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+ $10m reno testament to HHG vision<br />
Shortcut to Stories<br />
APRIL <strong>2024</strong><br />
From The President<br />
Government Kicks Tourism Goal<br />
Click here <br />
From The CEO<br />
State Budget – It’s Time<br />
Click here <br />
Regional Meetings<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> meets with members and<br />
corporate partners in Penola<br />
Click here <br />
Workplace Relations<br />
Casual Employees and New Regulations<br />
to Manage Psychosocial Risks<br />
Click here <br />
Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
$10m reno testament to HHG vision<br />
Click here <br />
Hostplus<br />
Money magazine’s Best Super Fund<br />
for <strong>2024</strong><br />
I N T H I S I S S U E<br />
04 From the President<br />
06 From the CEO<br />
08 Regional Meetings<br />
10 Workplace Relations<br />
16 Arkaba Renovation<br />
39 Hostplus<br />
40 AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Corporate Partner Directory<br />
41 Gaming Care<br />
42 Corporate Partners 2023/24<br />
43 Licensee Transfers, New Members,<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Office Holders<br />
& Publisher<br />
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
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Government Kicks<br />
Tourism Goal<br />
From the President<br />
Not since the earliest years of the<br />
Formula One Grand Prix has South<br />
Australia embraced an event quite<br />
like Gather Round.<br />
It truly was ‘Adelaide Alive’ and our<br />
members played a massive part in<br />
the visitor experience that was so<br />
highly praised.<br />
It also sent a clear signal on how<br />
Government should best invest<br />
in tourism.<br />
When investing in tourism, the<br />
absolute single key measure is<br />
how an event or campaign fills<br />
hotel rooms.<br />
Once a hotel room is filled with new<br />
money coming into the State, the<br />
tourist or business traveller then<br />
spends money in bars, restaurants,<br />
taxis, retail shops, tourist sites<br />
and more.<br />
There will always be a need to invest<br />
in local events, but the reality is they<br />
merely drag local money from one<br />
part of the city or state to another.<br />
The figures coming out of the<br />
weekend are phenomenal. The<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> will always cast a critical<br />
eye over Government policies<br />
and activities but they deserve a<br />
massive bouquet for the energy and<br />
inspiration in firstly securing this<br />
event - and then making it our own.<br />
It is universally recognised<br />
this entire concept has been<br />
championed by Premier Peter<br />
Malinauskas. Perhaps Gather Round<br />
should be renamed ‘Mali Round’.<br />
The Premier had lofty ambitions<br />
to bring either Gather Round or<br />
Liv Golf to Adelaide. In doing both,<br />
he has transformed the way not<br />
only interstaters view our State,<br />
but indeed how South Australians<br />
ourselves.<br />
South Australians have lived being<br />
derided by the Vics, with former<br />
Premier Daniel Andrews in 2020<br />
taking it one step further by saying<br />
‘I don’t want to be offensive to South<br />
Australians but why would you want<br />
to go there?’<br />
How views have changed. Anna<br />
Moeller did an interview with<br />
Victorian radio where they noted<br />
Image: <strong>SA</strong>TC<br />
that South Australia is now the new<br />
destination state to visit. Music to<br />
the ears of many of our members!<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong>-COMMISSIONED<br />
The financial return for the weekend<br />
exceeded all expectations.<br />
The AHA, working with data<br />
firm STR, quicky analysed the<br />
impact of Gather Round on the<br />
accommodation sector.<br />
The results were stunning. Coming<br />
off last year’s high base, occupancy<br />
was relatively stable but income<br />
rose sharply.<br />
The four actual nights of<br />
Gather Round produced a<br />
premium of $8.3m of added<br />
CBD accommodation revenue<br />
over a normal <strong>April</strong> period. That<br />
encourages those hotel owners,<br />
many from abroad, to further invest<br />
in their properties and our State.<br />
Beyond the metropolitan area,<br />
regional venues enjoyed the upside.<br />
No surprise the Hills region -<br />
extending as far as Murray Bridge<br />
- was extremely strong, but so too<br />
were areas like Mt Gambier and<br />
the South East. One of the keys to<br />
Gather Round’s success is it falls in<br />
Victorian school holidays. The South<br />
East enjoyed the benefit of those<br />
casually driving to Adelaide and<br />
back home during this period.<br />
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F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />
Image: Port Adelaide Football Club<br />
“The four actual nights of Gather Round produced<br />
a premium of $8.3m of added CBD accommodation<br />
revenue over a normal <strong>April</strong>.”<br />
Further analysis demonstrated<br />
the financial upside of our Gather<br />
Round was far superior to the NRL’s<br />
corresponding event in Brisbane.<br />
The returns may not have matched<br />
Melbourne’s Formula One Grand<br />
Prix, but given the cost of running<br />
the two events, we would say<br />
Gather Round is government money<br />
better spent.<br />
Of course, it was not just our<br />
accommodation members who<br />
enjoyed Gather Round’s economic<br />
uplift. Our general membership<br />
largely reported very positive<br />
trading. Those in the Adelaide Oval<br />
precinct, Norwood and Mt Barker<br />
were on the frontline, but the upside<br />
was very widespread and continued<br />
into the days the last match<br />
was completed.<br />
In an added bonus, many of our<br />
members were able to host formal<br />
events around the week. I think<br />
the only sector that did better than<br />
hospitality during that period were<br />
a few ex-footballers from the 1980s<br />
and 1990s!<br />
Full credit to the Premier and<br />
<strong>SA</strong>TC for the manner in which<br />
they presented Gather Round. It is<br />
one thing to win these prestigious<br />
events, another to ensure the<br />
visitor experience is such that<br />
people spread the word, and<br />
return themselves.<br />
That is a fabulous investment in<br />
ensuring we maintain these key<br />
events beyond a few short years.<br />
As we bask in the glory of the<br />
football festival and Liv Golf, the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> does deliver one warning<br />
note. I would encourage you to<br />
read Anna Moeller’s column on our<br />
State budget submission around the<br />
labour shortage and tourism.<br />
Watch Video <br />
We remain concerned about the<br />
‘Winter Valley of Death’. Last winter’s<br />
accommodation numbers were<br />
poor, and the forward numbers<br />
over the next few months are<br />
highly concerning.<br />
Yes, let’s revel in the extraordinary<br />
success of these events, but never<br />
lose sight of the fact that our<br />
bread-and-butter tourism economy<br />
must factor in those rainy Tuesdays<br />
in June.<br />
David Basheer, AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President<br />
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State Budget<br />
– It’s Time<br />
From the CEO<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> has recently<br />
submitted two funding<br />
submissions to the Malinauskas<br />
Government for the next State<br />
Budget, due to be handed down<br />
in June.<br />
One is aimed at the skills<br />
shortage, while the other focuses<br />
on destination marketing to<br />
help fill our rooms, bars and<br />
restaurants.<br />
We have been talking about these<br />
issues for an eternity.<br />
In <strong>2024</strong>, we hope that the State<br />
Government agrees with our<br />
vision for decisive action, so that<br />
we can make a difference now<br />
and for future generations.<br />
As you will read further on in this<br />
column, we believe a relatively<br />
modest investment can reap<br />
outsized rewards for the State.<br />
And we’re not just holding out the<br />
‘beggar’s cap’. Our submission<br />
includes co-funding from the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong>, making it a true publicprivate<br />
solution.<br />
We’re prepared to do our part. But<br />
we can’t do it alone.<br />
The hospitality industry is facing<br />
critical shortages across all skill<br />
levels, hindering economic recovery<br />
