Hotel SA November 2023
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16 Pages<br />
of Awards:<br />
Winners +<br />
Photos<br />
The Elephant <strong>Hotel</strong>'s<br />
new look<br />
Adelaide’s Best <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
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Shortcut to Stories<br />
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Click here <br />
President's Column<br />
Good news for employers and<br />
casuals, thanks to smart lobbying<br />
by the AHA team.<br />
Click here <br />
New Look Elephant<br />
What was the business thinking<br />
behind refurbishing The Elephant?<br />
Click here <br />
Prepare for Peak Season<br />
The peak season is an exciting time<br />
for any hotel. However, it’s also a<br />
challenging time of year.<br />
Click here <br />
Best Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> Winners<br />
The best of South Australia’s hotel<br />
industry has been revealed at the<br />
<strong>2023</strong> AHA|<strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong> Awards.<br />
Click here <br />
Award Winner List<br />
See the full list of winners from<br />
the <strong>2023</strong> AHA|<strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong> Awards<br />
for Excellence.<br />
Click here <br />
Photos from the Awards<br />
See photos from the big night - hotel<br />
members and guests, corporate<br />
partners, plus exciting entertainment.<br />
I N T H I S I S S U E<br />
04 From the President<br />
06 From the CEO<br />
09 Best of The Best<br />
10 Best of ‘New British’<br />
at The Elephant<br />
16 Lisa Matthews Tribute<br />
19 Getting Ready For<br />
The Festive Season<br />
24 Regional Meetings<br />
26 <strong>2023</strong> AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards<br />
for Excellence<br />
28 <strong>2023</strong> AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards<br />
for Excellence - Best Overall <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
30 <strong>2023</strong> AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards<br />
for Excellence - Winners<br />
35 <strong>2023</strong> AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards for<br />
Excellence - Photos<br />
42 AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Corporate Partner Directory<br />
44 Corporate Partners <strong>2023</strong>/24<br />
45 Licensee Transfers<br />
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
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‘Loophole’ Changes<br />
A Win For <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
From the President<br />
Previous issues of this magazine<br />
have focussed on the Federal<br />
Government’s ‘Closing the<br />
Loopholes’ industrial bill, with an<br />
emphasis on the devastating impact<br />
it would have had on our ability to<br />
employ causals.<br />
The bill, due to be debated in<br />
Federal Parliament next February,<br />
threatened to make the employment<br />
of casuals - as we know it - almost<br />
impossible, and would have severely<br />
eroded the very way we conduct<br />
our business.<br />
Thanks to the incredible efforts of<br />
our national CEO Stephen Ferguson<br />
and his small IR team, along with<br />
Owen Webb in the <strong>SA</strong> office, the<br />
AHA has averted the very worst<br />
aspects of this bill.<br />
Every employer group has signalled<br />
strong concerns about this bill and<br />
its negative impacts on their sector.<br />
The AHA went about its business as<br />
it has always done - avoiding public<br />
debate and doing the deal at the<br />
coal face.<br />
The result is rather than create a<br />
headline, the AHA created a solution.<br />
And once again, we have been<br />
recognised by government as a<br />
voice of reason.<br />
I would like to reinforce the<br />
comments of our national office<br />
in thanking the Minister for<br />
Employment and Workplace<br />
Relations, Tony Burke, for taking the<br />
time to listen to our concerns and<br />
taking actions to address them.<br />
While there is still work to be done,<br />
we now have certainty for casual<br />
workers who want to remain exactly<br />
that – casual workers.<br />
In our national media release, our<br />
CEO Stephen Ferguson said the<br />
outcome was “good news for both<br />
casuals and employers alike.”<br />
“The simple fact is many hospitality<br />
workers do actually prefer casual<br />
“The simple fact is many hospitality<br />
workers do actually prefer casual<br />
employment, given the 25% wage<br />
loading and the flexibility to refuse<br />
shifts.”<br />
employment, given the 25% wage<br />
loading and the flexibility to refuse<br />
shifts.<br />
“Our concern with the original<br />
Bill was that employers would no<br />
longer be able to provider systemic<br />
regular casual employment to those<br />
workers who were happy with it.<br />
“The amendments which have been<br />
committed to provide much more<br />
certainty and fairness for workers<br />
and employers and can be chalked<br />
up as a win for both.”<br />
“They strike the right balance.”<br />
Our Association also welcomes a<br />
commitment by the Government to<br />
remove the civil penalty provision<br />
relating to misrepresentation of<br />
casual employment in the Bill.<br />
Any mistakes, disputes or questions<br />
will be able to be dealt with by the<br />
independent umpire, the Fair Work<br />
Commission.<br />
The nature of our businesses which<br />
is a world away from the ‘Monday<br />
to Friday, 9-5’ environment means<br />
casuals will always be at the heart<br />
of our rostering.<br />
And our pubs give so many people<br />
their first job in life. Give University<br />
students the chance to fund their<br />
studies. The change in approach by<br />
the Federal Government last week<br />
has ensured that can continue.<br />
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F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />
Congratulations to all of the success<br />
stories in the <strong>2023</strong> AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards<br />
For Excellence.<br />
This issue of <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> includes<br />
extended coverage of the awards,<br />
which was another great night of<br />
celebration as we continue to put<br />
some very dark days behind us.<br />
In particular, I would like to<br />
congratulate:<br />
• The Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong>: Best Overall<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> – General Division<br />
• McLaren Vale <strong>Hotel</strong>: Best Overall<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> – Country as well as Best<br />
Redeveloped Country<br />
• Mount Lofty House: Best Overall<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> – Accommodation Division.<br />
I am also in awe of the three hotels<br />
that were inducted into the <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
Awards Hall of Fame for winning<br />
their categories for multiple<br />
consecutive years. The owners<br />
and teams of these hotels should<br />
be enormously proud of their<br />
achievements:<br />
• Warradale <strong>Hotel</strong>: Best Sporting<br />
Entertainment Venue<br />
• Governor Hindmarsh <strong>Hotel</strong>: Best<br />
Entertainment Venue<br />
• Watervale <strong>Hotel</strong>: Best Innovation,<br />
Sustainability and Energy<br />
Efficiency Practice.<br />
Watch Video <br />
I now look forward to seeing many<br />
<strong>SA</strong> winners at the national awards,<br />
which will be held at the Adelaide<br />
Oval on Monday 27 <strong>November</strong>.<br />
Congratulations to Lucy Randall<br />
and her team for putting together<br />
a sensational night. Our political<br />
friends who attended, along with<br />
senior Interstate industry leaders,<br />
all remarked on the success of the<br />
event. A staggering 920 guests with<br />
not a spare seat in the house. Now<br />
that is great going!<br />
It is great news that Tabcorp has<br />
agreed to extend its wonderful<br />
Diamond partnership with AHA <strong>SA</strong><br />
for a further two years.<br />
This means AHA members will<br />
continue to exclusively enjoy a 75%<br />
rebate off their Sky Channel fees,<br />
and by next July, Tabcorp have<br />
committed to deliver free Sky to all<br />
our member hotels<br />
In a time of spiralling costs, we<br />
thank Tabcorp for their incredible<br />
support of our venues.<br />
David Basheer, AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President<br />
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The Changing Face<br />
Of <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
From the CEO<br />
Our recent awards night speaks<br />
volumes about our industry as<br />
a whole.<br />
