Hotel SA Jan 2023-Feb 2024
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THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AUSTRALIAN HOTELS ASSOCIATION (<strong>SA</strong> BRANCH) DEC <strong>2023</strong>-JAN <strong>2024</strong><br />
Tastes like<br />
Australia’s<br />
#1 Shiraz.<br />
Because it is.<br />
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Pepperjack Shiraz #1 by value, source: IRI MAT to 30/08/20.<br />
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Shortcut to Stories<br />
DECEMBER <strong>2023</strong> - JANUARY <strong>2024</strong><br />
President's Column<br />
Click here <br />
<strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong>s Shine On<br />
National Stage<br />
Click here <br />
Inside <strong>Hotel</strong> Royal’s<br />
$8m Renovation<br />
Click here <br />
Women in <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
Click here <br />
Click here <br />
Peter Hurley AO awarded<br />
Burnett Medal<br />
Click here <br />
High Court rejects challenge<br />
to Public Holidays request.<br />
I N T H I S I S S U E<br />
04 From the President<br />
10 From the CEO<br />
12 <strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong>s Shine On National Stage<br />
16 Scott's Spots<br />
19 Loyal local Fassina supports<br />
“Buy <strong>SA</strong>. For <strong>SA</strong><br />
20 Regional Meetings<br />
22 AHA | <strong>SA</strong> President's Lunch <strong>2023</strong><br />
26 Women in <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
28 Peter Hurley Awarded Burnett Medal<br />
32 Inside <strong>Hotel</strong> Royal’s<br />
$8m Renovation<br />
46 Hostplus introduces new<br />
investment options<br />
48 RBT: Ravo’s Bush Telegraph<br />
49 High Court rejects challenge to Public<br />
Holidays request<br />
54 Corporate Partners <strong>2023</strong>/24<br />
55 AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Corporate Partner Directory<br />
56 Licensee Transfers<br />
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From the President<br />
The following is the speech I gave to<br />
politicians and key decision makers<br />
at the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>’s recent Christmas<br />
Lunch. In a room crowded with<br />
people who affect our daily lives<br />
– and businesses – the aim is to<br />
table key issues our industry needs<br />
addressed.<br />
It is a very great pleasure to echo<br />
Annas ’s earlier sentiments and<br />
welcome dignitaries and friends.<br />
Thank you to the Premier for his<br />
kind words.<br />
This annual lunch has been held<br />
continuously since 1960 when<br />
political and industry leaders first<br />
gathered at the Feathers <strong>Hotel</strong> .<br />
It presents an opportunity to<br />
celebrate the hotel and pub<br />
culture that employs 26250 South<br />
Australians.<br />
So too, it is a time when the AHA<br />
President is afforded the luxury<br />
of offering Governments some<br />
gratuitous advice.<br />
And, in the spirit of the Xmas<br />
season, noting who has been<br />
naughty and who has been nice.<br />
The AHA enjoys an excellent<br />
working relationship with members<br />
of the current State Parliament<br />
This Government deserves credit for<br />
being willing to consult - and have<br />
largely produced positive outcomes<br />
for our members – with Public<br />
Holidays being the exception.<br />
More on that shortly.<br />
Equally, we thank the opposition and<br />
cross benchers for their readiness<br />
to work together on our key issues.<br />
RED TAPE<br />
Headlining the naughty list this<br />
year is a rampant bureaucracy. Like<br />
never before, our industry is being<br />
strangled by red tape!<br />
Elected politicians must intervene<br />
to curtail the unreasonable growth<br />
of regulation and compliance that is<br />
now an exhausting burden.<br />
Our members are frustrated by the<br />
uncoordinated approach of local,<br />
state and federal agencies, who<br />
seem incapable of ever speaking to<br />
each other.<br />
Escalating obligations have left our<br />
family operators being asked to<br />
have a back office more resembling<br />
the size of BHP.<br />
Some examples:<br />
Existing compliance obligations<br />
from local and State Governments<br />
ensure our hotels already have high<br />
standards of food safety.<br />
Now the Federal Government has<br />
jumped in to add its own food safety<br />
standards.<br />
They require highly qualified chefs<br />
- who may be famed leaders in<br />
their field - to do a food safety<br />
101 course.<br />
For 8 hours!<br />
That includes uploading a video of<br />
themselves washing their hands.<br />
Once uploaded, a public servant –<br />
probably working from the comfort<br />
of their own home – will assess if<br />
our chef’s hands are clean enough<br />
to return to the Chargrill.<br />
A further training course is required<br />
for any bar staff whose only food<br />
role may be to occasionally toast<br />
a pre-made cheese and tomato<br />
sandwich.<br />
To me, that makes about as much<br />
sense as requiring a politician<br />
to do a Manual Handling In The<br />
Workplace course merely because<br />
– once every 4 years during the<br />
electoral cycle – they lift a box of<br />
election pamphlets.<br />
There is not a shred of evidence this<br />
extra cost is required.<br />
Common sense dictates ANY<br />
new layer of obligation would see<br />
duplicate Government requirements<br />
removed. But that is never the case<br />
for this growth industry.<br />
Losing key staff for 8 hours<br />
during an acute labour shortage<br />
to demonstrate they can wash<br />
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F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />
their hands is not an isolated<br />
example. But it does highlight the<br />
disconnect between Industry and<br />
the bureaucracy.<br />
No presents under the tree for the<br />
Fair Work Ombudsman.<br />
Their compliance department<br />
presumes our hoteliers are guilty<br />
until proven innocent.<br />
In September, Fair Work officials<br />
from Victoria descended upon<br />
Adelaide and raided a series of<br />
hospitality venues.<br />
Surprised and anxious staff were<br />
aggressively told to abandon<br />
serving their customers. They<br />
must have been troubled by what<br />
hideous crime their employers had<br />
committed, not realising the raids<br />
were entirely random.<br />
The raid was just the start of the<br />
ordeal. The follow up letters to<br />
these victim business owners<br />
assumed they had little else to do<br />
but answer inane questions for the<br />
entertainment of bureaucrats.<br />
One demand was for - and I quote:<br />
“correspondence, including<br />
those recorded by text, email,<br />
electronic messages, WeChat,<br />
Facebook messenger, WhatsApp or<br />
smartphone applications, detailing<br />
shift times and availability for work”.<br />
Translating that from Sir Humphrey<br />
Appleby speak, they require us to<br />
provide evidence from two-anda-half<br />
years ago - the time when<br />
we were consumed by the Covid<br />
nightmare - to provide evidence<br />
how a hotel contacted a casual<br />
employee asking them to start their<br />
shift 30 minutes earlier.<br />
It is record keeping to the absurd.<br />
The law of the land does not require<br />
us to maintain such records.<br />
There are some who drool over the<br />
joys of red tape.<br />
Those of us in the real world of<br />
employing staff, paying our taxes<br />
and keeping the economy turning<br />
have more pressing matters to<br />
attend to.<br />
The hotel industry has never<br />
shirked its responsibility for strong<br />
compliance in liquor and gaming.<br />
But like the Crows in that fateful<br />
game, the goalposts keep<br />
narrowing.<br />
When State Government legislation<br />
scrutinised by parliament does not<br />
suit the bureaucracy’s agenda, they<br />
turn to their new weapons – namely,<br />
“guidelines” and “codes of practice’.<br />
The clumsy implementation of extra<br />
obligations for our gaming-based<br />
loyalty customers has been an<br />
embarrassment.<br />
Loyalty is a very useful tracking<br />
device to assist in gambling harm<br />
minimisation. The overreach by the<br />
bureaucracy has seen it kick an<br />
own goal.<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s and their customers have<br />
deserted loyalty in droves.<br />
This has diminished an existing<br />
harm minimisation tool.<br />
History says hotels will pay the cost<br />
for the bureaucracy to fix this issue.<br />
In addition, we now have the<br />
investment killer of ill-conceived new<br />
rules for any hotel redevelopment<br />
that includes modifications to a<br />
gaming room.<br />
This over cautious approach signals<br />
delays and added costs for building.<br />
Two criteria that scare investors into<br />
keeping their money in the bank or<br />
to invest in another State.<br />
The laundry list of added<br />
Government obligations is long, and<br />
I will spare you the ordeal of hearing<br />
them all.<br />
We are envious of the refreshing<br />
approach taken by the Minns<br />
Government in NSW.<br />
They have appointed a Minister<br />
for the Night-time economy and<br />
a commissioner for the 24-hour<br />
economy, then set about reinvigorating<br />
Sydney’s nightlife.<br />
They’ve introduced legislation<br />
to stop NIMBY neighbours from<br />
shutting down pubs with vexatious<br />
noise complaints, including<br />
protections from complainants who<br />
move into an area where a hotel<br />
has been long established.<br />
Hear hear to that!<br />
NSW are also providing<br />
encouragement for venues that<br />
HOST live music by reducing their<br />
licensing fees, and allowing them<br />
to stay open beyond their licensed<br />
hours.<br />
Premier Minns said the moves<br />
were:<br />
“simply common sense and another<br />
step in removing Nanny state<br />
restrictions and red tape that have<br />
stifled the fun out of Sydney.”<br />
Once, we prided ourselves on being<br />
the fun loving larrikin Aussies.<br />
Today, we have lost all proportion.<br />
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F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />
In an environment where alcohol<br />
consumption is falling - especially<br />
amongst the young – somehow<br />
we have become the most uptight<br />
country on earth.<br />
After a post covid bump, bank<br />
credit card data confirms our<br />
industry is now in negative territory<br />
with demand falling by 20% in<br />
some areas.<br />
Despite this, Governments have<br />
formed have an unhealthy appetite<br />
to exert unreasonable control over<br />
how we run our businesses.<br />
The AHA was extremely<br />
disappointed to see legislation<br />
rushed through the last sitting<br />
week of State Parliament to add an<br />
additional public holiday in South<br />
Australia every year from <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Four consecutive days of public<br />
holidays over Easter will force pubs<br />
to restrict their trading for that<br />
period - or close.<br />
The AHA proudly supports its<br />
workers.<br />
Recently we were traveling partners<br />
with Governments on a range of<br />
issues including Wage Theft and<br />
pay day super.<br />
We were isolated by ALL other<br />
employer groups and big business<br />
when- we were only ones - THE<br />
ONLY ONES - to not scream from<br />
the sidelines but to have the<br />
temerity - to be at the table with<br />
Minister Bourke working together on<br />
the Federal Government’s signature<br />
Closing the Loopholes bill.<br />
We are not here to punish our<br />
workers who give up their time on<br />
Easter Sunday.<br />
So, on the presumption that the<br />
intent of the revised legislation was<br />
not simply to add an additional<br />
public holiday to the calendar, the<br />
amendment moved by the Liberal<br />
Party to swap Easter Saturday with<br />
Sunday made perfect sense.<br />
Someone has to pay for the extra<br />
public holiday.<br />
“Critical to our labour shortage are the<br />
key pillars of migration and housing.<br />
The Malinauskas government<br />
deserves a tick for their efforts in<br />
both these areas.”<br />
Or those of you who voted for this<br />
legislation without realising who<br />
that someone is - it is the publican<br />
sitting right next to you today.<br />
