamp it out.<br />

‘‘Students often vapeinour toilets in<br />

large groups and it can be intimidating<br />

for our students to actually use the<br />

toilets fortheirintended purpose.’’<br />

Cameras have beeninstalled in the<br />

mainRakahuri building in bathroom<br />

corridors,and more camerasand<br />

sensors will be gradually installed<br />

acrossthe school.<br />

He saysthe camerasand sensors<br />

wereexpensiveand took money away<br />

fromeducation,but vapinghad got out<br />

of handand schoolswereleft to<br />

manageitasbest they could.<br />

Signs are being installed to indicate<br />

to students wherethere are cameras<br />

and vapingsensors.<br />

‘‘Weshouldneverhavegot intoa<br />

situationwhere youngpeople are<br />

addicted to aproductwhich is<br />

supposed to help people stop<br />

smoking.’’<br />

The school’sboardoftrustees<br />

chairperson,Simon Green, says he has<br />

receivedpositive comments from<br />

students sincethe announcement.<br />

‘‘We’ve hadnoconcerns raised<br />

aroundprivacy so far,and they are only<br />

being placed in thecorridor andnot in<br />

the cubicles themselves, so there is no<br />

privacyissue.<br />

‘‘The sensors are pretty good at<br />

pickingupwhenpeople are usingthe<br />

toiletfor apurpose otherthan what is<br />

intended.’’<br />

Mr Kearney says theschool is<br />

exploring addiction programmes with<br />

the schoolnurseinabid to support<br />


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Vaping ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> principals are concerned about the vaping epidemic.<br />

students addictedtovaping.<br />

He is alsocalling on parents to get in<br />

behind theschool in allowingstaff to<br />

‘‘destroy’’vapingproductswhichare<br />

seized.<br />

Kaiapoi High School principal Jason<br />

Reid says his schoolhas investigated<br />

cameras andsensors,but found them<br />

‘‘toocostly’’.<br />

‘‘We have enough ways of monitoring<br />

when vaping is likely to happen,and<br />

we can havethosediscussions.’’<br />

Buthesays vapingisagrowing<br />

problem in schools andhehas real<br />

concernsaboutthe ongoing health<br />

risks.<br />

Whilevaping, likesmoking, is<br />

banned in schools, it is proving to be<br />


addictive,which ledtoanxiety,<br />

increasedimpulses and irritation as<br />

students cravedtheirnext hit, he says.<br />

‘‘Wedon’t knowenough aboutthe<br />

longtermeffects of thechemicals, but<br />

we do knowthat it is ahighlyaddictive<br />

substance.<br />

‘‘Wenow havestudents who are<br />

looking for support to give it up.<br />

‘‘Theyare identifyingthat it is<br />

controlling their lives,and it impacts<br />

on howtheyfunction in the<br />

classroom.’’<br />

Mr Reid sayshewouldlike to see<br />

vapingbecome aprescription only<br />

medicinefor givingupsmoking.<br />

Public interestjournalism funded<br />

throughNew ZealandonAir.<br />

Environmental awards for Waimakariri<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Waimakaririenvironmental awards are<br />

being introducedfor the first time.<br />

The WaimakaririZone Committee’s<br />

biodiversity workinggroup has<br />

developed the awards,which will be<br />

presented alongside the Waimakariri<br />

DistrictCouncil’scommunity service<br />

awardsinOctober.<br />

Zone committee chairpersonCarolyne<br />

Lathamsays the awards wereopen to<br />

anyonewho was working towards<br />

enhancing the local,Waimakariri<br />

environment.<br />

‘‘We wanttoacknowledge the groups<br />

and individualsthat are goingthe extra<br />

mile to protect and enhance our local<br />

environment.<br />

‘‘We're on the lookout for individuals<br />

or groups who undertake, champion, or<br />

inspire environmental protection,<br />

conservation,orrestoration, within the<br />

zone.’’<br />

The awards havebeen fundedbya<br />

grant from the zone committee’s 2022/23<br />

action planfund.<br />

Nominations for the inaugural<br />

Waimakariri ZoneCommittee<br />

environmental awards close on Monday,<br />

<strong>September</strong>18.<br />

Awardswill be presented across three<br />

categories: youth (under­18,which can<br />

be an individualorgroup), individual<br />

and group or organisation(business,<br />

community organisation or nongovernmental<br />

organisation).<br />

For more information,gotothe<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Council website.<br />

Finalists willbenotified on October 9,<br />

with the awardsbeing presented on<br />

October 18.<br />

Publicinterestjournalism funded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Waimakariri economy holding<br />


The WaimakaririDistrict’seconomy is<br />

holding strong despite theeconomic<br />

climate, accordingtothe latestreport<br />

fromInfometrics.<br />

The WaimakaririDistrict Quarterly<br />

Economic Monitor to June<strong>2023</strong>,<br />

commissionedbythe Waimakariri<br />

District Council, was released lastweek.<br />

The reportshows Waimakariri's GDP<br />

up 4.3 percent on last year, compared to<br />

3.1%for NewZealandasawhole.<br />

Enterprise <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Business SupportManager MilesDalton<br />

says, overall, Waimakariricontinues to<br />

punchabove its weight,relative to the<br />

rest of NewZealand.<br />

‘‘Even the areas that lookweakonthe<br />

surface —such as carregistrations(own<br />

7.1%)and residentialbuilding consents<br />

(down16.5%)—are nottoo bad. They<br />

arejust downonthe very strongposition<br />

they wereinayear ago,’’hesays.<br />

In additiontoanincreasedGDP the<br />

latest statistics show consumer<br />

spending, tourismexpenditure, guest<br />

nightsand employmentare allup, with<br />

non­residentialbuilding consents<br />

toppingthe listata90.2%increase on<br />

last year.<br />

‘‘Thereisalot of large­scale business<br />

developmentgoingoninthe district,<br />

which is reallyexciting,hence thehuge<br />

increase in non­residential building<br />

consents,’’MrDaltonsays. Conversely,<br />

house sales,house valuesand<br />

commercial vehicle registrations are all<br />

downonlast year, in linewiththe rest of<br />

New Zealand.<br />

One item of noteisthe projected dairy<br />

payoutof$7next year, he says.<br />

‘‘Thatisseriously painful foralot of<br />

ourfarmers, so we will waittosee how<br />

thisimpactsthe wider economy.’’<br />

Readthe fullInfometrics<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Economic Monitor<br />

at enterprisenorthcanterbury.co.nz.<br />

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2606304<br />

In pursuit of the best Xmas cake<br />


The secret of awinning Christmas cake is<br />

passionand learningfrom mistakes.<br />

After 50 years of baking Christmas cakes<br />

for A&P Association competitionsinthe<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>region, Christine<br />

Beaton,ofLeithfield, says the best cakes<br />

are those made with loveand aclose eye<br />

on the regulations.<br />

‘‘The golden rule is readingthe<br />

instructions.<br />

‘‘If it says eight inchessquare (20.32cm2)<br />

then it better be, right down to the last<br />

millimetre.’’<br />

Mrs Beatonsays she has seensomany<br />

cakes disqualified simply because the<br />

creatordidn’t readthe fineprint on the<br />

judgingsheet.<br />

Eight inchessquare, an appearance<br />

with no bumps,hollowsorsunken centres,<br />

an attractivecolour that’s golden brown,<br />

texture that’s firm and fine,its flavour and<br />

aroma mustbedelicious,plus aperfect<br />

blend of fresheggs and dairy ingredients,<br />

quality sugar, flour and dried fruit, and<br />

absolutelynodecorations allowed.<br />

‘‘It’sall in the rules ­read them,’’ she<br />

says, as she prepares for aresurgence in<br />

home crafts which used to be astaple of<br />

country A&P shows<br />

Mrs Beatoniscoordinating theKiwi<br />

Christmas Cake competitionatthis year's<br />

New Zealand Agricultural Show in<br />

November.<br />

She says the home industry section of<br />

A&P associations has become the fastestgrowing<br />

sectionafteryearsinthe<br />

doldrums.<br />

She is encouragingbakersyoung and<br />

old, to have agoand enter thisyear's<br />

competition.<br />

‘‘You may win or you may haveadud,<br />

who knows,just as longasyou don’t drop<br />

it on the way to theshow like Ihave done<br />

several times,’’ she says.<br />

For Mrs Beaton, her passion for baking<br />

cakes started with her Nana on the family<br />

farm at Waipara.<br />

Yummy ... Christine Beaton, the co­ordinator of the year’s Kiwi Christmas Cake<br />

competition at the New Zealand Agricutlural Show, likes cakes moist, and with no alcohol<br />

in them.<br />


‘‘Mum was working hard to provide for<br />

us afterDad had sufferedastroke whenI<br />

was in primary school. Mum had to step<br />

up, so Ilearnt to cook to do my part. Nana<br />

showed me how to make cakes.’’<br />

Mrs Beatonstartedentering A&P shows<br />

over50years ago, entering cakes,biscuits,<br />

jamsand relishes.<br />

‘‘I also enteredthe Country Girls Young<br />

Farmers competitionstoo. Theytaught me<br />

alot about bakingwinning cakes.’’<br />

She saysbakerswill have lots of failures<br />

as they go, but theyare thebest way to<br />

learn, just don’t be afraid to ask for help.<br />

More information on the Christmas<br />

Cake competitionatthe NZ Agriculture<br />

show can be obtained from Mrs Beaton at<br />

amberfield.christine@gmail.com.<br />

LET’S TAKE<br />

BACK OUR<br />



Double celebration for Lenix<br />

It was adouble celebration for Waikari’s<br />

Lenix Trembath this month when she<br />

took first place in the Amuri Community<br />

Arts Councils Adult Art competition, and<br />

enjoyed aHurunui Mayors Taskforce for<br />

Jobs (MTFJ) morning tea shout with her<br />

employer and work colleagues.<br />

Hurunui District Councils MTFJ coordinator<br />

Prudence Roberts says the<br />

morning tea shout was the first in aseries<br />

to acknowledge the support of local<br />

employers to the programme and<br />

Hurunui’s young people.<br />

The morning tea was held in the Amuri<br />

Community Arts Council Gallery in the<br />

Hurunui District Library in Hanmer<br />

Springs, where 19­year­old Lenix’s<br />

award­winning artwork Under the Water<br />

took pride of place.<br />

Hanmer Springs Painting and<br />

Decorating owner Tony Pearce said<br />

Lenix’s journey had started with working<br />

afew days aweek with the business and<br />

had grown to afull three­year<br />

apprenticeship as apainting and<br />

decorating specialist.<br />

In tandem, he has watched Lenix<br />

pursue her passion for art.<br />

‘‘Today, one of your artworks is on a<br />

gallery wall.<br />

‘‘In five to 10 years, you will look back<br />

on this journey and see agreat change,’’<br />

Mr Pearce predicted.<br />

Lenix says accepting the job placement<br />

in January through MTFJ, came after a<br />

New Year’s resolution to stick with a<br />

permanent workplace position for afull<br />

year.<br />

‘‘Ahead of starting this job, Ifelt<br />

nervous Ididn’t know what Iwanted to do<br />

with my life.<br />

‘‘I was hoping Iwouldn’t give up but<br />

would give it atry.’’<br />

The camaraderie between the four<br />

members of her work crew had<br />

supported her throughout the year,<br />

Lenix says.<br />

‘‘I wouldn’t want to do my<br />

apprenticeship with anyone else.<br />

‘‘My plan is after the apprenticeship to<br />

stand back and look at where Iwant to go,<br />

perhaps combining my experience from<br />

this job with my love of art and going into<br />

interior decorating.’’<br />

Lenix says she had never entered her<br />

artwork in acompetition previously.<br />

‘‘MTFJ has been really good; Ihave<br />

taken from it aconfidence in myself. It’s<br />

pushed me in the right direction, and I<br />

felt there was someone who believed in<br />

me as aperson.’’<br />

Hurunui Mayor Marie Black says MTFJ<br />

has been one of the most influential<br />

programmes council has introduced to<br />

support young people and others in the<br />

district, and she acknowledged the<br />

contribution of Hurunui employers to<br />

Hurunui MTFJs success.<br />

‘‘The character of MTFJ does not exist<br />

without supportive employers to take<br />

graduates into arole in the community.’’<br />

Challenge conquered<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Jack Norrishas been<br />

crowned topNew Zealand apprentice<br />

sparky­domesticand commercial —<br />

followingthe Master Electricians<br />

Apprentice Challenge.The 24­year­old<br />

was oneoftwo to take out Apprentice of<br />

the Yearawards at aGalaAwards<br />

ceremony at Auckland’sGrandMillenium<br />

Hotel.<br />

Arecord 317apprentices tookpart in<br />

the final Challenge. Aucklander, Chris<br />

Read, took the industrial title.<br />

Jack, from Leithfield, and who is<br />

employedbyAotea Electric<strong>Canterbury</strong>, is<br />

‘‘stoked’’ to have captured thetitle,<br />

achieving hisgoalofwinning at his<br />

secondattempt at the Challenge.<br />

‘‘I’m prettystoked.Itisareal<br />

achievement forme,”says Jackwho first<br />

startedatAoteaElectric as alabourer<br />

fresh out of high school.<br />

After 18 months,hetookatwo­year stint<br />

overseas to Canada.<br />

But Covid saw him come home, and he<br />

returned to Aotea,where he wasasked to<br />

become an apprentice.<br />

‘‘Becominganapprentice wasn’t<br />

something Iwas lookingfor at thetime,<br />

but I’mreally glad I’ve done it.<br />

‘‘It’sgreatwork. Iamreally enjoying it.’’<br />

The finalists had to completefive,twohourpracticalmodules<br />

over twodays,<br />

reflectingvarious scenarios an<br />

apprentice mightface on thejob.<br />

All of the apprenticesweregivena<br />

heads up on the modules in advance, so<br />

theyhad timetobrushuponwhat they<br />

neededtodo.<br />

Apprentice of the Year ... Jack Norris.<br />


Jack says it took abit of study to ensure<br />

he waswellplaced to tackle the modules.<br />

MasterElectricians Acting Chief<br />

Executive andGeneralManager<br />

OperationsMathew Lawrence saysitisno<br />

small thingtohavereachedthe finals of<br />

theChallenge, letalonewin thetitle of<br />

Apprenticeofthe Year.<br />

‘‘This event reallytestsapprentices<br />

technically, mentallyand physically. It<br />

wasanintensecouple of days forthe 10<br />

finalists as theyare all veryfocusedhigh<br />

achievers at thetop of their game.’’<br />

Under the Water .. . Lenix with her awardwinning<br />

artwork.<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Good<br />

Focus on<br />

Waimakariri<br />

with Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

New beginnings and<br />

afestival of rugby<br />

Welcome to Springinthe<br />

Waimakariri!<br />

As akeengardenerthis is my<br />

favouriteseason.<br />

Withthe daffodils popping up and<br />

the blossomstarting to bloom it<br />

reallyisabeautiful timeofyear.<br />

As theweatherisstarting to warm<br />

up and we are enjoyingthe sunny<br />

afternoons,itisagreatopportunity<br />

to explorethe wonderfulparksand<br />

beaches aroundthe District as we<br />

spend time withfamily andfriends.<br />

Iattendedthe <strong>Canterbury</strong>v<br />

Taranaki NPC game at Rangiora<br />

Showgroundsonthe weekend.<br />

It wasfantastic to be abletohost an<br />

event like thatinour district.<br />

There werethousands of<br />

attendees, not justlocal, butfromall<br />

around theregion.<br />

Iknowthe locals enjoyed seeing<br />

the players at our cafesand eateries<br />

around Rangiorainthe daysprior as<br />

well.<br />

It wasafantastic day of rugby<br />

which alsoincludedthe Southbridge<br />

ShieldChallengeand <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> vEllesmere agegrade<br />

games.<br />

Following thesuccessofthe<br />

weekendwehope to see manymore<br />

games like this being played in<br />

Waimakariri.<br />

Ialsohad the privilegeofofficially<br />

openingRavenswood Central on<br />

Fuego comp<br />

Afreecopy of volume oneofthe World<br />

Congress of Poets literary journal<br />

Fuego hasbeendonated fora<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> reader to win.<br />

People wishingtogointhe draw to<br />

win acopy of thejournal can email the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> Editor, Robyn<br />

Bristow —robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.<br />

nz —with your name, address and<br />

phone number.<br />

Put Fuego Competition in the<br />

subject line, and submit by Friday<br />

<strong>September</strong> 8.<br />

The winner willbenotified by<br />

phone.<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Sep 7 Sep 8 Sep 9 Sep 10 Sep 11 Sep 12 Sep 13<br />

Rise 6:46am<br />

Rise 6:45am<br />

Rise 6:43am<br />

Rise 6:41am<br />

Rise 6:39am<br />

Rise 6:38am<br />

Rise 6:36am<br />

Set 6:09pm<br />

Set 6:10pm<br />

Set 6:11pm<br />

Set 6:12pm<br />

Set 6:13pm<br />

Set 6:14pm<br />

Set 6:15pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

6:05am<br />

6:32pm<br />

Fair<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

6:59am<br />

7:26pm<br />

Saturday—the newestKey Activity<br />

Town Centreinour District.<br />

Iwouldliketocongratulate Paul<br />

Croft–DirectorofRavenswood<br />

Retail Limitedand histeam for the<br />

tremendous work done.<br />

It wasaparticularly special<br />

occasion for all thenew businesses<br />

in Ravenswood.<br />

It is fantasticthatdevelopments<br />

like Ravenswoodare attracting<br />

quality businesses and investment to<br />

ourDistrict, andtothe Woodend and<br />

Pegasuscommunity.It’swonderful<br />

to have Gullthere and we are looking<br />

forward to HarveyNorman opening<br />

next year.<br />

TheWaimakariri Districtisone of<br />

thefastest growingdistricts in the<br />

country andthereisanexpectation<br />

that Ravenswood will playamajor<br />

part in satisfying and servicing this<br />

growth.<br />

RavenswoodCentralwillcreate<br />

newemployment opportunitiesfor<br />

people in our district, as well as<br />

enhancingpeople’sexperienceand<br />

enjoyment of the areathroughmore<br />

shoppingand dining options.<br />

This development will be further<br />

enhanced in the coming years thanks<br />

to thecommitment from bothmajor<br />

political parties to push forwardwith<br />

theWoodend Bypass.<br />

We hopetosee soilturningfor this<br />

essential project in 2026/27.<br />

Correction<br />

Chairman of the Waipara Residents<br />

and Reserves Association, Alistair<br />

Malcolm, officiated at the unveiling<br />

of the 150­year­oldiron gates at the<br />

Glenmark Domain, Waipara<br />

recently. The gates were gifted for<br />

the project by Malcolm and Sally<br />

Mckenzie, and Ruth Berry andher<br />

late husband Keith. In astory on<br />

page 2 of the The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong> on August 31, incorrectly said<br />

Mr Paul Williams was the chairman.<br />

The error is regretted.<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

7:52am<br />

8:18pm<br />

Ok<br />


Best<br />

Times<br />

Rise 1:43am<br />

Rise 2:48am<br />

Rise 3:45am<br />

Rise 4:33am<br />

Rise 5:11am<br />

Rise 5:41am<br />

Rise 6:06am<br />

Set 10:23am<br />

Set 11:08am<br />

Set 12:01pm<br />

Set 1:00pm<br />

Set 2:03pm<br />

Set 3:08pm<br />

Set 4:12pm<br />

Gentle SE becoming Gentle SW turning Moderate SW turning Gentle SW becoming<br />

Moderate SW turning Moderate SW turning<br />

moderate E<br />

S<br />

SE<br />

moderate SE<br />

Moderate S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

NE 0.9 mturning<br />

SE NE 0.5 m NE 0.8 m NE 0.9 m NE 1.0 m NE 0.9 m E0.9 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

8:44am<br />

9:09pm<br />

Ok<br />

Residents frustrated<br />

at consenting process<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Residents have been leftfrustrated by<br />

the consenting process for aproposed<br />

quarry andlandfill near Oxford.<br />

Oxford­OhokaCommunityBoard<br />

chairpersonThomas Robson says<br />

residents felt the process was weighted<br />

heavilyinfavour of theapplicant,<br />

Woodstock QuarriesLtd,whichkept<br />

adapting theapplication.<br />

The hearingresumed last weekatthe<br />

OxfordTown Hall’s A&PRoom to<br />

consider consent applicationsfrom<br />

Woodstock QuarriesLtd.<br />

‘‘Throughoutthis consentingprocess<br />

the communityhas been bombarded by<br />

new information,whichhas made it<br />

hardfor the community to counter,’’ Mr<br />

Robsonsaid.<br />

‘‘There have beennumerous requests<br />

fromthe community boardand other<br />

submitterstoreceive asummary of the<br />

mostuptodateplans and information,<br />

which seemtobechangingdaily.<br />

‘‘Unfortunately theapplicanthas<br />

ignoredthese requests and this has<br />

added to the community’s level of<br />

frustration.’’<br />

Woodstock QuarriesLtd submitted<br />

fiveresourceconsent applications to<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>,and aland<br />

use consent withthe Waimakariri<br />

District Council, to expandanexisting<br />

hardrock quarry, and to develop a<br />

landfill for disposal of construction<br />

and demolitionwaste, contaminated<br />

soils andspecial wastes.<br />

The hearinghad resumed on<br />

Monday,August 28, afterithad been<br />

adjourned on July9,whenthe<br />

commissioners sought supplementary<br />

evidence from the applicant.<br />

The adjournment followed the<br />

commissioners suspending<br />

proceedingstwo days earlier after<br />

protestorsbecame abusivetocouncil<br />

staff and thecommissioners.<br />

The hearinghad originallybeen<br />

scheduledtobegin in May,but was<br />

postponed to allowmoretime to<br />

consider changes proposed by the<br />

applicant.<br />

In asubmissionpresentedonbehalf<br />

of the communityboard,MrRobson<br />

raised fivemain concerns—traffic<br />

effects, fire safety,dust,operational<br />

logistics and amenity effects.<br />

He said the useofnarrow,rural<br />

roads by 55 tonne trucks wouldcreate<br />

dust, congestion anddamagetoroads,<br />

and it wasalso abusy schoolbus route.<br />

It wouldalsocreate accessissues for<br />

emergency services, including fire<br />

engines.<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

9:34am<br />

9:58pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best 10:21am<br />

Times 10:43pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best 11:04am<br />

Times 11:26pm<br />

Tom Robson<br />

Oxford is classified as ahighwind<br />

zone, makingitvulnerabletodust<br />

contamination.<br />

The applicanthad proposed using<br />

water as adust suppressor, but did not<br />

explain‘‘the quantity of water<br />

required,where thiswateristocome<br />

fromand howtoprevent thisuse of<br />

water causingcontamination’’, Mr<br />

Robsonsays.<br />

He also questionshow the proposed<br />

bin wash on sitewouldwork.<br />

‘‘There is alsoareal concernthatdue<br />

to the remotelocationofthe site it will<br />

be difficult forlocalcouncils to<br />

effectively monitor the compliance of<br />

the operation.’’<br />

He alsoquestioned the needfor a<br />

new landfill, giventhere was plenty of<br />

capacityatthe Kate ValleyLandfill<br />

and theBurwood ResourceRecovery<br />

Parklandfill in Christchurchhad been<br />

closedin2019due to alackofuse.<br />

Mr Robson saidOxford wasknown<br />

for its natural beauty and thearea was<br />

usedfor sports, including adventure<br />

races suchasthe Oxford Odyssey.<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> said the<br />

commissioners would resumethe<br />

hearingonWednesday, <strong>September</strong> 13,<br />

for the presentation of reporting<br />

officers’ reports.<br />

Oncethe hearingisconcluded,a<br />

written decision from the<br />

commissioners was expected to be sent<br />

to the applicantand submitterswithin<br />

15 working days.<br />

Publicinterest journalismfunded<br />

throughNew Zealand on Air.<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 10:37am 2.3 4:19am 0.5 11:34am 2.3 5:16am 0.6 12:03am 2.1 6:11am 0.6 12:57am 2.1 7:05am 0.7 1:49am 2.1 7:55am 0.7 2:36am 2.1 8:42am 0.7 3:20am 2.1 9:27am 0.7<br />