On the surface, it is a celebration of<br />
the best hotels in South Australia<br />
and this is acknowledged in our<br />
special coverage in this issue of<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong>, and by our President in<br />
his column (see previous page).<br />
Yet at a deeper level, our awards<br />
give a compelling insight into our<br />
sector as a whole. Several aspects<br />
struck me on the night and I would<br />
like to share with those you.<br />
One was the youthful vibrancy in<br />
the room. I know that in previous<br />
decades the awards were a lot more<br />
formal, with mandatory dinner suits<br />
and gowns, and a lot higher average<br />
age! It was a reflection of the times.<br />
Today, publicans are a lot more<br />
inclusive and this is seen in the<br />
profile of the awards audience at the<br />
Entertainment Centre. Our members<br />
now see it as an opportunity to<br />
invite key staff to the event as a way<br />
of saying “thank you” and to share<br />
in the joy of success. It was so<br />
wonderful to see minibuses pull up,<br />
full of excited young staff looking<br />
forward to an exciting night and with<br />
any luck victory for their own venue.<br />
“<strong>Hotel</strong>s have become a melting pot<br />
of cultures. As I so often say our<br />
hotels are, and absolutely should be,<br />
a reflection of the communities within<br />
which they reside.”<br />
Our youth is the future of the<br />
industry. They bring modern skills,<br />
new expectations and lifeblood into<br />
an ever-evolving and vibrant industry<br />
that employs over 26,000 people in<br />
this state.<br />
Another feature of the night was the<br />
gender balance. When I look back at<br />
photos from previous decades, the<br />
room was largely filled with men.<br />
Now we see equal representation of<br />
women of all ages and all positions.<br />
We are a female-friendly industry<br />
and this is reflected in our pubs and<br />
hotels, and in their success.<br />
A politician I spoke to on the night<br />
was impressed by the multicultural<br />
nature of guests and asked if this<br />
was reflective of hotel staff in<br />
<strong>2023</strong>. The answer I gave was a<br />
resounding “Yes”.<br />
What was a predominantly white,<br />
Anglo Saxon industry last century,<br />
is now incredibly diverse and<br />
very reflective of society at large.<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s have become a melting pot<br />
of cultures. As I so often say our<br />
hotels are, and absolutely should<br />
be, a reflection of the communities<br />
within which they reside.<br />
This is significant because not<br />
only does it bring fresh ideas<br />
into hotels, it makes hotels<br />
more appealing to the Australian<br />
public. We mirror the society we<br />
operate in. We have always taken<br />
pride in the fact that our venues<br />
support local communities like<br />
no other commercial sector, and<br />
the diversity of ‘culture and creed’<br />
makes us truly representative of<br />
these communities.<br />
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F R O M T H E C E O<br />
Treasurer Stephen Mulligan.<br />
At the political level, it was<br />
reassuring to hear the Treasurer,<br />
Stephen Mulligan, speak in<br />
support of our industry.<br />
This is critical because we operate<br />
in areas that attract vocal minority<br />
groups that would destroy our<br />
livelihoods if they got their way.<br />
The Treasurer was representing<br />
the Premier, who had attended the<br />
five previous awards nights but fell<br />
ill that day.<br />
“Can I assure you and your<br />
industry that you are very well<br />
supported by Members of<br />
Parliament across the spectrum in<br />
both Houses,” he said.<br />
“We realise how important your<br />
industry is …”<br />
“So thank you so much for the<br />
work that you do. Thank you to all<br />
of those business operators, those<br />
family businesses, those mums<br />
and dads that over the years have<br />
invested their own hard-earned<br />
money to take a risk, to get in<br />
behind an operation, to employ<br />
South Australians and to make<br />
such a success of it.<br />
“You are such an important part of<br />
our State’s economy and we look<br />
forward to continuing the support<br />
into the future.”<br />
In reality, the government has been<br />
highly supportive of our industry<br />
and we are very grateful.<br />
The Treasurer noted how<br />
“challenging” the environment had<br />
been for the hospitality industry<br />
in recent years, and described<br />
the Covid period as “horrific” for<br />
pubs, but welcomed a return to<br />
better trading conditions in the last<br />
18 months.<br />
“I know that it doesn’t replace all<br />
of the impacts of those two very<br />
difficult years but it does feel like<br />
the strength of the last 18 months<br />
has been some reward for the<br />
resilience of all of the operators in<br />
this industry.”<br />
Realising that, I am sure there could<br />
not possibly be any tax increases on<br />
the horizon!<br />
Treasurer Mulligan also reiterated<br />
the government’s commitment to<br />
big events to attract “thousands of<br />
interstate and international visitors<br />
to our State and contribute so much<br />
to our economy - but particularly to<br />
your businesses “.<br />
Watch Video <br />
He acknowledged the work of<br />
the AHA in lobbying government<br />
“to make sure we don’t forget the<br />
bread butter; to make sure we are<br />
investing in attracting conventions<br />
to our city and to our state, to<br />
support the overall level of activity<br />
throughout the year.”<br />
I would like to reiterate just how<br />
important it is to be organising<br />
“magnets” that will draw people to<br />
South Australia during the winter<br />
months and also to thank the state<br />
government for their consistent<br />
investment in major events and the<br />
drive to make South Australia<br />
a destination of choice.<br />
Anna Moeller,<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO<br />
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A H A | S A A W A R D S<br />
@AHA<strong>SA</strong>5000<br />
#AHA<strong>SA</strong>AWARDS<br />
#<strong>SA</strong>HOTELS<br />
AHA<strong>SA</strong>.ASN.AU<br />
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A H A | S A A W A R D S<br />
BEST OF<br />
THE BEST<br />
The best hotels in South Australia were announced at a<br />
gala presentation on the last night in October.<br />
HOTELS <br />
Pages 28-29<br />
LIST <br />
Pages 30-34<br />
THE NIGHT <br />
Pages 35-41<br />
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T H E E L E P H A N T H O T E L<br />
Best of ‘New British’<br />
at The Elephant<br />
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T H E E L E P H A N T H O T E L<br />
Stop press: By a happy coincidence, after this story<br />
was written The Elephant went on to win the award<br />
for Draught Beer Quality at the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards For<br />
Excellence.<br />
Kym Turner has no problems talking about the elephant<br />
in the room.<br />
There is now a bright, contemporary feel to the<br />
Elephant British Pub in Cinema Place off Rundle St<br />
– quite the leap from how some remember it.<br />
For many years, The Elephant embodied the look and<br />
feel of a classic English pub.<br />
But times change, and COVID changed times.<br />
Kym, who has owned The Astor for nine years, bought<br />
the Elephant with a business partner in May, 2022, lured<br />
more by what it could be than what it was.<br />
He believes they are just its second owners since it was<br />
built in the 1980s next to Adelaide’s old IMAX theatre.<br />
“I needed more function space because the Astor was<br />
basically booked out all the time,” Kym said.<br />
“I was looking for something that had facilities close to<br />
the city but with more rooms available.<br />
“The Elephant’s had a good name over many, many<br />
years.<br />
“Most people can remember going there but not leaving<br />
so that’s always a good thing.<br />
“Lot Fourteen was opening up. Rundle St seems to be<br />
growing. And people are prepared to go into the back<br />
laneways like in Peel St to look for a venue.”<br />
So Kym and co bought the Elephant and immediately<br />
closed its doors for a renovation he admits cost “more<br />
than we wanted to spend - well over a million dollars”.<br />
COVID provided much of the motivation, inspiration and<br />
the opportunity for the makeover.<br />
“No-one sits at a bar anymore; they’ve all moved away<br />
from the bar,” Kym said.<br />
“People don’t stand up and drink anymore, they sit down<br />
and drink.<br />
“We hunted and hunted and there were a few pubs in<br />
