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Festivals in Guyana


Kite Flying



by Creig Henry


Festivals in Guyana

Travel to Guyana and experience

our public holidays, that are

either religious or national holidays,

celebrated by all Guyanese. These

reflect our motto: ‘one people, one

nation, one destiny.’ Guyanese,

regardless of their religious affiliation

- Hindus, Muslims or Christians, are all

part of a big community. Travel around

Guyana and experience our cultural

heritage which is not separated or

isolated in compartments and thus

cannot exist without the other. The

government has made National

Holidays the days of celebrations

for each major festival and events of

the Guyanese people. This was done

so that Guyanese can be actively

involved in each other’s festivals both

religious and secular.



The major Christian festivals that are

celebrated in Guyana are Christmas

and Easter. These festivals are enjoyed

and celebrated by all Guyanese. During

this time, people normally do general

cleaning of the house, repairs or any

other works that needs to be done on

their homes are taken care of at this

time. This is done in the expectation

of the coming of Jesus Christ who was

born in Nazareth. The women would

then put up clean curtains, scrub the

floors among other small jobs. There

are plans for the famous black cake.

Days before fruits are soaked before

the cake is baked. Among other dishes

baked or cooked during this time are

pepper pot, garlic pork and ginger

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