Mouth<br />

11:06pm 2.2 4:56pm 0.6<br />

5:56pm 0.7 12:31pm 2.2 6:53pm 0.7 1:25pm 2.2 7:44pm 0.7 2:15pm 2.2 8:30pm 0.7 2:59pm 2.2 9:13pm 0.7 3:40pm 2.2 9:54pm 0.6<br />

Amberley 10:37am 2.3 4:19am 0.5 11:34am 2.3 5:16am 0.6 12:03am 2.1 6:11am 0.6 12:57am 2.1 7:05am 0.7 1:49am 2.1 7:55am 0.7 2:36am 2.1 8:42am 0.7 3:20am 2.1 9:27am 0.7<br />

Beach<br />

11:06pm 2.2 4:56pm 0.6<br />

5:56pm 0.7 12:31pm 2.2 6:53pm 0.7 1:25pm 2.2 7:44pm 0.7 2:15pm 2.2 8:30pm 0.7 2:59pm 2.2 9:13pm 0.7 3:40pm 2.2 9:54pm 0.6<br />

10:46am 2.3 4:28am 0.5 11:43am 2.3 5:25am 0.6 12:12am 2.1 6:20am 0.6 1:06am 2.1 7:14am 0.7 1:58am 2.1 8:04am 0.7 2:45am 2.1 8:51am 0.7 3:29am 2.1 9:36am 0.7<br />

Motunau 11:15pm 2.2 5:05pm 0.6<br />

6:05pm 0.7 12:40pm 2.2 7:02pm 0.7 1:34pm 2.2 7:53pm 0.7 2:24pm 2.2 8:39pm 0.7 3:08pm 2.2 9:22pm 0.7 3:49pm 2.2 10:03pm 0.6<br />

10:48am 2.3 4:30am 0.5 11:45am 2.3 5:27am 0.6 12:14am 2.1 6:22am 0.6 1:08am 2.1 7:16am 0.7 2:00am 2.1 8:06am 0.7 2:47am 2.1 8:53am 0.7 3:31am 2.1 9:38am 0.7<br />

Gore Bay 11:17pm 2.2 5:<strong>07</strong>pm 0.6<br />

6:<strong>07</strong>pm 0.7 12:42pm 2.2 7:04pm 0.7 1:36pm 2.2 7:55pm 0.7 2:26pm 2.2 8:41pm 0.7 3:10pm 2.2 9:24pm 0.7 3:51pm 2.2 10:05pm 0.6<br />

10:46am 1.7 4:29am 0.2 11:42am 1.6 5:23am 0.3 12:12am 1.5 6:16am 0.3 1:03am 1.4 7:<strong>07</strong>am 0.3 1:51am 1.4 7:56am 0.4 2:37am 1.4 8:43am 0.4 3:21am 1.4 9:27am 0.4<br />

Kaikoura 11:18pm 1.5 5:08pm 0.3<br />

6:06pm 0.3 12:37pm 1.6 7:00pm 0.4 1:29pm 1.6 7:49pm 0.4 2:17pm 1.6 8:35pm 0.4 3:01pm 1.6 9:17pm 0.4 3:43pm 1.6 9:58pm 0.4<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />




MainPower Youth Sports Scholarships help supportuptoTEN of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’smost promising young athletes as they make the next step<br />

in their journey to representNZatthe highest level of their sport. Each MainPower Scholar will receive$2,000 towards thatgoal,with scholarship<br />

runners up and winner receiving an additional $2,500 and $5,000 respectively.*<br />

Scholarships will be<br />

presented at a special<br />

function at MainPower<br />

Stadium on<br />

20th October <strong>2023</strong>.<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Sporting variety at MainPower Stadium<br />

Cheerleading takes centre stage at<br />

MainPower Stadium, in Rangiora, on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 17.<br />

The stadium is hosting The Alpine<br />

Classic, which has attracted 30 teams<br />

from throughout New Zealand. It is<br />

believed to be the largest event hosted at<br />

the stadium.<br />

It is in it’s third year, and has grown<br />

considerably in size year, on year.<br />

It has been developed by Michelle<br />

Cumming to give the sport exposure,<br />

and provide an opportunity for South<br />

Island cheerleading gyms to compete<br />

locally.<br />

‘‘In previous years the only way to<br />

compete was to travel to the <strong>North</strong><br />

Island.<br />

‘‘This means they can compete<br />

without the added expense of travel, and<br />

further grows the sport of cheerleading<br />

by making it more accessible.’’<br />

Michelle says cheerleading impacts<br />

young athletes in so many ways.<br />

‘‘In addition to the obvious physical<br />

skills that you learn doing cheerleading,<br />

kids also learn social skills such as<br />

teamwork, camaraderie and<br />

commitment,’’ she says.<br />

They are also honoured to partner<br />

with University and Tertiary Sport New<br />

Zealand (UTSNZ) to host their<br />

‘Cheerleading Championships’.<br />

‘‘There will be four University teams<br />

in attendance, all vying for the position<br />

of UTSNZ Grand Champion.<br />

‘‘Last year was the first time all four<br />

university programmes had been at the<br />

same event, and we are excited to<br />

provide them amore ‘official’ national<br />

event,’’ says Michelle.<br />

Athletes taking part in the Classic<br />

range in age from 5years to 40 plus and<br />

will be representing 10 gyms.<br />

Judges will be flown in from across<br />

New Zealand and Australia, with half<br />

the judging panel made up of Australian<br />

judges.<br />

Michelle says cheerleaders train<br />

anywhere from 1.5 hours to five hours a<br />

week with their teams, depending on the<br />

age group and level.<br />

She also owns Empire Athletics in<br />

Rangiora, which has enjoyed<br />

cheerleading success at home and in<br />

Australia.<br />

‘‘We have had some extraordinary<br />

success recently with two of our teams<br />

travelling to an Australian event,’’ says<br />

Michelle.<br />

We took three teams to the Cheercon<br />

Worlds Experience in Sydney in mid­<br />

August.<br />

‘‘All three teams won their divisions —<br />

two teams (Citrine Senior Coed 3and<br />

Kryptonite, Open Coed 3) were offered<br />

‘bids’ to an invitation only event held in<br />

Orlando Florida, called ‘The Summit’.<br />

‘‘Empire Athletics is the first<br />

programme in New Zealand to receive<br />

an invitation to this event, and we are<br />

excited to represent our programme,<br />

and cheerleading in New Zealand on the<br />

Centre stage ... Alpine Classic competitors at aprevious competition.<br />

global stage,’’ she says.<br />

The Alpine Classic starts at 9am, on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 17, and will run till 4pm.<br />

Spectator tickets are online only, and<br />

there is alimited number due to<br />

capacity restrictions (NO DOOR<br />

SALES). Please purchase from www.<br />

alpineclassic.co.nz.<br />

Korfball tournament<br />

Meanwhile aKorfball tournament, one<br />

of the fastest growing mixed gender<br />

games South Island wide, will be held at<br />

MainPower Stadium this weekend —<br />

Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 9toSunday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 10.<br />

Eighteen teams from <strong>Canterbury</strong>, the<br />

West Coast and South <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

totalling about 200 students from Years<br />

11 to 13, will compete in the Senior<br />

South Island Secondary Schools<br />

tournament.<br />

Event organisers Mixx have booked<br />

Mainpower Stadium because of its<br />

modern design, great facilities for the<br />

students and because it has four courts<br />

in one area.<br />

They say the stadium has awarm<br />

feeling, and fits perfectly with the<br />

atmosphere and energy they want to<br />

create.<br />

This year they have introduced the<br />

sport to the entire South Island which<br />

should see teams from Southland, Otago<br />

and Tasman compete in the tournament<br />

in acouple of years.<br />

Mixx says Korfball is the perfect<br />

balance of sporting experiences. It is<br />

competitive yet fun for everyone to play,<br />

especially with it’s mixed gender<br />

element to the game.<br />

‘‘With Mixx we have discovered away<br />

in which we can present the sport in a<br />

fashion that fills aneed within schools<br />

of the community.<br />

‘We allow kids to stand out, be<br />

different, have agood time while still<br />

being positive to one another.<br />

‘‘This has apositive effect on the game<br />

in the long term.’’<br />

Korfball is in the same sporting family<br />

as netball and basketball.<br />

It involves shooting the ball through a<br />

To apply foraMainPower Youth SportScholarship visit:<br />

www.sportstrust.org.nz/mainpowersportsawards<br />

#<br />

Terms &Conditions apply. Depending on number and qualityofapplicants not all scholarshipsmay be presented<br />

7<br />


korf, similar to ahoop or basket.<br />

Unlike in netball however, all players<br />

are allowed to shoot and defend, and<br />

unlike basketball, you can't ‘dribble the<br />

ball' or run with the ball —the focus is<br />

on passing and working together as a<br />

team.<br />

Korfball was first developed in the<br />

early 20th Century in the Netherlands,<br />

which has astrong culture in the sport<br />

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Korfball is now firmly established in<br />

New Zealand and growing fast.

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NEWS<br />

8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

2603978<br />


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2602764<br />

Admiration ... Phebe Mander, of Pegasus, checks out the photography of Tony Stead at<br />

the Pegasus Bay Art Show which was held at the Pegasus Bay School.<br />


Pegasus Art Show<br />

to makememories<br />


Funds raised at Pegasus Bay School’s<br />

three­day Pegasus Bay Art Show have<br />

been earmarked for aspecial occasion.<br />

On December 8the school will close<br />

for the day so the teachers and pupils<br />

can travel to Christchurch to see the<br />

ballet, Cinderella, as part of the school’s<br />

Education Outside the Classroom<br />

programme.<br />

The Christmas Gala Community<br />

Performance will include nearly 300<br />

students from the Southern Ballet<br />

Theatre performing at the historic Isaac<br />

Theatre Royal.<br />

The one­hour show is being billed as<br />

an entertaining, colourful production of<br />

ballet, contemporary and jazz dance,<br />

suitable for children of all ages, with<br />

dramatic scene changes guaranteed to<br />

hold the audience’s attention.<br />

Pegasus Bay School’s business<br />

manager, Micky Brosnan, says they<br />

decided to use funds raised at this year’s<br />

art show, which was held last weekend,<br />

for their Education Outside the<br />

Classroom programme because ‘‘we<br />

really want to continue to provide these<br />

memory­making learning experiences<br />

for all of our children.’’<br />

The Pegasus Bay Art Show is apopular<br />

event on the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> arts<br />

calendar and abig fundraiser for the<br />

school. The organisers had hoped to<br />

make it an annual event, but have<br />

decided to keep it as abiennial show for<br />

now because of the cost of living crisis.<br />

The main exhibition, which was held<br />

in the school gym, showcased about 420<br />

pieces of art including 10 exhibits by<br />

guest artist Joel Hart of Waikuku Beach.<br />

A‘‘Kids Art’’ exhibition was also held<br />

alongside the main event and included a<br />

spectacular, large scale Space<br />

Explosion In Our Galaxy artwork. The<br />

high quality of the children’s work<br />

prompted Julianna Gale, an art lover<br />

from Rangiora, to say it was the<br />

‘‘highlight of the whole show’’.<br />

Young poets shine<br />


The launchofanew poetryjournal has<br />

unveiledagroupoftalented young poets<br />

from the WRITE ON School For Young<br />

Writers.<br />

Volume One of TheWorldCongress of<br />

Poetsliterary journal Fuego,the Spanish<br />

word for ‘‘fire’’, was launched on August<br />

25, National Poetry Day,atthe Rangiora<br />

Library.<br />

The event was hostedbyFuego’s editorin­chief<br />

Doc Drumheller,the pen name of<br />

Oxford’s Jason Clements, who is also<br />

Waimakariri Libraries learning<br />

connections co­ordinator.<br />

The journal contains poetry and artwork<br />

from writers and artists in Waimakariri,<br />

plus poets from the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Cancer Society Writers and Orator’s<br />

Group, the WRITEONSchoolFor Young<br />

Writers, based in Christchurch,and<br />

participants from aWaimakariri Libraries<br />

Kids Fest Haiku Hike workshop withthe<br />

youngest poet only six years old.<br />

‘‘These localwriters are featured<br />

alongside some of the leading poets in<br />

New Zealand, membersofthe World<br />

CongressofPoetsand an impressive<br />

delegationofwritersfrom China,’’ Doc<br />

says.<br />

‘‘We hopetoset the world on fire with<br />

this firstvolume and look forward to<br />

encouraging more poets to publishtheir<br />

work.’’<br />

The students from theWRITE ON<br />

School for Young Writers,who had poems<br />

Big night out ... Waimakariri District<br />

Mayor, Dan Gordon, fourth from right at<br />

back, alongside the Fuego Editor in Chief,<br />

Doc Drumheller, third from right, with some<br />

of the contributors and guests at the launch<br />

of the new international poetry journal, in<br />

the Rangiora Library during National Poetry<br />

Day last week.<br />


published in Fuego wereinvitedtoread<br />

theirwork at the launch alongside some of<br />

New Zealand’s poetry luminaries and they<br />

stolethe show, prompting Doc to callfor<br />

the gifted young poets to ‘‘pleasekeep<br />

writing’’.<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Mayor Dan<br />

Gordon, aguestatthe function, said the<br />

council is proud of what Jasonhas<br />

achieved. He has really put Waimakariri<br />

on the world map with the publication of<br />

this journal.’’<br />

Fuegowill be launched internationally<br />

by Doc when he attends the 42nd World<br />

Congress of Poets, on board the Divina<br />

MSC Cruisethis month.




Seed Potatoes<br />

Early + MidSeason Varieties.<br />

$10<br />

1kgbags<br />

98<br />

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$18 59<br />

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98<br />

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30 Seconds<br />

OutdoorCleaner<br />

Concentrate<br />

5Litre<br />

362155<br />

Kiwicare<br />

LawnPro Mossclear<br />

Concentrate<br />

200mlBrown<br />

274736<br />

30 Seconds<br />

Spray&WalkAway<br />

Lichen, Moss And<br />

Mould Remover<br />

Concentrate<br />

5Litre<br />

324993<br />

$19<br />

Was$24.99<br />

99<br />

$14<br />

Was$19.98<br />

98<br />

$31<br />

Was$39.99<br />

99<br />

Irrigation StarterKit<br />

398006<br />

Tui<br />

UrbanOasis Planter<br />

L: 0.75m,W:0.35m,H:1.34m<br />

366375<br />

Jobmate<br />

Hose Connector Set<br />

With SprayGun 4<br />

piece<br />

238271<br />

$19 99 $179<br />

Was$199<br />

$12<br />

Was$17.98<br />

98<br />

Bahco<br />

Secateurs<br />

190mm<br />

120357<br />

Club Price<br />

Normal $29.99<br />

$19 99<br />

Tui<br />

Hesin Potato GrowBag<br />

393461<br />

$29 98 Tui<br />

25% ExtraQuash 400g<br />

366964<br />

$7 75

Bosch<br />

18 Volts Cordless Brushless Hedge<br />

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Lawnmaster<br />

Petrol Lawnmower<br />

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Manual HandPush<br />

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Mower, 38cm,<br />

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203554<br />

$249<br />

Was $319<br />

Was$599<br />

$529<br />

$99<br />

Was$146<br />

Bosch<br />

DIY 1000 Watt<br />

Wet&Dry Vacuum<br />

Cleaner &Blower<br />

15 L, Work Shop<br />

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MTD<br />

Ride on Mower439ccRed<br />

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376288<br />

Wattyl<br />

FenceFinish<br />

Paint 10 Litre<br />

Ebony<br />

357217<br />

Was$166<br />

$146<br />

$3999<br />

Was<br />

$4299<br />



$49<br />

Was$69<br />

Tui<br />

Performance<br />

Organics<br />

Organic<br />

Vegetable Mix<br />

30 litre<br />

2001997<br />

30 Seconds<br />

Spray&Walk<br />

Away Lichen,<br />

Moss And<br />

Mould Remover<br />

Concentrate<br />

5 litre<br />

324993<br />

Number 8<br />

Hardwearing Lawn<br />

Seed 500g<br />

246976<br />

Valid until<br />

10th <strong>September</strong><br />

$12<br />

Was$18.39<br />

Was$39.99<br />

$31 99<br />

Was$9.98<br />

$5<br />

Prices valid until 24 th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Not in conjunction with anyother offers.While stocks last.<br />

100% LOCALLY<br />




12 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />


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<strong>September</strong> gardening priorities<br />

Rachel Vogan cues your<br />

gardening goals for the month<br />

ahead.<br />

And just like that, springishere. As the<br />

trees burstinto life,all of asudden<br />

things start to feel alive again.<br />

Neighbourhoods are alive with the<br />

sounds of lawnmowers, yet anothersign<br />

that spring is here.<br />

And here’swhat you should be getting<br />

on with in response.<br />

Prioritise edibles<br />

Plenty to do in the vegetable garden this<br />

month. Carrot, beetroot and radish can<br />

all be sown outside. Startseeds of frostsensitive<br />

crops likecapsicum, chilli,<br />

tomato,eggplantand cucumber inside<br />

or under­cover. Plant out seedlings of<br />

lettuce, cabbage,cauliflower, broccoli,<br />

celery,kale, spring onion, spinach and<br />

variousother leafy greens. Check on<br />

garlic crops; to ensure the area is weedfree,<br />

and add layers of mulch to protect<br />

the developing crop. Sweet corn and<br />

beans are bothsensitive to frost, so be<br />

carefulabout planting theseout too<br />

early unless they are under­cover.<br />

Early potatoes can be planted outside<br />

in warmparts.<br />

Get ahead of weeds<br />

The nemesis of manygardeners is<br />

weeds! As the soil warmsand the days<br />

get longer, the changing conditions<br />

triggerweed seeds to germinate.Early<br />

intervention is best: usingahoe or a<br />

sharp hand tool (an old knife works<br />

well), slice weed seedlings off at ground<br />

level to preventthem from becoming<br />

established. Thicklayers of mulch help<br />

preventweeds from sprouting by<br />

restricting the light that triggers<br />

germination. Pouring boiling water<br />

over softannual weeds can kill small<br />

weeds.<br />




Chainsaws<br />

from $ 369 *<br />

Beetroot ... This versatile vegetable can be<br />

sown outside this month.<br />


Delight in dahlias<br />

The revivalofdahlias is amazing –they<br />

are such magnificent flowering<br />

powerhouses. And it’s no wonder as<br />

these flowering divas will thrive with<br />

little care and attention if planted in a<br />

sunny spotwith good drainage. Existing<br />

clumps can be divided before new<br />

growth starts to appear. Keen an eye out<br />

for slugs and snails whennew shoots<br />

are emerging from the ground. Dahlias<br />

are easy and reliable plants for planters<br />

and containers. Dwarf and medium­size<br />

hybrids suit potsbest. The large,<br />

dinner­plate varieties are bettersuited<br />

to being planted into the garden. Stake<br />

the taller hybrids to avoid the stems<br />

breaking under the weight of the heavy<br />

flowers.<br />

Mow,sow and feed lawns<br />

Neattidy lawns transform outdoor<br />

spaces. Over winter it can be hard to<br />

keeplawns looking sharp. If grass has<br />

becomelong and tatty, avoid the<br />

temptation to giveitadrastic hair cut in<br />

one single mowing.Severecutbacks can<br />

trigger all sorts of lawn issues and put<br />

the grass underalot of stress,which can<br />

lead to problems in the months ahead.<br />

It is better to reducethe height over a<br />

couple of mowings. Cut back edges now<br />

to complementthe short back and sides<br />

after mowing. Apply lawn fertiliser in<br />

springtoprovide aboosttothe grass.<br />

New lawns can be sown now –choose a<br />

variety of seed that suits your region<br />

and needs. See is quicktogerminate at<br />

this time of year.<br />

Make aslug pub<br />

Warmerweathersees an increase in the<br />

numbers of slugs and snails.These<br />

clevercreatures are not easytospot<br />

duringthe day as they slideunder<br />

leaves, pots and debris,and feed at<br />

night.<br />

Hand control works well to limitthe<br />

numbers, but this must be done at night,<br />

which isn’t always practical.<br />

An alternative method of control is to<br />

make a‘slug pub’toentice theminto.<br />

Fill asaucer or shallow container with<br />

beer (or anything elsesweet) and nestle<br />

it into the soil; the prey will be attracted<br />

to it and fallinto the container. Slug<br />

and snail baits are useful to control<br />

slugsand snails, but regular<br />

application is required for it to be<br />

successful.Thick crushedlayers of<br />

eggshells worktoo (but with the price of<br />

eggs,they may be scarce).<br />

Spruce up outdoorliving areas<br />

Now is the perfecttime to give outdoor<br />

livingrooms arefresh, clean and tidy in<br />

preparationfor spending more time<br />

outside over the coming months.Start<br />

by removing the furniture,pots and<br />

barbecues,where possible, then sweep<br />

any debris away and remove moss and<br />

lichen (clean­upspraysare useful when<br />

dealing withmoss and lichen build­up).<br />

Give outdoor furniture awash.<br />

Refresh and fertilise container<br />

planters and hangingbaskets,and fill in<br />

any gaps withnew­season annuals and<br />

herbs.<br />

Rotate container plantstoget an even<br />

amount of sunlight.<br />

Courtesykiwigardener:<br />

kiwigardenermagazine.co.nz or on<br />

Facebook or<br />

Instagram@kiwigardenermagazine.<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

13<br />

Late pruning pointers for Sept<br />

You can still prune some plants in<br />

<strong>September</strong>. Here's how to go<br />

about it.<br />

Words: Shannon Hunt<br />

Pruning means to remove dead, dying,<br />

crossed, distortedordisfigured branches,<br />

while shaping yourtrees and bushes to<br />

suit your environmentand landscape<br />

requirements.<br />

It’s not too late to prune roses.<br />

If you are new to pruning bush and<br />

standard roses,and you didn’t get around<br />

to doing the job when they were dormant<br />

—when the branches were bare—you can<br />

prune your roses thismontheven if new<br />

leavesare appearing.<br />

Removetwo­thirds of the growth by<br />

cutting backthe branches justabove an<br />

outward­facing node, with adownwardsloping<br />

cut towards themiddleofthe<br />

plant.<br />

Alwaysprune your bushes or standards<br />

into anest or bowl shape so air can flow<br />

freely, reducing the chance of fungal<br />

diseasestaking hold.<br />

Spray your post­pruned bushes with<br />

copper, and agood sprayingoil, to prevent<br />

pest infestation.<br />

Cover the ground at the baseofyour<br />

plant with sheeppellets for an organic,<br />

slow­release feed.<br />

Tip: The jury is out as to whether pruning<br />

cuts shouldbepaintedwith commercial<br />

pruning paint, but if you choose to do this,<br />

check out the organic options available at<br />

gardenstores or try the cheap option<br />

sealing with plain candlewax.Remember,<br />

asuccessful prune is not only about<br />

clipping, shaping and thinning the plant,<br />

but also sharpening, oiling, cleaningand<br />

maintaining your tool blades and<br />

mechanisms.<br />

Hydrangeas<br />

Depending on where you are in the<br />

country, you may still have dead leaves on<br />

your dormant hydrangea branches, or new<br />

leavesmay have beguntoburstthrough on<br />

the branches. Or you may haveboth.<br />

Regardless of which stage theyare at,<br />

you can still prune and shapethem. Some<br />

gardeners are happytoprune to the<br />

ground, while othersreduce growth by<br />

half, and some like to leave them before<br />

that wildlook.Whatever you choose to do,<br />

Hydrangeas ... You can still prune and<br />

shape hydrangeas.<br />


mosthydrangeas are very hardyand will<br />

regrow from their baseeach year, or<br />

sprout fromlast year’sbranches.<br />

Prune afeijoa in the sun<br />

If your feijoa treewasn’t pruned in April,<br />

May or June (after fruiting) and youare in<br />

afrost­free area, you can prune and thin it<br />

successfully this month,but do it on a<br />

sunny day so fungal diseases cannot take<br />

hold.<br />

Prune camelliasafter<br />

flowering<br />

Mostcamellia bushes likeagood prune<br />

oncethey have stopped flowering. Remove<br />

all deadwood and shape yourbush to<br />

preferred height, roundness or boxiness.<br />

After pruning, feedwith sheeppellets and<br />

acommercial acid­loving fertiliser (or lots<br />

of natural, dried pine needles work well),<br />

spray seaweedliquidonthe foliage,apply<br />

asprinkle of seaweed granules, clear<br />

weeds and mulch the base keeping it off<br />

the trunk and you should soon see new<br />

green shoots bursting forth on your<br />

bushes.<br />

Tip: To rid your camellia of any sucking or<br />

chewing pests and fungaldiseases, spray it<br />

withahorticulturalspraying oil such as<br />

organic neem oil. If you’re unsure what<br />

product to use,talk to your favourite<br />

gardencentre assistant or an experienced<br />

gardening friend.<br />

Cleanupdaylilyfoliage<br />

If your daylilies are evergreen, remove last<br />

season’s dead stems or leavestotidy up<br />

your display. If your plants are deciduous<br />

(they lose their leaves overwinter), clean<br />

up the dead foliage.<br />

Tip: Slugsand snails love eating daylilies,<br />

so scatter someQuash (which is more pet<br />

friendly than other slug and snail baits)<br />

and /orset beer traps aroundyour plants<br />

as the weatherwarms up.<br />



Overwhelmed by the amount of mess,<br />

family stressed out and helpers running for cover?<br />

Wanna keep your weekends free for more<br />

productive activities?<br />

Maybe we can help!<br />

We can:<br />

• Slash and trimmings to piles onsite.<br />

• Mulch trimmings down where they<br />

fall to rot away.<br />

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on site or take away.<br />

Didn’t get us to do the trimming work?<br />

No problem, Now offering clean up<br />

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If this sounds like the help you need, please check out our<br />

