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Festivals in Guyana


In Guyana this is one of the most

colourful festivals known as Divali or

Deepavali ‘festival of lights’ celebrated

in October or November. Divali is

normally celebrated for four days and

during this time people pray, fast and

greet each other. But to understand

Divali one needs to know about the

great Hindu hero Rama. This can be

found in the Ramayana (Hindu holy

book) that is often read at festivals.

King Dasarata had three wives. His

first wife gave birth to their son, Rama.

The second wife, Queen Kaiiteye,

did not like Rama, the next heir to

the throne. Instead she wanted her

son, Prince Bharat to be king. So she

banished Rama and Sita his wife, from

the kingdom forever. They lived in the

forest for fourteen years and whilst

there Rama fought evil people. Sita

was kidnapped by Ravana and taken

to his kingdom. Rama won the war,

rescued Sita and brought her back

to the forest. He later returned to his

kingdom after fourteen years. The

people were overjoyed including

Prince Bharat, King during his

absence, who readily handed over the

throne to Prince Rama. The people

lit up the pathway from the forest

to lead him out of the forest. Every

part of the house is cleaned and new

curtains are hung. Special foods on

this day are prepared including metai,

halwa and many other sweet meats

plus worshipping at the temples.

The homes are decorated with clay

cups that contains oil and a wick

(diyas). In recent times fairy lights are

heavily used. Many Guyanese love to

move around the towns, villages and

communities to admire the diyas that

decorate the homes and lawns. There

is an annual diwali parade where

vehicles are beautifully decorated,

sponsored by various companies

on route from Georgetown to LBI

Community Centre Ground in a

procession. They are judged and

prizes given out. Huge crowds line the

route along the seawall and East Coast

road to witness this sight.


Ramadan is one of the most

important times of the year for the

Muslim community. Thus, it is not

always held the same time each year,

because Muslims count their months

depending on the moon which

generally changes from year to year.

During this time they are required to

fast and do not eat or drink between

sunrise and sunset. During fasting it

requires or encourages them to have

good thoughts and do kind things. At

the end of this fasting period which is

usually a month, Muslims celebrate a


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