Don’t give me the consistency<br />
argument that “every other<br />
mainland state and territory has<br />
Easter Sunday as a Public Holiday,<br />
therefore so should we”.<br />
That argument conveniently ignores<br />
the fact only <strong>SA</strong> & NT workers enjoy<br />
BOTH the 2 day part day public<br />
holidays for Xmas Eve and New<br />
Years Eve.<br />
Of the 11 stakeholder submissions<br />
received as part of the<br />
Government’s brief flirtation with<br />
consultation back in <strong>Jan</strong>uary, only<br />
one advocated for Easter Sunday to<br />
be declared a public holiday.<br />
One out of 11!<br />
It is never too late to change unfair<br />
legislation.<br />
If the Government remains<br />
unmovable on both Easter Saturday<br />
and Sunday being public holidays,<br />
it can still show the consistency<br />
it craves.<br />
It can restore the balance by<br />
abandoning the two part day public<br />
holidays from <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
The revised public holiday<br />
schedule is a first strike against<br />
the Malinauskas’ Government’s<br />
‘business friendly’ credentials .<br />
Our industry desperately requires<br />
more staff in our workplaces.<br />
The world is now filled with<br />
influencers. The influencers our<br />
industry requires come in the form of<br />
career counsellors and parents. We<br />
need them to understand a career in<br />
hospitality – or any other trade, is as<br />
noble as a university degree.<br />
In this regard, I acknowledge the<br />
supportive efforts of the Education<br />
Minister Blair Boyer, and his<br />
predecessor, John Gardner.<br />
Critical to our labour shortage are the<br />
key pillars of migration and housing.<br />
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The Malinauskas government<br />
deserves a tick for their efforts in<br />
both these areas.<br />
There is a lot of elitist talk about<br />
skilled migration. A job that<br />
cannot be filled is no less valuable<br />
because it does not require formal<br />
qualifications.<br />
The person who invented the wheel<br />
never held a Masters’ degree.<br />
Local Government must accept<br />
their responsibility to ease the<br />
housing shortage by assisting in the<br />
facilitation of new developments.<br />
That assistance can be as simple as<br />
getting out of the road.<br />
The AHA has a five-point plan<br />
we will soon present to the State<br />
Government to seek assistance<br />
and funding to alleviate our labour<br />
shortage.<br />
Firstly, support us in our advocacy<br />
with your federal colleagues to<br />
modernise training requirements –<br />
to better reflect today’s society and<br />
be truly competency based.<br />
The current 50% Apprenticeship<br />
dropout rate is an alarm bell that the<br />
system is broken.<br />
For today’s Generation Zeds, a fouryear<br />
apprenticeship belongs to their<br />
parents’ era.<br />
Shortening apprenticeships by<br />
removing unnecessary training<br />
modules will save, rather than<br />
diminish this State’s fabulous<br />
food reputation.<br />
Pubs don’t butcher their own<br />
carcasses or bake their own bread<br />
– yet these redundant skills are<br />
required to complete your Chef<br />
qualifications.<br />
Secondly, establish financial<br />
incentives to encourage apprentices<br />
to complete their training.<br />
Milestone payments are a proven<br />
inducement to keep Apprentices in<br />
the job.<br />
Furthermore, tools of the trade<br />
allowances for those in training was<br />
a small cost to the budget that was<br />
cruelly abandoned by the Weatherall<br />
Government.<br />
“Events have become a critical part of<br />
our $9.9 billion visitor economy, and<br />
this State does it better than anyone.”<br />
Assisting chefs of the future with<br />
knives or uniforms would be a<br />
quick win in this cost-of-living<br />
environment.<br />
Thirdly, we must rescue the regions.<br />
• Apprentices must pay<br />
for transportation and<br />
accommodation to go to trade<br />
school in Adelaide when local<br />
facilities or staffing does not<br />
allow adequate training.<br />
• That is hardly an incentive to<br />
bolster completion rates.<br />
Technical colleges in the regions<br />
are a step in the right direction. The<br />
AHA is liaising with the Education<br />
Department – to assist regional<br />
centres to have the appropriate<br />
training pipeline.<br />
Fourthly, the data clearly shows<br />
that employing formal mentors<br />
for trainees substantially lifts<br />
completion rates.<br />
Finally, COVID shutdowns branded<br />
hotels as an unreliable employer.<br />
We did the hard yards back then for<br />
the greater good.<br />
Now help us to recover by providing<br />
assistance to promote our industry<br />
and the employment opportunities<br />
that lie within.<br />
Fixing the long-standing labour<br />
shortage requires serious<br />
political will.<br />
Without it, hotels continue to<br />
find themselves under resourced<br />
and poorly placed to meet future<br />
workforce needs.<br />
EVENTS<br />
Events and conferences in South<br />
Australia fill our hotels, bars<br />
and restaurants.<br />
Tourism equals jobs.<br />
Those at the Industry coalface will<br />
tell you there is STILL work to be<br />
F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />
done to fill the formidable black hole<br />
in our winter months.<br />
This can best be relieved through an<br />
expanded bid fund, targeting major<br />
conferences during that period.<br />
Data from Business Events Adelaide<br />
reveals a conference delegate<br />
will spend $650 a day compared<br />
to $200 per day from the leisure<br />
tourist.<br />
Beyond a conference, delegates<br />
extend their stay to explore the<br />
regions and become advocates<br />
for the State - returning with<br />
their families.<br />
We applaud the State Government’s<br />
strategic priority and the $40<br />
million Major Events Fund that has<br />
introduced on-going events such as<br />
Gather Round and Liv Golf.<br />
Events have become a critical part<br />
of our $9.9 billion visitor economy,<br />
and this State does it better<br />
than anyone.<br />
That’s why LIV at Grange was<br />
named the World’s Best Golf Event<br />
for <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
But there is one glaring omission<br />
from our glittering events calendar<br />
and that is a show stopping horse<br />
race that attracts the best jockeys,<br />
trainers and horses from around<br />
the country.<br />
We are the only mainland State not<br />
to be playing in this space.<br />
There is a deal to be done to make<br />
this happen. It’s a deal around<br />
taxation equality with a long list of<br />
winners: regional tourism, wineries,<br />
<strong>SA</strong> racing, an improved State<br />
budget, and our pubs.<br />
<strong>SA</strong> racing does not operate on a<br />
level taxation playing field.<br />
Foreign-owned bookies, like<br />
Sportsbet and Ladbrokes, pay a tax<br />
rate less than our local TAB.<br />
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F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />
The tax benefit offshore bookies<br />
enjoy assists them to bombard us<br />
with those endless betting adds,<br />
along with other marketing and<br />
sponsorship initiatives.<br />
I have never understood why<br />
a punter on his phone at a pub<br />
backing a horse with a foreign<br />
owned bookie, pays less tax than his<br />
mate backing the same horse with<br />
our local TAB.<br />
Our hotels who rely on pub Tab<br />
revenue are missing out.<br />
If foreign based multi-nationals<br />
are making a living from South<br />
Australians having a bet-they must<br />
contribute their fair share of tax.<br />
We call upon our State Government<br />
to follow the lead of other<br />
jurisdictions and move to a more<br />
level taxation playing field.<br />
That deal should include coercing<br />
TABCORP to put serious money<br />
into a headline grabbing race in our<br />
State-as they have done elsewhere.<br />
The $16million TAB Everest which<br />
takes over Sydney each October is<br />
racing’s best example of what can<br />
be achieved.<br />
Our race can differentiate itself<br />
from other States by taking it off<br />
Broadway.<br />
Why not run it at Balaklava paired<br />
with a Barossa Valley wine festival?<br />
Or we run the Coonawarra Cup in<br />
Mt Gambier to celebrate that<br />
famous wine region.<br />
TAB has a unique ability to provide<br />
world-wide betting pools, bringing<br />
in unprecedented attention on our<br />
regions from Asia.<br />
This is one tax increase the AHA can<br />
support because it is based around<br />
fairness and only affects a handful<br />
of multinational betting companies<br />
who make an undersized<br />
contribution to South Australia.<br />
GAS<br />
An obsession with the premature<br />
phasing out of gas in our kitchens is<br />
a worrying development.<br />
A forced transition from gas to electricity in pubs could lead to the $40 schnitzel.<br />
The Victorian and ACT Governments<br />
are removing gas from new<br />
connections.<br />
Now the Greens have announced<br />
South Australia should follow suit.<br />
We thank the Legislative Council for<br />
its swift response to head off that<br />
threat last month.<br />
Only last week, it was reported the<br />
Adelaide City Council has the early<br />
extinction of gas high on its agenda.<br />
Energy policy must be established at<br />
State and Federal level, not rest with<br />
Local Government.<br />
It is absurd to think one hotel would<br />
be operating under an energy policy<br />
completely different to the pub in the<br />
neighbouring Council area.<br />
To this end we are comforted by the<br />
assurances from both our Premier<br />
and State Energy Minister Tom<br />
Koutsantonis on their view of our<br />
State’s future reliance for gas.<br />
Over 95% of our commercial<br />
kitchens run on gas.<br />
The cost of retrofitting kitchens<br />
to electricity would be tens of<br />
thousands of dollars per hotel.<br />
That cost must be passed on.<br />
Prepare for the $40 Schnitzel.<br />
The Holy Trinity of any energy<br />
policy must be reliability, price<br />
and emissions.<br />
Energy policies must be based<br />
around technology and demand –<br />
not blinkered by ideology.<br />
Natural Gas is increasingly<br />
underpinning this country’s energy<br />
security.<br />
It needs to remain as Australia’s<br />
transitional energy source as we<br />
usher in the low carbon fuels of<br />
the future.<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s are part of this journey.<br />
We have embraced solar. We<br />
have brought in more efficient<br />
refrigeration and air conditioning to<br />
reduce our carbon footprint.<br />
The AHA is working with Green<br />
Industries <strong>SA</strong> to deliver a world<br />
leading Sustainability Program to<br />
guide our hotels.<br />
If gas is abruptly disconnected, it will<br />
become government’s responsibility<br />
to compensate venues as part of<br />
an orderly transition to an alternate<br />
energy source.<br />
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F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />
The long-term face of the AHA,<br />
Ian Horne, retired in July.<br />
One of the most formidable<br />
business figures in South Australia,<br />
Ian’s strong relationships with<br />
influential stakeholders allowed him<br />
to change policy direction in this<br />
State like few others could hope to<br />
from outside Parliament .<br />
During his 31-year career, Ian<br />
was at the centre of some of this<br />
State’s most divisive debates. But<br />
it speaks volumes of the man that<br />
he departed with the full respect of<br />
both friends and adversaries.<br />
Jay Weatherall, whilst Premier,<br />
noted: “Ian Horne is the best and<br />
most trustworthy political lobbyist in<br />
this State”.<br />
In recognition of Ian’s legacy, he has<br />
become the first non-publican to be<br />
awarded AHA Life membership.<br />
Post AHA, Ian has not chosen the<br />
slow lane. He sits on a number<br />
of key Industry boards including<br />
Tourism Australia.<br />
The transition to Anna Moeller as<br />
CEO has been seamless.<br />
Anna is very much her own person,<br />
with a clear vision for how the<br />
Association can best represent<br />
our membership.<br />
And any of our political friends<br />