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For all your<br />

landscaping needs<br />

From Residential to Rural, Black Hill provides<br />

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Black Hill Ltd is available <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide.<br />

Our success is based on providing aquality job<br />

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Feel free to get in touch if you have any projects<br />

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chat and talk through your ideas and offer advice<br />

around what you might be trying to achieve.<br />

Please get in touch to learn more about the<br />

services we provide.<br />

Tidying up<br />

the garden?<br />

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NEWS<br />

14 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Avery light-hearted review<br />


Apopular autobiography written<br />

by ‘‘Rangiora kid’’, Tom McLaren,<br />

hasbeen given alight­hearted<br />

reviewbyhis middle son, Bruce,<br />

duringahilarious fundraiser for<br />

theRangiora Museum.<br />

Theevent was advertised as an<br />

opportunityfor Brucetooutline<br />

‘‘The Life And Times of aRangiora<br />

Kid’s Kid’’, with the assumption<br />

made by many attending the<br />

function that it would be atalk<br />

about abook he hadwrittenasa<br />

follow up to TheLife and Times of<br />

ARangioraKid, written by Tom.<br />

However,this was not the case.<br />

‘‘Ihave not written abook,’’<br />

Bruce told the audience.<br />

‘‘ThereisnoTheLife and Times<br />

of aRangiora Kid’s Kid book, just in<br />

case you all go out and try to buy a<br />

copy of it.’’<br />

Instead he wanted to talk about<br />

hisfather’s book, plus an earlier<br />

memoirwritten by his mother,<br />

Norma McLaren,and the fun he<br />

hadgrowing up in Rangiora as<br />

their kid, withtwo male siblings<br />

including ‘‘naughtybrother’’ Russ.<br />

‘‘It all started with Mum’sbook<br />

Scorpio Years,’’ Brucesaid.<br />

‘‘It was abeautifully written<br />

book and was apleasure to read.’’<br />

Butthen his father decided to<br />

write his story in ‘‘TheLife and<br />

Times of aRangiora Kid’’, which<br />

waspublished in 2021 andquickly<br />

sold out.But it was ‘‘a terrible<br />

book’’, Bruce joked.<br />

‘‘It is the kind of bookthat makes<br />

youwant to suck air throughyour<br />

teeth.’’<br />

HiscuttingassessmentofTom’s<br />

book was all in good fun, and afar<br />

cryfrom the enthusiastic<br />

Kidding around ... Norma and Tom McLaren, of Rangiora, with their<br />

books, Scorpio Years and The Life and Times of aRangiora Kid, and their<br />

middle son, Bruce, during afunction at the Rangiora Museum. PHOTO: SHELLEY TOPP<br />

encouragement Bruce and his<br />

brothersgave theirDad beforehis<br />

bookwas published. Backthen<br />

Norma had fretted that Tom’s book<br />

contained ‘‘somewhat rude<br />

language that should be removed’’,<br />

but their sons advised Tom that he<br />

mustleavethe manuscript ‘‘as it<br />

was.’’<br />

And so in the end Tom ignored<br />

Norma, the woman he calls ‘‘the<br />

starofmylife’’and did what his<br />

sonstold him to do.<br />

Tom and Norma, who are both<br />

Rangiora Museum volunteers are<br />

big believers that everyone should<br />

record their own stories.<br />

‘‘For many years Norma and I,<br />

on hearing people talking of<br />

memorable eventsintheir<br />

lifetime, haveadvised them to get<br />

it written down.<br />

Unfortunately this advice in<br />

mostcasesisjust not heeded, or<br />

theylose their memory, or drop off<br />

the perch,’’ Tom said.<br />

Their middle son has not written<br />

his storyyet,but his museum talk,<br />

which alsoincluded asection<br />

about his extensive travelsaround<br />

the world,showshehas inherited<br />

Tom andNorma’stalentfor storytelling<br />

and has some interesting<br />

tales to tell.<br />

Volunteers wanted<br />

for planting day<br />


Volunteersare being<br />

calledtohelp plant more<br />

than 1000 native plants at<br />

Huria Reserve,inKaiapoi,<br />

this Saturday, <strong>September</strong><br />

9.<br />

The plantingday is part<br />

of the Huria Mahinga Kai<br />

project which is funded by<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Council and managed by<br />

Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara<br />

Trust.<br />

The day is a<br />

collaboration between the<br />

council, the trust and Te<br />

Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga<br />

which forms the Joint<br />

Working Group.<br />

The generalmanager of<br />

the trust, Nick Chapman,<br />

says the projectaims to<br />

recognise the significant<br />

cultural valuesfor Te Ngāi<br />

Tūāhuriri Rūnanga.<br />

‘‘Mahinga Kai describes<br />

the foodand natural<br />

resources that mana<br />

whenuagather in their<br />

takiwā (area), as well as the<br />

practices they use,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘The areawill provide<br />

for social and cultural<br />

activities, and include<br />

walking trails and native<br />

forestplantingwhen we<br />

eventually plantout the<br />

close to 15,000 sqm.’’<br />

The plants, including<br />

harakeke (New Zealand<br />

flax), hoheriaand kanuka,<br />

havebeen purchased from<br />

Riverside Horticulture, in<br />

Rangiora, and Wai­ora<br />

Nursery,inChristchurch,<br />

because bothnurseries<br />

eco­sourcetheirplants<br />

which meansthey come<br />

fromthe samelocal<br />

geneticsand can be<br />

reintroduced back into<br />

their local natural<br />

environment.This<br />

increases survival rates<br />

and is in keepingwith the<br />

unique character of the<br />

region.<br />

The council’s<br />

Intermediate Landscape<br />

Architect­District<br />

Regeneration, Hannah­<br />

RoseBelworthy, says three<br />

planting dayshave already<br />

beenheld at the Huria<br />

Reserve,sinceMay last<br />

yearwhen the first<br />

community planting day<br />

tookplace to get planting<br />

underway.<br />

‘‘There have been two<br />

public community planting<br />

daysand one planting day<br />

organised with Tuahiwi<br />

School with 9000 plants<br />

planted so far,’’ she says.<br />

ThisSaturday’splanting<br />

day is at the reserve, in<br />

CourtenayDrive, with<br />

parking off Bowler Street.<br />

It will start at 10amand<br />

finish at 12 noon.There will<br />

be free coffee and sausage<br />

sizzle for volunteers.<br />

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Trees and vegetation<br />

What are you responsible for?<br />

Treestoo close to powerlines areahazardand amajorcauseofpowerfailures during bad weather.<br />

Theycan breakpower lines and networkequipment, resulting in risk of serious injury or death as<br />

well as causingwidespread powerinterruptions.This inconveniences farmsand households,affects<br />

businessproductivity andcauses damagetocustomers’electronic equipment and appliances.<br />

Tree Owners’ Responsibilities<br />

Under theElectricity (Hazards fromTrees) Regulations,<br />

tree owners are responsiblefor theirtrees; the results<br />

of tree damage to powerlinescan be asignificant<br />

cost to atreeowner.Please check your trees, hedges<br />

or shelter belts regularly.Ifyou are notsurewhat to<br />

look for, pleasecall us so we can help.<br />

Remember,treesneedtobekept asafedistance<br />

away from powerlines and other electricitynetwork<br />

equipment because:<br />

•Children that climb trees closetopowerlines are at<br />

riskofseriousinjuryordeath.<br />

•Insevere weather conditions, vegetationcan<br />

becomeelectrically ‘live’ andmay electrocute<br />

anyone coming intocontact with it.<br />

•Treesand vegetation coming intocontactwith<br />

powerlines can causepoweroutages,not justfor<br />

the tree owners,but the widercommunity.<br />

•Inbad weather, treescan toppleorbranches break<br />

away causing damage to powerlines resulting<br />

in apoweroutage.Insnoworicy conditions, the<br />

additional weight on the tree can cause asimilar<br />

scenario.<br />

•Treesclose to lines maycause electrical sparking<br />

resulting in fire.<br />

•Tree roots can grow aroundunderground electricity<br />

cables,rupturing the insulation andcausing power<br />

outages.<br />

What do the Electricity (Hazardsfrom Trees)<br />

Regulations meantoyou?<br />

These regulations are to provide asafe electricity<br />

supply toyou and to protect the security of<br />

electricity supply to everyone in the community.<br />

The regulations place responsibilities on tree<br />

owners (you) and the electricity network operator<br />

(MainPower)<br />

Following theregulations willhelp ensuresecurity of<br />

supply to youand the wider community.<br />

Please don’t wait to be reminded that your trees<br />

need to be cut.Beproactive,regularly inspectyour<br />

treesand if they areineither the Notice Zone or the<br />

Growth LimitZone theymustbetrimmedsafely.<br />

Call us on 0800309080for afree inspectionand a<br />

quote from our utility arborists. Be aware thatifyour<br />

treescauseany problems on our network, youcan be<br />

chargedfor allcosts of repair.<br />

Alwaysremember: Touching live<br />

powerlines, or trees close to the<br />

lines,can result in serious injury<br />

or death. Please ensure that you<br />

engagequalified contractors to<br />

carry outany trimming work near<br />

powerlines.<br />

Noticeand GrowthLimit Zones<br />

Theregulations specify different zones fortrees<br />

growingclose to powerlines and other electricity<br />

network equipment: the NoticeZone and the<br />

Growth Limit Zone (illustratedbelow).<br />

Tree “A”<br />

In Notice Zone<br />

needs trimming soon<br />

Overheadline<br />

Notice<br />

Zone<br />

Tree“B”<br />

In Growth Limit Zone<br />

must betrimmed<br />

Growth<br />

LimitZone<br />

66,000V(high voltage) 5.0 metres 4.0metres<br />

33,000V (high voltage) 3.5 metres 2.5 metres<br />

11,000V (high voltage) 2.6 metres 1.6metres<br />

400V /230V(low voltage) 1.5 metres 0.5 metres<br />

Notes:<br />

•These distances are from the power line, not the<br />

power pole.<br />

•These distancesare aminimum and apply in all<br />

conditions, including high wind or snow.<br />

•Inmost instances, thepower lines that go to a<br />

houseorbuilding are lowvoltage powerlines.<br />

•Powerlines that go down astreet maybelow or<br />

high voltage.<br />

Cut /Trim Notice<br />

If your tree is growingwithin the NoticeZone<br />

(Tree A) youwill receivealegal notice from us saying<br />

thatitmustbetrimmed soon becauseitisgrowing<br />

too closetopowerlines and equipment.<br />

If your tree continues to grow into the Growth Limit<br />

Zone (Tree B) youwill receive alegalnotice from<br />

us requiringthe treetobetrimmed (byaqualified<br />

contractor) within aspecified time frame. This is<br />

because the treeisnow tooclose to powerlines and<br />

equipment,and couldcause apoweroutage and /<br />

or harmthe public.Asyou might expect, the notice<br />

zonesvary depending on the voltageofthe power<br />

lines.<br />

OffencesCommitted by Tree Owners<br />

Thereare penaltiesfor tree owners whodonot<br />

complywith awritten requesttocut theirtrees, or do<br />

not advise MainPoweron0800309080ofthe time<br />

and location of the cuttingwork.<br />

On summary conviction, tree owners maybeliable<br />

for afinenot exceeding $10,000 andafurtherfine of<br />

$500 forevery dayonwhich the offence continues.<br />

If your treesare considered an immediate danger to<br />

our network, MainPowerhas an obligation to remove<br />

anyhazard. If youhave failedtokeepyourtrees<br />

clear of powerlines, or have notresponded to our<br />

requests, then as the treeowneryou are responsible<br />

forall costsincurred by us to remove anyhazard.<br />

Cutting Trees NearLiveLines<br />

Trimming trees and vegetation close to powerlines<br />

can be extremely dangerousand must be undertaken<br />

by acompetent worker.When selecting acontractor<br />

please ensuretheyare trainedtocarry out this work.<br />

MainPowerhas ateam of experienced and qualified<br />

utility arborists(arborists trainedtowork nearlive<br />

lines).Youmay engageMainPowerarborists, or other<br />

arborists of your choosing, but it is essentialtoensure<br />

thatanyone workingnear powerlinesissuitably<br />

trained and qualified to do so.<br />

Fall Hazard Zone<br />

Tree ownersshouldbeaware that trees present a<br />

hazard if they fall and damage powerlines.Theclosest<br />

atree can be locatediscalculated on thebasis of the<br />

height of treeplus 4metres. Checkthatyour treesare<br />

outside the fall hazard zone and considertrimming or<br />

removal to avoid causing damage and incurring future<br />

costs.<br />

Tree “C”<br />

Tree Cisoutside<br />

the fall zone.<br />

Contactus:<br />

mainpower.co.nz<br />

info@mainpower.co.nz<br />

08003090 80<br />

Tree “D” is inside<br />

the fall zone and<br />

would damage<br />

the network.<br />

Furtherinformation on theElectricity (Hazards from<br />

Trees) Regulations can be found on our website:<br />

mainpower.co.nz.<br />

If youhave anyconcernsabout MainPower’sservice,<br />

please callMainPoweron0800 30 90 80 to access<br />

our complaintresolution service.<br />

If we areunabletoresolve acomplaint to your<br />

satisfaction, Utilities Disputes Ltd (UDL) provides a<br />

free and independent servicewhich canreviewand<br />

further investigate the issues foryou.<br />

UDL can be contacted on 0800 22 33 40,<br />

communications@udl.co.nz or visit www.udl.co.nz.

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

17<br />

Tennis Centre opening delayed<br />


Slow progressisbeing made on the<br />

MainPower Tennis Centre in Rangiora,<br />

pushing back the completion date.<br />

Coldstream TennisClub president<br />

LawrenceSmithsays theywere hoping to<br />

open their new clubrooms at the start of<br />

this year's season, but supply issues have<br />

caused hold ups.<br />

‘‘Nowit’s unfortunately looking like it<br />

won’tbeopened until the end of the<br />

<strong>2023</strong>/2024 season in March next year.’’<br />

‘‘Thebiggest delay was withthe roofing<br />

support metal and fabrication. It’staken<br />

longer than planned, but we are looking<br />

forward to seeing the roofbeing installed<br />

shortly.’’<br />

The style of the multi­million dollar<br />

centre is designed to blend in withthe<br />

neighbouring MainPower Stadium.<br />

The construction of thecentremarks the<br />

thirdstage of the ColdstreamTennis Club's<br />

complex building process.<br />

The complexcame aboutafter the<br />

Rangiora and Southbrook Tennis clubs<br />

sold their propertiesand pooled their<br />

moneytobuildanew complexfor<br />

members.<br />

‘‘TheWaimakariri DistrictCouncil<br />

helped us out and providedthe land.’’<br />

Stageone of the nearly $3 millionfacility<br />

was the constructionand tar sealing of the<br />

playing courts at the combined club's new<br />

site at 289 Coldstream Road, Rangiora.<br />

Stagetwo was the resurfacing of the 10<br />

new courts and the installation of lighting<br />

facilities.<br />

Stagethree is the construction of the<br />

new MainPower Tennis Centrewhich,<br />

when completed, will offer meeting rooms,<br />

office spaces, akitchen and bar catering<br />

facilities, apro shopand men’sand<br />

women’s changing facilities.<br />

On its way ... Work continues on the new MainPower Tennis centre which is owned and<br />

operated by Coldstream Tennis Club. President Lawrence Smith says the roof will soon be<br />

on but sadly the proposed opening date for this year has had to be rescheduled to early<br />

next year because of supply issues.<br />


Stage four willbethe completion of<br />

landscaping work aroundthe centre.<br />

‘‘Waiting for the metal work to be done<br />

hasn’t been fun,but it’s all finally coming<br />

together,’’ says Lawrence.<br />

He saysthat the club’s firstfull season<br />

on the new blue courts has been verywell<br />

received, with the club’s membership<br />

numbersdoubling.<br />

‘‘We have some greateventscoming up<br />

this season including the annualTennis<br />

New Zealand Love Tennis Day, on Sunday,<br />

<strong>September</strong>10, from 10am to 4pm.<br />

‘‘It’s an open day heldbyclubs all over<br />

the country,for everyone to come down<br />

and have ago.<br />

‘‘We supply rackets and ballsand our<br />

club coachwill be on handtohelp people<br />

learnall about the game.’’<br />

New opportunities for club members<br />

and those wanting acasual gameoftennis<br />

will soon include an online court booking<br />

service, for anyone wanting agame under<br />

the new outdoorlights.<br />

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DINING<br />

ENTRY<br />



GARAGE<br />

LIVING<br />

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<br />

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<br />

<br />


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<br />

LIVING<br />

DINING<br />


BEDROOM 2<br />

<br />

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NEWS<br />

18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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Fun art ... Kaiapoi East Residents Association secretary Maree Hazeldine looks over the<br />

tennis balls on show in an art installation created to encourage dog owners to use the<br />

area’s around a‘tennis ball tree’ that has sprung up in recent months in Kaiapoi’s red<br />

zone.<br />


Acurious creation<br />


The curious creation of atennis ball<br />

tree has caught the eye of dog walkers<br />

in Kaiapoi’s Red Zone.<br />

Whilenot an actual species of tree, a<br />

deciduous tree in one of the 800 former<br />

houselots now cleared in the red zone,<br />

has become an impromptuart feature<br />

for all the dogs usingthe large open<br />

spaces of the zone.<br />

Kaiapoi East Residents Association<br />

chairMichelle MacWilliam says it’s a<br />

bit of an eye catcher –atree adorned<br />

with multiplechewed ‘Optic Yellow’<br />

coloured tennisballs.<br />

‘‘It suddenly appeared abouttwo to<br />

threemonths ago.<br />

‘‘Theballswere pickedupbylocals<br />

out walking their dogs after other dogs<br />

or theirown had chewed themup.<br />

‘‘They are all munted as the tennis<br />

ballsoftoday don’t seem to be that<br />

hardy, so people started placing them<br />

on the branchesofthe tree as an art<br />

installation to inviteotherowners and<br />

walkerstodiscover the openspaces of<br />

the red zone.’’<br />

She saysthe large open spaces in<br />

Kaiapoi East are one of the nicest<br />

places dog owners can safely play<br />

fetchwith theirdogs.<br />

‘‘While the nearbydog parksare<br />

important,some owners and theirdogs<br />

oftenget intimidatedbythe larger<br />

dogs running around in the enclosed<br />

parks, especially whenthey want to<br />

play fetch.<br />

‘‘Thespace eastofthe softball<br />

courts,onthe left as you go down to<br />

AskeatonDrive,aroundthe old Kirk<br />

Street parkisanexcellent place for<br />

dogs to run free off the leash and it’s<br />

largeenough to allowseveraldogs to<br />

play fetchwithout them annoying each<br />

other.’’<br />

She saysaslong as dogsowners are<br />

attentivetowhat others are doing,<br />

then everyonecan safely workinthe<br />

space.<br />

‘‘Thetennis balltree and the open<br />

spaces have started to attract dog<br />

owners from nearby communities and<br />

thereisenough space for everyone to<br />

get along.’’<br />

Dog ownerowner Melanie Robinson,<br />

of Kaiapoi,says she lovestaking her<br />

10­year­old Cavalier King Charles<br />

Poodle cross, Stella, for walks in the<br />

park.‘‘It’s quite cooltosee the tennis<br />

ball tree every day as we go pastiton<br />

our daily walks, it fits in nicely with all<br />

the blossoms and flowers springing up<br />

everywhere here,’’ she said.<br />

Pick up your dog’spoo and bin it.<br />

Drains go straight to our rivers<br />

and sea,help keep them clean.<br />

Protectour waterways<br />

ecan.govt.nz/stormwater<br />


Join our Open Days<br />

in <strong>September</strong><br />

Warmer months arejustaroundthe corner<br />

That means gardensneed to be prepared, repairsand maintenance planned,<br />

andspringcleaningstarted.<br />

Here at ourSummersetvillages in Christchurch,we’re busygetting thevillages<br />

readytoo.But ourresidents don’tneed to liftafinger, as we take care of the<br />

chores, leavingthem to spend theirdayshow best they wish.Althoughsome<br />

do still love to look aftertheir gardensofcourse.<br />

If you’ve ever beencurious aboutvillage lifewithfewerchores,now could be<br />

thetime. We’reholdinganOpenDay everyThursdayin<strong>September</strong> between<br />

10am and2pm, so you canget ataste of theSummersetlifeatthree of our<br />

Christchurch villagesthatour residentslove so much.<br />

Love thelifeyou choose<br />

2019-<strong>2023</strong><br />

Aged Aged Care & Retirement<br />

Villages<br />

Villages<br />

Open Days<br />

EveryThursdayin<strong>September</strong>,10am–2pm<br />

Summerset Prebbleton |03353 6312<br />

Summerset on Cavendish |03 7413340<br />

Summerset at Avonhead |03 357 3202<br />

Imageisindicative.<br />


NEWS<br />

20 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Early bird ticket time for food fest tickets<br />

The Glenmark Reserve will againhost<br />

the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Wineand Food<br />

Festival.<br />

The festival, on March 3, 2024, is an<br />

opportunity to taste and enjoy local wine,<br />

food and entertainment.<br />

Atotal of 500 tickets are available now<br />

at the earlybird rate.<br />

Jon Holmes, festival director says, they<br />

were thrilled with the <strong>2023</strong> event, having<br />

had to canceltwice in previousyears due<br />

to Covid restrictions. They were now<br />

looking forward to the 2024 event.<br />

‘‘This is one of themost unique<br />

festivals in the country, staying true to its<br />

rootsasacelebration before the busy<br />

harvestseasonfor the wineries.<br />

‘‘It’s brilliant to see it so well supported<br />

by people all over <strong>Canterbury</strong>,’’<br />

More than 20 wine producers will be on<br />

site, offering the chancetosample their<br />

products.<br />

There willbearange of delicious<br />

options fromlocal chefs, bakers,makers<br />

and food trucks tempting people’s taste<br />

budswith gourmet burgersand wood­fire<br />

pizza to vegansalads or sweet treats.<br />

The festival willalso feature live<br />

music, talks,and demonstrations.There<br />

willbeplenty of activitiesfor the whole<br />

family, including face­painting, and a<br />

petting zoo.<br />

Early birdtickets are on salefrom<br />

<strong>September</strong> 13, startingfrom $30 per<br />

person.<br />

Bookatncwineandfood.co.nz, and<br />

follow the festival’s socials for updates<br />

and announcements.<br />

Under 18s are freetoattend with a<br />

paying adult.<br />

Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />



3-11 February 2024 |Ōtepoti -Dunedin<br />

www.nzmg.com<br />



The<br />

Widest<br />

Music<br />

Variety<br />

Artwork off to Te Papa<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

When aRangiora High Schoolpupil<br />

volunteeredtohelp makenew kapa<br />

haka uniforms he never imagined it<br />

would lead to his artwork being chosen<br />

for anational exhibition.<br />

But year 10 pupilTiakihana<br />

Tavendale’s efforts in makingamaro<br />

(the piupiu apronboys wear in kapa<br />

haka performances) caughtthe<br />

attention of head of creative arts, Claire<br />

Aldhamland.<br />

On Friday the maro,made entirely<br />

from harakeke /flax, was packed at and<br />

sent off to Wellington to appear in Te<br />

Papa’sRingaToi exhibition.<br />

‘‘As his work developed Icould see his<br />

mahi was outstanding so Isuggested we<br />

enter him in level one NCEA so he could<br />

gain somerecognitionfor his work.’’<br />

It soon became clear the work would<br />

qualify for an excellence grade,soMs<br />

Aldhamland decided to apply for the<br />

annualRinga Toil exhibition for<br />

secondary school students with afocus<br />

on Toi Māori and Pacific arts.<br />

Tiakihana only foundout lastweek<br />

his artworkhad beenaccepted and the<br />

race was on to get it ready.<br />

‘‘I was so happy because I’vedone all<br />

this work and to be recognised is quite<br />

special,’’ he said.<br />

Tiakihana, who is of NgāiTahu<br />

descent, has been amember of the<br />

school’s kapahaka group since last<br />

year.<br />

When he heardstaffwere going to<br />

make new kapa haka uniforms, he<br />

decided to join the teachers after<br />

school.<br />

The project has beensupported by the<br />

Puketeraki Kāhui Ako (Rangiora<br />

community of learning), with former<br />

Rangiora HighSchool pupils Morehu<br />

Flutey­Henare and Sue Tipene offering<br />

some tutoring.<br />

Tiakihana learned how to harvest the<br />

harakeke /flax from scratch, extracting<br />

the stems, fibre and threadheneeded<br />

from the raw flax.<br />

While the stems were dyed in<br />

Rangiora HighSchool colours,<br />

Tiakihana was able to tell his own story<br />

Cultural attire ... Rangiora High School<br />

pupil Tiakihana Tavendale was excited to<br />

send his artwork to Te Papa last week.<br />


in his art.<br />

‘‘The stepsrepresent the steps of<br />

learning and strength and the muka<br />

(fibre) represents my teachers who have<br />

made an impactonmylife.’’<br />

Tiakihana is keen to learn about his<br />

culture and represented the school in<br />

the Ngā Manu Kōrero inter­school<br />

speechcompetition this yearwith his<br />

speech‘‘Unapologetically Māori’’.<br />

Next yearheplans to enteraspeech<br />

entirely in Te Reo.<br />

Ms Aldhamlandsaid it was the first<br />

time Rangiora HighSchool had applied<br />

to enter astudent’s artworkinaTePapa<br />

exhibition.<br />

‘‘I neverexpectedtobeable to say<br />

that I’vegot astudent exhibiting at Te<br />

Papa.<br />

‘‘But Ithink it is the start of something<br />

because now we know the process.’’<br />

Public interestjournalism funded<br />

through New ZealandonAir.

