SustainablyAlpha January Edition

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The Sustainable Development

Goal (SDG) 3 “Ensuring a

healthy life and promoting

well-being for all ages” is one

of the most transversal goals,

which is interconnected with

the other SDGs. The health

and well-being are the aim of

this goal and also, they are

the result of other goals that

empower people to develop

better in different social,

economic and productive

areas. The SDG 3 is a multiple

and universal resource on



development policies can be

based, in particular for the

most needed countries, and

can lead to the sustainable

maintenance of well-being

and health. However, SDG 3

faces a high sectorization, so

there is a risk of not being

able to achieve the stated

objectives. Physical wellbeing

depends on general

good health and the

satisfaction of the body’s

primary needs, whereas

psychological well-being is a

more abstract notion that

depends on personal

evaluations and can appeal to

social or economic success,

pleasure, and harmony with

oneself, other persons or the

environment. Individual and

collective health and wellbeing

constitute an

extraordinary resource that

acts on social and economic

development, bringing a

return of better health and

well-being of the populations

that endorse it.


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