and growth.<br />
We have developed a proposal for<br />
a program called “Skilled to Serve”<br />
that would address both the skills<br />
and training challenges, as well as<br />
ongoing labour shortages.<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> is seeking to partner<br />
with the Malinauskas Government<br />
to improve the image of the<br />
hospitality industry as an employer<br />
of choice. Conceived by the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong>, Skilled to Serve would be<br />
built on three key pillars:<br />
• Attraction. Raising the prestige<br />
of both the hotel industry, and<br />
hospitality apprenticeships and<br />
hospitality training pathways.<br />
• Recruitment. The challenge<br />
for the hospitality industry<br />
in the current employment<br />
environment isn’t the number<br />
of apprenticeship and training<br />
pathway opportunities available.<br />
It is encouraging people to<br />
undertake apprenticeship and<br />
training pathways by changing<br />
the mindset of parents, teachers<br />
and careers counsellors who<br />
generally view VET courses as<br />
a fallback option. To help young<br />
people, their parents and advisers<br />
to understand the value and<br />
potential of an apprenticeship or<br />
training pathway the hospitality<br />
journey needs investment in an<br />
advertising rebrand so that the<br />
benefit of VET vs University is<br />
better understood. Work also<br />
needs to be done to reinvigorate<br />
the training landscape, with<br />
more job-ready short courses,<br />
developed and delivered by<br />
local RTOs.<br />
• Retention. Unfortunately, the<br />
hospitality industry has among<br />
the highest rates of apprentice<br />
and training non-completion. We<br />
propose shortening the length<br />
and improving the relevance<br />
and currency of content of<br />
apprenticeships and training<br />
courses. Furthermore, there<br />
needs to be an investment in<br />
providing mentoring support<br />
to training participants, as well<br />
as attractive concessions and<br />
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F R O M T H E C E O<br />
“The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> supports all industry<br />
calls for the state government to<br />
invest more in tourism marketing,<br />
as a matter of urgency.”<br />
incentive payments to keep young<br />
people within training.<br />
In our budget submission, the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> will be seeking funding<br />
over four years to fund the Skilled<br />
to Serve program and associated<br />
initiatives.<br />
The second submission highlights<br />
the challenges facing the Adelaide<br />
accommodation sector. These<br />
include:<br />
• the growth in accommodation<br />
supply in the Adelaide CBD<br />
outpacing demand<br />
• related concerns regarding<br />
projected occupancy rates over<br />
the coming winter months,<br />
exacerbating the existing<br />
pressure on occupancy rates<br />
and financial performance within<br />
the sector.<br />
There needs to be an immediate<br />
investment in tourism, destination<br />
marketing and place branding. We<br />
need to bring visitors to our city<br />
consistently, increase the demand<br />
for accommodation all year round<br />
and provide a significant uplift<br />
Watch Video <br />
for the tourism and hospitality<br />
industries in general.<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> supports all industry<br />
calls for the state government to<br />
invest more in tourism marketing,<br />
as a matter of urgency.<br />
As such, we support the provision<br />
of significant recurring funding for<br />
four years to the <strong>SA</strong>TC for the sole<br />
purpose of destination marketing<br />
and place branding initiatives.<br />
We enjoy a good working<br />
relationship with the State<br />
Government.<br />
<strong>SA</strong> has witnessed the success of<br />
Gather Round and LIV Golf and we<br />
applaud the effort that has gone<br />
into attracting these and many<br />
other events.<br />
However, we need to ‘up our game’<br />
to compete with competition from<br />
other states so that we are bringing<br />
revenue into the state 365 days of<br />
the year. And we need the skilled<br />
workforce in place to ensure that<br />
visitors have the best possible<br />
experience.<br />
I look forward to updating you as<br />
these initiatives progress.<br />
Anna Moeller,<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO<br />
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It was a fabulous day in the South East at the Royal Oak <strong>Hotel</strong> in Penola for the regional meeting<br />
of hotel members and lunch with Corporate Partners. Thank you to our hosts Tony Gleeson and<br />
Lauren Nelson and their team from Duxton Hospitality for a great event!<br />
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R E G I O N A L M E E T I N G S<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
Casual employees – are they really<br />
any different to permanent employees<br />
in <strong>2024</strong>?<br />
<strong>SA</strong>RAH LEGOE - AHA|<strong>SA</strong> SENIOR ADVISOR – WORKPLACE<br />
The overwhelming majority of employees employed in<br />
the hospitality industry are engaged on a casual basis.<br />
Many of these employees are or have been engaged<br />
on a casual basis for some time, working the same<br />
or similar hours across the same or substantially the<br />
same roster from week to week.<br />
Despite changes to the regulation of casual<br />
employment over several years, there is still a widely<br />
held belief that casual employees are not able to<br />
access many of the entitlements available to full<br />
time employees and can be, amongst other things,<br />
terminated at will or have their hours reduced<br />
significantly for no reason.<br />
In this article we briefly bust the myths in relation to<br />
casual employees as well as look at the upcoming<br />
changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 in relation to casual<br />
employment.<br />
There are a number of reasons as to why casual<br />
employment is the most utilised employment category<br />
in the hospitality industry. These include, but are not<br />
limited to:<br />
1. Flexibility for employees as they are able to refuse<br />
shifts and have more control over time off during<br />
periods of unavailability.<br />
2. Casual loading results in a higher hourly rate of pay.<br />
3. Flexibility for the employer as the nature of the<br />
hospitality industry is such that the number of hours<br />
an employer can offer may fluctuate from week to<br />
week or month to month, and there is no limitation<br />
on the number of hours a casual employee must<br />
be offered (other than any minimum engagement<br />
period prescribed under an industrial instrument).<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
A casual employee is an employee whose employment<br />
is characterised by the absence of a firm advance<br />
commitment to ongoing and indefinite work.<br />
Unlike full and part time employees, casual employees:<br />
1. are not required to work a set number of hours each<br />
week (other than the minimum engagement set out<br />
in the relevant award); and<br />
2. are paid a casual loading which is paid in lieu of a<br />
right to receive paid annual leave, personal/carer’s<br />
leave, redundancy pay and notice of termination; and<br />
3. are not required to comply with the notice provisions<br />
(whether employee or employer initiated) .3<br />
This is about where the difference in the modern<br />
employment landscape ends. Despite common belief,<br />
casual employees:<br />
1. are entitled to payment for overtime for hours<br />
worked in excess of 38 ordinary hours per week (see<br />
the relevant award for all circumstances in which<br />
overtime is payable to casual employees), 4<br />
2. are able to access unpaid parental leave provided the<br />
minimum employment period is met and are able to<br />
return to their pre-parental leave role; 5<br />
3. can access paid domestic and family violence leave<br />
and unpaid carer’s leave, bereavement leave and<br />
community service leave; 7<br />
4. are entitled to long service leave;<br />
5. are protected from unfair dismissal provided the<br />
minimum employment period is met and are covered<br />
by the general protections provisions; 9<br />
6. may lodge a workers compensation claim in the<br />
event of an injury being sustained at work; and<br />