England that were starting to do what we’ve done and<br />
gone away from the dark, dingy low ceiling sort of thing<br />
because COVID really hurt them.<br />
“It’s all about numbers and areas and stuff.<br />
“(The Elephant) was old and tired. It needed to be<br />
done anyway so we tried to do what we call a modern,<br />
British pub.”<br />
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T H E E L E P H A N T H O T E L<br />
He admits it was a decision that has been polarising.<br />
“Yeah it has had that effect. But we wanted to be a<br />
venue for everyone. We found a lot of females didn’t<br />
want to go there. It was more for the young uni set<br />
and stuff.<br />
“We had to think about the whole demographic we were<br />
going for.<br />
“We don’t want to appeal to just one segment of<br />
www<br />
the market. We want to be a pub and be open to all<br />
segments of the market, which I think we’ve achieved.”<br />
So the old Elephant was completely gutted and<br />
transformed, upstairs and down, creating a 280-person<br />
function area above that has the capacity to be split into<br />
two areas by a soundproof wall, still retaining separate<br />
bars and toilets.<br />
It re-opened on 4 <strong>November</strong>, 2002 and according to<br />
Kym, “the old regulars love it”.<br />
Fitout & Construction<br /><br />
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H O T E L E L L I O T<br />
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T H E E L E P H A N T H O T E L<br />
But now, there are new regulars.<br />
“We’re getting a lot more females in – for lunch and the<br />
after work crowd.<br />
“Rundle St is certainly growing in popularity.<br />
“Enzo’s sister restaurant, Enoteca, has just opened up<br />
down there.<br />
“There’s a new burger bar opening up, the shops are<br />
filling up. That’s always a good thing.<br />
“I think people have got past the Royal Adelaide Hospital<br />
closing.<br />
“I think (the vibe) is coming back.”<br />
Kym maintains the Elephant British has not lost its<br />
Britishness.<br />
“I think we’re British enough because what is British<br />
now?<br />
“We’re not trying to cover every base.<br />
“But yes, we’ve got British beers without having a dark,<br />
dingy, wooden bar with a ceiling on your head because<br />
now days you just won’t survive.”<br />
The days of the dedicated themed pub are all but gone,<br />
Kym said.<br />
“I think if you go down that track and stick to it 100 per<br />
cent, things are very tough.<br />
“But if you theme yourself like we have, yes we’re British<br />
but we’ve also got Australian beers and gins and all that,<br />
it suits the punter a lot more. It’s more a broad-range<br />
spectrum.<br />
“You need to be bright, you need to be bigger because<br />
everyone’s space conscious after COVID.”<br />
An impressive range of English Ales sit among the<br />
24 taps downstairs, with several unique brews such<br />
as Scotland’s Belhaven Robert Burns Brown Ale and<br />
Oxfordshire’s Hobgoblin Ruby Beer. Then there are<br />
more recognised tipples like Guinness, Kilkenny and the<br />
popular Old Speckled Hen.<br />
They are complemented by standard beers Kym said are<br />
also hard to find in Rundle St.<br />
“I think we’re the only pub in the area that has<br />
mainstream beers on tap.<br />
“So if you want a Carlton Draught, a Great Northern or a<br />
Hahn Super Dry, you come to us.<br />
“We’re not going heavily down the craft market. I think<br />
that’s sufficiently looked after in Rundle Street.”<br />
The menu also gives a nod to the Old Dart with its everpopular<br />
fish and chips and its side that keeps diners<br />
coming back.<br />
“We just can’t keep up with the mushy peas,” Kym said.<br />
“They love them. It’s something that stands us apart<br />
from the others. It’s very, very British.”<br />
But whether mushy peas are your thing or not, if you’re<br />
still feeling nostalgic at the Elephant, you’ll find it in the<br />
sanctuary of its exceptionally well-priced menu.<br />
As some pub menus rising as inflation continues to<br />
impact costs, the Elephant still proudly trumpets its<br />
pasta of the day at $19, its curry at $21 and staples such<br />
as schnitzels for $22 and salt and pepper squid for $23.<br />
It’s stretching Kym’s pursestrings but it’s a decision he<br />
has taken both strategically and proudly.<br />
“Absolutely. To me hospitality is about looking after<br />
the client.<br />
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T H E E L E P H A N T H O T E L<br />
A generous Friday happy hour keeps the knockoff<br />
crowd smiling with $6 pints, base spirits and<br />
Australian wines and $8 imperials.<br />
But to balance the books, something had to give and<br />
that something was live music.<br />
“COVID was really a game changer for live music too,”<br />
he said.<br />
“There was a big live music venue upstairs but that’s<br />
gone at this point.<br />
He said inflation has increased the fees and costs to<br />
stage live music but with no guarantee of crowd sizes.<br />
“Without the client, there is no hospitality. The old<br />
saying ‘the customer is always right’ still basically<br />
happens today and it should happen.<br />
“The customer should be able to order what they want<br />
at a reasonable price.”<br />
Rising wages and soaring overheads against the<br />
backdrop of a plummeting Australian dollar have made<br />
that decision harder than ever.<br />
“It’s been extremely difficult. Every invoice we get<br />
there’s a price rise.<br />
“Everyone is trying to make the same money as they<br />
made before COVID.<br />
“But you look at it and you go ‘right, do I have 10 people<br />
come through the door, pay $22 a schnitzel and have<br />
10 beers or do we have five people come in at $24 a<br />
schnitzel and have five beers?’”<br />
Kym said he’s fortunate as an independent owner to<br />
be able to push back against the enormous hike in the<br />
cost of eating out.<br />
"Every pub has got to make their own decision and try<br />
to meet the needs of their own community and their<br />
expectations as to price point".<br />
“But there’s no guarantee of the crowd because it’s<br />
still the same crowd they had 10 years ago.<br />
“That crowd’s now 10 years older and they drink one<br />
or two beers and then drink water because they’ve got<br />
to drive.”<br />
Instead, the Elephant turns to DJs on Friday and<br />
Saturday nights, attracting a younger, thirstier crowd.<br />
And it is the only pub in the area with Fox Sports<br />
and Optus Sports to keep the AFL, cricket and EPL<br />
fans happy.<br />
Kym’s been in pubs all his life since growing up<br />
pouring beers in his family’s Bute <strong>Hotel</strong> at the top of<br />
the Yorke Peninsula.<br />
The Lord Melbourne was his first foray into ownership,<br />
before he arrived at the Astor.<br />
Now, Kym and his business partner aspire to grow<br />
their holdings, seeking more pubs with big function<br />
spaces.<br />
“We’re looking to acquire at the moment.<br />
“You’ve either got to go big into gaming or diversify<br />
into different areas – dining, nightclubs or functions.<br />
“I push down the function space.”<br />
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P U B L I C A N P R O F I L E<br />
The following is an edited version<br />
of the speech announcing the<br />
induction of Lisa Matthews into the<br />
Women In <strong>Hotel</strong>s Hall of Fame.<br />
Daughter of the late Tony Matthews<br />
and proud mother, Colleen, Lisa<br />
holds the role of an older sister to<br />
her brother, Scott, and the late Ward<br />
Matthews. As a third-generation<br />
member of the Matthews family,<br />
she carries a remarkable legacy<br />
within the hotel industry, one that<br />
traces its origins back to 1942 when<br />
her grandfather, Seymour Matthews,<br />
and his wife, Dossie, leased the<br />
Bayview <strong>Hotel</strong> in Whyalla.<br />
The Matthews family has left an<br />
indelible mark on this industry,<br />
having owned or operated over<br />
36 leases or freeholds for more<br />
than 80 years. Lisa's journey in the<br />
world of hotels began at a mere<br />
six weeks old when she took up<br />
residence in her first hotel. This<br />
was during her parents' tenure<br />
managing the Tasman <strong>Hotel</strong> in Port<br />
Lincoln. The spirited atmosphere of<br />
hotel life played its part in her early<br />
development, as she took her first<br />
steps at just nine months old, often<br />
with the support and amusement of<br />
patrons and staff.<br />
The Tasman <strong>Hotel</strong> was a<br />
foundational experience in the world<br />
of pub life, where Lisa, even as a<br />
toddler, entertained patrons with her<br />
charm, enjoying her raspberry drinks<br />
at the bar. Many wondered if it was<br />
a suitable environment for a young<br />
