Paekche's Principle - The Great Secret Of Asia

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through total suppression of the victims from historical memory; appropriation of all their

native cultures by the simple use of forgeries (sinization of major intellectual works,

names of scholars, scientific knowledge, spirituality, etc.) and chrono-historical

arrangement of the reality by anti-dating and post-dating of historical documentation

related to “barbarian” peoples, etc.

Their populations being genocided, all the Asian kingdoms of a millennial African culture

as well as their highly technical and spiritual civilization, by these make-up and false

entry, were labelled “Chinese”, “Vietnamese”, “Thai”, “Cambodian”, “Indian”, etc. and

imbedded as such into the official history of China and the respective countries. China,

just like others, can then claim a “Chinese” and “very ancient” civilization while being

unable to provide any scientific basis for it, while prohibiting free scientific research on

the “Chinese” antiquity period.

An astonishing historiographic stability

Paekche’s principle introduces the revealing force of African science into a

historiography of Asia where legends and insubstantial statements serve as irrefutable


The answer to the question why only a few Japanese historians questioned the

strangeness of some historical data is to be located in at least three directions.

1* A peculiarity of cultures in today’s Asia is that, for perfect mind and social control of

individuals, the importance of interpersonal relationships is somewhat higher than

elsewhere in the world. It is the channel of communication to handover at least 90% of

all culture under symbolic non-verbal forms of information, and 99% of critical information to

transcend the essence of national culture and the profound nature of local paradigms.

This relativizes, for foreigners, the emphasis on learning Asian languages and cultures,

even at university level, where the essential information content is very low, or at zero

level in the case of the Koreas. One of the purposes for such cultural programs under

government patronage is essentially to create, with the country and culture concerned,

emotional and interpersonal bonds capable of distorting the critical judgment of the

foreigner in the last resort.

2* I would evaluate the volume of research articles centered on the antiquity (up to the 8

th century) to 1% of the total devoted to the history of the Northeast region, against more

than 75% for the contemporary period (from 1945 to this day). This rate could be even

lower than 1% for the rest of Asia.


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