7. have a right to request flexible work arrangements if<br />
they meet the minimum employment period.<br />
Endnotes<br />
1 Gilfillan, G, ‘Characteristics and use of casual employees in Australia’<br />
(Research Paper Series 2017-18, Parliamentary Library, Parliament<br />
of Australia, 2018) .<br />
2 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) s15A.<br />
3 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) s 123(1)(c).<br />
4 See for example, clause 11.4 of the Hospitality Industry General Award<br />
2020.<br />
5 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) sections 67(2) and 84.<br />
6 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) sections 102, 104, 106BA and 108.<br />
7 Long Service Leave Act 1987 (<strong>SA</strong>).<br />
8 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) sections 382 and 340.<br />
9 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) section 65(2)(b).<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
As can be seen from the above, casual employees<br />
receive many of the same protections and entitlements<br />
that a permanent employee receives. In <strong>2024</strong>, the only<br />
real or substantial difference between permanent and<br />
casual employment is the flexibility casual employment<br />
provides both the employer and the employee.<br />
Will the upcoming changes to the Fair Work Act 2009<br />
as a result of the passing of the Fair Work Legislation<br />
Amendment (Closing Loopholes No 2) Bill 2023 have<br />
any substantial effect on the casual employment<br />
landscape?<br />
The amendments which commence on<br />
26 August <strong>2024</strong>:<br />
1. vary the definition of a casual employee; and<br />
2. repeal the casual conversion provisions and replace<br />
them with the employee choice provision.<br />
Despite the variation to the definition of casual<br />
employee in section 15A of the FW Act, the focus will<br />
still be on the absence of a firm advance commitment<br />
to ongoing and indefinite work. This will need to be<br />
considered along with the ‘real substance, practical<br />
reality and true nature’ of the relationship.<br />
Whether the variation to the definition of casual<br />
employee will have any significant or practical effect will<br />
remain to be seen, but as stated in the previous <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
<strong>SA</strong> magazine, it is likely these amendments will only<br />
effect those employees who were never really a casual<br />
employee from the beginning.<br />
Under the employee choice provisions the employer will<br />
no longer be required to offer to convert an employee’s<br />
employment status from casual to full or part time,<br />
rather the onus is placed on the employee who,<br />
provided certain criteria are met, will be able to request<br />
such conversion if they believe their employment no<br />
longer meets the definition of a casual employee.<br />
In light of the impending changes, and the nature of<br />
casual employment generally, we recommend members<br />
give consideration to the following (if they are not doing<br />
so already):<br />
1. Providing casual employees with a written contract<br />
of employment that clearly stipulates they are<br />
engaged on a casual basis, are paid a casual loading<br />
and have no expectation to a set number of hours.<br />
2. Issuing rosters for casual employees no more than<br />
one roster cycle in advance.<br />
3. Establishing a procedure for casual employees to<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
“While members need to be aware of the amendments,<br />
the majority of the changes are likely to have little<br />
impact on the hospitality industry on a day to day basis.”<br />
provide notification of availability and the need to<br />
reject a shift.<br />
4. Performance management, disciplinary action and<br />
consultation in respect of workplace change should<br />
be applied consistently to all employees, regardless<br />
of status.<br />
5. Members will be provided with more information<br />
on the yet to commence provisions in due course.<br />
Please contact the Workplace Relations Team for<br />
further information on casual employment in the<br />
meantime. Ensure employees are provided with the<br />
Casual Employment Information Statement issued<br />
by the Fair Work Ombudsman when required.<br />
This article contains information that is of a general<br />
nature and is for informational purposes only. This<br />
article, and its contents, does not constitute legal advice.<br />
New Regulations to Manage<br />
Psychosocial Risks<br />
OWEN WEBB - AHA|<strong>SA</strong> DEPUTY CEO<br />
The South Australian Government have recently<br />
introduced amendments to the Work Health and Safety<br />
Regulations 2012 (<strong>SA</strong>) (WHS Regulations) which<br />
require Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking<br />
(PCBU) (i.e. employers) to manage the risks of<br />
psychological injuries and illnesses in the workplace.<br />
These amendments, the Work Health and Safety<br />
(Psychosocial Risks) Amendment Regulations 2023,<br />
place legal obligations on PCBU’s to ensure that they<br />
identify any psychosocial hazards in their workplace<br />
and manage and control the risks associated with<br />
such hazards.<br />
So, what constitutes a psychosocial hazard in the<br />
workplace? Regulation 55A of the WHS Regulations<br />
defines a psychosocial hazard as a hazard that –<br />
(a) Arises from, or relates to –<br />
i. The design or management of work; or<br />
ii. A work environment; or<br />
iii. Plant at a workplace; or<br />
iv. Workplace interactions or behaviours; and<br />
(b) May cause psychological harm (whether or not it<br />
may also cause physical harm).<br />
To put this into context, the following could be<br />
considered hazards in the workplace that could lead to<br />
psychological harm:<br />
• Job Demands which are either too high or too little<br />
in terms of work and responsibility.<br />
• Low levels of job control.<br />
• Poor levels of worker support in terms of being able<br />
to ask for assistance or further training.<br />
• Lack of clarity over an individual’s job role or<br />
responsibilities.<br />
• Poor relationships within the workplace including<br />
an environment where there is unacceptable<br />
behaviours, harassment or bullying.<br />
• Lack of clarity in terms of management’s decision<br />
making on changes within the business.<br />
• A lack of consistency in relation to the treatment of<br />
some workers compared to others.<br />
• A lack of recognition and reward<br />
• Poor environmental conditions such as working in<br />
extreme temperatures, using unsafe machinery and<br />
poor noise and lighting levels.<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
A psychosocial risk is defined under Regulation 55B<br />
of the WHS Regulations as “… a risk to the health<br />
and safety of a worker or other person arising from a<br />
psychosocial hazard”.<br />
The greater the level of risk to an individual from a<br />
psychosocial hazard the more likely it is that that<br />
individual will suffer from psychological harm such as<br />
stress, anxiety, fatigue or musculoskeletal disorders.<br />
• It is therefore important that PCBU’s when<br />
undertake a risk assessment of their work, health<br />
and safety risks, also include an assessment of any<br />
psychosocial risks. To determine the level of risk, the<br />
assessment needs to look at how likely the person is<br />
to be exposed to the risk and how serious the harm<br />
could be if exposed to the risk.<br />
• Psychosocial risks can be assessed through a range<br />
of means including:<br />
• Undertaking a psychosocial health and safety<br />
checklist which looks at psychosocial hazards in the<br />
workplace and talking with employees to determine<br />
the level of risk in areas such as work demands,<br />
behaviours in the workplace, working conditions,<br />
levels of worker support, levels of job control, training<br />
and supervision, levels of recognition and reward.<br />
• Undertaking workplace pulse checks/culture surveys<br />
• Review data from incident reports, workers<br />
compensation claims, use of employee assistance<br />
programs, levels of absenteeism.<br />
Where possible a PCBU should always aim to eliminate<br />
any psychosocial risks from their workplace completely.<br />
However, the ability to eliminate such risks may not<br />
always be possible and therefore a PCBU when trying<br />
to control risks should have regard to reducing the<br />