child, but Lisa's natural ease in the<br />
setting soon dispelled any doubts.<br />
When Tony and Colleen took over<br />
the Eyre <strong>Hotel</strong> in Whyalla, Lisa<br />
seamlessly transitioned into her<br />
new surroundings and being the<br />
inquisitive type, she occasionally<br />
created some issues for the<br />
accommodation guests. On one<br />
day, she went to all the rooms and<br />
gathered up the toothbrushes of<br />
every traveller staying at the hotel,<br />
which created a few problems for<br />
mum when she had to politely ask<br />
the guests on return whether they<br />
would like a new toothbrush for<br />
the evening.<br />
Lisa Matthews<br />
Tribute<br />
As the only granddaughter to<br />
Seymour & Dossie, she was very<br />
close to them and adored her time<br />
with them as they doted upon her.<br />
Seymour was renowned for his<br />
flamboyance and charm, spotted<br />
driving the streets of Adelaide in his<br />
Rolls Royce with the cigar in hand.<br />
Lisa attended Loreto Convent<br />
school in Marryatville and it was in<br />
these years that her personal values<br />
took root, never seeking to be the<br />
centre of attention or overtly flashy.<br />
She would not allow her grandfather<br />
to pick her up from school in his<br />
flashy Rolls Royce, insisting their<br />
success remain low profile, and that<br />
Seymour park around the corner!<br />
After completing her schooling,<br />
Lisa spent five years in professional<br />
horse training, competition work<br />
and instructing at Templewood<br />
Riding School. She even managed<br />
a short stint in Canberra working<br />
for a Quarter horse enterprise and<br />
training horses for diplomats’ wives.<br />
Following a stint overseas, her<br />
passion for understanding people<br />
and what motivates them led her<br />
to pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree<br />
with a major in Psychology.<br />
After obtaining her degree, Lisa<br />
joined the family business,<br />
focusing on the people and culture<br />
aspects of the business. In this<br />
role, Lisa also developed policies<br />
Mel Cooper presents<br />
flowers to Lisa.<br />
and procedures for the business,<br />
formalizing employee recruitment<br />
and managing all matters related<br />
to employment contracts, training,<br />
industrial relations, human<br />
resources, and employment<br />
relations. She actively participated<br />
in the AHA industrial relations subcommittee<br />
and the AHA Women in<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s committee. She also served<br />
on the board of Tennis <strong>SA</strong>.<br />
One often overlooked aspect of<br />
Lisa's role in the business was<br />
keeping her father, Tony, in check.<br />
With his uncompromising style, she<br />
often served as a buffer between<br />
him and the demands of staff<br />
and family, providing a stabilizing<br />
influence throughout the trials and<br />
tribulations of life.<br />
However, it was a significant turning<br />
point in 2001 when her father faced<br />
a major health event, thrusting<br />
Lisa into assuming various key<br />
responsibilities for the pub group.<br />
With no formal succession plan<br />
in the business, she took on tasks<br />
involving finances, insurance,<br />
contract negotiations, and any<br />
areas where her father needed<br />
representation, or had previously<br />
managed.<br />
At the age of 29, Lisa married<br />
Graham, a dashing young lawyer,<br />
and they have now spent more than<br />
30 years together as husband and<br />
wife. Together, they raised their two<br />
16 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
sons, Max and Tom, who are now<br />
29 and 27, respectively.<br />
Throughout her many years in the<br />
business, Lisa served as the glue<br />
that held the Matthews Hospitality<br />
Group together including the<br />
various stakeholders; staff, unions,<br />
suppliers, and family members.<br />
Her unwavering commitment to<br />
her family's legacy was evident<br />
when she oversaw the governance<br />
restructure of the Matthews<br />
Hospitality Group in 2017. She<br />
played a pivotal role in appointing<br />
an independent board and<br />
Caption.<br />
management to work alongside the<br />
family, ensuring the organisation's<br />
continuity for future generations.<br />
In September 2020, this dedication<br />
to her family's legacy led to another<br />
restructure, culminating in Lisa, her<br />
brothers Scott and Ward, assuming<br />
full ownership of the Matthews<br />
Hospitality Group following the<br />
passing of their father, Tony, some<br />
18 months earlier. This transition<br />
marked a significant moment<br />
for the group, securing its legacy<br />
while showcasing Lisa's immense<br />
courage and determination.<br />
Lisa epitomizes elegance, grace,<br />
and poise. She represents her<br />
family with dignity and humility, and<br />
her values remain uncompromised<br />
in all situations. She consistently<br />
steps up when others step back.<br />
Overseeing the creative<br />
enhancements of the Maylands<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s and Feathers<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> in recent years, Lisa<br />
has built a strong network of<br />
friends and associates, fostering<br />
productive and successful<br />
collaborations. She has also been<br />
an incredible source of support<br />
for her mother Colleen and her<br />
stepmother Trudi, and the family<br />
through the passing of her father,<br />
brother Ward, and stepfather Syd in<br />
recent years.<br />
With over 50 years of experience<br />
in the hotel industry, Lisa has<br />
witnessed it from every angle<br />
and is an immensely deserving<br />
inductee into the Women In <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
Hall of Fame.<br />
Lisa on the staircase of the Eyre <strong>Hotel</strong> in 1964<br />
(with head safely removed from the banister).<br />
<strong>2023</strong> Women In <strong>Hotel</strong>s Hall Of<br />
Fame inductee, Lisa Matthews,<br />
has spent a lifetime in hotels, with<br />
many fond memories.<br />
At the age of six, she was given<br />
the responsibility of polishing and<br />
refilling sugar jars at the Feathers<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>, until her mother noticed she<br />
was eating as much sugar as she<br />
was pouring. Her responsibility<br />
was shifted to filling the salt and<br />
pepper shakers.<br />
Lisa’s grandparents, Seymour<br />
and Dossie Matthews, started<br />
the Matthews Hospitality Group<br />
in Whyalla in the early 1940s and<br />
pubs have remained in the family’s<br />
‘DNA’ ever since.<br />
The group remains 100% family<br />
owned by Lisa and her brother<br />
Scott, with nine hotels across<br />
South Australia. In metro Adelaide,<br />
there’s the Feathers, Maylands,<br />
Sussex, and Salisbury. In Mount<br />
Gambier, the South Eastern, Park,<br />
and Gambier. In Clare, the Bentleys,<br />
and in Whyalla, where it all began,<br />
they own the <strong>Hotel</strong> Eyre.<br />
“When I was younger, we lived<br />
in the hotels my parents were<br />
managing,” said Lisa. “I remember<br />
getting my head stuck in the<br />
banister of the Eyre <strong>Hotel</strong> <br />
staircase and creating quite a stir<br />
with the staff and the locals.”<br />
As well as refilling the salt and<br />
pepper shakers, as Lisa grew<br />
up she held several jobs at her<br />
family’s hotels.<br />
“Over the years while I was<br />
studying, I did odd jobs such as the<br />
morning vacuuming and the dining<br />
room set up,” she said. “It was quite<br />
lucrative, as when you’d vacuum<br />
around the bars, there was always<br />
some loose change dropped by the<br />
customers from the night before”.<br />
“My other early roles included doing<br />
the stock counting on Monday<br />
mornings, waitressing, dining room<br />
hosting, office banking and admin.”<br />
When asked about advice to her<br />
younger self, Lisa replied: “Be<br />
clear on what your values are and<br />
don’t compromise on them. Seek<br />
out people who have values that<br />
are aligned with yours and don’t<br />
be afraid to ask for help. Spend<br />
more time listening and less<br />
time talking.”<br />
After Lisa completed her<br />
psychology degree, she officially<br />
started work in the head office of<br />
the family business in the mid 90’s<br />
and was responsible for human<br />
resources and industrial relations.<br />
The job wasn’t without its<br />
challenges. In 2001, her father<br />
Tony was diagnosed with latestage<br />
bowel cancer that required<br />
him to step down immediately. He<br />
needed surgery and chemotherapy,<br />
which would ultimately keep him<br />
away from the business for about<br />
six months.<br />