SEPTEMBER<strong>2023</strong><br />

HDC NEWS...<br />

What's happening Hurunui?<br />


There's somany options for how to get rid of your broccoli stalks, egg shells, apple cores….<br />

Some methods are listed below, and there will be some we'd love tolearn about.<br />

Which of the following options do you currently use todispose ofyour food waste?<br />

Home compost heap or compost bin, abokashi composting kit, aworm farm, you have chickens or pigs,<br />

you donate your food waste to someone else for their animal, you give to acommunity compost<br />

programme, or maybe something else?<br />

Let us know, email feedback@hurunui.govt.nz, or drop into one of our service centres and write itdown.<br />

Thank you.<br />


You might notice blue circles on some of the stormwater manholes in Cheviot, they'll soon be in Waikari and<br />

Hawarden too.<br />

They are the tops ofantennas (head units) which hang from the manhole lid inside the inspection shaft. Via a<br />

Bluetooth connection, they communicate with abeacon which is attached by abraided stainless steel cable,<br />

(the sensor), hanging below the lid. This system is non-mechanical and foul-proof. The alert is an early<br />

warning that the wastewater system is filling up more than it should be, and action might need to be taken<br />

such as getting asucker truck to remove some ofthe contents. This creates more visibility ofthe network,<br />

which is especially helpful when weather events occur.<br />

It also means upgrades within the network can be prioritised. The rollout of this technology around Hurunui<br />

will be in stages, including expanding it into the stormwater network.<br />

Meetings<br />

5 Council meeting (Presentations) 9.30am (Venue:<br />

Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

7 Audit and Risk Committee 9.00am (Venue:<br />

Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

12 Strategy and Community Committee 9.30am<br />

(Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

13 South Ward Committee 7.00pm (Venue: Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley)<br />

13 CEO Performance Review Subcommittee<br />

1.00pm (Public Excluded) (Venue: Councillor’s<br />

Lounge, Amberley Council Building)<br />

18 Hanmer Springs Community Board 1.00pm<br />

(Venue: The Gallery, Hanmer Springs Library)<br />

19 Operations Committee 9.30am (Venue: Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley)<br />

20 Amuri Community Committee 7.00pm (Venue:<br />

Hillcrest Chambers, Culverden)<br />

26 Council meeting 9.30am (Venue: Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley)<br />

28 Cheviot Community Committee 6.00pm (Venue:<br />

Cheviot Library/Service Centre)<br />

In brief<br />


You can now purchase rubbish and recycling bags<br />

at Countdown Supermarket in Amberley.<br />

5rubbish bags $20, 5recycling bags $3.<br />

Available in packs offive only.<br />


Amberley Beach: Sunday <strong>September</strong> 24, 1.00pm.<br />

Leithfield Beach: Sunday <strong>September</strong> 24, 1.30pm.<br />

Stabilising road sides around Hurunui.<br />

Those blue dots -stormwater technology<br />



Rail safety work happening at the Douglas Road level crossing, Amberley, is the placement of yellow hoops<br />

in the footpath on approach to the crossing, so pedestrians have to take notice of the train track environment.<br />

Thanks to KiwiRail and Downer for the materials and work to make this possible.<br />


The Amberley to Kowai Watermain replacement is now complete. Last Friday the final walkthrough and<br />

survey of the 4.5km pipeline took place. All of the existing property connections are now running from the new<br />

DN280 PE pipeline. There are outstanding items to be carried out as the weather improves over the coming<br />

months -for example, pipeline trench reinstatement, roadside berm soiling works and grass seeding, and<br />

driveway reinstatement. Amassive thank you to all the residents who have been affected by these works, for<br />

your understanding and cooperation during this time. This pipe upgrade is to future-proof this area of the<br />

district for future growth, and was budgeted into the Long Term Plan.<br />


Road cones dotted around roadsides may be marking out areas where brushwall (or willow wall) work is<br />

happening. These walls help stabilise road sides which incurred slips during the heavy rain in July throughout<br />

Hurunui. Ngaroma Road and Lake Sumner Road have recently had some of this work done.<br />


Some significant drinking water projects have recently been ticked off ascompleted. This includes the new<br />

Amuri Treatment shed which houses upgraded drinking water infrastructure, the pump shed on Lake Sumner<br />

Road which marks the final piece of the project for the Waikari Basin Scheme - merging the Upper Waitohi<br />

Scheme, the Hawarden Waikari Scheme and the Peaks Scheme. The new Culverden treatment plant is now<br />

up and running, marking another new state of the art drinking water system for Hurunui District. These<br />

projects help to future-proof the district, and were budgeted for in the Council's Long Term Plan.<br />

Vernal equinox will beSaturday <strong>September</strong>, at6:49 pm. It is the moment when the sun is exactly<br />

above the equator, and day and night are of equal length. It also happened on March 21.<br />


<strong>September</strong> is KNZB Month. What's going on in<br />

your community to get behind this great cause?<br />

Please email us your action photos,<br />

feedback@hurunui.govt.nz, subject line KNZB<br />


Hurunui Community Driver Mentor Programme has<br />

received funding from Mayors Taskforce for Jobs<br />

to cover the lease of asecond vehicle for ayear,<br />

to help more people gain aDriver Licence.<br />


This subsidy towards the cost of your rates (up to<br />

$750 for this rating year) is in relation to your total<br />

household income. If you are a low income<br />

homeowner, you may beeligible. Application forms<br />

are available at all service centres, or<br />

downloaded from the DIA website (there is a link<br />

on our website, type in the search bar Rates<br />

Rebate). If you applied for a Rates Rebate last<br />

year, you have already been sent an application<br />

form for this rating year.<br />


Applications are now open, close on Monday<br />

October 9. Visit our website, under Awards and<br />

Funding.<br />

PHONE US:<br />

Amberley: 03314 8816.<br />

Cheviot Freephone: 03319 8812.<br />

Amuri &Hanmer Springs Freephone: 03 315 8400.<br />

info@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

www.hurunu i.govt.nz<br />

Hurunui District Council


OUT NOW!<br />

OVER 600<br />

PHRASES,<br />

JOKES, AND<br />

SONGS<br />

FiveCrowns<br />

CardGame<br />

Fur Furby Purpl e $ 99.99<br />

ea<br />

Usually $109.99<br />

5 VOICE<br />


MODES OF<br />

FUN<br />

INTRO<br />

PRICE<br />

$<br />

99 99<br />

Elite 2.0<br />

Double Punch<br />

Usually $59.99<br />


20 % OFF<br />

$<br />

47.<br />

99<br />

ea<br />

$<br />

47 99<br />

Set FamilyGame of<br />

Visual Perception<br />

Dutch Blitz<br />

Usually<br />

$34.99<br />

Quiddler<br />

Short<br />

Word<br />

Game<br />

$<br />

29 99 ea<br />

ActiveSwing<br />

Set With<br />

Slide<br />

Usually $659.99<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

60<br />

$ 99<br />

599. ea<br />

Mermaidcorn<br />

Surprise<br />

Usually $59.99<br />

$<br />

49 99 ea<br />

Plush<br />

Cuddlekins<br />

$<br />

29 99 ea<br />

SAVE<br />

$10<br />

Park and Go<br />

Garage<br />

Usually $139.99<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

40<br />

$ 99 99 99. ea<br />

EliteSwing<br />

Set 6 in 1<br />

Usually $529.99<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

50<br />

$ 99<br />

479. ea<br />

LEARN<br />

TO RIDE!<br />



WITH NO<br />


PICK UP!<br />

54˝ Plush<br />

Snake<br />

$<br />

24 99 ea<br />

Off Road<br />

BalanceBike<br />

Usually $349.99<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

100<br />

$<br />

249.<br />

99<br />

ea<br />


EcoSplat! Reusable<br />

WaterBalloons 4Pk<br />

Usually $26.99<br />

$<br />

22 99 ea<br />

Standard<br />

Swing Set<br />

3 In 1<br />

Usually $379.99<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

50<br />

$ 99<br />

329. ea<br />

Massey Ferguson<br />

Tractor and Trailer<br />

Usually $159.99<br />

Cat Excavator<br />

Usually $219.99<br />

$<br />

174 99 ea<br />

$<br />

129 99 ea<br />

Man Truck with<br />

Excavator or TGS<br />

Side Load Garbage<br />

Truck<br />

Usually $199.99<br />

Scania Stock<br />

Truck<br />

Usually $239.99<br />

$<br />

194 99 ea<br />

Articulated<br />

Road Loader<br />

Usually $84.99<br />

New Zealand’s BEST<br />


$<br />

67 99 ea<br />

$<br />

149 99 ea<br />


• Layaway heldupto17thDecember, <strong>2023</strong><br />

• Payments instoreorbyInternet Banking<br />

• Atleast fortnightly payments required<br />

• CancellationFees apply<br />

• 48hour noticefor pickup (as somelayaways stored offsite)<br />

• Photo ID required forcreatingLayaway<br />

Instore Specials–Christchurch stores only -not online

PLUS<br />


Y<br />

See instore for Terms and Conditions.<br />

16<br />

1:16 RC RaceBoat<br />

Blue#39<br />

Usually $119.99<br />

5in 1 Easel<br />

or Walker<br />

with Blocks<br />

Usually $129.99<br />

SAVE TS<br />

$<br />

20<br />

$ 99 99 99. ea<br />

$<br />

99 99 ea<br />

Tiny Tots<br />

Plus Trike/<br />

Bike<br />

Assorted<br />

colours<br />

Usually $219.99<br />


FROM<br />

TRIKE TO<br />


BIKE<br />

John Deere<br />

Ride-on<br />

Tractor<br />

Usually $79.99<br />

$<br />

69 99 ea<br />

$<br />

199 99 ea<br />

Graffiti RC<br />

Race Car<br />

Usually $19.99<br />

$<br />

16 99 ea<br />



ROBOT<br />

Intelligent<br />

Programming<br />

Tyrannosaurs Rex<br />

Usually$179.99<br />

RC Mario Kart Mini<br />

Mario<br />

Usually $69.99<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

30<br />

$ 149 99 149. ea<br />

$<br />

59 99 ea<br />

Rock Crawler<br />

Pro Series<br />

Usually $199.99<br />

Ontothe Podium or<br />

Paw Patrol Ready Race<br />

Rescue<br />

Usually $199.99<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

30<br />

$ 169 99 169. ea<br />

$<br />

159 99 ea<br />

Rock<br />

Zilla 2<br />

Usually $239.99<br />

Sprinkler<br />

Rainbow Cloud<br />

Usually $159.99<br />

Unicorn<br />

Spray<br />

Pool<br />

Age 2+<br />

Usually $109.99<br />

SAVE<br />

$<br />

40<br />

$ 199 99 199. ea<br />

$<br />

40<br />

$ 119 99 119. ea<br />

$20<br />

SAVE<br />

SAVE<br />

Surf RiderSingle (4.8m)<br />

Usually $34.99<br />

Insanity<br />

Rage Fire<br />

Usually<br />

$119.99<br />

$<br />

99 99 ea<br />

$<br />

27 99 ea<br />

Wave<br />

Rider<br />

Double<br />

(4.8m)<br />

with 2<br />

Boogies<br />

Usually<br />

$49.99<br />

$<br />

39 99 ea<br />

RC Hell Rider<br />

Usually $119.99<br />

$<br />

94 99 ea<br />

$<br />

89 99 ea<br />

RC Metal<br />

Gear<br />

Peugeot<br />

RedBull<br />

WRX208<br />

Usually<br />

$149.99<br />

Max Performance<br />

Usually $249.99<br />

$<br />

199 99 ea<br />

Whale SprayPool<br />

Age 2+<br />

Usually $89.99<br />

$<br />

69 99 ea<br />

Triple<br />

Racer<br />

(4.8m)<br />

with 3<br />

Boogies<br />

Usually<br />

$79.99<br />

$<br />

129 99 ea<br />

$<br />

69 99 ea<br />


NZ’sBiggestTOYWORLD<br />

Clarence St, Riccarton, Ph 03 3430330<br />


199 Marshland Rd,<br />

Ph 03 982 8697<br />

HORNBY<br />

Chalmers St,<br />

Ph 03 281 8127<br />

Promotion Ends<br />

17th <strong>September</strong>, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Terms and conditions<br />

apply. Instore Specials<br />

–Christchurch stores<br />

only -not online

Love your home<br />

R.Grant Electrical, always<br />

ready to go the extra mile<br />

Chris Johnston and<br />

the team at R.Grant<br />

Electrical.<br />

Chris with one of the newest sign-written vans.<br />

R.Grant Electrical is your one<br />

stop shop for all electrical<br />

installation and maintenance<br />

needs.<br />

It is atrusted company,with a<br />

long standing reputation built<br />

over 44 years of high quality,and<br />

affordable services to its <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> clients.<br />

The company is always there<br />

to help.<br />

And to make the entire process<br />

run smoother,owner Chris<br />

Johnston has brought on board<br />

Jordan Dell as project manager to<br />

help with all the intricate details<br />

needed to do aquality job which<br />

comes in on time.<br />

R.Grant Electrical and its great<br />

crew of technicians can turn<br />

their hands to awide range of<br />

electrical assignments.<br />

The company specialises in new<br />

home installations and renovation<br />

to re-wiring. Its electricians are<br />

also very capable of designing<br />

and installing lighting set ups,<br />

creating TV,data, audio and<br />

home theatre arrangements, and<br />

doing electrical alterations and<br />

upgrades.<br />

R.Grant Electrical also<br />

specialise in the creation of<br />

efficient securityand alarm<br />

systems, plus the installation of<br />

heat pumps.<br />

Residential, commercial and<br />

industrial maintenance, testing<br />

and tagging, inspections and<br />

much more are also an important<br />

part of the work R.Grant<br />

Electrical carries out.<br />

The team is local, and can be on<br />

the ground quickly to help when<br />

needed.<br />

R.Grant Electrical electricians<br />

can service the electrical needs<br />

of awide variety of valued<br />

clients spread across the entire<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> region, and often also<br />

in the West Coast, if needed.<br />

Chris is alocal, and earlier<br />

this year welcomed Sadie, his<br />

youngest to his and Ashlee’s<br />

expanding family.<br />

Chris says he is looking<br />

forward to continuing to make<br />

R.Grant Electrical, atrusted firm<br />

continuing to provide ahigh<br />

standard of work.<br />

He is keen to keep the bond that<br />

has been built up with customers,<br />

and to grow the name and brand<br />

within <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,and<br />

continue the R.Grant legacy of<br />

quality service, and prompt and<br />

efficient service.<br />

For all your electrical needs,<br />

contact the team at R.Grant<br />

Electrical on 027 432 1534,<br />

(03) 313 7144 or email:<br />

info@rgrantelectrical.com<br />

RetrofitDouble Glazing<br />

Replacement Windows<br />

Frameless Showers<br />

Splashbacks<br />

Balustrades<br />

Mirrors<br />

Security Doors<br />

Window Maintenance<br />

1High Street, Rangiora | 03 313 1733<br />

leah.stewart@hagley.co.nz<br />

2567154<br />

We’re here to help you<br />

with every stage of your<br />

life, from the cradle to<br />

the grave:<br />

• Contracting Out<br />

Agreements;<br />

• Separations;<br />

• Buying/Selling property;<br />

• Retirement Village Advice;<br />

• Wills and estate planning;<br />

• Enduring Powers of<br />

Attorney; and<br />

• Estate administration<br />



7Ashley Street, Rangiora | 03 310 6464<br />

admin@law4you.co.nz | www.law4you.co.nz<br />

2553291v1<br />


NOW OPEN<br />

Monday to Thursday 9am -3pm,<br />

Closed Friday<br />

Contact us<br />

for afree<br />

consultation<br />

for Curtains,<br />

Romans,<br />

Rollers and<br />

more<br />

Phone 03 327 4919<br />

Mauds Soft Furnishings<br />

88 Williams Street,<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

(up long driveway)<br />

www.mauds.co.nz<br />

2484095v6<br />

Matthews Roofing Limited<br />

Specialists inLongrun<br />

Coloursteel Roofing and<br />

Guttering Systems<br />

2429862v1<br />

We supply and install long run metal roofing,<br />

fascia and spouting.<br />

PO Box 54, Kaiapoi<br />

Mobile:027 2458140<br />

Email: J_amatthews@xtra.co.nz<br />

p 03 313 7144 | e info@rgrantelectrical.com<br />

Mention this advert &receive $50 off your next job<br />

• New Houses • Heatpumps<br />

• Alterations • TV &Data<br />

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• Test &Tagging • Audio &HomeTheatre<br />

• Inspections &much more<br />

www.rgrantelectrical.com<br />

2550149v7<br />

Specialising in:<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

•New Residential Builds<br />

•Septic Tanks<br />

•E1Sewer Pump<br />

For afree, no obligation quote contact:<br />

Ray Vincent 021 212 7885<br />

ray@drainpro.co.nz<br />


Love your home<br />

Day Bros Painters manages the whole project from start tofinish<br />

DayBrosPaintershas been servingthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>community formore than 30 years.<br />

Itsorigins date back to the1980’swhen<br />

brothers Graham andKevin Day formed the<br />

company.<br />

The company has a committed and<br />

hardworking team, and offers everything<br />

from planning to completion of projects, from<br />

Christchurch to Kaikoura.<br />

Day Bros has residential, commercial and<br />

industrial clients, and has tackled a number of<br />

insurance and earthquake jobs in recent years,<br />

particularly in thenorthernpartofthe region.<br />

Thisexperience has allowed DayBrostosee a<br />

gapinthe market in helping clients to manage<br />

projects, taking thehassleaway from them<br />

having to deal with othertrades andcontractors<br />

to get the job done, be it a kitchen, a bathroom<br />

make-over, repairs, maintenance or building<br />

work.<br />

No matter the size of the job, the company<br />

can handle all aspects of finishing, plastering,<br />

maintenance, renovations, decorating,<br />

repainting, roof repaints, specialised coating<br />

systems,brush application, airlessspraying, and<br />

colours.<br />

DayBros uses qualityproducts, andisa<br />

member ofMaster Painters NZ.<br />

Major painting projects completed in recent<br />

years include the historic Highfield Woolshed<br />

at Waiau, the Waiau Community Pool and<br />

churches at Waiau and Waikari.<br />

Day Bros Painters was part of the rebuild in<br />

Westport, and had a team working hard getting<br />

work completed for flood affected clients.<br />

When it comes to hazardous substances, the<br />

DayBrosteam works in with othercontractors<br />

whotheycan callonfor removalofasbestosand<br />

methamphetaminecontamination.<br />

It also prides itself on advising on different<br />

aspects of awork projectifthe clientisstuck for<br />

ideas.<br />

Day Bros can sit down and help you with you<br />

colour selections, and the team leaves all work<br />

sites clean and tidy.<br />

“We pride ourselves on that. We take special<br />

care of people’s property, and especially their<br />

gardens,” the company says.<br />

The Day Bros fleet ...Day Bros Painters are committed to<br />

providing acomplete service from planning right through to<br />

the completion of your project.<br />

Raymond Barrow’s<br />

2555567v2<br />

Interior Solutions, is proudly one<br />

of <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s leading benchtop<br />

manufacturers, specialising in<br />

acrylic solid surface, engineered<br />

stone, vanities and much more.<br />

Ph 03 310 7371<br />

288 Flaxton Road<br />

info@interiorsolutions.net.nz<br />

2521276v3<br />

Your<br />

Preferred<br />

Choice of Glazier<br />


Covering all glass, including...<br />

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repairs<br />

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...and Much More<br />

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•Security Screens,<br />

Stays &Doors<br />

•Safety Glass<br />

10 Albert Street, Rangiora<br />

03 313 5335<br />

www.northcanterburyglass.co.nz<br />

For All Things<br />

Residential, Commercial and Auto<br />

• Oak Oval &Round Frames<br />

• NZ Paua Shell<br />

• Memorabilia Framing<br />

• Custom Framing<br />

• Rectangular Frames<br />

2429<strong>07</strong>1v1<br />

• Original Art<br />

• Prints<br />

• Jewellery<br />

• Needleworks<br />

• NZ Greenstone<br />

• Gifts • Souvenirs • Gallery • Medals<br />

&much more!<br />

10 Cone Street, Rangiora<br />

03 313 5474<br />

sales@cameofinearts.co.nz<br />

www.cameofinearts.co.nz<br />

Forget The Rest -Come To The Best<br />

Day Bros Painters and Plasterers are able to<br />

handle your whole job -Nomore dealing with two<br />

different trades!<br />

We offer free quotes and service <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide.<br />

Residential and commercial properties.<br />

We specialise in:<br />

painting<br />

plastering<br />

roof spraying<br />

specialised coating systems<br />

airless spraying<br />

water blasting<br />

Local, family owned business who hasbeen in<br />

business for over 30years.<br />

Members of master painters.<br />

Please contact Dan for afree quote<br />

on 0275 340 878<br />

Email: office@daybrospainters.co.nz<br />

www.daybrospainters.co.nz<br />

2492417v1<br />

<br />

<br />

Phone: 03 343 1651<br />

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think<br />

outside<br />

the boring<br />

black box.<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

472 Blenheim Road, Sockburn. Phone: 03 343 1651

NEWS<br />

26 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Rock‘n’Wheels 13th gathering at Amberley<br />

Massive ... The large line up of classic muscle cars, custom cars, vintage and modern sports cars, minis, trucks and motorcycles at the<br />

13th annual Rock ‘n’ Wheels meet held at the Amberley Domain on Sunday.<br />


Jeeped ... Keith McKenzie (left) of Amberley, and Don Hartill of the<br />

West Coast chat about the restored 1942 Ford GPW on show.<br />

Tiny cars ... James Crampton (15) of Amberley, looks over acouple of unique BMW Isella 300+ micro cars dating<br />

from the late 1950s.<br />

Living up to it’s name ... Gary Marton of Waikuku fixes aleak that sprang on his 1955 Chev<br />

Sedan delivery wagon named ‘Hot as hell’ as he arrived on Sunday. Gary bought the car<br />

in 2014 from the USA as astreet drag car. “It’s a9.4 second car,” he said.<br />

Welcome ... Bob Dronfield of the Amberley Squash Club, man’s the gate as he welcomes<br />

Henry Little with his 39 Chev Master Deluxe to the Amberley Showgrounds.<br />

Fred’s Pig Farm ... Ian Wright of Amberley, drew many praises for<br />

his creativity with his custom home­built Austin ute.<br />

Snapping away ... Car enthusiasts of all ages were out at the meet, marvelling at the wide assortment of vehicles<br />

on display.