risk as far as reasonably practicable by utilising the<br />
hierarchy of control. The hierarchy of control aims to<br />
reduce the risk to workers by looking at the following<br />
process:<br />
1. Doing 1 or more of the following - substituting<br />
(wholly or partly) the hazard giving rise to the risk<br />
with something that gives rise to a lesser risk;<br />
isolating the hazard from any person exposed to it;<br />
implementing engineering controls.<br />
2. If a risk then remains, the PCBU must minimise the<br />
remaining risk, so far as is reasonably practicable,<br />
by implementing administrative controls.<br />
3. If a risk then remains, the PCBU must minimise the<br />
remaining risk, so far as is reasonably practicable,<br />
by ensuring the provision and use of suitable<br />
personal protective equipment.<br />
Measures that can be implemented to control such<br />
psychosocial risks can include;<br />
• Regular team meetings and appropriate workplace<br />
consultation on changes<br />
• Ensuring employees have appropriate position<br />
descriptions in place which clearly outlines the job<br />
role and responsibilities.<br />
• Ensuring there are appropriate policies and<br />
procedures in place in relation to both expected and<br />
unacceptable behaviours of employees.<br />
• Ensure there are appropriate support mechanisms<br />
in place for employees if in the event they have an<br />
issue or grievance.<br />
• Wherever possible allow for appropriate flexibilities<br />
for workers in the work environment.<br />
• Undertaking performance reviews<br />
• Ensuring employees have the opportunity for career<br />
development and ongoing training.<br />
• Ensure that working conditions are appropriately<br />
monitored and maintained.<br />
Members can discuss these amendments with the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong>, however there are also a range of external<br />
materials and guides that members can access from<br />
sources including:<br />
• SafeWork <strong>SA</strong> - Psychosocial hazards & work-related<br />
stress | SafeWork <strong>SA</strong><br />
• Safe Work Australia - Psychosocial hazards | Safe<br />
Work Australia<br />
14 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
ARK’S $10M RENO<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
In its 60th year, the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong> has undergone major<br />
renovations, giving it a fresher and more contemporary<br />
feel, while preserving its unique character.<br />
The $10 million makeover ushers iconic hotel into<br />
the 2020s with an expanded beer garden, reinvented<br />
function rooms a series of technology upgrades,<br />
including an Australian first.<br />
And then there’s brand new air-conditioning!<br />
It was a struggling 40-year-old air conditioning unit<br />
that was the catalyst for the entire overhaul, said Anna<br />
Hurley, the Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group’s (HHG) Project Manager.<br />
“In 2021, when we realised the work involved in<br />
replacing the air conditioning, and addressing some<br />
other fundamental infrastructure issues, it seemed was<br />
a good time to look at a larger scale renovation.<br />
“We thought it would be nice to have a larger outdoor<br />
area in Sporty's and while we’re there, we might as well<br />
do the lounge bar… and it just rolled on from there.<br />
“At every stage of the renovation - as the brief expanded<br />
- it was very clear that we wanted to maintain the<br />
character of the hotel; maintain the fundamental feeling<br />
you get when you walk into the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
Ph: (08) 8234 9600<br />
Exeter Terrace, Dudley Park, 5008<br />
Another Quality Joinery Fitout<br />
Bars – TAB – Accommodation – Gaming Room. Your hotel/motel fitout specialist!<br />
18 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
“We thought it would be nice to have a larger outdoor<br />
area in Sporty's and while we’re there, we might as well<br />
do the lounge bar… and it just rolled on from there.”<br />
“But we wanted to give it a fresh new feel and change<br />
some of the functionality to make it more suitable for<br />
our modern needs.”<br />
Yet much to Anna’s consternation, not everyone who<br />
walks into the Arkaba 2.0 instantly notices a significant<br />
difference.<br />
“Some people come in and say it looks amazing.<br />
“Others say we haven’t changed anything, which can<br />
be moderately heart-breaking but in a way, it’s kind of<br />
a compliment. It means we’ve retained the essential<br />
character of the hotel.”<br />
Folland Panozzo Architects Congratulates Peninsula <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
BEFORE<br />
AFTER<br />
Congratulations to Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group<br />
From concept to completion Folland<br />
Panozzo Architects are proud to be<br />
associated with The Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
269 Brighton Road, Somerton Park <strong>SA</strong> 5044 | Phone (08) 8376 8888<br /><br />
269 Brighton Road, Somerton Park <strong>SA</strong> 5044 | Phone (08) 8376 8888<br /><br />
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A U S T R A L I A N D I N I N G<br />
Your Smart<br />
Oil Solution<br />
Achieve greater efficiency and sustainability<br />
with Australia’s leading bulk cooking oil<br />
supplier.<br />
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From supply and delivery of fresh cooking<br />
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Cookers is your end-to-end partner in bulk<br />
cooking oil management.<br />
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Proud supplier of the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
No Lock-in Contracts<br />
Discover Your Smart Oil Solution today.<br />
P: 1300 88 22 99<br />
20 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
<strong>SA</strong> Premier Peter Malinauskas is one who sees<br />
the changes.<br />
“It looks magnificent,” he said on the official opening<br />
night. “Coming up Glen Osmond Road just then it looks<br />
like a whole, brand spanking new hotel, and it's one that<br />
I'm sure many of your patrons will enjoy for a long time<br />
to come.”<br />
Venture inside the new Ark and the first thing you<br />
will notice is a breezier, more spacious interior with<br />
new windows that brighten the room, in tandem with<br />
modern lighting.<br />
“It’s always been difficult here to get the right balance<br />
of natural light given it’s such an old building with two<br />
storeys,” Anna said.<br />
“By opening a bit more up to the outside, changing the<br />
structure of our offices and completely replacing all of<br />
our lighting throughout the old building, it’s made a big<br />
difference.<br />
“It was a necessary step going from old technology to<br />
LED technology and it’s made quite a difference.”<br />
The new reception area has been reduced in size and<br />
redesigned to make a statement of its own.<br />
your south australian hospitality builder.<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
Proudly working with<br />
the Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group<br />
for over a decade<br />
Providing<br />
• Tax Advisory<br />
• Business Advisory<br />
• Financial Control<br />
• Wealth Creation<br />
• Succession & Estate Planning<br />
• Self-Managed Superannuation<br />
• External Administration Support<br />
Scan to<br />
find out<br />
more<br />
Cultivating enduring relationships to<br />
empower our clients, individuals, and<br />
communities toward success.<br />
46 Greenhill Road Wayville <strong>SA</strong> 5034 | P: 08 8361 0200 | E: | W:<br />
22 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
“We have retained quite a bit of the existing furniture<br />
and we did a bit of vintage shopping to find some old<br />
mid-century pieces as well.”<br />
Walking forward you’ll be drawn to the first showpiece<br />
of the redesign, the stunning 360-degree lounge area<br />
with an island bar.<br />
The Arkaba is a dodecahedron - a 12-sided building -<br />
with some outer pods transformed from storage space<br />
into a new kitchen.<br />
This space has a range of styles, including a table<br />
service restaurant, four booths near the bar, casual<br />
eating areas, high benches and low lounge seat seating.<br />
The furniture is lighter and more modern – but certainly<br />
not avante garde.<br />
The focus was to lift the vibe of the lounge bar, while<br />
still preserving its original feel.<br />
“We have retained quite a bit of the existing furniture<br />