“He didn’t say anything until the<br />
day before he went into hospital,”<br />
said Lisa. “It was very sudden, and<br />
we didn’t have a succession plan<br />
in place to cope with that type of<br />
situation”.<br />
“I found myself sitting behind<br />
my father’s desk, trying to work<br />
out everything that needed to<br />
be done. As it turned out, at the<br />
top of his list were the insurance<br />
renewals and the new contestable<br />
electricity contract negotiations<br />
for the hotels we had. I remember<br />
feeling extraordinarily overwhelmed<br />
but I was able to slowly read the<br />
documents and work out what had<br />
to be done”.<br />
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P U B L I C A N P R O F I L E<br />
“I love that our<br />
industry is based<br />
primarily on<br />
real emotional<br />
connection<br />
between people.”<br />
Lisa with sons Max and Tom and<br />
husband Graham.<br />
“With the assistance of some<br />
wonderful, supportive people in<br />
the industry, including my husband<br />
who was a solicitor and insurance<br />
broker, I was able to work my way<br />
through it all successfully. When<br />
my father eventually returned, he<br />
left me in charge of the jobs I had<br />
been doing.”<br />
Lisa’s passion for psychology has<br />
remained and is one of the reasons<br />
she is so passionate about hotels.<br />
“I love that our industry is based<br />
primarily on real emotional<br />
connection between people,”<br />
she said. “I understand there’s a<br />
business side where we focus on<br />
investment returns and margins but<br />
when you boil it right down, it really<br />
is a people-based business, and our<br />
success is based on how we make<br />
people feel”.<br />
“It requires teamwork, collaboration,<br />
and an ability to understand how<br />
our actions impact the experience<br />
others have”.<br />
“I think that this is all<br />
encompassing, not just for<br />
customers, but for our suppliers,<br />
our employees, and the<br />
communities in which our hotels<br />
operate. This comes back to the<br />
culture that we create, and that’s<br />
the bit that really interests me.<br />
I think it’s more powerful than<br />
people probably think it is.”<br />
Lisa, who knows more about the<br />
hotel industry than most, has sound<br />
advice for women looking to follow<br />
in her footsteps.<br />
“Like many industries in the past,<br />
ours has historically been male<br />
dominated but I don’t believe that’s<br />
necessarily the case anymore,” she<br />
said. “Our industry is extraordinarily<br />
diverse, and like our community,<br />
constantly evolving. For our industry<br />
to remain relevant, I think it needs to<br />
continually move with the times.”<br />
In fact, out of the nine venues<br />
owned by the Matthews Hospitality<br />
Group, more than 50% have female<br />
venue managers.<br />
“If I go back to my grandmother’s<br />
time, traits like empathy would<br />
have been seen as unimportant for<br />
management. Now, we recognise<br />
it as a sign of being an effective<br />
leader because it allows people to<br />
build trust and connect with staff<br />
and our customers, and women are<br />
very good at this.” said Lisa.<br />
“I’m just so very grateful and proud<br />
to have brilliant and supportive<br />
people around me at our company.<br />
Without them continually reinforcing<br />
the culture we are trying to develop,<br />
we wouldn’t be successful.”<br />
Lisa with brothers Scott and Ward, grandparents Dossie and Seymour, and father Tony at the Feathers<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> in 1988.<br />
18 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
P E A K S E A S O N<br />
Getting Ready For The Festive Season<br />
Whether it’s your first Christmas and New Year running<br />
a pub, or your fiftieth, it’s always good to check you are<br />
fully prepared for peak season.<br />
Many hotels have their own checklist. For those that<br />
don’t, <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> offers a few suggestions to get you<br />
started.<br />
• Watch your costs. Some Xmas menus are released<br />
eight months in advance, with set prices. There is a<br />
danger that some costs will increase during this time.<br />
If, for example, the price of beef soars, how will you<br />
ensure that you retain your margins?<br />
• As you add temporary staff to cater for peak demand,<br />
make sure your employment contracts are all in<br />
order.<br />
• Remind and train staff about their responsible service<br />
of alcohol obligations. The festive season does not<br />
dilute your obligations.<br />
• If certain dates are quiet, give them a special theme<br />
and then use your database to conduct email<br />
marketing.<br />
• Make sure you are using internal promotions<br />
(posters, TV screens etc) to publicise the right events<br />
(that is, the dates that aren’t filling as fast as you<br />
would like).<br />
• You can also promote the fact that some dates<br />
are sold out. Nothing prompts people to book like<br />
scarcity.<br />
• Plug your Christmas menus and other promotions<br />
on social media.<br />
• If you are really nervous that numbers are<br />
down, harness the power of online advertising.<br />
Make sure you localise your ads, select the best<br />
keywords and use any profiling options (eg.<br />
tradies, white collar workers, female, male etc).<br />
• Introduce a deposit for peak days in order to limit<br />
“no shows”.<br />
• Also, use automated technology through your<br />
booking platform – or organise a member of staff<br />
to phone each reservation contact – to ensure you<br />
aren’t faced with empty tables.<br />
• Advertise your opening hours, including the<br />
bottle shop.<br />
• Reorganise your bottleshop so that easy gift<br />
ideas that attract good margin are prominently<br />
displayed, so that busy shoppers can ‘grab<br />
and go’.<br />
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P E A K S E A S O N<br />
• Does your Xmas tree reflect your hotel? Many hotels<br />
have been beautified in recent years, so make sure<br />
you aren’t still using Xmas decorations from the<br />
1980s. The same goes for those elf hats that staff<br />
love to wear!<br />
• If Christmas and New Year are shaping up to be<br />
a resounding success, look further forward. Can<br />
you repeat that success with other festive events<br />
in 2024, such as introducing Chinese New Year<br />
and Diwali, both of which are celebrated by a large<br />
number of people in Australia.<br />
With full bookings and hectic days, the festive season<br />
means long hours for your staff. While everyone else is<br />
having fun, they are experiencing peak workload.<br />
With staff shortages affecting many hotels, the pre-<br />
Chrismas period is the time to be putting plans in place<br />
to be able to respond when chefs and other key staff<br />
fall sick.<br />
Consider cross-training, so that staff can be moved into<br />
other roles to fill gaps when required.<br />
Keep an eye on rostering, wages and hours. Are they<br />
where they should be? Don’t over-staff in quieter times.<br />
This is the time to let staff have a break – and keep your<br />
wages bill down.<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> has resources for stressed staff (and<br />
owners) on its website. You can also listen to a series<br />
of great podcasts here . Helping staff manage their<br />
stress and work-life balance is important in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Smart publicans buy big when prices are cheap.<br />
The lead-up to the party season often sees good<br />
discounts. There are stories of hotel owners filling their<br />
home garage, shed and spare rooms with product they<br />
bought in <strong>November</strong> but won’t use until well into the<br />
new year.<br />
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P E A K S E A S O N<br />
It makes sense to focus on essentials. Don’t go on a<br />
spending spree for something that might go out of<br />
fashion - or expire.<br />
Keep a future eye on cashflow. Your bank balance might<br />
seem healthy during this peak period, but if your cash<br />
position has been poor leading up to Christmas and<br />
New Year, use the increased levels of business to get<br />
back into the black, rather than buying on promotions<br />
that could strain your cash position when business can<br />
be quiet.<br />
With many new guests entering hotels during Christmas<br />
and New Year, it’s a wonderful opportunity to capture<br />
repeat business by ensuring a memorable experience.<br />
If your target audience appreciates large serves, then<br />
how you present meals makes a difference.<br />
In a nutshell, to please lovers of “quantity”, spread food<br />
over a plate, rather than stack it.<br />
