SustainablyAlpha January Edition

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retained for immediate success in exams

rather than deep understanding and

application.Consequently, the true essence

of education, which involves critical thinking,

problem-solving, and absorption of

knowledge, seemed to dissipate in the face

of newfound convenience and decreased

accountability. The result was an academic

environment lacking the substance and

quality necessary for holistic development.

To address this issue, it is crucial for

educational institutions and policymakers to

find innovative solutions. Stricter guidelines

and technologies that can detect and prevent

cheating during virtual exams must be

implemented. Moreover, teachers and

educators should emphasize the importance

of integrity, ethics, and long-term learning

goals to students, instilling values that go

beyond the immediate challenge of remote

education.In addition, measures must be

taken to ensure that students are actively

engaged in the learning process, fostering

curiosity and intrinsic motivation. Employing

interactive and collaborative methods

through virtual platforms can enhance

participation and promote a deeper

understanding of the subject matter. By

cultivating a culture of academic integrity

and embracing effective teaching practices,

we can overcome the negative impact of the

digital transition on student's learning and

overall educational experience in a post-

COVID world.

Preparedness for future


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the

relevance of multidisciplinary basic science

to understand phenomena and find

solutions. The countries that have

maintained a long-term investment in basic

science were better prepared. Better basic

knowledge of the viruses and pathogens, in

general, has already led and will lead to the

efficient development of vaccines, diagnostic

tests, antiviral drugs or new treatments to

reduce disease severity, also, it will help the

governments to control the pandemic. Basic

research leading to a better knowledge of

the populations affected and the biology of

pathogens, their ability to counteract the

immune response, the mechanisms leading

to severe pathology and animal models to

understand the mechanisms of virulence are

essential to prepare the world for a new

pandemic. A special focus should be on

studies of emergent viruses and pathogens

that may transmit from animals to humans

or pathogens that may spread to new

regions due to climate warming.

Making scientific progress available to

everyone is required to control new

pandemics in the future. Sharing data, in

general, and genome sequencing data, in

particular, in the COVID-19 pandemic has

demonstrated the value of open science to

improve treatments, speed up vaccine

development through sharing of the main

immune targets of SARS-CoV2 and control

new SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern.

Similarly, sharing new advances, such as

diagnostics and basic knowledge of the

pathogen, is essential to move forward the

identification of pathogens and means to

control pandemics.


As long and dreadful these three years of

the pandemic were, we've learnt a lot. This

article overviewed the major challenges that

were faced during the lockdown and what

together as a world we learnt. From the

implementation of technology, to the

importance of investing in a fast responding

healthcare system, to following mandated

pandemic protocols efficiently, the COVID-19

pandemic has taught us a major portion of

what we now need to know if a threat does

supposedly affect us in the future.


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