thinking dealing with the AHA may<br />
become more comfortable, quickly<br />
discovered Anna can give as much<br />
grief as Ian did on his very best day!<br />
Anna is blessed to have inherited an<br />
outstanding team who service our<br />
members with distinction.<br />
The membership thanks each and<br />
every one of you for your dedication<br />
and commitment.<br />
I am proud to lead the AHA State<br />
Council Industry leaders all who<br />
advance the cause of our members<br />
with passion, care and intellect.<br />
Particular thanks to Senior Vice<br />
president Matt Binns, Vice President<br />
Luke Donaldson, and Secretary/<br />
Treasurer Sam McInnes.<br />
“Peter became the first South<br />
Australian to be recognised for this<br />
prestigious award.”<br />
For 16 years, Jayne Jeffries has<br />
chaired the AHA’s self-funded<br />
early intervention agency Gaming<br />
Care. Jayne transformed Gaming<br />
Care into a Nation- leading model<br />
for harm minimisation and staff<br />
training. Jayne retired from her<br />
position in October, and we thank<br />
her for her outstanding contribution.<br />
To our corporate partners, you truly<br />
are industry friends and we thank<br />
you for your support.<br />
Congratulations to the major<br />
category winners at this year’s<br />
Awards for Excellence: Mount Lofty<br />
House, The McLaren Vale <strong>Hotel</strong> and<br />
The Cremorne. In a coup for the<br />
Duxton Pub Group, the Cremorne<br />
was awarded Best <strong>Hotel</strong> in Australia<br />
at our National Awards<br />
I am pleased to acknowledge three<br />
industry trailblazers.<br />
Congratulations to Lisa Matthews<br />
and Loretta Wilmshurst, who were<br />
inducted into our Woman in <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
Hall of Fame.<br />
And a special congratulations to<br />
Peter Hurley. The Peter Burnett<br />
medal is as an AHA National award<br />
that recognises an individual<br />
who has served our industry<br />
with distinction in advocacy,<br />
operational and philanthropic<br />
work. Peter became the first South<br />
Australian to be recognised for this<br />
prestigious award.<br />
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you<br />
for the honour of your attendance<br />
today. Your invitation confirms your<br />
value to our Association.<br />
We wish you and your families a<br />
safe and happy Christmas.<br />
Having previously heard from the<br />
Premier, it is now my pleasure to<br />
introduce to the stage the Leader<br />
of the Opposition David Speirs<br />
to respond.<br />
David Basheer, AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President<br />
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Reason For<br />
Optimism<br />
From the CEO<br />
A US president once said “the price<br />
of freedom is eternal vigilance” –<br />
and this rings true for our sector.<br />
While we are going through a<br />
relatively settled period post COVID,<br />
there is no room for complacency.<br />
As our President, David Basheer,<br />
says in his column (see previous<br />
pages), there are many issues we<br />
work on very publicly for the benefit<br />
of members. That is only part of<br />
the story. Behind the scenes, the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> works even harder on<br />
issues we want to keep out of<br />
the headlines.<br />
However, as we enter the busy<br />
Christmas trading period, the<br />
current outlook is largely favourable.<br />
We are approaching <strong>2024</strong> with an<br />
“opportunity mindset”.<br />
Many venues are making a steady<br />
recovery from COVID – but State<br />
and Federal decision makers also<br />
need to remember that our industry<br />
suffered losses during that period<br />
and most operators are still playing<br />
“catch up”.<br />
Another positive aspect to note is<br />
that the introduction of major events<br />
to the state is providing much<br />
needed sugar hits to industry. LIV<br />
“Notwithstanding growing wages<br />
and full employment, cost of living<br />
is going up, inflationary pressures<br />
remain, and that has a pinch.”<br />
Golf, Gather Round, Rugby and of<br />
course the Matildas added to<br />
pre-existing events such as the<br />
Fringe, Festival, WOMADelaide and<br />
the cricket.<br />
This increased activity is wonderful<br />
for our food and beverage<br />
offering. It also strengthens our<br />
accommodation sector, which is<br />
particularly important for the CBD<br />
hotel scene that has seen significant<br />
development and increased<br />
available bed nights.<br />
At the same time it has been<br />
pleasing to see that South<br />
Australians are continuing to visit<br />
the back yard they discovered<br />
during border closures. Regional<br />
accommodation and pubs,<br />
particularly those with a destination<br />
experience, are continuing to reap<br />
the rewards.<br />
Gaming has also experienced a<br />
strong rebound with a significant<br />
upgrade of the EGM fleet off the<br />
back of the introduction of ticket in<br />
ticket out and bank note acceptor<br />
technologies. We close out the year<br />
with gaming revenue plateauing at a<br />
new high.<br />
I look forward to identifying and<br />
embracing new opportunities<br />
together with industry in <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
I know that this will not be without its<br />
challenges. Ongoing skills shortages,<br />
scarcity of accommodation and the<br />
cost of living being just some.<br />
But we should be proud to be part<br />
of a state that is now seeing yearon-year<br />
growth, stimulation in<br />
reinvestment and venue sales and<br />
a renewed optimism throughout<br />
the industry.<br />
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F R O M T H E C E O<br />
During Covid, it sometimes felt as<br />
if we had been abandoned by our<br />
elected politicians.<br />
Both government and the opposition<br />
have been sending the clear<br />
message that they understand the<br />
importance of hotels and hospitality<br />
to the success of South Australia.<br />
Evidence of that was swift<br />
parliamentary action to shut the<br />
door on a Greens attempt to stop<br />
new gas connections in <strong>SA</strong>.<br />
At the recent President’s Christmas<br />
Lunch, the Premier told attendees<br />
that one of the contributors to State<br />
growth is “undoubtably” hotels.<br />
“The hospitality sector, the tourism<br />
sector more broadly, has really<br />
punched the lights out.”<br />
He added: “Our challenge in the<br />
government is to make sure we’ve<br />
got the people to do the work.<br />
“Which is why so much emphasis<br />
is going on skills, education and<br />
training – something I know also<br />
matters to this industry.”<br />
“It would also be naive if not<br />
reckless of me, not to acknowledge<br />
the fact that there are some people<br />
in the community doing it tough.<br />
“Notwithstanding growing wages<br />
and full employment, cost of living<br />
is going up, inflationary pressures<br />
remain, and that has a pinch.<br />
“And that is really where the work<br />
that you undertake is so bloody<br />
important.<br />
“Pubs have always been a bit of an<br />
institution in that they are a glue<br />
that keep people together. They<br />
are a home for affordable, safe<br />
interaction amongst individuals<br />
wanting to engage with one another<br />
- communicate with each other. Not<br />
through a social media platform but<br />
over a drink or a nice meal.<br />
“And they are exceptionally<br />
accessible to families.<br />
“Yours are more than just<br />
businesses. They are social<br />
Watch Video <br />
“… there is new wealth and new<br />
opportunity for our State and you are<br />
very much a lifeblood of it”.<br />
institutions. And that’s why this is<br />
an industry that we are so glad as a<br />
government to partner with, actively<br />
engage with through the AHA.<br />
“It’s a relationship that we<br />
thoroughly enjoy and one that we<br />
hope continues for many, many<br />
years to come.<br />
“… there is new wealth and new<br />
opportunity for our State and you<br />
are very much a lifeblood of it”.<br />
We look forward to seeing those<br />
words continue to be reflected in<br />
the actions of government, the<br />
opposition and politicians of all<br />
persausions.<br />
I took the opportunity at the<br />
President’s Lunch to convey our<br />
members’ sincere condolences<br />
to the Commissioner of Police,<br />
Grant Stevens.<br />
Grant was so readily available and<br />
prepared to work with, rather than<br />
against, our industry during the<br />
darkest hours of Covid. He was<br />
empathetic and he treated us as<br />
people and understood our pain.<br />
Now we feel his pain following<br />
the loss of his son, Charlie. Our<br />
heart goes out to Grant, his wife<br />
Emma and their children. We grieve<br />
with you.<br />
In closing, thank you for your<br />
ongoing membership. Our members<br />
are our greatest strength and I<br />
acknowledge the investment that<br />
each of you make every year.<br />
Our unity is our strength.<br />
As we embark on this new year, on<br />
behalf of AHA|<strong>SA</strong> I would like to take<br />
this opportunity to wish you, your<br />
families and staff a Merry Christmas<br />
and safe and prosperous New Year.<br />
Anna Moeller,<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO<br />
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A H A | S A N A T I O N A L A W A R D S<br />
<strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong>s Shine<br />
On National Stage<br />
South Australian hotels reigned<br />
supreme at the AHA National<br />
Awards for Excellence in late<br />
November.<br />
The night’s most sought-after<br />
award, the Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> of the Year<br />
– Metropolitan, was awarded to the<br />
Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong>, Unley.<br />
Other <strong>SA</strong> wins on the night were:<br />
• Best Bar Presentation & Service<br />
– Metropolitan: Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
• Best Gaming Venue –<br />
Metropolitan: Cross Keys <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
• Best Restaurant – Metropolitan:<br />
The Brompton<br />
• Best Meeting and Events Venue:<br />
Adelaide Oval<br />
• Best Entertainment Venue:<br />
Governor Hindmarsh <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
• All Abilities <strong>Hotel</strong> - General<br />
Division: Duke of Brunswick <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
• Best Wagering Venue:<br />
V <strong>Hotel</strong>, Virginia.<br />
AHA National President David<br />
Canny said the national awards are<br />
a high-level clash between venues<br />
which have won top awards in their<br />
home states and territories this year.<br />
“These finalists prove nothing<br />
compares to the atmosphere, the<br />
noise and the sheer joy of being out<br />
in a lively pub full of good people,<br />
good food and great drinks,” he said.<br />
“But our hotels are so much more.<br />
They are a part of our social fabric,<br />
a constant in a world of change and<br />
a real-world place for connection<br />
in increasingly online-focused and<br />
isolated communities.<br />
“Our industry and its hard-working<br />
people have never been more and<br />
appreciated by the communities we<br />
serve and we all should be proud<br />
of that.<br />
“My congratulations to all finalists,<br />
and particularly the winners.”<br />
More than 650 VIPs and industry<br />
guests gathered at the famous<br />
Adelaide Oval for the annual awards,<br />
with a dress code of ‘wear your<br />
whites’ to suit the unique venue.<br />
A highlight of the evening was<br />
the induction of industry legends,<br />
the Farquhar brothers from The<br />
Caxton <strong>Hotel</strong> in Queensland, into the<br />
prestigious Diageo Johnnie Walker<br />
Hall of Fame.<br />
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Full List of <strong>2023</strong> Winners<br />
A H A | S A N A T I O N A L A W A R D S<br />
Excellence in Service - General<br />
Division: Simon Buchanan,<br />
Bentspoke Brewing, Canberra, ACT<br />
Excellence in Service –<br />
Accommodation Division:<br />
Rob Weeden, The Fullerton <strong>Hotel</strong>,<br />
Sydney, NSW<br />
Excellence in Service –<br />
Accommodation Division:<br />