This is because “consumers perceive portions as<br />
smaller… when foods are presented vertically (ie<br />
stacked on the plate) versus horizontally (ie spread<br />
across the plate),” according to food researchers<br />
patrons use the surface area of the portion as a way to<br />
compute how large the portion is. So a schnitzel cut in<br />
two and stacked would be perceived as being smaller<br />
than the same sized schnitzel left whole.<br />
As researchers Courtney Szocs and Sarah Lefebvre<br />
explain, “portions presented vertically have a smaller<br />
surface area”<br />
They cited previous research: “size perceptions is driven<br />
by the surface area of the portion being more salient<br />
than the height when individuals look down at a plate of<br />
food, as they typically do when seated at a table.”<br />
CLEARANCE <strong>SA</strong>LE<br />
We have new stock arriving soon and have reduced many of our prices to clear space.<br />
Get in quick while we still have stock. See many other sale items on our new website.<br />
$137.07 $91.38 + GST<br />
Jasmine Bar Stool<br />
$126.75 84.50 + GST<br />
Magnolia Chair<br />
$161.82 107.88 + GST<br />
Florence Chair<br />
Only while stocks last.<br />
22 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
P E A K S E A S O N<br />
“Consider cross-training,<br />
so that staff can be moved<br />
into other roles to fill gaps<br />
when required.”<br />
Managing noise bleed within your venue is critical.<br />
Patrons in the dining room don’t want to shout to be<br />
heard, or be drowned out by revellers in a nearby bar.<br />
As mentioned previously, it’s also likely that you will<br />
have a surge in visitors who haven’t visited your pub<br />
before, so it’s important to control noise to win them<br />
over as repeat customers.<br />
One common problem is that many upgraded<br />
dining rooms have done away with carpet and soft<br />
furnishings. They have been replaced with hard<br />
surfaces that are easy to clean but they reflect sound,<br />
rather than absorb it.<br />
If you have a problem with sound levels, it may be that<br />
your furnishings are absorbing as little as 5% to 10% of<br />
the noise.<br />
The good news is that it is a relatively simple process<br />
to retrofit acoustic panels. Many venues choose fabric<br />
styles and recess them into the ceiling, matching<br />
shapes and colours.<br />
Acoustic experts can tell you in advance how many<br />
panels would be required and what the noise reduction<br />
effect would be.<br />
You don’t get a second chance to make a first<br />
impression. With the festive season and beautiful<br />
weather upon us, patrons are seeking venues to<br />
host their events and gatherings. Now is the time to<br />
enhance your hotel's first impression with attractive<br />
and comfortable furniture pieces.<br />
Concept Collections offers a huge range of furniture<br />
pieces that blend style, comfort, and functionality.<br />
Whether you're hosting a grand New Year's Eve gala<br />
or a cosy holiday gathering, Concept Collections has<br />
something for every setting.<br />
The right furniture can transform your hotel into a<br />
festive wonderland, providing your guests with an<br />
unforgettable experience. From your front bar to<br />
bistro to your outdoor space, Concept Collections<br />
offers furniture designs with aesthetic appeal,<br />
comfort, durability, and versatility.<br />
As you prepare to welcome the holiday season,<br />
consider the lasting impression that beautifully<br />
designed and thoughtfully selected furniture can<br />
make. Make this festive season unforgettable with<br />
Concept Collections and ensure your hotel shines<br />
bright, creating cherished memories for your guests<br />
that will last a lifetime.<br />
Every hospitality venue, from grand hotels to bustling<br />
pubs, aims to create lasting impressions on its guests.<br />
Commercial and Hospitality Services (CHS) stands as<br />
an invaluable ally in this mission. They craft bespoke<br />
HVAC/R and electrical solutions that resonate with your<br />
establishment's distinct character.<br />
Their eco-conscious, holistic approach adds value to<br />
your business and boosts profitability. CHS excels in<br />
facility management and dedicated cleaning services,<br />
ensuring that your space is both visually appealing and<br />
health-standard compliant.<br />
Their commitment to enhancing the skills of onsite<br />
staff, combined with round-the-clock support,<br />
guarantees swift resolution to any challenges.<br />
For hotel and pub managers, partnering with CHS<br />
translates to more time dedicated to delivering<br />
exceptional guest experiences. With CHS at your side,<br />
you're not merely overseeing a venue; you're shaping<br />
the next chapter in Australian hospitality.<br />
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The Yorke Peninsula regional was held at the recently transformed Ardrossan <strong>Hotel</strong> with a massive turnout<br />
which is typical of this region. Thanks to GM Tahlia Shailer and her wonderful team along with Janette and Brad<br />
Perks for hosting a wonderful day.<br />
Massive thanks to all of our members and partners who attended the regionals in large numbers and lets keep this<br />
momentum building into 2024.<br />
24 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
R E G I O N A L M E E T I N G S<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> held 2 memorable regional meetings throughout the Month of October.<br />
Another great turnout out at the newly renovated Kent Town <strong>Hotel</strong> for this years stand alone<br />
Metropolitan meeting. Big shoutout to Lara and Tom Hannah for hosting this event and showcasing the<br />
incredible redevelopment.<br />
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A H A | S A A W A R D S<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
AWARDS<br />
More than 900 people gathered at the Adelaide<br />
Entertainment Centre as the ultimate hotel accolades<br />
were unveiled at the <strong>2023</strong> AHA|<strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong> Industry<br />
Awards for Excellence.<br />
Three South Australian hotels were awarded top<br />
honours in their class.<br />
The Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong> won the coveted title of<br />
Best Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> – General Division. Following a<br />
transformative renovation, it reopened in September<br />
2021 embracing a vibrant and casually elegant<br />
ambiance.<br />
26 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
The Unley-based venue also claimed the awards for<br />
Best Bar Presentation and Experience Metropolitan and<br />
Best Bistro Casual Dining – Inner Metropolitan.<br />
McLaren Vale <strong>Hotel</strong> has claimed the title of<br />
the Best Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> – Country, as well as Best<br />
Redeveloped Country, in recognition of the impressive<br />
redevelopment of this charming historic 1850’s hotel.<br />
The McLaren Vale <strong>Hotel</strong> has also won the W.T. Spurr<br />
AO Award for Tourism & Regional Promotion, in<br />
acknowledgment of its contribution and promotion of<br />
the McLaren Vale region.<br />
Mount Lofty House has been awarded the honour<br />
of Best Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> – Accommodation Division,<br />
in recognition of its excellence throughout the hotel,<br />
including accommodation, dining, functions and<br />
customer service.<br />
Mount Lofty House Guest Relations Manager<br />
Christopher Speck, has been awarded Employee<br />
Excellence in Service – Accommodation Division,<br />
whilst the stunning Sequoia Lodge at Mount Lofty<br />
House, has won Best Luxury <strong>Hotel</strong> Accommodation.<br />
A further three hotels were inducted into the <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
Awards Hall of Fame for winning their categories for<br />
multiple consecutive years: the Warradale <strong>Hotel</strong> , as<br />
the Best Sporting Entertainment Venue; the Governor<br />
Hindmarsh <strong>Hotel</strong> , as the Best Entertainment Venue;<br />
the Watervale <strong>Hotel</strong> – Best Innovation, Sustainability<br />
and Energy Efficiency Practice.<br />
“We are delighted to honour all the winners of the <strong>2023</strong><br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Industry Awards for Excellence,” said AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO<br />
Anna Moeller.<br />
“The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong> Awards for Excellence is a<br />
celebration of the accomplishments of <strong>SA</strong>’s hotels,<br />
where we come together to celebrate their outstanding<br />
facilities, service and delivery.<br />
