Guyana Where and What 2023-2024 for website_compressed

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Guyana’s 10 Administrative Regions

lodges are able to move from one

facility to next with efficient road and

river transfers while experiencing the

flora and fauna of the regions. Starting

with a visit to Iwokrama and a trek up

Turtle Mountain, followed by a drive

through the Iwokrama reservation to

Atta Lodge to experience the climb up

the Canopy walkway. A night or two

at Surama Eco-Lodge to experience

more wildlife and Amerindian lifestyle,

move onto Rockview Lodge, the Oasis

of Region 8, road and river transfer

to Karanambu Lodge to swim with

the otters (if there are any tame ones

at the Lodge), see the Amazonia lily

pond at dusk and roam the savannahs

for giant anteaters. A short ride on the

river will take you to Caiman House

Eco lodge.

For wild adventure check in with the

Mapari Wilderness Camp, specialising

in extended adventure trips. Enjoy

the pakaraimas mountain range

surrounding you in the valley, location

of the Pakaraima Mountain inn or

saddle up at Waikin Ranch for horse

riding. For a stay at Rewa Eco Lodge

you ‘ll experience fishing for over a

hundred species of catfish, the payara

dracula fish, and other large denizens

of the deep. Especially prized are

freshwater drum called basha and

the shovelnose tiger catfish. There

Giant River Otter

are Seventeen oxbow ponds which

often hold aggressive populations of

lukanani peacock bass, arawana, giant

haimara and four species of piranha.

This area of Guyana is part of the

Arapaima Conservation Zone, an

enormously successful program

which has brought the prehistoric

monster species back from the edge

of extinction. Under the partnership

of Conservation International and

USAID, the Rewa villagers have

developed a program of catch-andrelease

sports fishing which ensures

a sustainable use of these valuable

Giant Anteater


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