Katelyn Jones, Crown <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
Melbourne, VIC<br />
Excellence in Service –<br />
Accommodation Division: Lynda<br />
Bailey, Mercure Belconnen Canberra,<br />
ACT<br />
Front of House Employee of the<br />
Year – General Division: Declan<br />
Coffey, Hanky Panky Lounge,<br />
Darwin, NT<br />
Front of House Employee of the<br />
Year- Accommodation Division:<br />
Toby Lier, Pullman Melbourne on the<br />
Park, VIC<br />
Chef of the Year – General Division:<br />
Fernando Sanchez, Opera Bar,<br />
Sydney, NSW<br />
Chef of the Year – Accommodation<br />
Division: Kelly Jackson, Crown<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s Melbourne, VIC<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Industry Rising Star –<br />
Accommodation Division: Dyan<br />
Suaco, The Langham Sydney, NSW<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Industry Rising Star - General<br />
Division: Henry Wines, The Western<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>, Ballarat, VIC<br />
Outstanding Achievement in<br />
Training: The Langham Melbourne,<br />
VIC<br />
Local Legend Award: Peter Appleby,<br />
The Grand <strong>Hotel</strong> Warrandyte, VIC<br />
Outstanding Community Service<br />
& Achievement: The Old Woolstore<br />
Apartment Hobart, TAS<br />
Excellence in Innovation,<br />
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency<br />
Practice: The Star Sydney, Pyrmont,<br />
NSW<br />
Best Tourism Initiative: Tasmanian<br />
Wild Seafood Adventures, TAS<br />
Best Bar Presentation & Service –<br />
Regional: Luna, Canberra, ACT<br />
Best Bar Presentation & Service –<br />
Metropolitan: Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong>,<br />
Unley, <strong>SA</strong><br />
Draught Beer Quality Award: The<br />
Shortland <strong>Hotel</strong>, NSW<br />
Best Gaming Venue – Metropolitan:<br />
Cross Keys <strong>Hotel</strong>, Cavan, <strong>SA</strong><br />
Best Gaming Venue – Regional:<br />
Grovedale <strong>Hotel</strong>, VIC<br />
Best Redeveloped <strong>Hotel</strong> –<br />
General Division:<br />
Portarlington Grand <strong>Hotel</strong>, VIC<br />
Best Redeveloped <strong>Hotel</strong> –<br />
Accommodation Division:<br />
InterContinental Sydney, NSW<br />
Best Restaurant – Metropolitan:<br />
The Brompton, <strong>SA</strong><br />
Best Restaurant – Regional:<br />
Furneaux Restaurant, St Helens, TAS<br />
Best Restaurant – Accomm Mid-<br />
Range to Superior:<br />
The Wintergarden, Hydro Majestic<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Blue Mountains, NSW<br />
Best Restaurant – Accomm Deluxe:<br />
Altitude, Shangri-La Sydney, NSW<br />
Best Traditional Pub<br />
Accommodation: Oscars <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
& Café Bar, Ballarat, VIC<br />
Best Deluxe Pub Accommodation:<br />
Watsons Bay Boutique <strong>Hotel</strong>, NSW<br />
Best Meeting and Events Venue:<br />
Adelaide Oval, <strong>SA</strong><br />
Best Sporting Entertainment Venue:<br />
Burleigh Town <strong>Hotel</strong>, QLD<br />
Best Entertainment Venue: Governor<br />
Hindmarsh <strong>Hotel</strong>, <strong>SA</strong><br />
Best Entertainment Venue:<br />
Sandstone Point <strong>Hotel</strong>, QLD –<br />
Hall of Fame<br />
Best Outdoor/Non Enclosed Facility:<br />
Victoria Park <strong>Hotel</strong>, WA<br />
Best Retail Liquor Outlet: Eatons Hill<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>, QLD<br />
Hall of Fame: The Farquhar Family,<br />
The Caxton <strong>Hotel</strong>, QLD<br />
All Abilities <strong>Hotel</strong> – General<br />
Division: Duke of Brunswick <strong>Hotel</strong>,<br />
Adelaide, <strong>SA</strong><br />
All Abilities <strong>Hotel</strong> – Accommodation<br />
Division: Crown Perth, Burswood,<br />
WA<br />
Best Family Dining: The Marsden<br />
Brewhouse, NSW<br />
Best Wagering Venue:<br />
V <strong>Hotel</strong>, Virginia, <strong>SA</strong><br />
Best Marketed <strong>Hotel</strong> – General<br />
Division: Cataract on Paterson,<br />
Launceston, TAS<br />
Best Marketed <strong>Hotel</strong> –<br />
Accommodation Division:<br />
Oaks Cypress Lakes Resort,<br />
Pokolbin, NSW<br />
Best Bistro – Regional: Mountain<br />
View <strong>Hotel</strong>, Whitfield, VIC<br />
Best Bistro – Metro: Harbord <strong>Hotel</strong>,<br />
Freshwater, NSW<br />
Best Mid-Range Accommodation:<br />
DoubleTree by Hilton Melbourne, VIC<br />
Best Superior Accommodation:<br />
Mindil Beach Casino Resort,<br />
Darwin, NT<br />
Best Suite/Apartment <strong>Hotel</strong>:<br />
The Langham Gold Coast, QLD<br />
Best Lifestyle/Resort Style<br />
Accommodation: RACV Cape<br />
Schanck Resort, VIC<br />
Best <strong>Hotel</strong> Bar – Accommodation<br />
Division: Rooftop at QT Perth, WA<br />
Best Deluxe Accommodation:<br />
COMO The Treasury, Perth, WA<br />
Best Luxury Accommodation:<br />
Spicers Sangoma Retreat, Bowen<br />
Mountain, NSW<br />
Best <strong>Hotel</strong> Group Operator:<br />
Comiskey Group, QLD<br />
Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> of the Year – Regional:<br />
Grovedale <strong>Hotel</strong>, VIC<br />
Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> of the Year –<br />
Metropolitan: Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong>,<br />
Unley, <strong>SA</strong><br />
Overall <strong>Hotel</strong> of the Year -<br />
Accommodation Division: The<br />
Langham Gold Coast, QLD<br />
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A H A | S A N A T I O N A L A W A R D S<br />
Best Gaming Venue – Metropolitan: Cross Keys <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
Best Restaurant – Metropolitan: The Brompton.<br />
Best Bar Presentation & Service – Metropolitan: Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
Best Meeting and Events Venue: Adelaide Oval.<br />
Best Wagering Venue: V <strong>Hotel</strong>, Virginia.<br />
All Abilities <strong>Hotel</strong> - General Division: Duke of Brunswick <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
Best Entertainment Venue: Governor Hindmarsh <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
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A H A | S A N A T I O N A L A W A R D S<br />
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O N E F O R T H E R O A D W I T H V A U G H A N Y<br />
SCOTT’S<br />
SPOT<br />
Hello all and welcome to the final<br />
edition of Scott’s Spot for <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
There have been a number of<br />
regionals since the August edition.<br />
held in September, there were two<br />
regionals held with the first at the<br />
Victoria <strong>Hotel</strong> in Port MacDonnell<br />
followed by the Exchange <strong>Hotel</strong> <br />
in Gawler.<br />
Moving into October the Kent Town<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> hosted the Metro Regional,<br />
followed by the Ardrossan <strong>Hotel</strong> <br />
hosting the Yorke Peninsula meeting.<br />
To cap off <strong>2023</strong>, The Port Lincoln<br />
hosted the Eyre Peninsula regional to<br />
draw a final curtain over what was a<br />
big year.<br />
Thanks to all members and corporate<br />
partners for their attendance and<br />
support and looking onwards and<br />
upwards to <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Halloween was the night where<br />
record numbers attended the gala<br />
awards event at the Entertainment<br />
Centre.<br />
Congratulations to all the nominees<br />
and award winners with 2022<br />
recently run and won. A special<br />
mention must go to Mount Lofty<br />
House - Accommodation, McLaren<br />
Vale <strong>Hotel</strong> - Country and the<br />
Cremorne <strong>Hotel</strong> - Metropolitan for<br />
winning the best overall hotel in each<br />
of their categories.<br />
Enjoy a couple of stories that were<br />
sent anonymously to me from a<br />
couple of my spies!<br />
Who said Treasurers don’t have a<br />
sense of humour. Speaking at the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> awards night, Treasurer<br />
Stephen Mulligan told the audience<br />
he had been selected to represent<br />
Premier Peter Malinauskas, who had<br />
fallen ill.<br />
When he said “… it’s no mean feat<br />
being Peter’s body double”, I think<br />
many in the 920-strong crowd were<br />
picturing the famous photo of a<br />
gym-buffed “Mala” , bare-chested<br />
in a swimming pool during the<br />
State election.<br />
It flips the old advice that nervous<br />
speakers can employ the relaxation<br />
technique of imagining their audience<br />
in the nude!<br />
Still on our fun-loving Treasurer, how<br />
good was his major events joke?<br />
He was speaking about the Adelaide<br />
500, Gather Round and other<br />
major events.<br />
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O N E F O R T H E R O A D W I T H V A U G H A N Y<br />
If you have any entertaining<br />
stories and photos to<br />
share, please email them to<br /> .<br />
“And just this week we learnt that<br />
South Australia was host to the<br />
best golfing event in the world.<br />
I’m talking, of course, about the<br />
Coopers Golf Day this week … nah,<br />
the LIV Golf Festival which was held<br />
in April of this year.”<br />
Still on the awards night, the disco<br />
ball centrepieces took many people<br />
for a trip down memory lane. The<br />
fact that they have been repurposed<br />
from previous table features and<br />
put together by GoGo Events made<br />
them even more special.<br />
Later on the dancing started and<br />
Hot Dub Time Machine was such a<br />
smash hit that the dance floor was<br />
overflowing. The one thing I would<br />
like to see next year is if organiser<br />
Lucy Randall could organise a giant<br />
disco ball above the dance floor to<br />
make the dream complete.<br />
There was great excitement<br />
when the Meat Tray Raffle was<br />
about to be announced. We were<br />
all glammed up but it brought a<br />
touch of ‘Friday night front bar’ to<br />
the event.<br />
I’m sure there were publicans<br />
thinking it would be a good addition<br />
to their promotional larder.<br />
And I had to laugh when one of<br />
the winners was announced as<br />
EOS. I’m not sure they do meat<br />
and chook raffles in that very fine<br />
establishment.<br />
One of the most commented on<br />
images of the night was the image<br />
of Renee from the Penneshaw<br />
Pub that was projected onto the<br />
superscreens above the stage.<br />
There was a mysterious, highly<br />
polished head poking in from the side.<br />
Do you recognise the mysterious<br />
photobomber (below)?<br />
Lovely to meet Gulshan and Santosh posing with<br />
Katherine Taylor at 105 on the Park in Bordertown<br />
The Terrace at the Windmill in Prospect.<br />
Trevor Evans and Brad Perks sharing stories on<br />
how to catch Ardrossan crabs.<br />
Congrats to the team at the Elephant British<br />
pub on their award for winning the Best Draught<br />
Beer Quality.<br />
The striking Stamford Grand that hosted the<br />
Golden Chain conference in October with the<br />
inaugural CEO of Accommodation Australia,<br />
Michael Johnson presenting.<br />
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O N E F O R T H E R O A D W I T H V A U G H A N Y<br />
Beautiful views at the Clare Country Club .<br />
The <strong>Hotel</strong> Arno and Coffin Bay <strong>Hotel</strong> crew<br />
watching on intently while Fricky makes an<br />
impromptu speech in Port Lincoln.<br />
Welcome, Darren Chan new Publican at the<br />
Commercial in Cowell.<br />
John striking a nice pose at the Robin Hood in<br />
Strathalbyn<br />
Brenton cooking up the traditional Wednesday<br />
night spit at the Franklin Harbour in Cowell.<br />
Loved catching up with Jade Flavell at The Wheaty.<br />
Congrats on winning the national champion<br />
small brewery award again while continually<br />
campaigning for and promoting the live music<br />
venues here in <strong>SA</strong>.<br />
Guess who hamming it up in Port Lincoln<br />
Mel Cooper<br />
We like to think of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> as<br />
leaders and that was backed up by<br />
the Premier when he spoke at the<br />
President’s Lunch.<br />
“This is always an important event<br />
in the annual calendar here in<br />
South Australia … it very much fires<br />
the starting gun on Christmasorientated<br />
events,” he said.<br />
The Premier had to leave the lunch<br />
early to get to a National Cabinet,<br />
while many at the lunch retired<br />