2019 Corolla GXHatch<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Satnav,5-StarSafety<br />

•Camera, Only 33,200kms<br />

$<br />

23,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Satnav,Camera,Phone Connect<br />

•Only 33,700kms<br />

$<br />

23,995<br />

2021 Corolla SX Hybrid<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Satnav,Keyless,Bluetooth<br />

•Only 28,300kms.<br />

WAS$33,995<br />

NOW $ 32,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXBlack<br />

Edition<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys, Satnav,<br />

•Apple&AndroidConnect,5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 33,700kms<br />

$<br />

27,995,<br />

2018 Toyota Aqua Hybrid<br />

•1.5LPetrolHybrid, 3.5L/100km<br />

•Climate Air, Rebate Eligible<br />

•86,250kms<br />

$<br />

15,995<br />

2013Toyota PriusC<br />

•1.5LHybrid Petrol, NZ New<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth, Keyless<br />

•4.3L/100kms<br />

WAS$11,995<br />

$ NOW 10,995<br />

2018 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Half Leather,Only4.2L/100km<br />

•Only 25,700kms<br />

$<br />

33,995<br />

2018 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

•1.8LHybrid Petrol; 5-Star Safety<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth, Half-Leather<br />

•Only 9,950kms<br />

2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Satnav,Camera, InfernoRed<br />

•Only 26,250kms<br />

2017 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol; 5-Star Safety,<br />

•Bluetooth, Camera, Half-Leather<br />

•Only 24,200km<br />

2017 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

• 1.8L Hybrid Petrol; 5-Star Safety<br />

•Two Tone,Bluetooth, Camera, Leather<br />

•Only21,850kms<br />

2018 Toyota C-HR<br />

•1.2LPetrolTurbo2WD,5-Star Safety<br />

•Satnav,Camera, NZ New,Bluetooth<br />

•83,550kms<br />

$<br />

35,995 $<br />

23,995<br />

$<br />

33,995<br />

$<br />

33,995 $<br />

22,995<br />

2021 CamryHybrid GX<br />

•2.5LHybrid Petrol, 5-Star Safety, Camera<br />

•Keyless,Android/AppleConnect<br />

•Only 30,100kms<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

2020 Rav4 Hybrid Limited<br />

•2.5LHybrid Petrol Auto,5-StarSafety<br />

•360 Camera, Sunroof<br />

•Leather,67,400kms<br />

2018 Rav4 GXLAWD<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Satnav,Keyless, Camera<br />

•Climate Air<br />

$<br />

51,995 $<br />

23,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

•2.5LPetrol8-Speed Auto,Camera<br />

•5Star Safety, Satnav, Keyless<br />

•Only 45,500kms<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

2016 Aqua CrossHybrid 2016 Aqua CrossHybrid<br />

•1.5LHybrid Petrol, 3.9L/100km<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, 3.9L/100km<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth, Half Leather<br />

•Half Leather,Keyless<br />

•49,600kms<br />

•Climate Air<br />

$<br />

21,995<br />

$<br />

23,995<br />

2022 Rav4 GX 2WD<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys, Satnav<br />

•5-Star Safety, Camera<br />

•Only 35,800kms<br />

$<br />

40,995<br />

2017 HiluxSR2WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, Roof Racking<br />

•Canopy, 69,550kms<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

2020 Rav4 Adventure AWD<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto, 5-Star Safety, Satnav<br />

•Keyless,360 Camera, SunRoof<br />

•Only 27,000kms<br />

$<br />

47,995<br />

2020 Rav4 Hybrid AWD<br />

•2.5LHybrid Petrol, Leather,5-StarSafety<br />

•360 Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 29,300kms<br />

WAS$49,995<br />

NOW $ 47,995<br />

2022 Rav4GX2WD<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Satnav,Bluetooth, Camera,6.7L/100km<br />

•Only 31,100kms<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 Cruiser 2WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 5-StarSafety<br />

•Leather, Satnav,Keyless,Camera<br />

•70,000kms<br />

$<br />

40,995 $<br />

44,995<br />

2017 LandCruiserPrado TX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 7-Seater<br />

•Leather,Keyless,Camera<br />

•Only 37,150kms<br />

WAS$63,995<br />

NOW $ 57,995<br />

2019 Toyota FortunerGXL<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 5-StarSafety<br />

•7-Seater,Satnav,Keyless, Camera<br />

•Only 31,000kms<br />

$<br />

49,995<br />

2014 LandCruiser200 LTD<br />

•4.5LTwinTurbo V8 Diesel<br />

•Leather 7-Seater,Sunroof,Satnav<br />

•Keyless,Rear Entertainment<br />

$<br />

69,995<br />

2021 HiluxSR2WD<br />

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•Bluetooth, 5-StarSafety, Camera, Load-Lid<br />

•Only 48,626kms<br />

$<br />

42,995<br />

2019 LandCruiser Prado VX<br />

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•360 Camera, Keyless,NZNew<br />

•Only 56,350kms<br />

$<br />

66,995<br />

2019 LandCruiser Prado VX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel; 5-StarSafety<br />

•Satnav,360 Camera, Keyless, NZ New<br />

•Only 44,750kms<br />

$<br />

67,995<br />

Ex-DemoLandCruiser 300<br />

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•7-Seater,Satnav,Keyless, 360Camera<br />

•Only 12,450kms<br />

$<br />

137,995<br />

<strong>2023</strong> LandCruiser70LX<br />

•4.5LTurbo Diesel V8,DoubleCab<br />

•Bluetooth, Camera, Satnav<br />

•NZNew,Only 600kms<br />

$<br />

114,995<br />

2021 Daihatsu Hijet<br />

•660cc PetrolManual,4WD,Flatdeck<br />

•DropSides, Parking Sensors<br />

•LikeNew<br />

•Only 60kms<br />

WAS$24,995<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2021 SR5Cruiser 4WD<br />

•150kW 2.8L TurboDiesel Auto<br />

•Flatdeck, Leather,Camera, Satnav<br />

•Only 30,000km<br />

$<br />

61,995<br />

2018 HiluxSR5 2WD<br />

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•Only 49,250kms<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2022 LandCruiserLXSingle<br />

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•4.5LTurbo Diesel V8; Bluetooth<br />

•Toyota Deck, Done less than100kms<br />

$<br />

109,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186 any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />



NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

29<br />

Scargill spring celebration<br />


Woolly and warm ... Hats knitted on aloom by Waipara<br />

School pupils.<br />


Babies benefit<br />


Newborn babies are<br />

benefitting from the<br />

activities of agroup of<br />

Waipara School pupils.<br />

The group has been<br />

knitting hats as part of their<br />

Friday Club activities.<br />

To date atotal of 13, 100<br />

percent wool hats have<br />

been created on looms.<br />

The group made the<br />

decision to donate the<br />

smallest hats to the<br />

Christchurch neonatal<br />

intensive care unit, and the<br />

rest will go to alocal<br />

midwife who will give them<br />

to any new babies in the<br />

area.<br />

The club also includes<br />

science experiments,<br />

woodwork, cooking, and<br />

other interests that the<br />

children choose.<br />

Spring flowerswill bloom in the<br />

rustic setting of The Woolshed<br />

at TipapaonSaturday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 16.<br />

The 112thannual Scargill<br />

Horticultural and Home<br />

Industries Spring show is being<br />

held at the Greta Valleyvenue,<br />

and will showcase daffodils, cut<br />

flowers, needlework, cookery,<br />

home produce, art, crafts and<br />

photography.<br />

Thereare open and novice<br />

classes, and classes for<br />

children including edible<br />

animal and pinecone creations,<br />

handwork, crafts,cookery and<br />

more.<br />

Adecorativetheme of Native<br />

Birdsong,allowsplenty of<br />

scopefor the imaginationtorun<br />

wild in the decorative sections,<br />

as well as best themed entries<br />

in photography, craftsand art.<br />

Therewill be an awardfor the<br />

over­all most outstanding<br />

themed entry. Stalls outsidethe<br />

woolshed will sellavariety of<br />

goodsincluding herbs, vege<br />

seedlings, artwork,preserves,<br />

baking, honey, sourdough<br />

products,breads, and<br />

Rawleighs products.<br />

Therewill alsobelive music<br />

and coffee, and raffles. Entries<br />

are open to everyone, and it is<br />

free to enter.<br />

Photographyentries are<br />

requiredtobepre­entered, and<br />

need to be in by tomorrow,<br />

Friday <strong>September</strong> 8, to allow<br />

time for displaying this very<br />

popular class.<br />

The show is open to the<br />

public from 12 noon for stalls,<br />

Flower festival ... The Woolshed at Tipapa during last year’s Scargill<br />

Horticultural and Home Industries Spring show.<br />


and from 1pm to view the<br />

judged exhibits in the<br />

woolshed.Prize giving begins at<br />

3pm. Entry is adults $3,<br />

children free. Eftposisnot<br />

available.For more<br />

information, visit the Facebook<br />

page;Scargill Horticultural &<br />

Home Industries Society, or for<br />

aschedule contact the<br />

secretary, Jo Gardner on<br />

0274755419.<br />

Find Your Dream Scooter<br />

UnmissableSecond-hand Sale HappeningNow<br />


Prices<br />

starting<br />

from<br />

$1800<br />

Allscootershavenew batteriesinstalled are fullyserviced and comewith a12monthwarranty.<br />

113Blenheim Rd, Christchurch |0800-666-222 |www.moremobility.co.nz |christchurch@moremobility.co.nz<br />

Open9-5pmMonday to Friday &Saturday9am-2pm<br />

FREE Home Demonstration available.

NEWS<br />

30 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

In an ever changing<br />

world, we deliver the<br />

latest news to over<br />

64,000<br />

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Now is the time to get<br />

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Contact us today on<br />

03 314 8335 or<br />

email info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

to find out how we can help<br />

you with all your advertising<br />

- from features to classifieds<br />

- we can cater for every<br />

need to get your business<br />

in the public eye.<br />

Speed big factor in NC accidents<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Speed has been afactor in what has<br />

been one of the deadliest years on <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s roads.<br />

There have been 13 fatalities on the<br />

region’s roads so far this year, including<br />

five in one weekend.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural Area Commander<br />

Inspector Peter Cooper said speed was<br />

one of four common factors in fatal car<br />

accidents.<br />

‘‘We call it RIDS ­restraint,<br />

impairment, distraction and speed. All<br />

crashes have at least one of those<br />

factors.<br />

‘‘It is really sad that people lose their<br />

lives on <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> roads and it is<br />

all preventable crashes.’’<br />

Restraint meant wearing your<br />

seatbelt, impairment included the<br />

influence of alcohol and /ordrugs, and<br />

distraction included playing on a<br />

cellphone.<br />

But speed was the most common factor<br />

leading to accidents, he said.<br />

‘‘For every kilometre we can reduce<br />

the speed we reduce crashes and lives<br />

lost.<br />

‘‘I see people complaining about<br />

speed limits, but if we all went that little<br />

bit slower we would save lives.’’<br />

Councils have been working on speed<br />

management plans under Waka Kotahi<br />

New Zealand Transport Agency’s<br />

Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2022,<br />

which came into effect in May last year.<br />

The imposing of new speed limits,<br />

including 80kph on rural sealed roads,<br />

60kph on rural unsealed roads, 40kph in<br />

urban areas and 30kph around urban<br />

schools, town centres and some urban<br />

streets, has been met with amixed<br />

reaction.<br />

But Mr Cooper said the new speed<br />

limits were based on science and saving<br />

lives.<br />

The 30kph speed limits were<br />

recommended for areas where there<br />

were likely to be more children and<br />

cyclists out and about.<br />

Mr Cooper said attending accidents<br />

was one of the most difficult parts of the<br />

job of apolice officer.<br />

‘‘It is one thing Iworry about when I<br />

get the call that there’s been acrash. Is<br />

it going to be my family or someone I<br />

know?<br />

‘‘Everybody knows somebody in this<br />

community.’’<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

Ahealthy virtual adventure<br />

Two <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> schools are taking<br />

part in fourth Zespri Youngand Healthy<br />

VirtualAdventure.<br />

Rotherhamand KaiapoiBorough<br />

schools have joined 20,000 childrenfrom<br />

747 classrooms, and 261 schools<br />

nationwidefor the annualfive­week<br />

adventure aimed at inspiring and<br />

educating kids to make healthy choices for<br />

alifetime of good physical and mental<br />

health.<br />

Young and Healthy Charitable Trust<br />

and Virtual Adventure Founder Kim<br />

Harveysays the adventure is designed to<br />

encourage and educate tamariki to create<br />

their best health and wellbeing practices,<br />

and influence their friends and family to<br />

get involved too.<br />

‘‘Researchshows the first 10 years of a<br />

child’slife sets the foundations for good<br />

health, so we’vedesignedthe programme<br />

in afun and interactive way to help kids<br />

understand and noticefor themselves<br />

what it feels like whenthey make healthy<br />

choices.’’<br />

The youngstudents earn points for<br />

simple healthy habits like drinkingplenty<br />

of water, eating fruit and vegetables,<br />

caring for their mental health and looking<br />

after the environment.<br />

Ms Harveysays this helps them travel<br />

virtuallytodifferent locations around the<br />

world with the classmates.<br />

This year includes afocus on ‘Moving in<br />

Nature’toencouragemoving outside<br />

during the cooler, grayerdays because it<br />

has so many additional benefits such as<br />

boostingenergyand wellbeing.<br />

Zespri HeadofGlobalPublic Affairs<br />

Michael Fox says the purpose of<br />

partnering with the Young and Healthy<br />

Charitable Trust, is to help people,<br />

communities and the environmentthrive<br />

through the goodness of kiwifruit, and the<br />

adventure doesjust that by making a<br />

positive differencetosomany kids and<br />

communities across New Zealand.<br />

The programme is complemented by a<br />

series of in­person school visits, including<br />

special guest appearances by sports stars<br />

and ASICS ambassadors and 13 deserving<br />

classrooms will receive free ASCIS sports<br />

shoes.<br />

Zespri’s support means the five­week<br />

challenge is free for 20,000 primary and<br />

intermediate students across New<br />

Zealand each year.Over 80,000 children<br />

have participated with Zespri’s support to<br />

date. This year’s adventure finishes on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 19, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />


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Jim Beam Gold; CC<br />

Premium<br />

7% 330ml 6pk cans<br />

Good &Great<br />

10pk can and bottle ranges<br />

TuiVodka Soda<br />

(ex bourbon) 7% 12pk can range<br />

Cody’s (inc Zero)<br />

7% 250ml 12pk cans<br />

JD’s Double Jack<br />

250ml 10pk cans<br />

Smirnoff Soda<br />

330ml 10pk can range<br />

Major Major<br />

10pk can range<br />

Cruiser<br />

7% 12pk can range<br />

Barrel 51<br />

7% 250ml 12pk cans<br />

Smirnoff Ice Double<br />

Black Lemon,Guarana<br />

(inc zero) 250ml 7% 12pk cans<br />

JD’s & Cola<br />

4.8% (incl no sugar 375ml);<br />

CheekyIced Tea<br />

5% 330ml 10pk can ranges<br />

JB &Cola; CC<br />

330ml 4.8%<br />

10pk bottles<br />

Coruba<br />

(Mango /Raspberry)<br />

330ml 5% 10pk cans<br />

$41.99<br />

EACH<br />

$43.99<br />

EACH<br />

$44.99<br />

EACH<br />

$10.99<br />

EACH<br />

$12.99<br />

EACH<br />

$12.99<br />

EACH<br />

$14.99<br />

EACH<br />

$24.99<br />

EACH<br />

$44.99<br />

EACH<br />

$44.999<br />

EACH<br />

$45.99<br />

EACH<br />

$47.99<br />

BUNDLE<br />

$49.99<br />

EACH<br />

Woodstock<br />

7% 250ml 18pk cans<br />

$49.99<br />

EACH<br />

Long White<br />

15pk bottle range<br />

Jim Beam<br />

Canadian Club<br />

(incl Zero) 18pk<br />

330ml cans<br />

$49.99<br />

EACH<br />

$49.99<br />

EACH<br />

Jacobs Creek<br />

(ex Sparkling range)<br />

Montana Classic<br />

ranges<br />

$51.99<br />

EACH<br />

Wolf Blass<br />

Yellow Label<br />

range (ex PN)<br />

$54.99<br />

EACH<br />

Taylors Promised<br />

Land range<br />

$56.99<br />

EACH<br />

Mudhouse<br />

range (ex PN)<br />

Jam Shed (Red, Shiraz)<br />

$59.99<br />

EACH<br />

Pasqua<br />

1.5Ltr Magnum<br />

range<br />

Jack Daniel’s Original<br />

Honey; Apple; Fire<br />

Jagermeister Original;<br />

El Jimador Blanco/Reposado<br />

all 700mls; Finlandia 1L<br />

$64.99<br />

EACH<br />

$79.99<br />

EACH<br />

Absolut<br />

Beefeater<br />

flvrd ranges all 700ml<br />

Blackheart<br />

Jim BeamBlack 700ml<br />

PLUS any Schweppes; Coke<br />

Seagers (incl lime)<br />

Sprite, L&P non alc 6pk 250mlmixer.<br />

Ivanov 1Ltrs<br />

$84.99<br />

EACH<br />

Bundle deal is for 1x700ml &1X6pk 250ml mixer<br />

Jim Beam<br />

CanadianClub<br />

(incl spiced) Teachers<br />

1Ltrs<br />

$23.99<br />

EACH<br />

Larios 12; Rose<br />

Citrus; Chatelle<br />

1Ltrs<br />

BetterBeer<br />

Kingfisher<br />

Sol 12pk bottles<br />

$24.99<br />

EACH<br />

Jameson<br />

Jameson Orange<br />

JamesonCold Brew<br />

all 700mls<br />

$25.99<br />

EACH<br />

Speights SummitUltra<br />

12pk bottles &cans (incl Lime)<br />

Johnnie<br />

Walker<br />

Red 1L<br />

$26.99<br />

EACH<br />

Heineken<br />

330ml 12pk cans<br />

Orchard Thieves<br />

12pk range<br />

Captain<br />

Morgan<br />

(incl Spiced) 1Ltrs<br />

$27.99<br />

EACH<br />

St Remy<br />

1L<br />

Monteith’s<br />

(classic &batch brewed)<br />

330ml 12pk bottle &can ranges<br />

Maker’s Mark 700ml<br />

Jim Beam Double Oak<br />

1L<br />

$28.99<br />

EACH<br />

Peroni 12pk<br />

Carlsberg 15pk bottles<br />

Appleton Estate<br />

Wild Turkey<br />

1Ltrs<br />

$28.99<br />

EACH<br />

Lion Red; Waikato<br />

or Speights 15pk bottles<br />

Bombay<br />

Sapphire 1L<br />

BombayBramble<br />

700ml<br />

$29.99<br />

EACH<br />

Steinlager Classic<br />

15pk bottles<br />

Glenmorangie<br />

10yr 700ml<br />

$31.99<br />

EACH<br />

Heineken<br />

15pk bottles<br />

JB 1.75ltr;Roku 1L<br />

Laphroaig 10yr 700ml<br />

$21.99<br />

EACH<br />

$39.99<br />

EACH<br />

Tui; Export Gold; Ultra;<br />

DB Draught 24pk bottles<br />

Tuatara<br />

6pk bottles &Cans<br />

Estrella Damm<br />

12pk bottles<br />

$44.99<br />

EACH<br />

TigerCrystal UltraLow<br />

Carb; Export 33<br />

24pk bottles<br />



03 313 72<strong>07</strong><br />



03 323 8833<br />



03 314 7400<br />

Promotion period between1/9/<strong>2023</strong> to 30/9/<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

While stocks last. Promotion only available at<br />

participatingstores –please contact your local store<br />

to confirm whether theyare participating in the<br />

promotionand check the pricing in-store prior to<br />

purchase. Online pricing will vary.


Issue 221 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Hot water control frequently asked questions<br />