“Congratulations to the Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong> , the<br />
McLaren Vale <strong>Hotel</strong> and Mount Lofty House for<br />
achieving best in class in their respective categories,<br />
and to all winners of the <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong> Awards for<br />
Excellence.<br />
“All <strong>SA</strong> winners will now be entered into the AHA<br />
National <strong>Hotel</strong> Awards, to be held in Adelaide on<br />
27 <strong>November</strong>.”<br />
The Awards were held on Tuesday 31 October at<br />
the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. Over 900 people<br />
attended this premier event, featuring entertainment<br />
from Hot Dub Time Machine and hosted by Will<br />
Goodings.<br />
HOTEL <br />
Pages 28-29<br />
LIST <br />
Pages 30-34<br />
THE NIGHT <br />
Pages 35-41<br />
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A H A | S A A W A R D S<br />
BEST<br />
HOTELS<br />
@AHA<strong>SA</strong>5000<br />
#AHA<strong>SA</strong>AWARDS<br />
#<strong>SA</strong>HOTELS<br />
AHA<strong>SA</strong>.ASN.AU<br />
General | CREMORNE HOTEL<br />
Country | MCLAREN VALE HOTEL<br />
Accommodation Division | MOUNT LOFTY HOUSE<br />
Mt Lofty House.<br />
Best Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> – Metropolitan -<br />
Judges Comments: The Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong> brings<br />
fresh and inviting hospitality options. Reopening in<br />
September 2021, the hotel underwent a transformative<br />
revamp, embracing a vibrant and casually elegant<br />
ambiance. Judges note their high level of excellence<br />
across their dining and bar, sport entertainment, retail<br />
facilities, entertainment, and gaming options, in a<br />
clean and stunning contemporary setting. Consistently<br />
winning numerous awards across multiple years, with<br />
more again in <strong>2023</strong>, earning them the honour of Best<br />
Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> – Metropolitan in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
28 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
Best Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> - Country Division -<br />
Judges Comments: The completed refurbishment<br />
of this charming 1850s hotel in McLaren Vale has<br />
provided a wonderful facility in all aspects including<br />
dining, bar, gaming with a stunning outdoor space<br />
and engagement with local wineries. The hotel places<br />
a sophisticated focus on attracting tourism into the<br />
region, considering businesses beyond its own, and<br />
being proud of its location.<br />
This vibrant venue with excellent menu and service<br />
provides guests with high customer satisfaction, and<br />
delivers an amazing experience, not to be forgotten.<br />
Worthy of attracting those from near and beyond to this<br />
destination venue<br />
Best Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> - Accommodation Division<br />
Judges Comments: Mount Lofty House has set itself<br />
as the Best Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> in the Accommodation<br />
Division in <strong>2023</strong> due to our judges recognising its<br />
excellence in all facets of their offering including<br />
accommodation, dining, bar, functions, customer<br />
service and tourism to name a few. The completion of<br />
the Sequoia Lodge development has added the final<br />
element to the overall experience of this iconic venue.<br />
With South Australia at its core, the venue supports<br />
local skills, suppliers, attractions in a magnificent<br />
showcase.<br />
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FULL <strong>2023</strong> AWARD WINNER LIST<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
06<br />
07<br />
08<br />
09<br />
1. Draught Beer Quality<br />
2. All Abilities <strong>Hotel</strong> -<br />
General Division<br />
3. W.T. Spurr AO Award for Tourism<br />
& Regional Promotion<br />
4. Bar Presentation & Experience -<br />
Accommodation Division<br />
5. Bar Presentation & Experience -<br />
Country<br />
6. Bar Presentation & Experience<br />
- Metropolitan<br />
7. Sporting Entertainment Venue<br />
8. TAB Licenced Venue<br />
V HOTEL<br />
9. Entertainment Venue<br />
30 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
10<br />
11<br />
12<br />
13<br />
14<br />
15<br />
16<br />
17 18<br />
10. Retail Liquor Outlet<br />
11. Outdoor or Non-Enclosed<br />
Facility - Country<br />
12. Outdoor or Non-Enclosed<br />
Facility - Metropolitan<br />
13. Innovation, Sustainability &<br />
Energy Efficiency Practice<br />
14. Marketing & Promotion -<br />
Accommodation Division<br />
15. Marketing & Promotion -<br />
General Division<br />
16. Community Service & Support<br />
17. Deluxe Pub Accommodation<br />
18. Mid-Range <strong>Hotel</strong> Accommodation<br />
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FULL <strong>2023</strong> AWARD WINNER LIST<br />
19<br />
20<br />
21<br />
22<br />
23<br />
24<br />
25<br />
26<br />
27<br />
19. Superior <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
Accommodation<br />
20. Deluxe <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
Accommodation<br />
21. Luxury <strong>Hotel</strong> Accommodation<br />
22. Bistro Casual Dining - Country<br />
23. Bistro Casual Dining - Inner<br />
Metropolitan<br />
24. Bistro Casual Dining - Outer<br />
Metropolitan<br />
25. Family Dining<br />
26. Restaurant Accommodation<br />
Division<br />
27. Restaurant General Division -<br />
Country<br />
32 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
28<br />
29<br />
30<br />
31<br />
32<br />
33<br />
34<br />
35 36<br />
28. Restaurant General Division -<br />
Metropolitan<br />
29. Meeting & Events Venue -<br />
Accommodation & Specialist Division<br />
Joint Winner<br />
30. Meeting & Events Venue -<br />
Accommodation & Specialist Division<br />
Joint Winner<br />
31. Meeting & Events Venue - General<br />
Division<br />
32. Gaming Venue - Country<br />
33. Gaming Venue - Metropolitan<br />
34. Redeveloped <strong>Hotel</strong> -<br />
Accommodation Division<br />
35. Redeveloped <strong>Hotel</strong> - Country<br />
36. Redeveloped <strong>Hotel</strong> – Metropolitan<br />
Joint Winner<br />
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FULL <strong>2023</strong> AWARD WINNER LIST<br />
37 40<br />
38<br />
41<br />
37. Redeveloped <strong>Hotel</strong> – Metropolitan<br />
Joint Winner THE CLOVEY<br />
38. Chef of the Year<br />
39. Employee Excellence in Service -<br />
Accommodation Division<br />
39<br />
40. Employee Excellence in Service -<br />
General Division<br />
41. <strong>Hotel</strong> Industry Rising Star<br />
34 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
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36 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A H A | S A A W A R D S<br />
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A H A | S A A W A R D S<br />
38 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
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40 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
A H A | S A A W A R D S<br />
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A H A | S A C O R P O R A T E P A R T N E R S<br />
Bentleys <strong>SA</strong> 8372 7900<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Mister Lincoln 0402 777 326<br />
Studio Nine Architects 8132 3999<br />
Art Images Gallery 8363 0806<br />
ATMS<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
Cashzone 1300 305 600<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Big Screen Video 1300 244 727<br />
Novatech Creative Event Technology<br />
8352 0300<br />
Foxtel Music 1300 148 729<br />
Moov Music 1300 139 913<br />
Zoo Business Media 07 5587 7222<br />
Bank <strong>SA</strong> 0403 603 018<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
BOC Limited 0424 647 568<br />
Supagas 8252 7472<br />
Accolade Wines 8392 2238<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744<br />
Big Shed Brewing Concern 8240 5037<br />
Campari Group 02 9478 2727<br />
Carlton & United Breweries 13 BEER (13 2337)<br />
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners 8416 9547<br />
Coopers Brewery 8440 1800<br />
CUB Premium Beverages 8416 7819<br />
Diageo Australia 0401 120 872<br />
Empire Liquor 8371 0088<br />
Lion 8354 8888<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants 1800 628 539<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants 8346 9111<br />
Pernod Ricard Australia 8208 2400<br />
Samuel Smith & Son 8112 4200<br />
Treasury Wine Estates 8301 5400<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
BK Electronics 0431 509 409<br />
Cardtronics 03 9574 4878<br />
Coms Systems 0408 462 321<br />
Consillion 1800 500 994<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