to The Strathmore for a quiet<br />
beverage – including some of his<br />
parliamentary colleagues doing the<br />
hard yards on his behalf!<br />
Our CEO, Anna Moeller, used<br />
the lunch to compliment fifthgeneration<br />
family member, Melanie<br />
Cooper, on her appointment as<br />
the Chair of Australia’s largest<br />
independent family-owned<br />
brewery, Coopers.<br />
Mel becomes the first female<br />
Chair of Coopers Brewery in its<br />
161-year history and takes over<br />
from Glenn Cooper who is stepping<br />
down in December after nearly<br />
22 years in the position. At the<br />
same time, Andrew Cooper will be<br />
appointed to the Board – the first<br />
sixth-generation family member to<br />
become a Director of the company.<br />
The comments Mel made at the<br />
time, reflect what Anna says in her<br />
column in this issue of <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong>:<br />
“Our industry faces opportunities<br />
and challenges. I hold a positive<br />
outlook and look forward to working<br />
closely with my fellow Directors and<br />
senior leadership team along this<br />
journey,” said Mel.<br />
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B R A N D S A<br />
Loyal local Fassina<br />
supports “Buy <strong>SA</strong>.<br />
For <strong>SA</strong>”<br />
For veteran South Australian<br />
liquor retailer Fassina,<br />
embracing Brand <strong>SA</strong>’s latest<br />
campaign supporting local<br />
businesses and producers was<br />
a ‘no-brainer’.<br />
“It aligns perfectly with our<br />
values of supporting local ,” said<br />
Elise Fassina, the company’s<br />
Marketing and Business Development Manager.<br />
Launched in August, <strong>2023</strong>, the campaign plays on the<br />
fierce parochialism of South Australians by encouraging<br />
consumers to look for the State Brand and “Buy <strong>SA</strong>.<br />
For <strong>SA</strong>.”<br />
Elise said setting up the branding in store was simple<br />
and the signage looks great in the Fassina stores.<br />
“You reach out through the Brand <strong>SA</strong> website. They can<br />
send a variety of point-of-sale options that suit different<br />
businesses and they all look really smart.”<br />
A selection of point-of-sale material, designed to help<br />
consumers identify local products, is available from the<br />
Brand South Australia team.<br />
And campaign artwork and assets are available for<br />
download from the Brand South Australia website to<br />
help amplify the message across marketing and social<br />
media platforms. Those assets include window decals,<br />
wobblers and shelf stripping.<br />
Elise has no doubt the campaign is the perfect fit for<br />
their business and encourages other local businesses<br />
to get on board. “Customers really respond to the<br />
tagline ‘it feels good to buy local’’. It resonates for them.”<br />
she said.<br />
Fassina liquor stores look forward to celebrating their<br />
50th anniversary in 2025.<br />
“We’ve always worked with local small and medium<br />
businesses, building long-term relationships. It‘s one<br />
of the key elements of our success and longevity. “We<br />
love collaborating with and promoting wonderful <strong>SA</strong><br />
wineries, distilleries and breweries.<br />
“We pride ourselves on having a huge and expertly<br />
curated range of South Australian wines, beers<br />
and spirits”.<br />
“We have a passion for authentic products connected<br />
to local people, not like the own brand & private labels<br />
you find in other stores.”<br />
The Brand <strong>SA</strong> campaign is expected to run until at least<br />
April, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Brand <strong>SA</strong> and the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> encourages all local<br />
businesses to promote the “Buy <strong>SA</strong>. For <strong>SA</strong>.” message<br />
to support local businesses and help the state they<br />
love thrive.<br />
They can do that either at hotel level, by reminding<br />
consumers they are locally owned or at product<br />
level, via the promotion of South Australian brands<br />
and products.<br />
“When people are given the option, they tend to choose<br />
South Australian products,” Elise said.<br />
“It’s hard to go past <strong>SA</strong> products! “<br />
“There are some big brands that everyone knows are<br />
South Australian like Coopers, but the craft brands like<br />
Big Shed Brewery deserve to be highlighted and have<br />
that recognition as well.<br />
“It’s about lifting up those small and medium local<br />
business that people might not be aware are local and<br />
once they do, they can choose to buy them and support<br />
regularly.”<br />
If your business isn’t already registered to use the<br />
State Brand, apply today. It’s free and using the State<br />
Brand will help your business leverage the benefits of<br />
the campaign.<br />
Contact the Brand South Australia team for further<br />
information or to register your interest in new point of<br />
sale items such as coasters and bottle neck tags.<br />
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It was our final regional event for <strong>2023</strong> on 21 November in the Eyre Peninsula at the Port Lincoln <strong>Hotel</strong> .<br />
It was a fantastic way to wrap up a busy year! Thanks to all our members and corporate partners who support<br />
these events.<br />
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R E G I O N A L M E E T I N G S<br />
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A H A | S A P R E S I D E N T " S L U N C H 2 0 2 3<br />
Almost 400 guests including South Australian Business leaders, State and Federal politicians and key<br />
stakeholders attended the end-of-year President's Christmas lunch on Tuesday 5 December at the Adelaide<br />
Convention Centre . The lunch was a prime opportunity for AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President David Basheer to summarise the<br />
key challenges and opportunities facing the hotel industry.<br />
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A H A | S A P R E S I D E N T " S L U N C H 2 0 2 3<br />
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W O M E N I N H O T E L S<br />
W O M E N I N H O T E L S F U N C T I O N<br />
Women<br />
It was a wonderful afternoon on 15 November with 150 in attendance at<br />
The Griffins <strong>Hotel</strong> for the annual Women in <strong>Hotel</strong>s Christmas fundraiser<br />
for Junction Australia. The raffle raised $3k to purchase items to<br />
support vulnerable women in the community and there was a wonderful<br />
collection of goods provided by guests. Thank you to all who attended<br />
and corporate partners who donated a huge list of raffle items.<br />
26 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
In <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
ANDALE<br />
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B U R N E T T M E D A L A W A R D<br />
Peter Hurley<br />
AO Awarded<br />
Burnett Medal<br />
Former AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President, Peter Hurley, has become<br />
the first South Australian to receive the national AHA’s<br />
highest honour, the Peter Burnett Medal.<br />
The medal recognises an individual who has served the<br />
hotel industry with distinction in advocacy, operational<br />
and philanthropic work.<br />
Peter served on the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> State Council for 39 years<br />
and was State President for a record 24 years.<br />
He also served two terms as National President.<br />
Congratulations Peter J. Hurley AO upon<br />
being awarded the Peter Burnett Medal<br />
from the A.H.A – a fitting tribute.<br />
From Porter & Co. Wine Merchants<br />
P: 8373 3010 |<br />
28 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
“The one time school<br />
teacher is a self-made<br />
man, who worked his way<br />
to the top - after starting<br />
out with a small country<br />
pub, the Wudinna <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
in 1975.”<br />
B U R N E T T M E D A L A W A R D<br />
Announcing the award, <strong>SA</strong> President David Basheer<br />
described Peter as a “forthright and visionary leader<br />
who travelled a parallel national AHA journey with Peter<br />
Burnett, becoming great mates along with way”.<br />
“The one time school teacher is a self- made man, who<br />
worked his way to the top – after starting out with a<br />
small country pub, the Wudinna <strong>Hotel</strong> in 1975.<br />
“Today, his family’s 11 hotels are amongst South<br />
Australia’s most iconic venues. The family also owns<br />
the Ivory Tavern in Tweed Heads.”<br />
Reflecting on the honour, Peter paid tribute to Peter<br />
Burnett AM, who he described as “a very respected and<br />
much missed colleague”.<br />
He was also shocked to learn that he was this year’s<br />
recipient.<br />
“A few lines in, it became obvious that David (Basheer)<br />
was talking of me,” he said.<br />
“The intro would have been much longer if he<br />
had included my mistakes and stuff ups. I was<br />
overwhelmed.<br />
“I think it bodes well for the culture of the National AHA<br />
that they choose to acknowledge the past service of a<br />
former office holder, who has long since transitioned to<br />
feather duster status.”<br />
During his introduction, David highlighted several<br />
high stakes negotiations that Peter led, one being the<br />
introduction of GST.<br />
“The Howard government was not often caught with<br />
their legislative pants down,” recalled Peter.<br />
“However, the Opposition decided to exploit the<br />
falsehood of the Prime Minister’s assurance that the<br />
price of a beer would not increase as a result of the<br />
introduction of the GST.<br />
“Mr Howard had been poorly advised by those who<br />
didn’t realize the GST added to the higher margin on<br />
premise would increase the price. Around $20m had<br />
been collected by the time the Senate blocked the<br />
approval.<br />
“The government was in a bind.<br />
“It was our suggestion to create a differential excise rate<br />
for draught beer that enabled them to get the legislation<br />
through. That differential has saved beer drinkers 10<br />
cents a schooner for the last 23 years.<br />
“It’s a great shame that the government created the<br />
Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education (FARE)<br />
with the money they had wrongly collected. FARE have<br />
been a huge pain in the side of the industry from that<br />
day on.”<br />
Still <strong>SA</strong> Family owned and operated.<br />
Nippy’s has a range of products suitable for the Food Service<br />
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Pure Lime, Pure Blood Orange, Cranberry Drink (long life)<br />
and Tomato Juice (long Life). We also have a range of 350ml<br />
shelf stable juices suitable for the bar.<br /><br />
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“With the help of other AHA State branches, most notably<br />
NSW, our impressively funded campaign was so effective<br />
Xenophon failed to even win his own seat, and Peter had<br />
eradicated our industry’s greatest political threat.”<br />
“It also fell to me to present to Treasurer Costello the<br />
news that he would have to amend the legislated cut<br />
in time for the GST. The bureaucrats obviously had no<br />
idea that the night time economy does not roll its day<br />
at midnight and therefore the GST could not cut in at<br />
midnight on June 30th.<br />
“The last thing Mr Costello wanted to do was to have to<br />
re-open and amend the legislation. I convinced him over<br />
the lunch table that it was essential.”<br />
The Medal was presented at a special lunch in<br />
November.<br />
David regaled the audience with several other battles<br />
that Peter fought on behalf of the hotel industry.<br />
“Peter was again National President between 2010<br />
and 2012 when the Gillard-Wilkie mandatory precommitment<br />
deal threatened our very existence,”<br />
he said.<br />
“Strongly supported by (AHA NSW CEO) John Whelan,<br />
Peter found himself navigating a compromise with<br />
Federal Ministers, factional powerbrokers and various<br />
stakeholders.<br />
“However, on that occasion it became evident that to ‘do<br />
the deal’ would have been an unmitigated disaster.<br />
“Instead, our team launched a strategically<br />
brilliant nationwide campaign and fortunately, that<br />