MainPower continuously monitors and controls the load on the<br />

network to ensure asecure, reliable supply of electricity.<br />

Sometimes, during periods of peak electricity consumption, MainPower<br />

switches off electricity supplied to hot water cylinders for ashort time<br />

to make sure the network is not overloaded.<br />

How does load control work?<br />

Electrical load on the network is continuously monitored through our<br />

network control system. When areas of the network approach peak<br />

load, signals are sent out through the network to switch off the hot<br />

water cylinders inthe affected area.<br />

In New Zealand, most hot water cylinders are controlled in this way<br />

by the regional electricity distribution business. Customers who allow<br />

their hot water to be controlled will typically pay lower rates on their<br />

power bills. To learn more about your electricity billing, contact your<br />

electricity retailer.<br />

When does MainPower control<br />

electricity delivered to hot water<br />

cylinders?<br />

Like roading networks, electricity networks experience peak times<br />

when demand is high and capacity is near the limit. On aroading<br />

network, this would look like arush hour traffic jam.<br />

Peak times onthe MainPower network typically occur on cold winter<br />

mornings and evenings (when most customers are running heaters,<br />

lights and other appliances at once), or in summer when irrigators<br />

and air conditioning are running at full capacity. Hot water cylinders<br />

are remotely controlled by MainPower when the electricity network is<br />

experiencing high load.<br />

Does load control affect the whole<br />

network at once?<br />

Only the partofthe network that is nearing peak load will be controlled.<br />

electricity retailer.<br />

These signals are called ‘ripples’ and reach ‘ripple receivers’ fitted to<br />

the meter board at each house or business, signalling them to switch<br />

off the hot water cylinder. Hot water cylinders are switched back on as<br />

soon as the load on the network starts to reduce.<br />

MainPower limits the amount of load control to four-hours within any<br />

eight-hour period. In most cases, the effects of load control aren’t<br />

noticed by customers. Hot water cylinders store enough heat to stay<br />

hot throughout the four-hour window, aswell as meeting an average<br />

household’s hot water needs.<br />

Does MainPower control irrigator<br />

load?<br />

Irrigatorsuse alarge amount of electricity.Irrigatorsonthe MainPower<br />

network may be connected to our emergency load control system.<br />

Houses, sheds etc. are not connected to the emergency load control<br />

system. Irrigation load is not controlled to manage load on aseasonal<br />

basis, unlike hot water.<br />

If MainPower needs to urgently decrease the load on the network,<br />

we may turn off the electricity supply to irrigators. This is to ensure<br />

continued supply across the region and only happens in extremely<br />

rare, emergency situations. If it is necessary to turn off irrigators,<br />

MainPower will try to contact affected customers, however this may<br />

not always be possible in an emergency.<br />

What appliances are affected by load<br />

control?<br />

In New Zealand, electricity supply to most hot water cylinders can be<br />

controlled through ripple signals.<br />

In some rare, emergency situations, MainPower may also turn off<br />

electricity supply to irrigators through the same ripple control system.<br />

To learn more about us and what<br />

we are doing in your community,<br />

head to our website.<br />

MainPower 24 Hour<br />

Faults Line<br />

mainpower.co.nz 0800 30 90 80

$<br />

9,990<br />

$<br />

15,995 $<br />

13,585<br />

$<br />

20,585<br />

$<br />

17,585<br />

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5DR<br />

1372cc, Manual, Alloys,<br />

NiceWee Runner!<br />

$<br />

18,594<br />

2018 NISSAN NOTE X<br />

7841kms, 1200cc, Low KMS, Push<br />

Button Start, 5Star Rating.<br />

$<br />

15,585<br />


SPORT1.6I-L<br />

37000kms,1600cc,Alloys,Keyless<br />

Entry,4StarRating.<br />

$<br />

17,494<br />

2016 MAZDA AXELA15S<br />

24000kms,1500cc,Cruise Control,<br />

Alloys, PushButton Start, Traction<br />

Control, Keyless Entry.<br />

$<br />

14,990<br />


80000kms,1500cc,Hybrid, Reverse<br />


$<br />

16,094<br />

2018 MAZDA DEMIO 13S<br />

12000kms,1300cc, Reverse<br />

Camera, Parking Sensors, Push<br />

Button Start.<br />


29000kms,1300cc, Alloys, Cruise<br />

Control, ReversingCamera.<br />

2015 TOYOTA AQUA<br />

52000kms, 1500cc, Hybrid, Alloys,<br />

Push Start, REBATEAVAILABLE!<br />

2011 MAZDAAXELA 15S<br />

26000kms,1500cc,Alloys,<br />

Traction Control,PushStart,<br />

Keyless Entry.<br />

2018 NISSANNOTEX<br />

5000kms, 1200cc, Facelift, 4Star<br />

Safety Rating, Great Fuel Economy!<br />

$<br />

12,999 $<br />

18,594<br />

$<br />

14,594<br />

$<br />

10,999<br />

$<br />

12,585<br />

2014 MAZDA PREMACY 20S -<br />


93000kms,2000cc,7-Seater,<br />

Alloys, Power Doors,Reverse<br />

Camera.<br />

From $<br />

32,494<br />


62000kms, 1800cc,7-Seater,<br />

Hybrid, Cruise Control, Reverse<br />

Camera, 5Star Safety Rating.<br />

$<br />

19,999<br />

2014TOYOTA VITZF<br />

28275kms,1300cc,Alloys, Reverse<br />

Camera, Traction Control.<br />

$<br />

29,990<br />

2012 MAZDA DEMIO 13 -<br />


32000kms, 1300cc Alloys, Keyless<br />

Entry, Traction Control.<br />

$<br />

16,999<br />

2011HONDA CR-Z ALPHA<br />

1500cc, Hybrid, Alloys,Cruise<br />

Control, Paddle Shift,Reverse<br />

Camera.<br />

$<br />

25,990<br />

TOYOTA HIACE 2018&19<br />

Starting From 64000kms, Available<br />

in 4&5Drs, White&Silver,Petrol&<br />

Diesel.<br />



2179cc,Manual,Diesel, NZ New,<br />

4X4, Cruise Control, Alloys.<br />

2021 MITSUBISHI<br />


40400kms, 2360cc,Alloys, Parking<br />

Sensor,Cruise Control,PushStart,<br />

Reverse Camera.<br />

2015 MAZDA CX-5 XD LTD<br />

2180cc, Diesel, CruiseControl,<br />

Heated Seats, Reverse Camera,<br />

4WD,1Owner.<br />


LTD<br />

126000kms,1497cc, NZ New,<br />

6-Speed, Alloys,Cruise Control,<br />

Reverse Camera, SportMode.<br />

All prices include on road costs, 12 month registration and new WOF<br />

*Safety ratings are from year of manufacture*<br />


For Sale<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

33<br />

Licensed under REAA 2008<br />

397B Papanui Road, Strowan<br />

Old Wharf ... Waiopuka, Kaikoura by Susie Baker.<br />


Aunique art exhibition<br />

An exhibition of modern artworksand<br />

handcrafteditemsusing traditional<br />

woodwork and photographic skills, will be<br />

held in Kaikoura from <strong>September</strong> 13 to 17.<br />

The Uniquely DrivenExhibition features<br />

worksbyphotographer SusieBaker, and<br />

localwoodworker, CullenSmith, at the<br />

Pink Shed, Fyffe House.<br />

The techniquesthe two artistsuse<br />

connect the historyofearly industrythe<br />

firstEuropeansbrought to this area<br />

around 180 years ago.<br />

The exhibition entwines this history<br />


with the use of art, and focuses on their<br />

artisan skills.<br />

Smithlearnthis furniture and<br />

wheelwrightskillsfrom his father,and<br />

continues to put his talent into practice by<br />

making contemporaryand unique<br />

furniture, and woodwork items.<br />

Susie, an alternative photographer, has<br />

been exhibiting and working with<br />

historical processes for over 20 years.<br />

The exhibition, which coincideswith the<br />

KaikouraHop, is openfrom 10am to 4pm<br />

and entry is free.<br />

397B Papanui Road is aperfect base for St Andrew's<br />

College being only ashort walk down the road and<br />

within close proximity of other top private schools such<br />

as Rangi Ruru Girls' School, Selwyn House School and<br />

St Margaret's College. Agents contact details below.<br />

Guy Greenslade<br />

Thomas Knight<br />

Real Estate Salesperson<br />

Real Estate Agent<br />

027 819 6066 0274 282 284<br />

guy@whittleknight.co.nz<br />

thomas@whittleknight.co.nz<br />

3 2 2 2<br />

Coveted Heathcote Helmore property, well sited<br />

on generous 739sqm section<br />

Kitchen with an attached dinette leading to a<br />

private &sunny deck<br />

Spacious living and dining area. French doors off<br />

all frontage rooms<br />

Zoned for Christchurch Boy's and Girls' High<br />

School<br />

Walking distance to St Andrew's College<br />


OF THE<br />

Rangiora GolfClub<br />

Nine hole men: Richard Luisetti19, 1; Cliff Boddy 18 c/b2.Ladies: Jenni Brook24,<br />

1; Ann Smith 19, 2.<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

Pocock Pairs: N/S: Veronica Hall/Pam McAllister Joyce Gray/Beverley Brain 2.<br />

Heather Waldron/Colleen Adam 3.<br />

E/W Lynda Cameron/Barry Smart 1. Gaynor Hurford/Dawn Simpson 2. Robyn<br />

Dawson/Janelle Crawley 3.<br />

Individual: N/S: Helen Phillips/Jan Roose 1, MoodyShokry/MarionLomax 2, Denise<br />

Frater/Shirley Symns 3. E/W: Tricia Riddolls/Derek Wilson 1, JudyHayton/Kevin<br />

Kuch 2, DawnSimpson/Robyn Dawson 3.<br />

Junior Evening: N/S:Murray Messervy/Tim Marshall 1, Kate Whitehead/Anne<br />

Bagrie 2, Moira Courtney/AlisonHowie 3. E/W:Lynette Tillman/Helen Russ 1, Gayle<br />

Saunders/Debra Wilson 2, Carol Creamer/Helen Creamer 3.<br />

Individual: N/S:Tony Biddington/Owen Evans1,Irene Carson/Shula Guse 2, Joyce<br />

Gray/Dawn Simpson 3. E/W: LizDuke/Robyn Dawson 1, Dave Tocker/Steve Noad 2,<br />

Kerryn Lange/KarenManson 3.<br />

Amberley Golf Club<br />

<strong>September</strong> 2: HMurray 65, RDenbey 68,RHack 68, G Demmocks 69,RMcPhail 70,<br />

GMcGeddie 70, K Gussetttee 70, J Reardon 71, BBalderstone 71, PWylie 72, M Neale<br />

72.<br />

Women:JLucas 69, J Bishop 73, J Morgan 73.<br />

Excel Design Build Longest Putt: LDenby.<br />

Mid Week Men, August30: MMcIntosh, all square,JStringleman, all square,A<br />

Falloon –1, BGill –1, KGussettee –1, LBrown –1, J Burrows –1.<br />

Mid Week Women: DBarton +8, SLee +6, J Lucas +6. Longest Putt: J Morgan. LGU<br />

winner for August: J Cumming 74.<br />

Nine holers: HKemp 31, IPettigrew 33, J Evans 34. Longest Drive, men: DGoodwin.<br />

Ladies: HAstell.<br />

Amberley SmallboreRifle Club<br />

DQuigley 100.8,KQuigley 99.5, M Quigley 99.5, MBlack 97.5, IFrazer 97.4, KBrown<br />

96.5, RHarper 95.4, PWisheart 95.2, GHeaven 89.0 W Parker 88.1, ARoxburgh 88.0,<br />

EPatchett 86.0, TDavey 82.0,ARoxburgh Jnr 79.2<br />



Instore & Online<br />

4-10 <strong>September</strong><br />


MON-FRI8:45AM-6:00PM<br />

SAT 8:45AM-5:30PM<br />



34 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

2191656<br />


• Post Driving<br />

• Stock Fencing<br />

• Stockyards<br />

• Post and Rails<br />

• Lifestyle etc<br />

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(03) 314 9460<br />


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fault testing<br />

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&UTV’s<br />

•Repairs &Dismantling<br />

•Insurance Repairs<br />

2177981<br />

163 Stokes Road, Balcairn<br />

Ph (03) 312 9844 or 027 205 5724 (AH)<br />

farmbikesnc@orcon.net.nz<br />

www.farmbikeservices.co.nz<br />



General Farm Maintenence -DairyConversions -Effluent Pond Construction<br />

• Excavators -5x23 Tonne tracked excavators<br />

&2x14tonne wheeled excavators<br />

• Sakai 7tonne double drum vibrating roller<br />

&14tonne construction roller<br />

• On site screening of shingleproducts<br />

• 3x Graders<br />

• Transporter -permitted 47 tonne<br />

• Trucks<br />

• Komatsu D65 Bulldozer for Pipelaying,<br />

Tracking and Land Clearing.<br />

• Cat 615 Scraper<br />

Shane Dwyer<br />

Ph 0274 661 025<br />

Blue Lewis<br />

Ph 0275 258 358<br />

Trap library helping programme<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Predatorcontrol wasacommon theme<br />

at last week’sKaikōura Zone<br />

Committeemeeting.<br />

Workiscontinuingtoraise<br />

awarenessofacommunity trap library<br />

developedlast year in partnership<br />

withthe Department of Conservation,<br />

while predator trapping workshops<br />

are being planned later this year.<br />

The Kaikōura Zone Committeemade<br />

agrant of $10,000, as part of its 2021/22<br />

zoneaction plan fund, to assist with<br />

the development of acommunity trap<br />

library.<br />

The traplibrary now consists of<br />

around 30 traps, Environment<br />



All types of fencing for Deer,Cattle, Sheep, Horses,<br />

Dogs. Also Arenas, Stock Yards, Sheds, Gates<br />

Complete Farm and Lifestyle Block Setups<br />

Built to last, adding value to your asset!<br />

Ashley 0274 364 776<br />

a.duckworth@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.duckworthfencing.co.nz<br />

2458853<br />

2452559<br />

Predator control ... Te Tau Wairehu oMarokura, an initiative of Te Rūnanga oKaikōura,<br />

is running predator control programme along the Kaikōura coastline.<br />


<strong>Canterbury</strong> Kaikōura zone facilitator<br />

Jodie Hoggard says.<br />

She says Department of<br />

Conservation community ranger<br />

JemimaRoddenisworking alongside<br />

Te Tau WairehuoMarokura, which<br />

was running aJobs for Nature funded<br />

predator control programme along the<br />

Kaikōura coastline.<br />

The two organisations are hoping to<br />

run apredator trappingworkshop<br />

later this year.Te Pūkenga Nelson<br />

MarlboroughInstituteofTechnology<br />

(NMIT)has also announced it will run<br />

atwo­day predator trapping course in<br />

Kaikōura in October.<br />

The zone committee is alsoplanning<br />

aClarence WaiauToa communityhui<br />

RURAL<br />

at Clarence BridgeonWednesday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 20.<br />

Mrs Hoggard saysthe hui was a<br />

chance to update the community on<br />

‘‘collaborative efforts on pestand<br />

weed control’’, as part of theClarence<br />

/WaiauToa CatchmentRiverbed<br />

control strategy.<br />

For more informationonthe NMIT<br />

predatortrappingcourse go to nmit.<br />

ac.nz/conservation.<br />

The Kaikōura Zone Committeevoted<br />

to sponsor two community members to<br />

attend the NMIT predatortrapping<br />

course, with applications closing at<br />

the end of <strong>September</strong>.<br />

Public interest journalismfunded<br />

throughNew Zealand on Air.<br />

For All Your Earthmoving Needs<br />

•Irrigation<br />

•River protection<br />

•Forestry preparation<br />

Bulldozer •Root raking<br />

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•Effluent ponds<br />

•Dams &Ponds<br />

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•Pipe laying<br />

•Digging, bulldozing &grading tracks<br />

•Quarries: Lime, rotten rock and shingle supply<br />

&cartage<br />

•Residential &commercial building sites<br />

•Maintenance for sheep, beef &dairy farms<br />


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the South Island.<br />

Go to www.ruralife.co.nz<br />

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29 Southbrook Road, Rangiora | 03941 3175 | rangioramitsubishi.co.nz<br />

*Price listed is forLSmodel.VRX model pictured in White Diamond and available for$75,990+ORC. Price excludes on road costs,which<br />

includes WoF, Registration and afull tank of fuel. Fuel economy and range figures are based on the ADR 81/02 test forcombined urban/<br />

extra urban driving, Fuel economy iscalculated to WLT-3P.EVrange and fuel economy figures mayvary depending ondriving style and<br />

conditions.Visit www.mmnz.co.nz forfull Mitsubishi Battery and Diamond Advantage Warranty conditions.<br />

Nissan QASHQAI<br />

Available now for alimited time<br />

from$39,990+ORC<br />

+CCF<br />

*Offeravailable on New Zealand newNissanQASHQAI.Special price$39,990 is forSTmodeland includes GSTbut excludesORC (which includes initial 12 months registration,WOF andvehicledelivery)&Clean CarFees.Model pictured is Ti availablefrom$46,990.<br />

RANGIORANISSAN, 29 Southbrook Road,Rangiora<br />

Ph: 03 941 3175<br />

www.rangioranissan.co.nz<br />


SPORT<br />

36 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

NC rampant on Southbridge Shield day<br />


Quick try ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Senior rep team’s Jesse Houston beats the tackle by Ellesmere’s Stefan Smit and<br />

crashes over for the first try in the early moments of the 100th clash for the Southbridge Shield clash on Saturday<br />

at the Rangiora Showgrounds.<br />

On the nose ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Senior rep Anthony Tavendale<br />

pushes his way past Ellesmere’s Josh Charlton during their match.<br />

Up you go ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Colts<br />

captain Padraig Skerten is upended by an<br />

Ellesmere tackle.<br />

Moving ahead ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Senior<br />

rep team’s full back Kyohei Yamasawa looks<br />

for away forward during the shield match.<br />

Good day out ... Long time rugby mates<br />

Chris Herron and Peter Robinson (right)<br />

came to watch the rugby action.<br />

Determined ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Stags<br />

Development team’s flanker Ryan Nesbit,<br />

has his game face on.<br />

Passing by ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Jayden Sherwood attempts to get around Ellesmere’s<br />

Carter Baxter’s tackle during their Under 16 clash.<br />

Breaking through ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Tim Luxon on acharge as he tries to break<br />

through the Ellesmere line during the Under 18 match.<br />

We’reproud to support<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />

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Proudly supporting sport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Ared-letter day for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> rugby<br />


Last Saturday was ared­letter day for<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> rugby.<br />

For the first time ever, the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rugby Union scheduled ahome<br />

National Provincial Championship<br />

match outside the confines of<br />

Christchurch City.<br />

An excellent crowd attended at the<br />

very time alot of adverse publicity is<br />

doing the rounds about the woefully<br />

small crowds, nation­wide, at NPC<br />

fixtures this year.<br />

This has led to conjecture the format<br />

of the NPC is no longer fit for purpose.<br />

Once again it seems the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rugby Union could be leading the way,<br />

showing just what can be achieved with<br />

some innovative scheduling.<br />

The NPC match provided aplatform to<br />

celebrate the 100th edition of the<br />

Southbridge Shield, the symbol of Sub­<br />

Union rugby supremacy in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> vEllesmere<br />

encounter was the curtain­raiser, and<br />

followed matches between <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and Ellesmere Colts,<br />

development sides, under 18 and under<br />

16 teams.<br />

The playing surface was immaculately<br />

presented at the Rangiora Showgrounds<br />

and athrilling encounter ensued with<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> hanging on by the barest of<br />

threads to defeat the competition<br />

frontrunners, Taranaki, by 29 points to<br />

28.<br />

It was appropriate too, that alegend of<br />

the Rangiora Rugby Club, Chris Hart,<br />

now resident in Otago, was fulfilling the<br />

TMO duties at the very ground where he<br />

himself played his club and<br />

representative rugby.<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> success<br />

The 100 year celebration of the<br />

Southbridge Shield gave an extra edge<br />

to this year’s fixture.<br />

It did not take long for <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> to stamp its authority on the<br />

game, when its fullback Kyohei<br />

Yamasawa gathered an errant clearing<br />

kick, and linked up with his support<br />

players to give Jesse Houston a20metre<br />

sprint down the left touchline, to dive in<br />

at the corner.<br />

It didn’t take Yamasawa long to<br />

confirm his precocious talent by landing<br />

two penalty goals, taking <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> out to acommanding 11­nil<br />

lead.<br />

The first was astraightforward affair,<br />

but the second from near the halfway<br />

line was awarning shot to Ellesmere not<br />

to infringe from anywhere within their<br />

own half.<br />

Aided by astring of penalties against<br />

the home team, the expected Ellesmere<br />

fightback materialised in the second<br />

quarter.<br />

Fullback Alistair Collins timed his<br />

incision into abackline to perfection,<br />

and sliced through to score untouched.<br />

He converted his own try.<br />

With both teams exchanging<br />

penalties, it went to the break with the<br />

locals leading by 14­10.<br />

Again <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> signalled its<br />

determination soon after the break<br />

when prop Josh Duckworth shot out of a<br />

maul, and burst 20 metres up field deep<br />

into the 22 before being held up.<br />

This set up aseries of pick­and­goes<br />

which saw Nick Hyde crash over to<br />

score in ahandy position, making the<br />

conversion aformality.<br />

Though Collins closed the gap again<br />

with another penalty midway through<br />

the half, it was afurther display of<br />

Yamasawa’s blistering speed that put<br />

the game out of reach when he scored<br />

wide out.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s staunch defence<br />

served it well throughout the match. It<br />

held firm in the final stanza and ran out<br />

deserved winners by 26­13.<br />

Yamasawa’s performance stood out,<br />

while in the forwards Jesse Houston<br />

worked tirelessly, while Paddy<br />

McCallum pulled the strings masterfully<br />

in the pivot position.<br />

In the end though it was the<br />

wholehearted effort of the whole squad,<br />

particularly on defence, which won the<br />

day for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and ensured<br />

its name was etched on to the<br />

Southbridge Shield for the 40th time.<br />

Ellesmere has previously won it on 33<br />

occasions.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> 26 (Jesse Houston,<br />

Nick Hyde, Kyohei Yamasawa tries;<br />

Yamasawa 3penalties, 1conversion)<br />

beat Ellesmere 13 (Alistair Collins 1try,<br />

2penalties, 1conversion).<br />

Lowergrades<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Stags v<br />

Ellesmere Development<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> attacked from the<br />

kickoff with Digby Heard scoring atry in<br />

the corner within 2minutes.<br />

Ellesmere regrouped scoring a<br />

converted try after asustained period<br />

on attack. But <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> replied<br />

in kind with atry to Kyle Aldridge taking<br />

a10­7 lead.<br />

It was Ellesmere though, that<br />

dominated the next portion of the<br />

match. <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> lost abit of<br />

momentum making anumber of errors.<br />

One intercept pass looked like alength<br />

of the field try for Ellesmere but a<br />

superb chase from winger, Matt Earl,<br />

stopped his opponent just short of the<br />

try line. However Ellesmere stayed on<br />

attack and scored two more tries.<br />

Late in the half <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

hard working forwards put Louie Bethel<br />

over for an important try close to the<br />

posts that narrowed Ellesmere’s lead to<br />

19­17 at halftime.<br />

An Ellesmere try was followed by a<br />

penalty try to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

levelling the score at 24­all. Afurther<br />

converted try by Ellesmere saw <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> bring on their bench which<br />

added considerable energy.<br />

Asuperb run up the centre of the field<br />

by Louie Bethel resulted in Matt Couch<br />

scoring under the posts. Replacement<br />

first five Cannon Elvines converted to<br />

lock the score up at 31­31. But <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> dominated play for the last<br />

quarter with Tom Stopforth, Digby<br />

Heard and hard working flanker,<br />

Richard Taylor, all scoring to take the<br />

final score to 46­31. The <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> forward pack worked hard<br />

all day dominating the scrums and<br />

setting up agood platform for their<br />

backs.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Stags 46 (Digby Heard<br />

(2), Kyle Aldridge, Louie Bethel, Matt<br />

Couch, Tom Stopforth, Richard Taylor<br />

tries, apenalty try, Kyle Aldridge 1<br />

conversion, Cannon Elvines 1<br />

conversion each) beat Ellesmere<br />

Development 31.<br />

Colts<br />

Picture perfect conditions presented<br />

the Colts with an exciting opportunity to<br />

challenge for the elusive Munro Shield.<br />

Ellesmere dominated early territory<br />

and possession but struggled to convert<br />

this to points as the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

boys defended valiantly.<br />

When <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> finally got the<br />

opportunity to venture into Ellesmere’s<br />

half it was rewarded with 3points,<br />

Ellesmere responded with aconverted<br />

try, followed by another 3points to<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Sam Regan was rewarded with 5<br />

points from aline out drive late in the<br />

first half. Ellesmere nabbed acounter<br />

attack try to lead 14 ­11 at half time .<br />

The second spell saw some great<br />

attacking rugby from <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

An early penalty kick levelled the<br />

scores, followed by some patient<br />

attacking rugby rewarded with agreat<br />

try to Padraig Skerten.<br />

The momentum shifted to and fro all<br />

half with <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s discipline<br />

letting it down at times to allow the<br />

pressure to be relieved from Ellesmere.<br />

Alate try in the corner saw Ellesmere<br />

draw level, but regained the lead from<br />

an excellent sideline conversion, 21­19<br />

to Ellesmere.<br />

Ten minutes of tense rugby followed<br />

as <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> went on amission<br />

to secure the Munro shield.<br />

Although the effort and commitment<br />

was there from the lads, they just<br />

couldn’t quite get that last pass away.<br />

Ellesmere closed the game out with a3<br />

pointer to retain the Shield, 24­19.<br />

Harry Arps (Ashley) was tireless in the<br />

front row, Regan Holden (Hurunui) was<br />

an absolute standout across the park<br />

while Sam Kinney (Hurunui) and Cole<br />

Morgan (Ashley) directed traffic and<br />

defended outstandingly. Blake Tull<br />

(Ashley), the smallest Colt on the park<br />

was always threatening and looking for<br />

work on the edges.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> 19 (Sam Regan,<br />

Padraig Skerten, tries, Cole Morgan 3<br />

penalties) lost to Ellesmere 24.<br />

Under 18<br />

This was anail­biter. <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

made an impressive start with early<br />

tries to centre, Max Dunbar and fullback<br />

James Ismail. Anthony Gala converted<br />

Dunbar’s try and then added a<br />

conversion, but Ellesmere fought back<br />

with tries wide out to level the half time<br />

score at 15­all. Loose head prop for<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, Tom Laxon, was the<br />

first to score in the second half before<br />

replacement flanker Max Jackson<br />

sealed the deal with the winning try late<br />

in the match.<br />

Other players to standout for <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> were Earl John who moved<br />

from wing in the first half, to centre in<br />

the second and shored up <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s defensive efforts out wide<br />

where they had been found lacking in<br />

the first half and proved elusive with the<br />

ball in hand.<br />

The other standout was captain<br />

George Riley in the engine room. He<br />

showed outstanding leadership,<br />

particularly in the organisation of <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s lineouts.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> 29 (Max Dunbar,<br />

James Ismail, Tim Laxon, Max Jackson<br />

tries Anthony Gola 1penalty 1<br />

conversion, Archie Prain 2conversions)<br />

beat Ellesmere 22.<br />

Under 16<br />

Perhaps the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> boys had<br />

not adjusted to the very early kick off<br />

time of 9.30 am, as it seemed as though<br />

many of the boys hadn’t woken up<br />

properly.<br />

Ellesmere took advantage of <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s lethargy and shot out to a<br />

big halftime lead.<br />

The second half was adifferent story.<br />

Player­of­the­day Carter McKenzie<br />

led the way with afine all­round<br />

performance, while Dan Flutey<br />

impressed with one big run and some<br />

awesome off­loads. Despite the much<br />

improved second­half performance by<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, Ellesmere held on<br />

for acomfortable 26­12 win.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> 12 (Jayden Sherwood,<br />

