Paekche's Principle - The Great Secret Of Asia

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they were both so sudden and of great magnitude — would have the principal role of

erasing all the spiritual, legal and political institutions of Kudara. They would replace

them by the religious, administrative, retrograde political system called “Chinese”. From

these events dates, among others elements, the massive introduction of the Chinese

language and Chinese politico-magico-religious Buddhism in Japan. Emperor Tenji would

continue the heavy military engagement initiated by his mother for the defense of the

continental territory, and even the neighboring and immense kingdom of Koguryo

(today’s North Korea, plus four times that size to be located inside today’s China) subject

to attacks from China.

Given its assets in terms of defense industries, techniques and advanced technologies,

skilled people and quality equipment, and the power issued from their combination, the

“defeat” of Yamato against China and its allies allows me to question the true nature and

quality of the implication of Emperor Tenji in this unique war. Two major consequences

of this treason would mark the history and illustrate the new historical trajectory of

Yamato, future Japan.

On his deathbed, Emperor Tenji would confer the surname Fujiwara on his friend

Nakatomi no Kamatari. The Nakatomis, now the Fujiwaras, would take the place of the

founding clans of Yamato. They would link up with the imperial family to whom they

now and for a long time would supply imperial princesses, while occupying key political


The dramatic disappearance of the Black founding clans and the genocide of the Kudara

continental and Black population (or Paekche) would create a deep split into both the

imperial family and the Yamato island society. This fracture would pave the way for the

civil war of 672, the so called “Jinshin War”, triggered by the struggle for power within

the imperial family. Prince Oama, brother of Emperor Tenji, who was promised the

throne, would attack his nephew Otomo (son and successor of Emperor Tenji) who would

die after a few months of reign. Oama would become Emperor Tenmu, succeeding his

brother and nephew.

The kingdom of Paekche, an archetype of ethnic genocide, and historical and cultural spoliation

The case of Paekche (or Kudara mainland) is exemplary in many ways.

Chronologically, it was one of the last Black peoples of Asia to disappear. His drama thus

concentrates: all the strength and learning experience of a cultural, political and military

concept, the methodological and practical know-how of the “Chinese” millennial Nazism,


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