potentially ugly legislation never even made it to a<br />
Parliamentary vote.”<br />
David also highlighted how Peter “changed the course<br />
of political history at the 2018 South Australian election”,<br />
describing it as his “farewell gift to the Industry”.<br />
“Congratulations Peter Hurley on<br />
receiving the Peter Burnett Medal for<br />
your significant contribution to the<br />
hotel industry”<br />
Studio Nine Architects<br />
On behalf of the Directors of Ron Goodall Refrigeration,<br />
Gary and Craig Goodall, it is our great honour to extend<br />
our heartfelt congratulations to Peter Hurley AO for<br />
being awarded the prestigious Peter Burnett AM Medal<br />
– the first South Australian to receive this esteemed<br />
recognition.<br />
Contact Gary or Craig to discuss your<br />
commercial refrigeration needs today.<br />
Gary: 0407 729 196 | Craig: 0418 829 631<br /><br /><br />
Lisa with brothers Scott and Ward, grandparents Dossie and Seymour, and father Tony at the Feathers<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> in 1988.<br />
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B U R N E T T M E D A L A W A R D<br />
AHA having plenty of money in it’s account, and our<br />
members being left with none in theirs’.<br />
“With the help of other AHA State branches, most<br />
notably NSW, our impressively funded campaign was<br />
so effective Xenophon failed to even win his own<br />
seat, and Peter had eradicated our industry’s greatest<br />
political threat.”<br />
“Early polling had Nick Xenophon as preferred South<br />
Australian Premier. That’s right … a ‘No Pokies’ Premier!<br />
“Peter and then CEO Ian Horne both displayed<br />
enormous courage to put their heads up above the<br />
trenches and take on such a powerful force, knowing<br />
the inevitable public and media flack that would come<br />
their way.<br />
“There was a collective shudder when we learnt of the<br />
cost of running a fully effective campaign to defeat the<br />
populist anti-industry crusader. But Peter Hurley, in one<br />
sentence, changed the course of that entire election.<br />
“He stated, ‘There is no point at the end of this in the<br />
Peter Hurley’s community and philanthropic work<br />
continues to leave an enduring legacy. In 1996, he<br />
created <strong>Hotel</strong> Care which over the years has donated<br />
$18 million in grants to community organisations,<br />
charities and sporting clubs.<br />
Deservedly, Peter was recognised as an of Officer of<br />
the Order of Australia in the 2016 Queen’s Birthdays<br />
Honours.<br />
“At a personal level, Jenny has been a formidable<br />
strength in her own right and backed Peter all the way,”<br />
said David.<br />
“They can be justifiably proud of the roles Nick,<br />
Samantha and Anna all play within our industry. Let me<br />
assure you, the apple does not fall far from the tree.<br />
“Peter has made a substantial lifelong contribution to<br />
the AHA and our industry is the better for it.”<br />
Workspace Commercial furniture congratulates Peter Hurley on being awarded the Peter<br />
Burnett Medal, one of the highest honours in the Australian hotel industry. We are proud of the<br />
long standing and continuing relationship with the Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group, providing our expertise<br />
through the design, manufacture and supply of hospitality joinery & furniture solutions.<br />
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H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
Inside <strong>Hotel</strong> Royal’s<br />
$8m Renovation<br />
32 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
The <strong>Hotel</strong> Royal on Henley Beach Road has been<br />
completely reinvented, with a modern wraparound<br />
balcony now a stunning new feature that is attracting<br />
attention on the busy arterial road.<br />
But along the way, the project has had to overcome<br />
blocking moves by historians, major unplanned<br />
earthworks and rising inflation.<br />
The distinctively art deco pub holds a special place<br />
in the Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group; it was the first city venue<br />
bought by Peter and Jenny Hurley.<br />
The $8 million renovation also has a family feel to it, as<br />
it was overseen by Peter and Jenny’s son-in-law, Scott<br />
Oakley, who is married to Samantha Hurley.<br />
Like many major projects, it’s had its fair share of trials<br />
and tribulations, taking 21 months to complete.<br />
”Hopefully that’s the last time I see a tradie at the pub<br />
for the next five years,” quipped the affable Oakley.<br />
But he’ll soon encounter another.<br />
Scott has spent much of his time overseeing<br />
renovations at the Marion and Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong>s.<br />
He is also involved in the build of the new Panorama<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>, which will replace the Tonsley after its<br />
compulsory acquisition for the South Road project.<br />
He and Samantha had previously spent nearly two<br />
years in Tweed Heads running the family-owned Ivory<br />
Waterside Tavern and Marina, as it too underwent a<br />
dramatic makeover.<br />
But it’s the Royal which he now looks upon with<br />
enormous pride and satisfaction.<br />
Work began on the bottle shop and the new dual-level<br />
‘Back Pocket’ sports bar before ramping up to stage two<br />
of the project which encompassed the main bar and<br />
restaurant, gaming room and function room.<br />
“The front bar was on the other side of the drive through,<br />
away from the rest of the hotel,” Scott explained.<br />
“So we wanted to expand our bottle shop and then also<br />
get all our food and beverage on the same side to make<br />
it a lot easier to operate.<br />
“Also, the pub faces the wrong way for the afternoon sun.<br />
“We wanted to give it a lot more space that captures the<br />
afternoon sun so we built the north-facing courtyard to<br />
bring in a lot more natural light.<br />
“The pub now feels a lot brighter.<br />
Pascale Construction is proud to be associated with Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group as construction<br />
partner for the iconic <strong>Hotel</strong> Royal redevelopment and congratulate the group for their<br />
outstanding commitment to excellence and remarkable industry achievements.<br />
T 08 8362 5840<br />
E<br />
W<br />
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H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
Congratulations to the Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group on completion of the <strong>Hotel</strong> Royal<br />
and to Peter Hurley on being awarded the Peter Burnett Medal<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Royal<br />
S2 Architects<br />
Photo: Lisa Dimitri Gallery<br />
Architects and interior designers<br />
specialising in tourism,<br />
accommodation and hospitality<br /><br />
34 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
“I was trying to get the<br />
balance right of it still<br />
feeling like an outdoor<br />
space but making it one<br />
that can be used all year<br />
round so when it does<br />
rain, we can keep the rain<br />
out and turn on the gas<br />
heating.”<br />
“And we wanted to make the function room bigger.<br />
“We used to have a manager’s flat and some short-term<br />
accommodation like a lot of hotels have with a lot of<br />
walls up there. So we’ve knocked all those walls out and<br />
the rooms have become much larger.”<br />
When asked to nominate the Royal’s new showpiece,<br />
Oakley finds himself torn.<br />
He’s a big fan of the new courtyard, complete with<br />
retractable roof to ensure its all-year, all-weather<br />
functionality, accessible from the new main bar via<br />
resplendent bifold doors.<br />
“We haven’t really had a nice outdoor space at the venue<br />
before,” Oakley said.<br />
“It’s just a sensational area and I’m really proud of how it<br />
looks and I think customers will love it.<br />
“We always talk about having outdoor spaces that are<br />
365-days-a-year spaces.<br />
“I was trying to get the balance right of it still feeling like<br />
an outdoor space but making it one that can be used all<br />
year round so when it does rain, we can keep the rain<br />
out and turn on the gas heating.<br />
“But on the nice days, we can open the roof up and<br />
make it feel like a real outdoor space.<br />
“The Alma’s got a retractable roof and that has been<br />
quite successful.”<br />
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Proud supplier of The <strong>Hotel</strong> Royal.<br />
Discover what Cookers can do for you.<br />
P: 1300 88 22 99<br />
36 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
“The balcony gets a lot of exposure and it makes the pub<br />
really pop. We’ve put the lights on at night and the pub just<br />
looks fantastic from the road.”<br />
But Scott Oakley also loves the ‘Torrensville Loft’, the<br />
Royal’s stunning upstairs function room upgrade with<br />
show-stopping wrap-around balcony that lights up<br />
Henley Beach Road.<br />
The room boasts a private bar and caters for up to 140<br />
people standing or 80 seated.<br />
While not a public space, it will be used for events and<br />
conferences as well as private functions.<br />
The balcony provides the room with dual functionality<br />
as well as giving the heritage-listed Royal the eyecatching<br />
facelift the Hurleys were seeking – the two<br />
primary motivations for the entire project.<br />
“Henley Beach Road is obviously a very high traffic road.<br />
“The balcony gets a lot of exposure and it makes the<br />
pub really pop.<br />
“We’ve put the lights on at night and the pub just looks<br />
fantastic from the road.<br />
Another Quality Joinery Fitout<br />
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H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
“We’re getting a lot more people commenting about<br />
how the pub looks and it definitely stands out more,<br />
which is what we wanted from the renovations.”<br />
Some historians voiced concerns about the effect the<br />
upgrade would have on the hotel’s art deco appearance.<br />
However, the art deco look wasn’t added until the<br />
1930s and the pub has undergone several renovations<br />
since then.<br />
Council saw merit in the new development and<br />
ultimately decided that the Hurley Group had<br />
“satisfactorily demonstrated that the proposal will not<br />
detract from the heritage value of the building”.<br />
Now, not only does the completed project retain the art<br />
deco facade, the styling on the new balcony introduces<br />
new art deco inspiration.<br />
“We wanted to keep the heritage of the pub because it’s<br />
something that we’re really proud of,” Scott said.<br />
“We tried really hard – and successfully I think – to still<br />
complement the original build of the hotel.<br />
“Everything we’ve done, we tried to keep that art<br />
deco feel inside and outside and I think we did that<br />
really well.”<br />
Congratulations to The Hurley Group on<br />
the fabulous refurbishment of The <strong>Hotel</strong> Royal<br />
&<br />
Congratulations to Peter Hurley on being<br />
awarded the Peter Burnett Medal by AHA Australia<br />
Four Seasons Fresh thanks the Hurley Group for<br />
its commitment to South Australian businesses and<br />
particularly the confidence shown in our business.<br />
We look forward to many years of service.<br /><br />
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H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
“Everything we’ve done, we tried to keep that art deco feel<br />
inside and outside and I think we did that really well.”<br />
The timing of the renovations couldn’t be better, with<br />
the imminent move of the Adelaide Crows to Thebarton<br />
Oval, an easy 10-15 minute stroll or three-minute drive.<br />
“We think Torrensville has been an up-and-coming<br />
suburb for a while now,” Scott said.<br />
“With Thebby Oval going ahead as well, I think that side<br />
of the city is really going to start to hit its straps in the<br />
next two or three years.<br />
“With more people coming to the area, the new-look<br />
Royal will give them somewhere great to go.”<br />
McLeay Carpets is a fourth generation<br />
South Australian family owned and operated<br />
business specialising in carpet, vinyl, floating<br />
and direct stick timber and laminate flooring.<br />