A Cleaner World 0426 887 364<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
Grinders Coffee 1300 476 377<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
Compnow 8133 8000<br />
AED Authority 03 8710 8666<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 78 5646<br />
Class A Energy Solutions 8391 4853<br />
Trans Tasman Energy 1300 118 834<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
COMS Systems 1800 324 918<br />
Vix Vision 0400 310 326<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
Bidfood 0427 099 558<br />
Galipo Foods 8168 2000<br />
PFD Foodservice 8114 2300<br />
Thomas Foods 8162 8400<br />
Concept Collections 1300 269 800<br />
Mister Lincoln 0402 777 326<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
The Lott 132 315<br />
UBET 8354 7300<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Winnall & Co 8379 3159<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology 0409 171 616<br />
Aristocrat Technologies Australia 8273 9900<br />
Coms Systems 0409 283 066<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
IGT 8231 8430<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Konami Australia Pty Ltd 0409 047 899<br />
MAX 8275 9700<br />
Light & Wonder 0400 002 229<br />
Statewide Gaming 0448 076 144<br />
The Card Network 1300 375 346<br />
Bupa 1300 662 074 (#2146982)<br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 0410 605 224<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 8414 7800<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Digital Marketing AOK 1300 658 543<br />
Max Systems 8275 9700<br />
Aon Risk Solutions 8301 1111<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
Stoddart Food Service Equipment<br />
0468 923 320<br />
Eckermann Lawyers 8235 3990<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers 8205 3318<br />
Ryan & Co Solicitors 0421 595 815<br />
Wallmans Lawyers 8235 3018<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
MEDIA<br />
FIVEaa 8419 1395<br />
Foxtel 1300 138 898<br />
Solstice Media 8224 1600<br />
Migration Solutions 8210 9800<br />
ONHOLD/MES<strong>SA</strong>GING<br />
1800 ON HOLD 8125 9370<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Tanda 1300 859 117<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Bepoz 1300 023 769<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory<br />
8233 5222<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
The Banner Crew 8240 0242<br />
Foxtel 1300 790 182<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality 8338 1492<br />
Alliance College 1300 665 065<br />
The Kingsmen 0410 416 655<br />
Maxima 8340 7766<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
HostPlus 0418 327 607<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
42 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
GAMING CARE works with all South Australian <strong>Hotel</strong>s with gaming<br />
machines to reduce the harm caused by problem gambling.<br />
Providing the hotel industry with the capacity to respond to community concerns related<br />
to the harm associated with gambling by contributing to early intervention and support<br />
for problem gamblers and their families.<br />
Minimising the harm caused by problem gambling behaviour by fostering a compliant<br />
and proactive industry that works with regulators, gambling help services and gaming<br />
patrons to minimise harm caused by gambling.<br />
Assisting licensees and hotel staff with their compliance obligations, and supporting<br />
venue staff through education and training regarding the recognition of problem<br />
gambling indicators and assisting in accurately documenting patron behaviour.<br />
Providing licensees and hotel staff with the confidence and skills required to engage<br />
directly with patrons who are showing indicators of potential problem gambling, enabling<br />
them to intervene early and refer the patron to a gambling help service, or other support<br />
options if required.<br />
Contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our Office, for<br />
information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue.<br />
For any assistance or support<br />
please contact your local<br />
Gaming Care Officer, or our office<br />
for information on how Gaming<br />
Care can assist your venue.<br />
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CORPORATE PARTNERS <strong>2023</strong>/24<br />
D I A M O N D<br />
P L A T I N U M<br />
G O L D<br />
S I L V E R<br />
131 733<br />
AED Authority<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology<br />
Boylen<br />
Campari Group<br />
Konami<br />
Australia Pty Ltd<br />
For full product range and details<br />
of your nearest branch<br />
Light & Wonder<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants<br />
Ryan & Co. Solicitors<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers<br />
Digital Marketing AOK<br />
Liquor Marketing Group<br />
PFD063 <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> Advert (1/4 Page).indd 1<br />
18/05/09 11:47 AM<br />
Samuel Smith & Son<br />
Bank<strong>SA</strong><br />
Big Screen Video<br />
Bluize<br />
Empire Liquor<br />
Foxtel<br />
IGT<br />
Novatech Creative Event<br />
Technology<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants<br />
Stoddart Food Equipment<br />
Tanda<br />
B R O N Z E<br />
1800 ON HOLD<br />
Bunnings Group<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality Bunzl<br />
Alliance College<br />
Cashzone<br />
Consillion<br />
Class A Energy Solutions<br />
Alsco<br />
Compnow<br />
Banktech<br />
COMS Systems<br />
Bentleys Accountants<br />
Concept Collections<br />
Big Shed Brewing Concern Eckermann Lawyers<br />
BK Electronics<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming<br />
BOC Limited<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis<br />
T 08 8100 2499 F 08 8232 4979<br />
H O T E L I N D U S T R Y S U P P O R T E R<br />
4TH FLOOR AHA|<strong>SA</strong> HOUSE<br />
60 HINDMARSH SQUARE, ADELAIDE <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
Knight Frank Valuations &<br />
Advisory <strong>SA</strong><br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
Next Payments<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth<br />
Advisers<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers<br />
Solstice Media<br />
Statewide Gaming<br />
A Cleaner World (ACW)<br />
Art Images Gallery<br />
Bupa<br />
St John<br />
Studio Nine Architects<br />
Supagas<br />
The Banner Crew<br />
The Kingsmen<br />
Trans Tasman Energy Group<br />
Vix Vision<br />
Wallmans Lawyers<br />
Winnall & Co<br />
The Card Network<br />
Maxima<br />
Migration Solutions<br />
44 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
L I C E N S E E T R A N S F E R S<br />
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Albion <strong>Hotel</strong> Kilburn 03.10.23 Albion <strong>Hotel</strong> (<strong>SA</strong>) Pty Ltd<br />
Frances <strong>Hotel</strong> Frances 04.10.23 Frances <strong>Hotel</strong> Motel Pty Ltd<br />
Tantanoola Tiger <strong>Hotel</strong> Tantanoola 06.10.23 TTHP Pty Ltd<br />
Golden Fleece <strong>Hotel</strong> Gawler 30.10.23 Golden Fleece Trading Co Pty Ltd<br />
OFFICE<br />
Level 4, 60 Hindmarsh<br />
Square, Adelaide <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
POSTAL<br />
PO Box 3092,<br />
Rundle Mall <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
P (08) 8232 4525<br />
P 1800 814 525 Toll Free<br />
F (08) 8232 4979<br />
E<br />
W<br />
President<br />
Vice President<br />
Deputy Vice President<br />
<strong>SA</strong>M McINNES<br />
Secretary Treasurer<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
CEO<br />
Chief of Staff<br />
ALI<strong>SA</strong> WENZEL<br />
Financial Controller<br />
Workplace Relations, Liquor<br />
Licensing & Gaming<br />
Legal and Advocacy<br />
Membership & Business<br />
Services<br />
Accommodation<br />
Australia (<strong>SA</strong>) and<br />
Tourism<br />
Communications<br />
Events & Partnerships<br />
Liquor & Gaming<br />
Training Coordinator<br />
Executive Assistant<br />
Views expressed in <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> are not necessarily those of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> or the publisher and neither can accept, and therefore disclaims any liability, to any party for loss or damage<br />
caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. We do not endorse any advertising materials, services offered within advertisements or products,<br />
special offers or goods promoted therein.<br />
+<br />
3/288 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton <strong>SA</strong> 5063<br />
P (08) 8233 9433 W<br />
TIM BOYLEN Managing Director<br /><br />
JAMIE RICHARDSON Advertising<br /><br />
Studio Manager/Graphic Designer<br />
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
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