and we did a bit of vintage shopping to find some old<br />
mid-century pieces as well,” Anna said.<br />
“It was built in the ’60s and we wanted it to retain that<br />
old kind of ’60s look.”<br />
SPORTY’S<br />
The upgrade to the award-winning Sporty’s Bar allowed<br />
for more creative licence.<br />
“We have 500 seats in those two spaces that we wanted<br />
to have full,” explained Anna, who previously oversaw<br />
project management of the Marion <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
“If we’re going to do that, we need to appeal to different<br />
customers in different areas. We wanted them to feel<br />
quite distinct.<br />
Reward Hospitality is proud<br />
to be a supply partner of the<br />
Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group<br />
and congratulates them on the<br />
outstanding redevelopment of<br />
the iconic Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
1800 473 927<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
It’s been an honour to be involved with<br />
Peter, Jenny and the Hurley group in<br />
bringing the renovation of the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
to it’s fantastic completion. It is with great<br />
pride that we acknowledge the successful<br />
completion of this first-class project, and<br />
we are honoured to have played a crucial<br />
role in ensuring the excellence of the hotel’s<br />
refrigeration systems.<br />
We take immense pleasure in having installed brand new,<br />
high-quality refrigeration units in the bottle shop and keg<br />
room, outfitting the walk-in freezer and coolroom in the new<br />
kitchen area.<br />
Established in 1961 by Gary and Craig’s father, Ron,<br />
Ron Goodall Refrigeration remains dedicated to supporting<br />
local establishments with our quality work and service.<br />
Congratulations once again on this remarkable achievement.<br />
We are confident that patrons will savour South Australia’s<br />
coldest beer in the new bars, thanks to the expertise and<br />
dedication of the Goodall brothers.<br />
Contact Gary or Craig to discuss your commercial refrigeration needs today.<br />
Gary: 0407 729 196 | Craig: 0418 829 631 |<br />
24 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
“The most important function of a pub is to bring people<br />
together and we have put in place some different ways to<br />
achieve this.”<br />
“Sporty’s was a good opportunity to have some fun.<br />
“It is a sports bar and we wanted it to be a great place<br />
to watch live sport but also a great place for families<br />
and for women.<br />
“We had a vision of light, bright colours to freshen<br />
things up.”<br />
A 7m shuffleboard table and digital dartboards are just<br />
part of the fun new take.<br />
“The hospitality industry is facing some significant<br />
changes,” said Anna. “Changes to the way people drink,<br />
when people drink, how they socialise.<br />
“The most important function of a pub is to bring people<br />
together and we have put in place some different ways<br />
to achieve this.”<br />
But the star attraction and second showpiece of the<br />
new Ark is also an Australian first - a 360-degree<br />
wraparound LED screen that “floats” above Sporty’s Bar.<br />
Known as ‘The Funnel’, it has the capacity to show up to<br />
six different events simultaneously.<br />
“We are acutely aware in this day and age that if you<br />
want to get people out of their houses, you have to offer<br />
them something they cannot have in their own home.<br />
From our warehouse,<br />
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solutions and deliver to the Adelaide hills,<br />
Adelaide metro & most South Australian<br />
regions. So you’ll always have the products<br />
you need, when you need them.<br />
Contact us:<br />
Phone: 08 8398 2872<br />
Fax: 08 8398 2873<br />
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Head office:<br />
2B, 48-50 Mount Barker Road<br />
Hahndorf <strong>SA</strong> 5245<br />
Distribution centre:<br />
32-36 Pilatus Drive<br />
Direk <strong>SA</strong> 5110<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
to all at The Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group<br />
on magnificent renovation at<br />
The Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong>!<br />
26 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
“People love coming to the<br />
pub to have a flutter but we<br />
had to adapt to recognise<br />
the changing customer<br />
behaviour. And people are<br />
happier with a smaller<br />
TAB area.”<br />
“In this case, we wanted to have the absolute best live<br />
sport experience anywhere in Adelaide.<br />
“Hence we installed this incredible screen that not only<br />
provides great vision to watch multiple different sports<br />
at any given time, it’s a real ‘wow’ factor when you<br />
walk in.”<br />
The screen was designed by Big Screen Video, which<br />
also installed the massive superscreeen where the<br />
former, staffed TAB was previously located.<br />
‘We still see horse racing as a key part of the business<br />
here,” said Anna.<br />
“People love coming to the pub to have a flutter but<br />
we had to adapt to recognise the changing customer<br />
behaviour. And people are happier with a smaller<br />
TAB area.”<br />
Wander outside and you’ll be greeted by a bigger beer<br />
garden with 100 additional seats.<br />
Vintage House Wine & Spirits<br />
congratulates the Hurley Family<br />
on their fantastic renovations to<br />
the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
For sales enquiries please contact<br />
your VHWS Representative<br /> Ph: 1300 769 266<br />
Email:<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
The new area includes more comfortable seating,<br />
including booths, and brighter colours. It has had large<br />
investment in being an all-seasons area, with a fixed<br />
roof, drop down screens around the perimeter and a<br />
significant number of heaters.<br />
It’s a veritable oasis in the making. When the<br />
landscaping becomes fully established, the greenery<br />
will hide Fullarton and Glen Osmond Roads.<br />
“It can be used 365 days a year and has this beautiful,<br />
light outlook,” said Anna.<br />
“We’re thrilled with the result.”<br />
“Sporty’s is already showing tremendous growth and<br />
functions are trending in the right direction,” said Anna.<br />
The Hurley Group has also taken advantage of the<br />
Arkaba’s large footprint to improve its function offer,<br />
which includes a series of smaller private bars. The<br />
Ark can now handle functions from 30 to 600 people.<br />
“A really critical part of<br />
the renovations has been<br />
increasing the number of<br />
function rooms we have<br />
to sell.”<br />
“A really critical part of the renovations has been<br />
increasing the number of function rooms we have to<br />
sell,” said Anna.<br />
“We feel people are willing to invest in special<br />
occasions.<br />
“Also, corporate functions have always been a really<br />
successful part of this business and we knew we had<br />
scope for growth.<br />
“We’ve improved our technology significantly. And we’re<br />
certainly seeing the results coming through.”<br />
Workspace Commercial Furniture, proud supplier to the Hurley Group, has long provided our<br />
expertise to the Hospitality and Retail segments through the design, manufacture and supply of<br />
hospitality furniture solutions. Our skilled joinery, chair making and custom cabinet making divisions,<br />
linked with our effective and efficient automated manufacturing results in hospitality furniture that is<br />
both timeless and appropriate.<br />
28 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
Thomas Foods are proud to Support the Arkaba.<br />
Producers and suppliers of quality seafood and<br />
catering lines to the Hospitality Industry.<br />
Proud suppliers to the Hurley Group.<br />
• South Australian family owned and operated<br />
• Fresh Seafood Processed daily in our HACCP<br />
approved facility<br />
• Country and Interstate areas supplied through a<br />
network of refrigerated carriers<br />
• The most experienced and talented support<br />
staff in the industry<br />
International Oyster & Seafoods<br />
“The Complete Package”<br />
241 - 247 Franklin St, Adelaide,<br />
<strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
P: 8231 6441<br />
E:<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
SPORTY’S<br />
Specialising in Commercial<br />
& Contract Furniture<br />
Fantastic new look at the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