We also have a comprehensive range of curtains, blinds, shutters, and awnings.<br />
With McLeay’s expertise to draw on, you can be 100% confident that we will<br />
provide an extensive range of products and a smooth and hassle-free process from<br />
beginning to end.<br />
With over 100 years of trade we have developed a reputation for outstanding customer<br />
service at the best price.<br />
Showroom: 243 Glen Osmond Road, Frewville 5063 | Ph: 8379 79 71<br />
Bulkstore: 594 Regency Road, Broadview 5083 | Ph: 8346 49 99<br />
Ph: 8346 49 99 | W:<br />
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D S<br />
“Like a lot of our pubs, we’ve<br />
got a Yoder smoker which<br />
we’re really proud of and<br />
use with a lot of our meats."<br />
NEW MENU<br />
Book a table at the Royal and you'll discover a beefed<br />
up kitchen too.<br />
“Like a lot of our pubs, we’ve got a Yoder smoker which<br />
we’re really proud of and use with a lot of our meats.<br />
“We’re angling towards a shared experience<br />
with people.<br />
“There are some great shared lamb and steak dishes.”<br />
A new-look cocktail list offers both classic and<br />
contemporary options, including an 1800 Pina Colada,<br />
Garden Gin Sour and Jalapeño Margarita.<br />
created by<br />
Legends of the Hospitality Industry<br />
Congratulations Peter, Jenny and<br />
the whole Hurley Group for delivering yet<br />
again for your local patrons.<br />
We hope you enjoy the views from the balconies!<br />
Specialising in Commercial<br />
& Contract Furniture<br />
Congratulations to Peter Hurley<br />
being awarded the Peter Burnett Medal.<br />
Fantastic achievement!<br />
Paul Pivato<br />
T: 0412 067 652<br />
40 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
Live music in the courtyard adds yet another dimension<br />
to the pub’s offerings.<br />
It’s completion has allowed Scott to take a short<br />
breather before being thrust into the Hurleys’<br />
next project.<br />
He reflects that learning to be more patient, and trading<br />
through the chaos are both keys to a successful pub<br />
renovation.<br />
“I think that’s my main skillset – to try to keep the pub<br />
running to the best it can be while the renovations<br />
are happening.<br />
“We’ve had to shut certain areas at times but we have<br />
been open in some capacity the whole way through.<br />
“It was really important to not lose contact with<br />
our customer base so loyal customers still have<br />
somewhere to go.<br />
“It’s also good to keep our full-time and long serving<br />
staff employed and engaged.<br />
“If you lose your staff, it’s very, very hard to reopen with<br />
all new staff and no experience.<br />
“It’s important to keep them working so you’ve got a<br />
good team when you reopen the doors.”<br />
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H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
An understanding wife is important too.<br />
Especially when she is finance director of the<br />
Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group.<br />
That rings even truer when the budget had to be<br />
increased due to major stormwater issues in the car<br />
park and the cost of steel for the balcony.<br />
“She understands that sometimes you get the forecast<br />
wrong,” he smiled.<br />
“It does make invoice approval interesting at times<br />
when I say how much I want to spend on things.<br />
“As long as the end result is good and I can make sure<br />
that trade increases in line with the amount I’ve spent,<br />
all’s well that ends well I suppose.<br />
“It’s just putting pressure on myself.”<br />
But the born salesman has no fears he will meet<br />
that challenge.<br />
“Excellent food, excellent space and excellent service is<br />
what we really pride our pubs on.<br />
“If you get all those things right, people will come.<br />
“If they come through the doors and enjoy their time,<br />
they’ll keep coming back and tell their friends.<br />
“If you lose your staff, it’s<br />
very, very hard to reopen<br />
with all new staff and no<br />
experience."<br />
“Samantha and I learned that lesson at the Ivory.<br />
“We found that if we get our house in order and make<br />
sure that when people come in they have the best<br />
possible experience, that is the easiest thing that we<br />
can control and the best way to grow the business.”<br />
The pace of life in hospitality never slows.<br />
And with a burgeoning family following the recent<br />
arrival of third son Harry, Scott sometimes longs for a<br />
quieter day, pouring frothies at the front bar, rather than<br />
the pandemonium he navigates as the Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
Group’s ‘rector of refurbishment’.<br />
“It is definitely the pigeon hole that I find myself in.<br />
Design, Consult, Project Manage<br />
of all aspects of commercial<br />
air-conditioning and ventilation.<br />
Installation and Service of Mechanical<br />
Services including:<br />
• Airconditioning<br />
• Refrigeration<br />
• Kitchen canopies<br />
• Exhaust and Supply air systems<br />
Our team of over 30 employees are<br />
highly skilled and knowledgeable!<br />
Servicing South Australian pubs from<br />
Victor Harbour to Pt Pirie!<br />
P: 08 7182 1249 | |<br />
42 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
TORMAX South Australia is proudly<br />
working with the Hurley <strong>Hotel</strong> Group<br />
as strategic a partner in pedestrian<br />
safety and building security.<br />
Our highly skilled staff members are able to<br />
assist you with the right a utomated solution<br />
for your doorway or access requirements. From<br />
automatic doors and gates to automated windows.<br />
TORMAX South Australia supports you at all times<br />
with our 24 hour emergency support.<br />
Call 08 8351 9868 to speak with our friendly staff.<br /><br />
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H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
Producers and suppliers of quality seafood and<br />
catering lines to the Hospitality Industry.<br />
Proud suppliers to the Hurley Group.<br />
• South Australian family owned and operated<br />
• Fresh Seafood Processed daily in our HACCP<br />
approved facility<br />
Midfield Food Services is proud to be<br />
a supply partner to the <strong>Hotel</strong> Royal.<br />
Suppliers of quality meat<br />
products to the food service<br />
industry since 2004.<br />
• Country and Interstate areas supplied through a<br />
network of refrigerated carriers<br />
• The most experienced and talented support<br />
staff in the industry<br />
International Oyster & Seafoods<br />
“The Complete Package”<br />
P 08 8368 5232 | E<br />
241 - 247 Franklin St, Adelaide,<br />
<strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
P: 8231 6441<br />
E:<br />
44 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
H O T E L R O Y A L<br />
“I love the busyness and<br />
the planning of it and<br />
the challenge of trying to<br />
balance it all."<br />
“I love the busyness and the planning of it and the<br />
challenge of trying to balance it all.<br />
“But I do have moments when I come home and I’m in<br />
my work gear and I’m covered in dust and I think, ‘gee,<br />
it would be nice to work in a pub that is open and only<br />
have to worry about serving the customers and the food<br />
being good and the beer being cold, that would be nice’.<br />
“But I do love the challenge of a renovation and the<br />
planning of it and thinking about how the venue could<br />
run once it’s completed.”<br />
Working in pubs is a role he was long destined for,<br />
having learned the ropes at both Lion and Treasury<br />
Wine Estates.<br />
Initially, he completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce<br />
at Swinburne University.<br />
It was there, in Melbourne, he met one Samantha<br />
Hurley.<br />
And the rest, as they say, is history.<br />
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to<br />
Peter, Jenny, and the Entire Hurley Group,<br />
on the outstanding renovation of the<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> Royal in Torrensville. It is with great<br />
pride that we acknowledge the successful<br />
completion of this first-class project, and<br />
we are honoured to have played a crucial<br />
role in ensuring the excellence of the hotel’s<br />
refrigeration systems.<br />
We take immense pleasure in having installed brand new,<br />
high-quality refrigeration units in the bottle shop and keg<br />
room, outfitting the walk-in freezer and coolroom in the new<br />
kitchen area.<br />
Established in 1961 by Gary and Craig’s father, Ron, Ron<br />
Goodall Refrigeration remains dedicated to supporting local<br />
establishments with our quality work and service.<br />
Congratulations once again on this remarkable achievement.<br />
We are confident that patrons will savour South<br />
Australia’s coldest beer in the new bars, thanks to the<br />
expertise and dedication of the Goodall brothers.<br />
Contact Gary or Craig to discuss your commercial refrigeration needs today.<br />
Gary: 0407 729 196 | Craig: 0418 829 631 |<br />
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S P O N S O R E D I T O R I A L<br />
Hostplus introduces new<br />
investment options<br />
Hostplus has over 1.7 million members, each with<br />
unique goals when it comes to their super. While the<br />
majority of members invest in our award-winning<br />
Balanced (MySuper) option, we also offer other<br />
investment options to suit our members’ preferences.<br />
Some members want to keep costs as low as possible.<br />
Others want access to socially responsible investments.<br />
Many just want the highest possible net investment<br />
returns for their super.<br />
That’s why we’ve created these new options, providing<br />
your staff with an even greater range of choice.<br />
We’ve added six new pre-mixed options, each designed<br />
to focus on one of these areas: net returns, low cost, or<br />
socially responsible investing.<br />
The first new option is called High Growth. It invests in<br />
all growth assets. While it’s a higher-risk investment, its<br />
focus is on delivering the best net return over the long<br />
term. We’ve designed this option for members who<br />
have a medium to long-term investment time frame,<br />
and who are seeking the best net return possible.<br />
For members who would like to take less risk, we’ve<br />
developed the Defensive investment option. This option<br />
invests mainly in fixed interest and cash and focuses on<br />
delivering the best possible net return for its level of risk.<br />
For those who like to minimise investment fees and<br />
costs, we have two new options. Indexed High Growth<br />
invests only in shares, and is therefore higher risk, while<br />
aiming for higher long-term returns. Indexed Defensive<br />
is a lower-risk option which invests predominately in<br />
defensive assets like fixed interest and cash.<br />
Finally, we’ve also launched two new options that focus<br />
on socially responsible investing, known as ‘SRI’. Both<br />
options aim to reduce exposure to fossil fuels and some<br />
other sectors like tobacco production and gambling.<br />
SRI – High Growth invests in growth assets and is<br />
higher risk, while our SRI – Defensive option invests in a<br />
portfolio with a strong bias to defensive assets such as<br />
fixed interest and cash.<br />
These six new options add more choice to our existing<br />
range of pre-mixed investment options. Now your staff<br />
can choose the level of risk they’re comfortable with,<br />
and the investment style they prefer.<br />
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These investment options have the ability to give your<br />
employees greater control of their super. They can<br />
invest in one option or spread their investment across<br />
multiple options. And they can switch into or out of<br />
these options at any time at no cost.<br />
Anyone can invest in these options as long as they’re<br />
a Hostplus member! They just log in to their Hostplus<br />
Member Online account and select to manage their<br />
investments.<br />
Best of all, your employees don’t have to make<br />
investment decisions on their own. Hostplus members<br />
have access to financial advice – online, over the phone<br />
and face to face. Members can call our dedicated<br />
Hostplus advice number on 1300 303 188 or visit<br /> and one of our<br />
superannuation advisers can help them work out which<br />
