SustainablyAlpha January Edition

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and quality of the child depended on the

circumstances of conception.According to

the ancient texts, children conceived in a

state of bliss and euphoria were believed

to develop into happy and healthy

individuals. Conversely, children conceived

in sadness or fear were thought to be

prone to physical and mental afflictions,

leading unfulfilling lives. The Vedas also

cautioned against sexual acts during the

menstrual cycle, warning of potential

problems for both the couple and the

unborn child.

Carvings and Artwork: Expressions of

Sexuality in Ancient India: Physical

representations of sexuality can be found

in various forms of art and sculptures

from ancient India. Temples, such as the

famous Khajuraho temple complex, depict

men, women, gods, and goddesses

engaged in explicitly sexual activities.

These intricate carvings and artwork serve

as a testament to the acceptance and

reverence of sex and related activities in

early Hinduism.The fire pit, a central

element in religious rituals, is shaped like a

vulva, symbolising the womb and the

source of creation in Hindu mythology.

This symbolism reinforces the connection

between spirituality and sexuality,

acknowledging their intertwined nature.

The ancient Indian civilization embraced

sexuality as an essential aspect of life and

spirituality, celebrating its beauty and

significance through artistic expressions.

The Evolving Understanding of Sexuality in

India: While ancient Indian scriptures offer

valuable insights into the diverse

perspectives on sex and sexuality, it is

important to acknowledge that societal

attitudes have evolved over time. Modern

India grapples with a complex interplay of

cultural, religious, and societal influences,

shaping contemporary attitudes towards

sexuality. The conservative Victorian

values imposed during the colonial era

have contributed to the stigmatisation and

repression of sexuality in Indian

society.However, there is a growing

movement towards openness and

acceptance, with organisations and

activists working to challenge societal

taboos and promote sexual education and

rights. It is crucial to continue the dialogue

surrounding sexuality in India, drawing

inspiration from the progressive views of

the past while addressing the unique

challenges of the present.

Embracing Diversity: A Call for

Acceptance:As we reflect on the ancient

scriptures and their portrayal of sex and

sexuality in India, it becomes evident that

diversity was not only acknowledged but

respected. The acceptance of the Third

Sex, the recognition of the union between

spirituality and sexuality, and the

celebration of sexual expressions through

art all demonstrate a more inclusive and

open-minded approach to sexuality.


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