Great to be a part of the work.<br />
Paul Pivato<br />
We love indoor-outdoor dining<br />
surrounded by sporting culture.<br />
Congratulations to<br />
the whole Hurley Team for updating<br />
such an Adelaide hospitality icon.<br />
Visit 174 Fullarton Road, Dulwich, <strong>SA</strong>, 5065<br />
T: 8332 1344 | W:<br />
T: 0412 067 652<br />
30 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
As stated earlier, the Arkaba has a unique design for an<br />
Adelaide pub – a dodecahedron.<br />
Remaining true to South Australian architect Dickson<br />
and Platten’s original design was a non-negotiable<br />
aspect of the project.<br />
Anna described their input into the most recent project<br />
as “remarkable”.<br />
“We love the bones of this hotel, the original design. We<br />
think it is a really beautiful part of Adelaide’s history and<br />
we wanted to make sure we maintained the integrity of<br />
that original design.<br />
“The Arkaba’s always been a very warm, cozy and<br />
inviting space that’s very welcoming for lots of different<br />
types of people whether you’re from the country, the<br />
southern suburbs, the northern suburbs or a local.<br />
“We wanted to maintain that feeling and we hope that’s<br />
what we’ve done.<br />
“It still feels like the Arkaba.”<br />
Anna also paid tribute to Cook Build which encountered<br />
numerous challenges during the rebuild but still<br />
delivered 95 per cent of the project on time.<br />
Congratulations to The Hurley Group<br />
on the fabulous refurbishment<br />
of the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
Four Seasons Fresh thanks the Hurley Group for<br />
its commitment to South Australian businesses and<br />
particularly the confidence shown in our business.<br />
We look forward to many years of service.<br /><br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
builder has the capacity to understand,” Anna said.<br />
It allowed hotel manager Jordarn Karpowicz to keep<br />
the doors open and the tills ringing.<br />
“He did a really good job in very challenging<br />
circumstances, problem solving every day. Nothing<br />
was too big a drama.”<br />
Not everything has changed. The gaming lounge and<br />
accommodation wings were not updated during this<br />
project, however visitors can expect<br />
to see some minor updates in the near future.<br />
Those hurdles included dealing with old plumbing and<br />
dated electrical work buried in tunnels beneath the<br />
Arkaba, as well as encountering asbestos where it had<br />
not been expected.<br />
“They took the time to understand the nature of the<br />
trading operation during construction, which not every<br />
Head chef Jasper Anderson has introduced<br />
some higher end dishes for the restaurant.<br />
The restaurant menu includes dishes such as<br />
hiramasa kingfish and Eyre Peninsula oysters as share<br />
plates, and mains including 12-hour pressed lamb and<br />
salmon with edamame purée, teriyaki sauce, black rice,<br />
bok choy, spring onion and peanut chilli crunch.<br />
Gluten free, vegetarian and vegan options are available.<br />
But devotees of the Arkaba can rest assured the<br />
staples remain the same.<br />
“A chicken parmy is the cornerstone of any good pub<br />
operation so we’ve remained true to that.”<br />
Pub and <strong>Hotel</strong> Air-conditioning<br />
& Ventilation Specialists<br />
Servicing <strong>SA</strong>’s best pubs and<br />
hotels since 2010<br />
• Air-conditioning<br />
• Kitchen Canopies<br />
• Refrigeration<br />
P: 08 7182 1249 | |<br />
32 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
“Head chef Jasper Anderson<br />
has introduced some higher<br />
end dishes for the restaurant.”<br />
Congratulations<br />
to the Hurley Family on a great refurbishment<br />
of the Arkaba from the Golding Family.<br />
Family Owned | Estate Grown | Adelaide Hills<br />
TRADE ENQUIRIES E: T: 0405 444 127<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
Anna said the hotel is enjoying the fruits of its<br />
investment.<br />
“We’ve made a really good start,” she said, going on to<br />
pay tribute to her parents, Jenny and Peter, for their<br />
“passion, passion and willingness to take risks”.<br />
Recently, the hotel made headlines for becoming the<br />
first venue in <strong>SA</strong> to introduce regular “Quiet Dinners”<br />
for the autistic community, thanks to a partnership<br />
between Autism <strong>SA</strong> and the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>.<br />
Almost 60% of autistic people and their families<br />
avoid going to pubs and bars. Bright lights, loud<br />
noises, crowded venues, and overpowering smells<br />
can all add to a sensory overload for people on<br />
the spectrum.<br />
To make dining out more accessible and inclusive,<br />
the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong> offers Quiet Dinners on the first<br />
Monday of each month from 5pm to 9pm.<br />
A section of the venue has lights dimmed, reduced<br />
music volume, a private bar to order from, and the<br />
McLeay Carpets is a fourth generation<br />
South Australian family owned and operated<br />
business specialising in carpet, vinyl, floating<br />
and direct stick timber and laminate flooring.<br />
We also have a comprehensive range of curtains, blinds, shutters, and awnings.<br />
With McLeay’s expertise to draw on, you can be 100% confident that we will<br />
provide an extensive range of products and a smooth and hassle-free process from<br />
beginning to end.<br />
With over 100 years of trade we have developed a reputation for outstanding customer<br />
service at the best price.<br />
Showroom: 243 Glen Osmond Road, Frewville 5063 | Ph: 8379 79 71<br />
Bulkstore: 594 Regency Road, Broadview 5083 | Ph: 8346 49 99<br />
Ph: 8346 49 99 | W:<br />
34 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
dinners are located where people can easily enter and<br />
exit without having to walk through crowds.<br />
“Our goal at the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong> is to be a venue for all<br />
occasions, we want to provide a place for everybody to<br />
make special memories and connect with their loved<br />
ones,” said Anna.<br />
In 2018, The Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong> was inducted into the <strong>SA</strong><br />
Music Hall Of Fame.<br />
Over the years, the Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong> has been home to acts<br />
such as Cold Chisel, Midnight Oil, Diesel, Thirsty Merc,<br />
Paul Kelly, Tex Perkins, Mental As Anything, The Cure<br />
and many more.<br />
Established as a premier entertainment venue in<br />
Adelaide, the Arkaba continues to deliver great quality<br />
events - whether it be weekly live music throughout<br />
the hotel or a national touring band, tribute show, DJ or<br />
comedian in the iconic Top of the Ark.<br />
Betta Home Furnishings management and staff<br />
congratulate the Hurley Group on their<br />
wonderful refurbishment of The Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
Showroom at 46 The Parade, Norwood | Ph. 83633660 |<br />
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A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
During his speech at the opening of the new-look<br />
Arkaba, Premier Peter Malinauskas paid tribute to Peter<br />
Hurley, “one of the most remarkable entrepreneurs<br />
in the state of South Australia in conjunction with his<br />
beautiful wife Jenny, and their impressive children,<br />
Samantha, Anna and Nick.”<br />
“Sometimes leadership is about seizing moments<br />
where no one else will.<br />
“And what Peter and Jenny identified over the years<br />
have been various opportunities that existed that no<br />
one saw. One of them is the acquisition of Arkaba hotel<br />
in 1991 when it went into receivership.<br />
“The transformation of the Arkaba under the Hurley’s<br />
leadership has been substantial.<br />
“There was the big redevelopment in the year 2000<br />
when you effectively doubled the number of hotel<br />
rooms and then of course, most recently, over $10<br />
million investment to give this venue yet another lease<br />
of life into the long term.<br />
“But amongst all that activity is the 600 people who<br />
are able to enjoy the dignity of work every single day<br />
because of the initiatives and the risks that have been<br />
taken by the Hurley Group.<br />
“That is to their eternal credit.”<br />
Congratulations to the Hurley’s Arkaba.<br />
From Porter & Co. Wine Merchants<br />
P: 8373 3010 |<br />
36 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
“Sometimes leadership is<br />