Ezekiel McCullough tries, Kyle Searle 1<br />

conversion) lost to Ellesmere 24.<br />



Domett 292P Cathedral Road<br />

APiece of Paradise<br />

Amesmerizing piece of paradiseisnow available for your lifestyle. Encompassing an expansive 6.4 hectares, this property<br />

promises as awealthofpossibilities. Nestled in amico-climate with undulating landscapes,its elevatedposition enables<br />

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For Sale $480,000<br />

View By appointment<br />

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Kiara Tinirau-Philps<br />

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Louisa Harmer<br />

M 027 848 5912<br />

E louisa.harmer@pb.co.nz<br />

Kaikoura 450 Mount Fyffe Road<br />

Stunning Kaikoura Country Home<br />

Nestled at the footofthe majestic Mt Fyffe, this delightful four bedroom home offers theperfectblend of tranquility and<br />

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Escape the hustleand bustleofcitylife and immerse yourself in the serene ambianceofthis countryside gem.Whether you're<br />

seeking apeaceful retreatoraconvenienthome base, thispropertyoffers the bestofbothworlds.<br />

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Deadline Sale closes Friday15th<strong>September</strong>, <strong>2023</strong> at 4.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/KKL166932<br />

Don't miss outonthis exceptional opportunity to ownyourown piece of paradise. Act nowand secure your slice of country<br />

living by the upcoming sale deadline.<br />

Fraser Ibbotson<br />

M 021 574 037<br />

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Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Waipara Mount Cass Road<br />

Ashley 87 Marshmans Road<br />

Income Plus Amazing Lifestyle!<br />

Here is aunique opportunity to purchase the iconic Vineyard Valley<br />

food caravan and enjoy awonderful<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> lifestyle! The<br />

owners have decidedtoretireand arelooking for akeen person or<br />

familytotake over their well-knownbusiness. Located permanently at<br />

the SH1 andSH7 gateway to Hanmer Springs, Barb's coffeeand<br />

homemade foodhave become atakeaway option of choicefor the<br />

many truck drivers, workers and travelers who pass by. Theiroperation<br />

complements the fuel stop andfarmstore beautifully and there is<br />

excellent parking for all typesofvehicles. Theyare particularly popular<br />

with early trucks from thenight ferry, being the earliestopening cafe.<br />

For Sale By Negotiation<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RC168775<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

M 021 312 230<br />

Dayan Muntz<br />

M 021 432 926<br />

5Acre Dream with Cottage and Sheds Galore<br />

Introducinganunparalleledlifestyleopportunity at 87 Marshmans<br />

Road,Ashley. Situated on apristine 5-acre parcel, this property offers a<br />

harmonious blend of rural tranquility and modern convenience. The<br />

centrepieceofthis estateisacharming four-bedroom, double-glazed<br />

home that exudes comfort. Ahavenofnaturallight, the open living<br />

space creates an atmosphere of warmth and relaxation. The wellappointed<br />

kitchen beckons, while the four bedroomsprovideample<br />

accommodation for family andguests. Nestled within thisidyllic<br />

settingisatwo-bedroom cottage. Meanwhile,for the industrious souls,<br />

athree-bay workshop stands readytobring your projects to life.<br />

4+2 1+1 1+1 8<br />

For Sale Buyers $1,190,000+<br />

View Sun 10 Sep 1.00 -1.45pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL13224<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

M 027 873 5121<br />

Okuku 205 Inglis Road<br />

Okuku 211Inglis Road<br />

New Listing<br />

Nothing else compares<br />

Nestled on expansive grounds, this property boasts ameticulously<br />

crafted home featuringstunning stone work that reflects timeless<br />

elegance. The well-built residence stands as atestamenttoboth luxury<br />

and comfort with multiple living options on offer. The attention to<br />

detail is evidentthroughout, with every corner radiating asense of<br />

quality and warmth. Indulge in the luxury of choice with multiple shed<br />

options, providing ample space for storage, workshops, or creative<br />

pursuits. The land itself is acanvas of possibilities. With every detail<br />

carefully considered, an arena adds an equestrian element to this<br />

alreadyimpressive estate, catering to those with apassionfor horses.<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

View Sun 10 Sep 2.15 -3.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL165502<br />

Kiara Tinirau-Philps<br />

M 027 545 4272<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

M 027 873 5121<br />

Entry level lifestyle<br />

Nestled amidst apicturesque landscape with breathtakingmountain<br />

views!This charming 2-bedroom home offers the perfect blend of<br />

rustic charm and modern comfort, withaninvitingopen-planliving<br />

area that seamlesslyblends indoorand outdoor spaces. Immerse<br />

yourself in the beauty of nature while enjoying the quiet seclusion that<br />

this propertyoffers.For those with equestrian interests, the property<br />

boasts good groundsfor horses, allowing you to indulgein your<br />

passion for riding. There is also the optiontoride out witheasy river<br />

access and local covered arenas available to hire.<br />

2 1 1<br />

For Sale $780,000<br />

View Sun 10 Sep 3.15 -3.45pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL116091<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

M 027 873 5121<br />

Kiara Tinirau-Philps<br />

M 027 545 4272<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

41<br />

Nth Canty senior rugby team to tour Japan<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s rugby tour to Japan<br />

at the end of <strong>September</strong>will herald in a<br />

new and ambitious project for the sub<br />

union.<br />

In its 120 year history it has never had<br />

ateam venturesofar away from its base.<br />

Parts of the South Island are usually<br />

the furthestaway fieldsthey have played<br />

on.<br />

The sub union has been successful in<br />

bringing All Blacksthroughits club and<br />

representativeprogrammes, but the<br />

latterhas always been primarily focused<br />

on playing the Ellesmere sub union side<br />

in its annual clash for the Southbridge<br />

Shield.<br />

The representative programmethis<br />

year remained focused on this fixture,<br />

but following its victory last week, all<br />

hands have moved to its forthcoming<br />

Japanesetour which involves 29 players.<br />

The touristhe brain child of <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s own Robbie Deans, now<br />

coachinginJapan,and the playing squad<br />

will base themselves with his club, the<br />

Saitama Wild Knights.<br />

In the truespirit of amateurrugby,the<br />

trip is being entirely self­funded.<br />

This includes the playerswhere each<br />

member of the squad havemade<br />

significant contributions.<br />

The intention of the tripisabout<br />

developingplayers,and offering<br />

meaningful professional player<br />

pathways, without them having to move<br />

away from their clubs and out of the<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> catchment area.<br />

Thereisalso the viewthat this trip will<br />

occur regularly —potentially biannually.<br />

Deanswho is one of agood number of<br />

All Blackstohave come from the local<br />

competition,believesthe benefits to the<br />

players will be significant.<br />

‘‘Thisisagreat opportunity for players<br />

withinthe <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> club<br />

competition to experience not only<br />

cultural benefits of touring, but also<br />

immersioninthe Wild Knights rugby<br />

programme,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘From my experience and in my<br />

opinion, this is ano­losescenario that<br />

will greatly benefit the individuals who<br />

get outside theircomfort zone and grow,<br />

and subsequently <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

rugby will grow, as they return to their<br />

clubs.<br />

‘‘We lookforward to welcoming<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> to Kumagaya.’’<br />

The programmewill essentially be to<br />

live like aWild Knight,and all players<br />

and management will train and operate<br />

alongside the professional set up.<br />

The schedule will requireplayers to<br />

attend skills, fitness,team runs, tactics<br />

and strategy sessions along with playing<br />

two games against WildKnightsides.<br />

Kaikōura Whale Run is back in townthis Saturday<br />

Kaikōura SuburbanSchool is hoping for a<br />

whale of atime, afterthe disruptions of<br />

Covid­19.<br />

The 17th annual Kaikōura Whale Run<br />

is back as the school’sannual fundraiser<br />

on Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 9, and principal<br />

Delwyn Ridingishoping theevent will be<br />

biggerthaneverafter missingtwo years<br />

due to Covid.<br />

‘‘Wereturned with430 participants last<br />

yearand we’reaiming for500 thisyear,<br />

which would be agood recovery after<br />

Covid,’’ shesays.<br />

Participantstravelfrom as far away as<br />

the<strong>North</strong>Island and Australia, and<br />

sometimesfromfurther afield.<br />

‘‘We getlots of peoplefromBlenheim,<br />

Christchurchand <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />

we’ve gotpeople comingback timeafter<br />

time,aftertime.<br />

‘‘We getpeople from Cheviot,<br />

Hawarden,Amberleyand all overand it<br />

is agood place to meetupwith old<br />

friends.’’<br />

Thesemi­rural schoolof56pupils<br />

reliesheavily on support from parents<br />

and thewidercommunity to makethe<br />

event asuccess,Delwyn says.<br />

The courses pass through local<br />

farmland, takinginKaikōura’s<br />

mountainousscenery.<br />

Lastyear thecourse wasaltered, as<br />

differentfarmerscame onboard and<br />

openedtheir farmgates.<br />

‘‘I was driven around the 21kmcourse<br />

the other day to makesure it wasall in<br />

order and the views were lovely,’’ Delwyn<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Wehad agoodlook around to see<br />

wheretoput thewaterstationsand<br />

portaloos.’’<br />

Thereare fourcourses on offer,<br />

including the half marathon (21km),<br />

10km, 5kmand ‘‘marafun’’events,which<br />

makes it ideal for families.<br />

The ‘‘marafun’’isashort course on the<br />

schoolgrounds,aimedatchildrenunder<br />

8­yearsand their parents can joininthe<br />

fun.Therewill be a barbecue andgazebo<br />

at the finish line, with live entertainment<br />

and abar included for the first time.<br />

Register at kaikourawhalerun.co.nz.<br />

MEAT2U.NZ<br />


2603991<br />










DEER<br />

PIGS<br />

DOG FOOD<br />


0272 63 28 28 |MEAT2U<br />

313 0022<br />



Hedge trimming, Pruning,<br />

Property tidy-ups, Spraying,<br />

Garden Maintenance,<br />

Gutter Cleaning<br />

2596<strong>07</strong>1<br />

Phone Alan 021 141 2972<br />

Gifts and Curios<br />

Created from new and upcycled materials<br />

420 Douglas Road, Amberley<br />

Phone 027 389 7319<br />

Your local<br />

agent<br />


2602863<br />

Phone 03 310 7102 |027 280 0653<br />

Email: grant@gwpg.co.nz |www.gwpg.co.nz<br />


2596728<br />

Full time Mobile Service<br />

Air con repairs, motorhome<br />

repairs, solar power installation<br />

Tomas Pivac 027 750 8409<br />

tom@openblueprints.org<br />




2604524v1<br />

2596083<br />

Painter /Plasterer<br />

HURUNUI Painting<br />

• Qualified tradesmen, quick, neat and friendly<br />

• Reasonable rates • Interior /exterior painting<br />

• Interior plastering &wallpapering<br />

•Spray painting &water blasting<br />

P: Rod Hermes027 414 0830 or 03 314 2391<br />

E: r.hermes@xtra.co.nz 2596441<br />


First Class Free<br />

– Discount for Couples<br />


Locally owned &operated<br />

8 different variety of firewood available<br />

Make amix to suit your needs<br />

All wood sold per metre<br />

Bags of lighting /seconds<br />

Inspection most welcome<br />

Free delivery within 15k of Amberley<br />

2596081aPhone<br />

0274 312 014<br />

Amberley Anglican Church Hall<br />

Monday 9 - 10am Intermediate/Advanced<br />

Tuesday 9 - 10am Intermediate<br />

Tuesday 6 - 7pm General<br />

Wednesday 9 - 10am Beginner/Intermediate<br />

Friday 9 - 10am Beginner/Intermediate<br />

Waipara, The Pavilion,<br />

Glenmark Drive<br />

Tuesday 10.40 - 11.40am Beginner/Intermediate<br />

Wednesday 5.30 - 6.30pm General<br />

Contact: Alison 021 045 5636<br />

Sarah 021 159 8246<br />

Victoria 022 368 0284<br />

Private or Pre-Pilates classes<br />

available by arrangement<br />

2596634<br />

COURAGE CROQUET CLUB – Friendship, fresh air, fun and fitness<br />

happens here so join us for easy entertainment. All levels welcomed for this<br />

popularsocial pastime.51CourageRd, Amberley,Wednesday andSunday<br />

1.15pm. Emailcouragecroquet51@gmail.comorphone Jack 027 221 9566<br />

Custom Picture Framing -Taka Taka, your local Amberley based picture framer with<br />

over 18 years experience. Extensive range of options, Iwork with you to truly highlight your<br />

artwork and momentoes. Unique range of original handcrafts including hand beaded dog<br />

collars. Flexible hours or appointments available. Phone /text Kate 021 509 955 or email<br />

takataka@xtra.co.nz<br />

SKY LASER LTD-For all your metal laser cutting needs -whether it is<br />

adecorative sign for your property or accurately cut engineering parts<br />

-wedoitall. Please see skylaser.co.nz or check us out on Facebook<br />

-sky laser limited.

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Community Consultations<br />

We’ve got lots of community consultations open<br />

for feedback and are keen to hear from residents<br />

across arange of different topics.<br />

Current consultations include:<br />

• Woodend and WoodendBeachentrancesigns –<br />

proposing new entrance signs for both Woodend<br />

and Woodend Beach and we would like to hear<br />

your thoughts about the conceptual designs we<br />

have put together.<br />

• Rangiora Town Cycleway Stage One –<br />

sharing the design for the first section of this<br />

route that provides asafe and accessible<br />

connection to the Passchendaele Memorial Path.<br />

• Playspaces in Kaiapoi East –considering what<br />

play spaces we should have inthe Kaiapoi East<br />

area and want to know what you think about a<br />

proposal to replace the playground (currently up<br />

for renewal) at Currie Park with anew play space<br />

at Norman Kirk Park.<br />

• Waimakariri Economic Development Strategy –<br />

providing aframework that guides the Council’s<br />

and Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s efforts<br />

and activities in supporting local economic<br />

growth over the next ten years with the aid of<br />

anticipated delivery partners in critical areas.<br />

• Mandeville Resurgence Channel Upgrades –<br />

asking forfeedback on the options being considered<br />

to improve the managementofstormwater and<br />

resurgence flowthrough Mandeville.<br />

• Community Outcomes –these are the<br />

outcomes Council aims to achieve topromote<br />

the social, economic, environmental, and cultural<br />

well-being of our District and residents, in the<br />

present and for the future.<br />

• Road Reserve Management Policy –combined<br />

anumber of existing policies into one and clarified<br />

howweproposetomanage things likeroadside<br />

berms, paper roads,roadsealing,temporary<br />

storageand traffic managementtonameafew.<br />

Community feedback helps the Council make decisions<br />

and it’simportant the publichavetheir say on issues<br />

that affect them. Youcan providefeedback on any of<br />

these topics onlineatwaimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk. The<br />

registration process is quickand easy and providing<br />

your details makes sure we can keep youinthe loop.<br />

Motorcycle Awareness Month<br />

Alongside our neighbouring Councils, we are helping<br />

promote Motorcycle Awareness Month this<strong>September</strong>.<br />

We all want road users to be more aware of<br />

motorcyclists, and to take more care when<br />

changing lanes, pulling out at intersections or<br />

turning right at intersections.<br />

We are also encouraging motorcyclists to build on<br />

their own awareness too. Like being aware that<br />

drivers can change lanes and without looking, turn<br />

or pull out in front of motorcyclists. These things<br />

happen regularly, and rarely without warning.<br />

Riding with awareness is key to improving<br />

motorcyclists’ safety out amongst traffic. That's<br />

what Ride Forever courses can help with.<br />

We have aseries of coffee stops in Motorcycle<br />

Awareness Month. Check out the Facebook page<br />

for alocation that you can ride to grab acoffee,<br />

look at bikes, and catch up with other riders with<br />

shared interests. facebook.com/kickstartcanterbury<br />

Need to report<br />

an issue?<br />

Use the free Snap Send Solve app to tell<br />

Waimakariri District Council about it.<br />

Visit our website to find out more<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Community<br />

River Clean Up<br />

Join us on World Rivers Day for<br />

afamily friendly river clean up<br />

and makeapositiveimpact on<br />

thelocal environment.<br />

Sunday 24 <strong>September</strong>10am–12pm<br />

Ashley/Rakahuri River<br />

Please arrive by 9.30amforhealthand<br />

safetybriefing<br />

Formore informationemail<br />

community@wmk.govt.nz<br />


YOUTH<br />

Development Grant<br />

Available to young people living<br />

in the Waimakariri District aged<br />

between 12 and 24.<br />

Applications will open on<br />

Monday 18 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong> and close on<br />

Friday 20 October <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

For more information:<br />

com.board@wmk.govt.nz<br />

027 254 3940<br />




The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />

43<br />

Guinea Pigs<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Guinea Pigs Spring ShowisonSunday, <strong>September</strong> 24 at 38<br />

Rangiora Woodend Road. The doors openfrom 10am to 1pm. Gold coin entry.Baby<br />

Guinea Pig sales.Enquiries to Jenny 021 1457245.<br />

UniquelyDriven Exhibition<br />

Susi Baker, an ‘‘alternative’’ photographer, and Cullen Smith, alocalwoodworker,<br />

will hold aWoodwork, Fine Art,furniture and Photography exhibition in The Pink<br />

Shed at Fyffe House, Kaikoura, from Wednesday, <strong>September</strong> 13 to Sunday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 17,from 10am to 4pm. Susie andCully havecreatedanexhibition that<br />

entwines history with the use of art practice, focusing on their artisan skills.<br />

Rangiora Museum<br />

Dan Smith will tell us TheStory of John CSmith Ltd,awell knownRangiora<br />

Company, at the museum’s next meeting. All welcome to join us at the Rangiora<br />

Museum, 29 Good Street,onThursday, <strong>September</strong> 28,at7.30pm. Adonation<br />

appreciated from non­members. Supper provided. No need to book. The museum is<br />

open every Wednesday andSunday 1pm to 4pm.<br />

KaikouraSchoolyard Market<br />

The market, afundraiser for the Kaikoura Primary School, will be held from 10am<br />

to 1pm, Saturday,<strong>September</strong> 16.There will bearts and crafts, plants, produce and<br />

new and used items. $10 for stalls (3.5 x3.5m). All stall holders welcome.<br />

SecondarySchool Achieversfund<br />

The Secondary School Achievers fund is for current<br />

school studentsfrom Year 11 –Year 13,who aregoing<br />

on to furtherstudyinthe following year.<br />

Past recipients have used thefunds for boarding fees,<br />

scholarship travel expenses, purchases of text books<br />

or electronicequipment.<br />

Criteria<br />

• Applicants must have their family home within<br />

the Hurunui District boundary, although it is<br />

recognised that some applicants may currently<br />

be attending aschool outside thedistrict.<br />

• Successful applicants will need to demonstrate<br />

their positive attitude as wellastheir high level of<br />

ability and/or ingenuity.<br />

• Successful applicants will need to demonstrate<br />

2609221<br />

howthey would benefit from financial assistance<br />

to helpthem achieve their goals.<br />

Conditions<br />

• Funding isonly for formal academic study, not<br />

voluntary work.<br />

• Thisfundingcan onlybereceivedonce.<br />

• Late or incomplete applications will not be<br />

considered.<br />

Applications for <strong>2023</strong> open on Monday 4<strong>September</strong><br />

and close on Monday 9 October.<br />

The application form is on the Council website -<br />

https://www.hurunui.govt.nz/community/awards-andfunding/secondary-school-achievers-fund<br />

andall applicationsmust be madeonline.<br />

Terrible<br />

<br />

Debt<br />

<br />

<br />

a free and<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Kiwisaver<br />

teach<br />

manage<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

the Waimakariri<br />

or Hurunui<br />

District<br />

www.bsnc.org.nz<br />

<br />

other agencies<br />

<br />

Sharon Grant <br />

<br />

<br />

Find us on Facebook: (Budgeting Services <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>)<br />

Supported by: <br />

<br />

Registered Charity Number: CC1<strong>07</strong>10<br />

Youth voice ... Will Munsey and Tamzyn Murdoch polishing up their knowledge.<br />


Youth and the election<br />

Hurunui’s Youth councillors are doing<br />

their bit to help this years government<br />

elections be free and fair.<br />

Voting in the <strong>2023</strong> General Election<br />

opens on Monday, October 2, and closes<br />

on Saturday, October 14.<br />

Youth Councillors Tamzyn Murdoch,<br />

Will Munsey and Aliannah Thompson<br />

spent aSunday polishing up their<br />

knowledge of what makes arobust<br />

democracy, looking at the importance of<br />

political neutrality for those in public<br />

office.<br />

The training took place in<br />

Christchurch and was organised by the<br />

Rerenga Awa <strong>Canterbury</strong> Youth<br />

Workers Collective, anetwork that<br />

supports those working with youth.<br />

Aliannah says the training brought<br />

home how important it is to create afair,<br />

non­judgmental environment when<br />

engaging the youth voice and provided<br />

useful tips on how to help youth<br />

councillors navigate potentially difficult<br />

situations.<br />

‘‘You can’t voice your personal<br />

political beliefs when representing the<br />

Youth Council, but you can get young<br />

people interested in the elections,’’ says<br />

Will.<br />

He says one of the challenges is getting<br />

young people who have turned 18 to get<br />

engaged in enrolling to vote.<br />

Tim Perry, Manager of CYWC, says the<br />

request for training came from the youth<br />

groups involved in the network,<br />

particularly youth councils.<br />

He says as this is an election year it’s<br />

important for these young people to<br />

know how to be politically neutral in<br />

their roles, and to develop how they<br />

work alongside others who may have<br />

different opinions to their own.<br />

Tamzyn says it was helpful for the<br />

youth councillors to consider which hat<br />

they were wearing when having<br />

conversations in political spaces, an<br />

exercise, she says, that was especially<br />

useful.<br />

Perry says it was effective having the<br />

training delivered by the Electoral<br />

Commissions youth advisors.<br />

‘‘It’s really neat having younger people<br />

delivering training for young people.’’<br />

Hurunui District Councils Youth<br />

Development Officer Jo Sherwood says<br />

the training was agreat way for the<br />

youth councillors to look at how they can<br />

promote voting in this years general<br />

elections in aneutral way.<br />

Enrolment Scheme 2024<br />

Amberley School -Broomfield School -Leithfield School -<br />

Omihi School -Waipara School<br />

The Boards of Trustees from Amberley, Leithfield, Broomfield and Omihi Schools would like to notify parents who<br />

wish to enroltheir children at the above schools for 2024. Enrolment at theseschools isgoverned by an enrolment<br />

scheme, the details of which are available from the respective school offices. Applications for out of zone places<br />

are now being invited.<br />

The Board of Trustees at Amberley School has determinedthat there are up to 5places at the school for out of zone<br />

students in 2024. Preference will be given to New Entrants.<br />

The Board of Trustees at Broomfield School has determined that there are up to 9places at the school for out of<br />

zone students in 2024.<br />

The Board of Trustees at Leithfield School -TeKura oKōwai has determined that there are up to 7places at the<br />

school for out of zone students in 2024.<br />

The Board of Trustees at Omihi School has determined that there are up to 8places at the school for out of zone<br />

students in 2024.<br />

Waipara School -Norestrictions on enrolment /openzone.<br />

Parents of students who live within the home zone should also apply by this date to assist the schools to plan<br />

appropriately for the remainder of the year.Students who live in the home zone are entitled to enrol at the school.<br />

The deadline for receipt of applications for out of zoneplaces is 3pm Wednesday 20 th <strong>September</strong><strong>2023</strong>.Ifaballot<br />

for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Friday 22 nd <strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong>. Parents will be informed of the<br />

outcome by 4 th October <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Applications from out of zone students will be processed in the following order of priority:<br />

First priority will be giventostudents who have been accepted for enrolment in an approved special programme.<br />

(This priority category is notapplicable at listed schools.)<br />

Second priority will be giventoapplicantswho are siblings of current students.<br />

Third priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.<br />

Fourth priority will be given to applicants who are children of former students.<br />

Fifth priority will be giventoapplicants who are children of board employees.<br />

Sixth priority will be given to all otherapplicants.<br />

For furtherinformation, including application forms, please contact the relevant school office.<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

Amberley School, Broomfield School, Leithfield School, Omihi School and WaiparaSchool.<br />

