Paekche's Principle - The Great Secret Of Asia

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of territorial annexation by King Chinhung erected between 561 and 568).

If for Koguryo (Commemorative inscriptions of 566 in primitive logographics on

fortifications in Pyongyang) and Shilla (Namsan Sinsong Pi stelae erected in 591, or Five

Stelae of the New Citadel on Mt Nam) evidence of a development of national system of

transcription exist, for Paekche there is no trace of stele bearing registration of any script.

It may be noted extraordinary disruptions concerning such inscriptions. Before Unified

Shilla, stelae evoke royal funeral eulogies, commemorations of territories annexations,

fortified towns, ditches or embankments constructions; references to Buddhism are quite

rare. As soon as Koguryo and Paekche disappeared, entries are saturated with reference

to Buddhism, to the exclusion of secular themes. [6].

“China” became the sole source of culture, or its unique place of passage, from which

Koguryo, Paekche, Yamato, and Shilla could access knowledge through “Buddhism” and

ideograms. During the reign of King Kunch’ogo (r. 346-374), Paekche Pongi and Paekche

Annals of the Samguk sagi reported for the year 375, a historical and graceful transmission

of “Chinese” ideograms by a mysterious character. “Since the founding of the Paekche

kingdom, there has never been a method to record history by some alphabet whatsoever.

[In] this year [Paekche] has welcomed scholar Ko Hung and for the first time there were

written records. Unfortunately, Ko Hung does not appear in any archive and nothing is

listed to his ancestry”.

This Buddhism was supposed to be accepted by the people due to its glorification through

the prestige of “Chinese” culture. As for Buddhist studies, the monks would go to

“China” only.

Now detached from their source in the physical sciences, cosmology, biology or

mathematics, the concepts born from scientific knowledge development such as nonduality,

the void, the universe, perceptions, the interdependence of phenomena, infinity,

space or consciousness lost intellectual interest and disappeared behind a abstruse and

new Chinese exegesis. This exegesis was steeped in references to geomancy, magical

rites, fetishists and other Taoist spells already in vogue in the Han Dynasty at the turn of

the 3 rd century.

The great temples, once centers of education, scientific research and technical

applications, became places of worship… In the hope of achieving “enlightenment”,

devotees prostrated before portraits of Buddha and bodhisattvas that sat prominently

inside temples. At the heart of the divide between sects in Shilla kingdom, Pomil, one of


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