about seizing moments<br />
where no one else will.”<br />
A R K A B A H O T E L<br />
In 1991, amidst the backdrop of an unforgiving<br />
recession, the iconic Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong> found itself in the<br />
hands of receivers. However, driven by a bold vision,<br />
hotel owners Peter and Jenny Hurley refused to let<br />
adversity hinder their dreams. After a lengthy battle<br />
for bank approval, they finally took ownership of their<br />
first freehold hotel. Meanwhile, Peter’s brother, Tony<br />
Hurley, saw the potential and seized the opportunity<br />
to build an exceptional retail liquor business on<br />
the premises.<br />
The Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group remains a family-owned<br />
business operating in South Australia for over 30<br />
years. Peter and Jenny believe a good team is<br />
essential to the success of a large company and the<br />
Group employs over 600 staff, with many of them<br />
long term employees.<br />
We were founded on the<br />
philosophy of providing<br />
customers with a bespoke<br />
experience when it comes to<br />
creating dream outdoor spaces.<br />
With more than 20 years<br />
landscaping experience.<br />
From design through to<br />
construction it’s your one stop<br />
shop for a complete project<br />
solutions provider.<br />
Our services offered are<br />
Landscape design, construction<br />
and maintenance.<br />
We have loved working with The Great Outdawes team to create a new look for our landscaping.<br />
The team was great to work with and we’re thrilled with the result. It was important to us that our<br />
landscaping showed off our new look and feel and we think Phil and the team have done that perfectly.<br />
P: 08 7077 2637 | E: | W:<br />
Back to Contents W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | 37
CLOSE<br />
<strong>2024</strong><br />
NOW OPEN<br />
#AHA<strong>SA</strong>AWARDS<br />
#<strong>SA</strong>HOTELS<br />
AWARDS.AHA<strong>SA</strong>.COM.AU <br />
<strong>2024</strong> AHA|<strong>SA</strong> HOTEL INDUSTRY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE –<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards for Excellence are recognised as the most prestigious awards in the hospitality<br />
industry, honouring the achievement of excellence in a wide range of categories. This on-going<br />
commitment to excellence ensures our state’s hotels are some of the best in Australia.<br />
The annual AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards for Excellence provides a prime opportunity to showcase your venues<br />
and be proud of your achievements. For winners, it also brings marketing, advertising and<br />
endorsement opportunities that are invaluable to your hotel.<br />
Winners will be announced at the annual gala dinner being held at the Adelaide Entertainment<br />
Centre on Tuesday 22 October <strong>2024</strong>. The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards for Excellence is the highlight of the<br />
South Australian hotel calendar, bringing together hotel industry members and associates from<br />
all corners of the state to celebrate our vibrant industry and recognise those hotels that have<br />
achieved excellence.
H O S T P L U S<br />
Hostplus is an<br />
award-winning<br />
super fund<br />
Hostplus is Money magazine’s Best Super Fund<br />
for <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
What does that mean for our members? Hostplus is<br />
a top-performing super fund that puts members first.<br />
Judged on strong performance, good value, and an<br />
ongoing focus on members, we’re proud to be a super<br />
fund that delivers on all three fronts.<br />
Take a look at a few ways we’re striving to provide our<br />
members with the future they’ve worked hard for.<br />
Consistently strong returns<br />
We measure our success by what we deliver for our<br />
members. As well as winning Money magazine’s Best<br />
Super Fund for <strong>2024</strong>¹, Hostplus’ default Balanced<br />
(MySuper) option, where most of our members invest,<br />
is a top performer over the long term. In fact, it's ranked<br />
the number one option over rolling 10 and 20-year<br />
periods.²<br />
See our investment performance at hostplus/<br />
performance.<br />
A low admin fee<br />
One of the lowest admin fees out of any MySuper<br />
product means more of members’ money is invested in<br />
their future. Every dollar our members save goes a long<br />
way to helping them achieve a future full of positivity.<br />
That’s why we aim to keep our fees and costs as low<br />
as possible. You can find out about our fees by visiting<br />
hostplus/fees .<br />
A wide range of investment choices<br />
While our Balanced option is designed for members<br />
who prefer to leave investment decisions to us, we offer<br />
a range of investment options – including pre-mixed<br />
and single sector options – for those who want more<br />
control over their super. Members can mix and match<br />
different options to suit their investment risk profile<br />
and financial objectives. Take a look at our range of<br />
investments at hostplus/investments .<br />
That’s a plus.<br />
Find out more about our winning team at<br /> .<br />
Endnotes<br />
1<br />
Best Super Fund <strong>2024</strong> is awarded by Money magazine. Visit for awards criteria. Awards and ratings are only one factor to consider when<br />
choosing a super fund. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. General advice only. Consider the relevant Hostplus PDS and TMD<br />
at and your objectives, financial situation and needs, which have not been accounted for. Issued by Host-Plus Pty Limited<br />
ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL 244392 as trustee for the Hostplus Superannuation Fund, ABN 68 657 495 890.<br />
2<br />
SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index for January <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
3<br />
Source: SuperRatings fee data for public offer MySuper products extracted from SMART 2.0 platform on 7 February <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Comparison is based on the total administration fees and costs assuming a $50k account balance. Other fees and costs apply. Refer to the PDS for more<br />
information.<br />
Back to Contents W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | 39
P U B L I C A N P R O F I L E<br />
Bentleys <strong>SA</strong> 8372 7900<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Mister Lincoln 0402 777 326<br />
Studio Nine Architects 8132 3999<br />
Art Images Gallery 8363 0806<br />
ATMS<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
Cashzone 1300 305 600<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Big Screen Video 1300 244 727<br />
Novatech Creative Event Technology<br />
8352 0300<br />
Foxtel Music 1300 148 729<br />
Moov Music 1300 139 913<br />
Zoo Business Media 07 5587 7222<br />
Bank <strong>SA</strong> 0403 603 018<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
BOC Limited 0424 647 568<br />
Supagas 8252 7472<br />
Accolade Wines 8392 2238<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744<br />
Billsons 03 57281304<br />
Campari Group 02 9478 2727<br />
Carlton & United Breweries 13 BEER (13 2337)<br />
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners 8416 9547<br />
Coopers Brewery 8440 1800<br />
CUB Premium Beverages 8416 7819<br />
Diageo Australia 0401 120 872<br />
Empire Liquor 8371 0088<br />
Lion 8354 8888<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants 1800 628 539<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants 8346 9111<br />
Pernod Ricard Australia 8208 2400<br />
Samuel Smith & Son 8112 4200<br />
Southtrade International 0410 449 720<br />
Treasury Wine Estates 8301 5400<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
BK Electronics 0431 509 409<br />
Cardtronics 03 9574 4878<br />
Coms Systems 0408 462 321<br />
Consillion 1800 500 994<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
A Cleaner World 0426 887 364<br />
Grinders Coffee 1300 476 377<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
Compnow 8133 8000<br />
AED Authority 03 8710 8666<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 78 5646<br />
Class A Energy Solutions 8391 4853<br />
Power Maintenance Group 1300 700 500<br />
Trans Tasman Energy 1300 118 834<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
Mr Wet Wall 1800 938 925<br />
COMS Systems 1800 324 918<br />
Vix Vision 0400 310 326<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
FOOD <strong>SA</strong>FETY<br />
