SustainablyAlpha January Edition

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Medical Termination

of pregnancy

MTP or Medical

termination of pregnancy

sounds very big and scary,

it is nothing but abortions.

Cultural insights on

abortion: Cultural beliefs

play a significant role in



perspectives on abortion.

Cultural values, norms,

and traditions influence

how individuals interpret

and practise their religious

teachings. These beliefs

can provide a framework

for understanding the

sanctity of life, the role of

women, and the

importance of family and

community. Cultural

contexts also shape

attitudes towards

reproductive rights,

personal autonomy, and

the role of religion in

guiding moral decisions. As

a result, religious

perspectives on abortion

can vary within a particular

religion, reflecting the

diversity of cultural beliefs

and practices within a


In traditional Indian

culture, there are various

perspectives on abortion.

Some people may have

traditional views that

prioritise the preservation

of life, while others may

have more progressive

views that prioritise a

woman's right to make

decisions about her own


In India, different religions

have varying perspectives on

abortion. For example, within

Hinduism, views on abortion

can differ. Some Hindus

believe in the sanctity of life

and may consider abortion

morally wrong, while others

may take a more nuanced

approach, considering factors

such as the health and wellbeing

of the mother. Similarly,

within Islam, there are

differing opinions. Some

Muslims may view abortion as

permissible only under

specific circumstances, such

as when the mother's life is at


Within Sikhism, the belief in

the sanctity of life may lead

some Sikhs to oppose

abortion except in cases

where the mother's life is in

danger. In Jainism, the

principle of non-violence

(ahimsa) is central, and some

Jains may consider abortion

to be a violation of this

principle. Buddhism, on the

other hand, has diverse

views, with some Buddhists

emphasising compassion and

the reduction of suffering,

which may influence their

stance on abortion. MTP and

Female Foeticide:


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