SustainablyAlpha January Edition

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In the convoluted covering of a nation’s

progress, the state of its health

infrastructure holds utmost significance. In

the case of India, a country where the

heartbeat of a billion lives reflects varied

healthcare needs, the health sector is both

of promise and fraught with challenges. The

health and well-being of a dense nation are

complementary to its development, and India

is no exception. Looking through the

complicated mesh of healthcare delivery, it

becomes evident that understanding the

current state, challenges and opportunities

within India’s health infrastructure is not

merely an academic exercise; it’s an

inspection of the very basis which

determines the quality of its citizens.

Current state of health

infrastructure in India

India’s health infrastructure illustrates a

distinct prospect, characterised by a

coexistence of urban sophistication and rural

protests. In the urban sector, modern

healthcare facilities and technological

advancements often flourish, catering to a

sizable portion of the population. However,

the rural sector displays a completely

different story, with healthcare resources

thinly scattered, leading to pronounced

imbalance in accessibility. The uneven

distribution of healthcare facilities and

professionals carries itself like an impactful

hurdle, as a considerable portion of the

population covering rural areas deals with


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