Think ST Solutions 0422 285 720<br />
Bidfood 0427 099 558<br />
Galipo Foods 8168 2000<br />
PFD Foodservice 8114 2300<br />
Thomas Foods 8162 8400<br />
Concept Collections 1300 269 800<br />
Mister Lincoln 0402 777 326<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
<strong>SA</strong> Lotteries 132 315<br />
UBET 8354 7300<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Winnall & Co 8379 3159<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology 0409 171 616<br />
Aristocrat Technologies Australia 8273 9900<br />
Coms Systems 0409 283 066<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
IGT 8231 8430<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Konami Australia Pty Ltd 0409 047 899<br />
MAX 8275 9700<br />
Light & Wonder 0400 002 229<br />
Statewide Gaming 0448 076 144<br />
The Card Network 1300 375 346<br />
Bupa 1300 662 074 (#2146982)<br />
A H A | S A C O R P O R A T E P A R T N E R S<br />
JLL 8233 8890<br />
Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory 8233 5222<br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 0410 605 224<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 8414 7800<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Digital Marketing AOK 1300 658 543<br />
STR 7070 0103<br />
Max Systems 8275 9700<br />
Aon Risk Solutions 8301 1111<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
Stoddart Food Service Equipment<br />
0468 923 320<br />
<strong>SA</strong> Lotteries 13 18 68<br />
Eckermann Lawyers 8235 3990<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers 8205 3318<br />
Ryan & Co Solicitors 0421 595 815<br />
Wallmans Lawyers 8235 3018<br />
Alsco 1300 659 892<br />
ORTC Clothing Co 0422 515 213<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
MEDIA<br />
FIVEaa 8419 1395<br />
Foxtel 1300 138 898<br />
Solstice Media 8224 1600<br />
Migration Solutions 8210 9800<br />
ONHOLD/MES<strong>SA</strong>GING<br />
1800 ON HOLD 8125 9370<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Tanda 1300 859 117<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Bepoz 1300 023 769<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
The Banner Crew 8240 0242<br />
Foxtel 1300 790 182<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality 8338 1492<br />
Alliance College 1300 665 065<br />
The Kingsmen 0410 416 655<br />
Maxima 8340 7766<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
HostPlus 0418 327 607<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
40 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
GAMING CARE works with all South Australian <strong>Hotel</strong>s with gaming<br />
machines to reduce the harm caused by problem gambling.<br />
Providing the hotel industry with the capacity to respond to community concerns related<br />
to the harm associated with gambling by contributing to early intervention and support<br />
for problem gamblers and their families.<br />
Minimising the harm caused by problem gambling behaviour by fostering a compliant<br />
and proactive industry that works with regulators, gambling help services and gaming<br />
patrons to minimise harm caused by gambling.<br />
Assisting licensees and hotel staff with their compliance obligations, and supporting<br />
venue staff through education and training regarding the recognition of problem<br />
gambling indicators and assisting in accurately documenting patron behaviour.<br />
Providing licensees and hotel staff with the confidence and skills required to engage<br />
directly with patrons who are showing indicators of potential problem gambling, enabling<br />
them to intervene early and refer the patron to a gambling help service, or other support<br />
options if required.<br />
Contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our Office, for<br />
information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue.<br />
For any assistance or support<br />
please contact your local<br />
Gaming Care Officer, or our office<br />
for information on how Gaming<br />
Care can assist your venue.<br />
Back to Contents W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | 41
D I A M O N D<br />
P L A T I N U M<br />
G O L D<br />
S I L V E R<br />
131 733<br />
AED Authority<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology<br />
Boylen<br />
Campari Group<br />
IGT<br />
For full product range and details<br />
of your nearest branch<br />
Konami Australia Pty Ltd<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers<br />
Digital Marketing AOK<br />
Light & Wonder<br />
PFD063 <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> Advert (1/4 Page).indd 1<br />
18/05/09 11:47 AM<br />
Samuel Smith & Son<br />
Bank<strong>SA</strong><br />
Empire Liquor<br />
Liquor Marketing Group<br />
Stoddart Food Equipment<br />
Big Screen Video<br />
Bluize<br />
Foxtel<br />
GFR Pro<br />
Novatech Creative Event<br />
Technology<br />
Tanda<br />
B R O N Z E<br />
1800 ON HOLD<br />
Cashzone<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality Class A Energy Solutions<br />
Alliance College<br />
Compnow<br />
Alsco<br />
COMS Systems<br />
Banktech<br />
Concept Collections<br />
Bentleys Accountants<br />
Billsons<br />
Consillion<br />
BK Electronics<br />
Eckermann Lawyers<br />
BOC Limited<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming<br />
Bunnings Group<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis<br />
T Bunzl 08 8100 2499 F 08 8232 JLL 4979<br />
H O T E L I N D U S T R Y S U P P O R T E R<br />
4TH FLOOR AHA|<strong>SA</strong> HOUSE<br />
60 HINDMARSH SQUARE, ADELAIDE <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
Knight Frank Valuations &<br />
Advisory <strong>SA</strong><br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
Mister Lincoln<br />
Next Payments<br />
ORTC Clothing Co<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth<br />
Advisers<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers<br />
Power Maintenance Group<br />
Ryan & Co. Solicitors<br />
A Cleaner World (ACW)<br />
Art Images Gallery<br />
Bupa<br />
The Card Network<br />
Solstice Media<br />
Statewide Gaming<br />
St John<br />
Studio Nine Architects<br />
Supagas<br />
The Banner Crew<br />
The Kingsmen<br />
Trans Tasman Energy Group<br />
Vix Vision<br />
Wallmans Lawyers<br />
Winnall & Co<br />
Maxima<br />
Migration Solutions<br />
Southtrade International<br />
Think ST Solutions<br />
42 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
L I C E N S E E T R A N S F E R S<br />
MARCH <strong>2024</strong><br />
Sky Tavern Port Augusta 01.03.24 EDP Sky Pty Ltd<br />
Archer <strong>Hotel</strong> North Adelaide 08.03.24 Arciere Pty Ltd<br />
Carrieton <strong>Hotel</strong> Carrieton 25.03.24 Offtap <strong>Hotel</strong>s Pty Ltd<br />
Light <strong>Hotel</strong> Eudunda 27.03.24 Jennifer Lane<br />
OFFICE<br />
Level 4, 60 Hindmarsh<br />
Square, Adelaide <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
POSTAL<br />
PO Box 3092,<br />
Rundle Mall <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
P (08) 8232 4525<br />
P 1800 814 525 Toll Free<br />
F (08) 8232 4979<br />
E<br />
W<br />
President<br />
Vice President<br />
Deputy Vice President<br />
Views expressed in <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> are not necessarily those of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> or the publisher and neither can accept,<br />
and therefore disclaims any liability, to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from<br />
negligence, accident or any other cause. We do not endorse any advertising materials, services offered within<br />
advertisements or products, special offers or goods promoted therein.<br />
<strong>SA</strong>M McINNES<br />
Secretary Treasurer<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
CEO<br />
Deputy CEO<br />
ALI<strong>SA</strong> WENZEL<br />
Financial Officer<br />
Accommodation Australia (<strong>SA</strong>)<br />
& Communications<br />
Manager - Policy & Industry<br />
Affairs<br />
<strong>SA</strong>RAH LEGOE<br />
Senior Advisor - Workplace<br />
Relations, Liquor Licensing &<br />
Gaming<br />
Legal and Advocacy<br />
Liquor Licensing &<br />
Gaming Advisor<br />
Membership & Business<br />
Services<br />
+<br />
Events & Partnerships<br />
Training Coordinator<br />
Executive Assistant<br />
+<br />
3/288 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton <strong>SA</strong> 5063<br />
P (08) 8233 9433 W<br />
TIM BOYLEN Managing Director<br /><br />
JAMIE RICHARDSON Advertising<br /><br />
Studio Manager/Graphic Designer<br />
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
Back to Contents W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | 43