Need to advertise your<br />



Holding a GARAGE SALE?<br />


Have items to SELL?<br />


Looking to BUY?<br />


Looking for a<br />



Looking for your<br />

NEXTJOB?<br />


Want to promote your<br />

TRADE?<br />




WE CAN<br />

HELP<br />

Phone Amanda<br />

today 313 2840<br />

027 536 6224<br />


Rarotonga.<br />

Lamont.<br />

rt Nukute<br />

stationery.<br />

up work.<br />

Pax says.<br />

co p<br />

trip.<br />

rains a lot.”<br />

their bags.<br />

Heather An<br />

m<br />

O<br />

C<br />

<br />

Pet<br />

McA<br />

timb<br />

Tania<br />

Indep<br />

opera<br />


44 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong><br />

For the latest local news<br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Rotary ClubofRangiora<br />

Charitable Trust<br />


EDUCATION AWARD <strong>2023</strong><br />

The Rotary Club of Rangiora awards agrant each<br />

year inmemory of aformer member, Alex Murray,<br />

to assist ayoung person about toleave school to<br />

undertake further training at an education centre,<br />

polytechnic or university.<br />

The grant, to a value of $5000, will be awarded<br />

to ayoung person living in either the Waimakariri<br />

or Hurunui Districts. The grant is to assist with<br />

course costs and/or study materials (excluding<br />

accommodation costs) over the first two years of<br />

tertiarystudy.<br />

We are calling for applications for this grant for study<br />

to becommenced in 2024.<br />

The application form may beobtained by emailing<br />

awmissen@xtra.co.nz.<br />

Applications will close on Friday 29th <strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

261<strong>07</strong>17<br />

BOOK FAIR, Friday 22nd<br />

and Saturday 23rd <strong>September</strong>,<br />

<strong>2023</strong> at St Bart’s<br />

Church hall, 23 Cass St,<br />

Kaiapoi. 9am to 6pm<br />

Friday and 9am to 2pm<br />

Saturday. Eftpos available.<br />

Books $2 each or 6for $10.<br />

Puzzles $4. Tea and coffee<br />

available. Donations of<br />

good quality books, DVDS,<br />

jigsaws are most welcome.<br />

Please no tapes or CDS.<br />

Donated goods can be left<br />

at the church hall. Contact<br />

Mary 327 8457. This is an<br />

Anglican Parish Of Kaiapoi<br />

fundraiser towards Parish<br />

work.<br />



Fundraising Opportunity<br />

When you are looking to raise funds to attend tournaments or<br />

events, expenses are often large and at times problematic...<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> is pleased to be able to give you the<br />

opportunity to generate funds, while at the same time, helping<br />

to promote some of the great work being done in our community.<br />

For full information on how your school, club or organisation<br />

can fundraise while also offering value to your supporters<br />

and promoting yourselves, please ema<br />

info@ncnews.co.nz.<br />

Phoebe Cha<br />

Nikau Campbe l<br />

Indy Stringer Lucy Asher Becky Blay Lucy Paterson<br />

Jade Lamont Mia Montgomery Dylan Fern<br />

Jacob Adcock James Ha rison Arthur Haldane<br />

Je s Haldane Joel Ha ris Riley Slemint Alex E lerm<br />

ailPax O’Dowd<br />

SouthIslandSecondarySchools Netball Tournament:<br />

Dunedin- Monday3 rd – Thursday6 th <strong>September</strong><br />

Pictured from left:<br />

Public Notices<br />

CHILDREN’S craft afternoon,<br />

27th <strong>September</strong>,<br />

10am -12pm, at the Woodend<br />

Community Centre.<br />

Decorated biscuits,<br />

pinecone animals, fabric<br />

collage and tinfoil<br />

sportsperson. Children can<br />

enter their craft into the<br />

Woodend Spring Flower<br />

Show being held on the<br />

Saturday. There is an entry<br />

fee of $2 per child. Bookings<br />

are essential. Register<br />

now by phoning Val Cotton<br />

(03) 313 8410 or email<br />

pamjcleeve@gmail.com.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

CARAVAN. With shower<br />

& toilet. Any condition.<br />

Reasonable price. Phone<br />

Steve 027 622 0011.<br />

sponsored by Vetlife Culverden.<br />

d by Moriarty Shearing Ltd.<br />

at Hanmer Springs.<br />

trical.<br />

rams.<br />

therine Dalmer sponsored by Waiau Supermarket.<br />

f sponsored by Artisan Spa, Hanmer Springs.<br />


Showgrounds, Rangiora,<br />

16th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong>, 9am<br />

-1pm. Come along or book<br />

asite, $25 per pre-booked<br />

site or $30 on the day. Cash<br />

only on the day. Sausage<br />

sizzle and coffee cart. E:<br />

office.northcanterbury@cab.org.nz<br />

03 313 8822 and leave a<br />

message for Sue. Citizens<br />

Advice Bureau <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Proudly sponsored by<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary (Math,<br />

English,Science) up to<br />

NCEA level 3. Each<br />

student on an individually<br />

tailored programme. Kip<br />

McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03) 313 3638 or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.<br />

kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

Garage Sales<br />

RANGIORA, 9 Hassall<br />

Street, Saturday 9th <strong>September</strong>,<br />

9am. Downsizing,<br />

all must go. Cups, glasses,<br />

tupperware, pots, pans,<br />

vases, table lamps, sheets,<br />

pillows, bedspreads, quilts,<br />

garden tools &much more.<br />

Waikuku Beach Surf<br />

Life Saving<br />

Under 14 Junior National Surf<br />

Lifesaving Cham<br />

H d T h r<br />

Thank you to our athle<br />

Indy Stringer sponsored by<br />

Kaiapoi Aluminium Joinery Ltd Ali Ham<br />

sales@kaj.co.nz Ph 03<br />

Lucy Asher sponsored by<br />

Harcourts Holmw od Property Management<br />

heather.andersen@harcourts.co.nz Ph 03 35<br />

Becky Blay sponsored by<br />

Scope Resource Management Ltd Ga ry Blay<br />

scope.resm@gmail.com Ph 027 696<br />

Lucy Paterson sponsored by<br />

Michael Stopforth Contracting Ltd Michael Stopf<br />

admin@stopforth.co.nz Ph 027 436 29<br />

Lucy <br />

Utilities Infrastructure Ltd Harley Hayw o<br />

harley@utilitiesinfrastructure.co.nz Ph 021 0 2 8281<br />

Jade Lamont sponsored by<br />

Pegasus Fencing & Maintenance Ltd Phil Lamont<br />

pegasusfencing@outl ok.co.nz Ph 021 108 98 9<br />

Mia Montgomery sponsored by<br />

Clevermedkits Peter Montgomery<br />

peter@clevermedkits.com Ph 021 3 7 4 0<br />

Dylan Fern sponsored by<br />

Adcock Contracting Ltd Geo f and Kate<br />

g adcock@gmail.com Ph 021 436 3 4<br />

Jacob Adcock sponsored by<br />

Adcock Contracting Ltd Geo f and Kate<br />

g adcock@gmail.com Ph 021 436 3 4<br />

James Ha rison sponsored by<br />

Qtec Fire Services NZ Ltd Jasmin Pilkington<br />

jkpilkington@outl ok.com Ph 027 413 9108<br />

Thomas <br />

Day Bros Painters Bre t Day<br />

<br />

Arthur Haldane sponsored by<br />

W odsman Fires Pete Ha ris<br />

pgha ris@xtra.co.nz Ph 021 320 740<br />

St Patrick’s Kaiapoi Rarotonga Cul<br />

Nine Kaiapoi children are about<br />

quickly realised the school doesn’t have<br />

to embark on a trip of a lifetime to a lot and in the last few years they had a<br />

fire burn down some of their classrooms<br />

St Patrick’s Kaiapoi Catholic Primary and to date, nothing has been rebuilt<br />

School is taking nine Year 7 and 8 pupils due to a lack of funding.”<br />

and two adults to the Cook Islands in The St Patrick’s contingent plans to<br />

term four to learn abou the local culture take some resources for the school and<br />

and do some community service. is seeking support from the local <strong>North</strong><br />

“This is our second trip and what we’ve <strong>Canterbury</strong>community.<br />

identified is the opportunitytodoan<br />

A number of local sports organisations<br />

overseas trip like no other,” says teacher have agreed to donate sports equipment<br />

Pax O’Dowd, who wi l accompany the and local businesses have given some<br />

pupils to Rarotonga.<br />

“It’s like school camp, where the<br />

Pax says the group is also liaising with<br />

studentswilhavesome fun, but it’s Raro community groups in Rarotonga to do<br />

style and it’s an opportunity to give back some volunteering, planting and clean<br />

the local community and an opportunity<br />

to learn what we share in common The group wi l be staying a the<br />

as Pacific communities as we l as our Rakahangahostel, which is named after<br />

di ferences.”<br />

one of the islands, and is like a marae,<br />

Pax wi l be joined on the trip by parent<br />

Pacific Islands.<br />

and Board of Trustees memberAngela<br />

“It’s very basic, but community focused His classmateCaleb Spence says he<br />

and everybody pitches in with cooking has been to Rarotonga before and is<br />

Although the Cook Islands is o ficia ly and cleaning.<br />

looking forward to returning.<br />

a part of New ZealandandusesNew<br />

“They are wonderful hosts and are quite “I’m exciting to see the beach. It’s pre ty<br />

Zealand do lars, life is very di ferent on proud of their country and are rea ly hot at 30 degreesmostof the time and it<br />

the islands and local schools do not happy, humble people.”<br />

have the same resources.<br />

The pupils said they were looking Their classmates are looking forward to<br />

As we l as fundraising for the trip, Pax forward to visiting Rarotonga and learning about Cook Islands culture and<br />

s he school has been fundraising to meeting their new penpalsatNukutere<br />

meeting their penpals.<br />

rt NukutereCo lege, a Year 7 to 11 Co lege, who they have been<br />

They have been busy fundraising and<br />

in Rarotonga, which St Patrick’s<br />

co responding with in the lead up to the co lecting stationery supplies and books<br />

ilt a relationship with.<br />

to take to Nukutere Co lege and packing<br />

rs trip last year was an<br />

Pupil Mason Robson says his penpal<br />

nity to see the lay of the land. We ‘likes taro’, a popular vegetable in the The Cook Islands is a co lection of<br />

- Head Teacher<br />

t ven Cheney Electrical<br />

admin1@morgan-po lard.co.nz<br />

03 349 8228<br />

www.morgan-po lard.co.nz<br />

Billie Bradley<br />

A.A. Drainage<br />

021 533 201<br />

Dylan Hamblyn<br />

bhworks@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 432 7698<br />

son Robson<br />

Caleb Spence<br />

Royce Ellis<br />

Plastering Ltd<br />

Interior plasterers<br />

theroc@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 4<strong>07</strong> 8928<br />

Emily Evans<br />

brooktrucks@xtra.co.nz<br />

03 313 6361<br />

www.brooktrucks.co.nz<br />

Max Oberndorfer<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

House and Resthome<br />

Supportive Partners/Caregivers<br />

Adriel Rest Home in Amberley specialises in working with<br />

people with Dementia and is looking for staff<br />

who are kind,<br />

show respect, able to listen and have apassion towards<br />

improving people with adisability’slifeeachday.<br />

We follow the “Spark of Life” Philosophy and genuinely<br />

care for our residents as individuals and support them to<br />

be as independent as they are able.<br />

We have the following vacancies: Part-time &Full-time<br />

Supportive Partner 0800 to 1400 and <strong>07</strong>00 to 1500<br />

morning shifts, 1500 to 2300 afternoon shifts, 1630 to<br />

2000 tea shifts and Activities Co-Ordinator or Diversional<br />

Therapist 0930 to 1630 Tuesday to Saturday, full driving<br />

licence required.<br />

Hourly rate ranges from $23 to $30 per hour depending<br />

on experience and qualifications. Experience working with<br />

people with Dementia or the Elderly is beneficial, but not<br />

essential. In House training is provided.<br />

Further enquiries or applications to adriel@xtra.co.nz<br />

or phone Mischeal McCormick 027 440 8182.<br />

2612487<br />

Personal<br />

PEGASUS man,single &a<br />

little older, witty & fun,<br />

seeks ahappy slim sociable<br />

lady for outings, convivial<br />

company and conversation.<br />

alanjamieson@xtra.co.nz.<br />

WOMAN 67 WANTS<br />

MAN, best friend, companion.<br />

Single, no ties.<br />

Live life, laughter amust.<br />

Non smoker. Email<br />

56classic@xtra.co.nz.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

Raffle Results<br />


Club Raffle Results. 1st,<br />

588 M Gill. 2nd, 468 J<br />

Morris. 3rd, 291 G<br />

Kershaw. Thank you for<br />

your support.<br />

Possum Fur<br />

Topprices paid<br />

Agents<br />

Waikuku–Wayne 027446 1977<br />

Christchurch –William 021913 995<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />

Home Services<br />

ROOF<br />


20yrs local<br />

experience.<br />

allroofs.co.nz<br />

027 416 0530<br />

2533270<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />


Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $80 single<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />


Reg Tradesman<br />

Interior,exterior.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />

specialising in decorating for<br />

over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />

Free quotes.<br />

Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />

Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />

Rob 03 327 7899<br />

or 027 432 3520 2227597<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Trade&Services<br />

HEAT PUMP cleaning.<br />

Abacus Heat Pump<br />

Cleaning. Please call John<br />

027 496 8192. Local,<br />

experienced and reliable.<br />


Quality, local professionals.<br />

Email:<br />

corban@highspecpainters.co.nz<br />

Phone: 027 846 5035.<br />


mowing, spraying,<br />

fertilizing, scarifying. Ph<br />

Hamish 027 349 7986.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


Plastering &Painting<br />

Services<br />

Locals with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

027 216 0000<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

027 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

2502479<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

qualified. Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

2362002<br />

2225862<br />


Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Air Conditioning<br />

Automotive &Recovery<br />

Builders<br />

Chiropractor<br />

Servicing <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>and Kaikoura<br />

03 313 0531 /03319 7559<br />

(<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>) (Kaikoura)<br />

www.northcanterburyenergy.co.nz<br />

Butchery<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />






Call us<br />

for a<br />

FREE<br />

quote<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 021 269 1817<br />

2227889v3<br />

• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />

• Vehicle Servicing &<br />

Repairs<br />

• Tyres &Punctures<br />

• Jump Starts<br />

•<br />

Towing &Salvage<br />

• Courtesy Car Available<br />

Ph Aaron Rowlands 13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />

0272 588 366<br />

Swannanoa<br />

Eftpos available Mon –Fri 8am –5pm, Sat 9am –1pm<br />

2<strong>07</strong><strong>07</strong>88<br />

Cattle Problems<br />

• Live Humane Capture<br />

• Trucking<br />

• Tagging<br />

• Testing<br />

• Sale of unruly, difficult, pesky<br />

cattle<br />

Profit share 50-50<br />

Craig Flintoft 03312 9432<br />

craigflintoft@gmail.com<br />

2459888<br />

2608552<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

For all enquiries call or email Don:<br />

027 727 9162 /zatarabuilders@yahoo.com<br />

www.zatarabuilders.co.nz<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

2273277<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

Experiencing pain or discomfort?<br />

Seeking amaintenance check?<br />

Looking to improve overall<br />

wellbeing?<br />

In Sync Chiropractic can help with:<br />

• Mobility<br />

• Posture<br />

• Headaches<br />

• SportsInjuries<br />

• Sciatica<br />

• Pregnancy<br />

• Balance &Body<br />

Awareness<br />

• Babies, Children,<br />

Adults<br />

ACC approved Chiropractor,noreferrals needed<br />

Book online today at www.insyncchiro.co.nz<br />

Phone today for an appointment 03 327 2990<br />

Dr Sian Hickling, Chiropractor<br />

2/122 Williams St, Kaiapoi<br />

2569837<br />

Driver Training<br />

Ear Health<br />

Electrician<br />

Plasterer<br />

Plumbing<br />

Engineering<br />

2580108<br />

• Ear Health checks.<br />

• Wax removal using Microsuction<br />

• Removal of foreign bodies<br />

• Basic hearing aid care<br />

Clinics in Rangiora, Amberley and Kaiapoi<br />

Rest homes/retirement villages, booking by prior arrangement.<br />

Bookings: Online www.earcare.nz |Phone 020 4124 25 25<br />

Email alison@earcare.nz | Ear Care <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

2324849<br />

Landscaping<br />

• ACC provider<br />

• War Veteran provider<br />

• No medical referral<br />

required<br />

p 03 313 7144 | e info@rgrantelectrical.com<br />

Mention this advert &receive $50 off your next job<br />

www.rgrantelectrical.com<br />

Landscaping<br />

2608643<br />

Interior<br />

Renovations<br />

Ltd<br />

Plasterboard,<br />

fixing &stopping<br />

Cornice<br />

For all<br />

general<br />

aspects of<br />

plumbing<br />

Discounts for over<br />

65 years old<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

2269236<br />


Landscaping -Fencing<br />

& Earthworks<br />


03 313 9375 •027 369 3974<br />

www.stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

contact@stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

2136148<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Cove and<br />

stippled ceilings<br />

Registered<br />

Tradesman<br />

Call Mark<br />

027 438 0665<br />

Fast friendly service<br />

All work guaranteed<br />

Aaron McCartney<br />

Certifying Plumber<br />

Cell 027 366 9091<br />

A/H 03 310 2137<br />

Free Call:<br />

0508 44EVER<br />

EMAIL:<br />

plumber_27@yahoo.com<br />

2172994<br />

Services<br />







26<strong>07</strong>786<br />

Scaffolding<br />

For All Your Scaffolding<br />

Requirements<br />

Waimakariri to Kaikoura<br />

Email jimmy@insituscaffolding.co.nz<br />

Phone 027 288 3058<br />

2594990<br />

PH 021 105 5222<br />

mccdaj@gmail.com<br />

2599650<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

Signs &Design<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

1902273<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

Supply and Install<br />

of Seamless Gutters<br />

10 year no leaks<br />

guarantee<br />

• Continuous spouting made on site,<br />

large colour range available<br />

• High grade and thicker material used<br />

• Repair or replace any type of gutter<br />

• Undertake all insurance work<br />

• Independently owned and operated<br />

• Competitive pricing<br />

Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Districts<br />

Call Marvin 027 371 4179<br />

spouting2u@gmail.com<br />

2481421<br />

✓<br />

✓<br />

✓<br />

✓<br />

Tile/Grout Cleaning<br />

Dirty Tiles &Grout?<br />

Tile & Grout Cleaning<br />

Mouldy Silicone Replacement<br />

Tiled Shower Makeovers<br />

Old Grout Re-Colouring<br />

For ALL your Tile &Grout issues<br />

call 0800 882 772 for a FREE quote.<br />

www.theprogroup.co.nz/dpc9385.<br />

2596721<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz



Who can handle any building scenario? Totalspan can! Whether it’s a home for your horses or storage for your<br />

toys, we’ve got you covered. With over 25 years’ experience we are New Zealand’s leading steel building experts.<br />

Sheds, garages, barns, workshops, as well as commercial and industrial buildings – our team will create a design<br />

specifically tailored to your needs. And with a 25 year Structural Guarantee and a 5 year Workmanship Guarantee<br />

(if constructed by Totalspan), we’ve got you covered in every way that matters.<br />

Visit us at Totalspan <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

127 Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Woodend<br />

Email: northcanterbury@totalspan.co.nz<br />


Thursday,<strong>September</strong> 7, <strong>2023</strong> | Issue1062 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Everyone canget<br />

behindagood deal.<br />

Backing NZ<br />

since ages ago.<br />

100% Kiwi.<br />

We mightn’tall be backing the same colour<br />

jerseywhen rugbyrolls around, but we’re<br />

prettysurethere’s one thing everyone can<br />

get behind: Agooddeal.<br />

Hisense 65”UHD 4K<br />

LEDSmart TV<br />

9<strong>07</strong>7350 /65A7K<br />

BONUS<br />

$100<br />

Prezzy Card* 2<br />


$1385<br />

Afteragrueling 80,<br />

you’ll need a good 8.<br />

60% off<br />

Chiropractic FocusModel<br />

Runout Beds # Excludes Pop-Ups<br />

* 1<br />

Offervalid datesvary,see product pagesonline fordetails.Availablewhile stockslast. Limited quantity deals arelimitone per customer.#Discount is offour full retail price.*15xAirpointsDollars on Sleepyhead beds,mattresses,and bed bases valid Wednesday 30 August –<br />

Sunday 1October<strong>2023</strong>.Promotion and Airpoints programme terms,conditions,and exclusions apply. Visit smithscity.co.nz/airpoints fordetails. *2 Valid 6-19 Sept<strong>2023</strong>. Purchase an eligible Hisense TV during the promotion periodand receiveabonus Visa Prezzy Cardupto<br />

the value of $200.One bonusitemper qualifying transaction. Bonusitemisnot redeemable forcash and cannotbeused in the transaction in which it is issued. In the event of an order cancellation or refund,the bonus item must alsobereturned.Limitsand other exclusions<br />

may apply.See in-storeoronline fordetails including eligible models. Not available inconjunctionwith anyother offer. Personal shoppersonly, tradeand commercialnot supplied.

Everyonecan get<br />

behind agooddeal.<br />

BackingNZ<br />

since ages ago.<br />

100%Kiwi.<br />

Dreamingof travel?<br />

2birds,one stone.<br />

Earn5xAirpointsDollars<br />

on Sleepyhead Beds* 2<br />

Load up on bonus<br />

Airpoints Dollars<br />

Earn 5x Airpoints Dollars<br />

on Bosch Appliances* 3<br />

Keep the teamhydrated<br />

during the game.<br />

Make sureyour team<br />

has aquality bench.<br />

Take care of thepost<br />

match clean up.<br />

MitsubishiElectric<br />

328L Stainless<br />

Multi-Drawer Fridge<br />

$1819<br />

9<strong>07</strong>1546 /MR-CX328ER-ST-A<br />

Brahms<br />

7PieceDiningSuite-Beige<br />

9<strong>07</strong>6539<br />

$1999<br />

Validuntil19<strong>September</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Full RRP<br />

$2899<br />

SAVE<br />

$900<br />

Miele BoostCX1 Cat &<br />

Dog CompactBagless<br />

Vacuum Cleaner -Black<br />

$599<br />

9<strong>07</strong>2404 /11640600<br />

Introductory Offer<br />

Save big on your new<br />

1seaterstadium.<br />

Limbo<br />

Chair&Ottoman -Grey<br />

9<strong>07</strong>5336<br />

$499<br />

was<br />

$799<br />

Validuntil<br />

26 <strong>September</strong><strong>2023</strong><br />

SAVE<br />

$300<br />

Half timesnacks, without<br />

the halftimequeues.<br />

Russell Hobbs 4Litre<br />

SatisfryAir Fryer<br />

$149<br />

9<strong>07</strong>6572 /27160AU<br />

Work. Study. Browse.<br />

At halftimeofcourse.<br />

Acer EX215-3215.6”<br />

8GB 128SSDNotebook<br />

$649<br />

60000962 /NC5442<br />

was<br />

$849<br />

SAVE<br />

$200<br />

Everyday appliances<br />

at everydaylow prices.<br />

12<br />

Months<br />

36<br />


on purchases $499 &over*<br />

Months<br />


on beds&furniture$999&over*<br />

Offer valid dates vary, see product pages online for details. Available while stocks last. Limited quantity deals are limit one per customer. #Discount isoff our full retail price. *Apple, selected computers, game<br />

consoles, gift cards and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Current fixed interest rate of 23.95% p.a. applies toany balance remaining after expiry of any interest<br />

free period. Finance, Price Promise, Airpoints and promotion, terms, conditions, exclusions, credit criteria and limits apply. Personal shoppers only, trade and commercial not supplied. See smithscity.co.nz<br />

for details. #Discountisoff ourfull retail price.*25xAirpoints DollarsonSleepyhead beds,mattresses, and bed bases valid Wednesday 30 August –Sunday 1October <strong>2023</strong>.Promotion andAirpointsprogramme terms,<br />

conditions,and exclusions apply. Visitsmithscity.co.nz/airpointsfor details. *3 Valid 1<strong>September</strong>-1October <strong>2023</strong>.Promotion andAirpoints terms, conditions,and exclusions apply.See individual productsfor details.

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