investment option may be right for them. That’s a plus.<br />
This information is general advice only and does<br />
not take into account your personal objectives,<br />
financial situation or needs. You should consider if<br />
this information is appropriate for you in light of your<br />
circumstances before acting on it. Please read the<br />
relevant Hostplus Product Disclosure Statement (PDS),<br />
available at before making a decision<br />
about Hostplus. For a description of the target market,<br />
please read the Target Market Determination (TMD),<br />
available at .<br />
Net investment returns represent the rate of return on<br />
investments after investment-related fees, costs and<br />
taxes have been deducted. Other fees and costs may<br />
apply. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of<br />
future performance and should never be the sole factor<br />
considered when selecting a superannuation fund.<br />
Hostplus has engaged Industry Fund Services Limited (IFS)<br />
ABN 54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514 to facilitate the provision of personal<br />
financial advice to members of Hostplus. Advice is provided by Hostplus<br />
financial planners who are Authorised Representatives of IFS. Fees may<br />
apply for personal financial advice; for further information about the cost of<br />
personal advice, you can speak with your Hostplus financial planner or visit<br />
our website Information to help you decide whether<br />
you want to use personal financial advice services being offered is set out<br />
in the relevant IFS Financial Services Guide, a copy of which is available<br />
from your Hostplus financial planner. Hostplus has engaged Link Advice<br />
Pty Ltd ABN 36 105 811 836, ASFL 258145 to facilitate the provision of<br />
limited personal financial advice to members of Hostplus via the web-based<br />
product SuperAdviser.<br />
Issued by Host-Plus Pty Limited ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL 244392<br />
as trustee for the Hostplus Superannuation Fund (the Fund)<br />
ABN 68 657 495 890, MySuper No 68 657 495 890 198.<br />
CHS: Your All-in-One Cleaning,<br />
Climate, and Electrical Hospitality Partner.<br />
In the competitive world of hospitality, CHS stands out<br />
by ensuring venues operate at their peak.<br />
CHS has grown to offer comprehensive<br />
refrigeration, air-conditioning, electrical, and cleaning<br />
services that keep hospitality businesses ahead of the<br />
curve. Their preventive maintenance schedules are<br />
designed to maintain seamless operations, essential for<br />
the safety and comfort of guests.<br />
Hospitality managers looking for an edge turn to<br />
CHS for reliable facility services that reflect their<br />
commitment to quality. CHS is the silent force behind<br />
the scenes, enabling businesses to shine with<br />
outstanding environments. By choosing CHS, leading<br />
hospitality venues invest in excellence, ensuring their<br />
guests enjoy flawless experiences with every visit.<br />
• Refrigeration<br />
• Test & Tag<br />
• Thermal Imaging<br />
• Specialised Cleaning<br />
• Air-conditioning<br />
• Facility Services<br />
• Electrical<br />
• Maintenance<br />
Head Office: 18/67 O’Connell St North Adelaide 5006 <strong>SA</strong><br />
T: 1300 004 247 | M: 0411858845 | | W:<br />
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R B T<br />
RBT: Ravo’s Bush<br />
Telegraph<br />
The re-emergence of normal life<br />
for hotel staff and owners from<br />
the Covid 2019 era has had a very<br />
cautious response from us all, and<br />
justifiably so. In a way this Covid<br />
health issue was a difficulty we<br />
reluctantly had to embrace. We had<br />
no option.<br />
Once again, the AHA governing<br />
body provided a strong backbone<br />
to all in the industry, providing<br />
advice, updates and negotiating<br />
with governments which was<br />
appreciated by all. We had no<br />
serious health issue previously to<br />
compare with.<br />
Regrettably we do still remain under<br />
arguably reduced duress, with Covid<br />
cases still hovering, and certainly<br />
we are not completely “out of the<br />
woods”. Reflecting in 10 years’<br />
time, we will probably look back on<br />
this era and wonder “what the hell<br />
happened to us then” in a sour way!<br />
Basically, we have been robbed of<br />
several years of normal life with still<br />
no real genuine end in sight.<br />
Luckily the general professionalism<br />
of our industry has been forced to<br />
again remain united and resilient<br />
as a true guardian of our localised<br />
communities. The broader hotel<br />
industry remains the main hub and<br />
meeting place of so many people in<br />
our communities.<br />
Apart from the Covid issue, the<br />
industry has also had to deal with<br />
the effect of the great River Murray<br />
flood this year, of which much<br />
hardship, and worry and expense<br />
has been incurred by all involved<br />
– a double whammy with Covid I<br />
guess. Stay strong everybody.<br />
This year also witnessed the<br />
departure of our great AHA<br />
servant Ian Horne, who was<br />
rightfully farewelled with much<br />
fanfare and tremendous accolades<br />
of thanks. What a stable influence<br />
he was to us all over many years.<br />
Being an avid supporter of the<br />
Port Districts Football club – an<br />
Amateur league Division one club<br />
(Premiers in 2022 season) – I have<br />
been watching intently the pubs in<br />
the Port/ Semaphore /West Lakes<br />
area. A couple that stand out are<br />
the Semaphore Palais, The Monkey<br />
House, Largs Pier, The Semaphore,<br />
Birkenhead Tavern, which are all<br />
very popular hotels. Then close by,<br />
the professionally run Lakes Resort<br />
and of course the iconic Alberton<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>, each of which you are always<br />
made to feel welcome in when<br />
walking through the doors.<br />
Talking about hotel rumours though,<br />
(there are always plenty of them<br />
around), I did hear rumblings from<br />
someone that the Brien family may<br />
be considering retirement from the<br />
Alberton <strong>Hotel</strong> . So I went straight<br />
to the top!<br />
Peter Brien discounted this<br />
vehemently stating “We have<br />
been here non-stop as a family<br />
for 83 consecutive years running<br />
the centre of the universe and<br />
are now making plans to add a<br />
further 17 years to bring up – in<br />
cricket parlance – the Century of<br />
ownership.”<br />
So you have heard it direct from the<br />
RBT in this article - nothing has or<br />
will change at the Alberton <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
You just have to discount rumours<br />
at times. Unfortunately, I can’t<br />
remember the guy who gave me<br />
that one.<br />
Whilst on the Port, pubs that are<br />
benefitting from much housing<br />
development in that region include:<br />
The Port Admiral was closed,<br />
has been redeveloped and now<br />
reopened again. Good to see.<br />
The Lighthouse <strong>Hotel</strong> has<br />
undergone a very expensive reno<br />
which I believe is very pleasing to<br />
the eye.<br />
The Colac <strong>Hotel</strong> , owned<br />
previously by the Labor Party, but<br />
been closed for many years is<br />
apparently reopening again soon.<br />
A very historic hotel and landmark<br />
in the Port area.<br />
And finally, the British <strong>Hotel</strong> <br />
near the Birkenhead Bridge is,<br />
I understand, to be incorporated<br />
in a motel style accommodation<br />
development very soon.<br />
Things are happening at The Port!<br />
Great to see!<br />
I recently caught up with an old<br />
West Adelaide footballer and<br />
District cricket mate John Burkett,<br />
who has been in the old city pub<br />
the Earl of Aberdeen, now known<br />
as the Coopers Ale House, for<br />
over 15 years. He reports good<br />
bookings for pre-Christmas<br />
functions and trade generally. Nice<br />
to hear John.<br />
I hope also that similarly, the<br />
pre-Christmas trade is strong<br />
throughout the AHA hotels in the<br />
city, suburbs and country areas of<br />
our state. You all certainly deserve<br />
that for the effort you put in each<br />
and every year.<br />
I truly wish you all the very best<br />
with your families for a very<br />
Merry Christmas and a happy and<br />
positive trading period in the New<br />
Year ahead and beyond.<br />
See you all next year! Here comes<br />
<strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Xmas cheers from the RBT.<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
High Court rejects challenge<br />
to Public Holidays request<br />
In April this year the AHA|<strong>SA</strong><br />
provided advice to members<br />
on a decision of a Full Court of<br />
the Federal Court of Australia<br />
(Construction, Forestry, Maritime,<br />
Mining and Energy Union v OS<br />
MCAP Pty Ltd [<strong>2023</strong>] FCAFC 51 (28<br />
March <strong>2023</strong>) (“Decision”)) regarding<br />
employer requests for employees<br />
to work on public holidays. The<br />
Full Court found that BHP’s labour<br />
hire division had contravened<br />
the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)<br />
(‘FW Act’) when it unreasonably<br />
required employees to work over<br />
the Christmas and Boxing Day<br />
public holidays.<br />
The key issue of this Decision was<br />
that the employer had not complied<br />
with the requirement to request<br />
an employee to work on a public<br />
holiday per section 114(2) of the<br />
FW Act. The Full Court held that an<br />
employer must make a reasonable<br />
request for the employee to<br />
work on a public holiday and that<br />
the employee be provided an<br />
opportunity to make a choice to<br />
either accept or refuse the request.<br />
BHP sought special leave to appeal<br />
the Full Court’s Decision in the High<br />
Court, but the special leave request<br />
was declined on 21 November<br />
<strong>2023</strong>. This means that the Full<br />
Court ruling will continue to stand<br />
and will not be subject to challenge<br />
in the High Court.<br />
So given that the Decision will not<br />
be challenged in the High Court,<br />
what should members be doing to<br />
ensure they are compliant with the<br />
Federal Court ruling?<br />
Work on a public holiday is a<br />
common feature in the hospitality<br />
industry and is recognised through<br />
penalty rates and additional public<br />
holiday entitlements contained in<br />
the Hospitality Industry (General)<br />
Award 2020 (‘HIGA’).<br />
Section 114(3) of the FW Act<br />
provides that an employee<br />
may refuse to work on a public<br />
holiday if the request to work was<br />
unreasonable or the employee’s<br />
refusal was reasonable. Importantly,<br />
this Decision does not remove<br />
an employer’s ability to require<br />
an employee to work on a public<br />
holiday if the request to work was<br />
reasonable, and the employee’s<br />
refusal was unreasonable.<br />
Section 114(4) refers to what<br />
factors must be considered to<br />
determine whether a request, or a<br />
refusal of a request to work on a<br />
public holiday is reasonable. Such<br />
factors include:<br />
• The nature of the employer’s<br />
workplace including its<br />
operational requirements<br />
• The nature of the work performed<br />
by the employee<br />
• The employee’s personal<br />
circumstances, including family<br />
responsibilities<br />
• Whether the employee could<br />
reasonably expect that the<br />
employer might request work on<br />
the public holiday<br />
• Whether the employee is entitled<br />
to receive overtime, penalty rates<br />
or other compensation for, or a<br />
level of remuneration that reflects<br />
expectations of, work on the<br />
public holiday<br />
• The type of employment of the<br />
employee<br />
• The amount of notice in advance<br />
of the public holiday given by<br />
the employer when making the<br />
request<br />
• The amount of notice in advance<br />
of the public holiday given by<br />
the employee when refusing the<br />
request<br />
• Any other relevant matter<br />
If an employer has reasonably<br />
requested an employee to work on a<br />
public holiday and the employee has<br />
responded by refusing the request,<br />
the employer can again refer to<br />
section 114(4) to assess if the<br />
employee’s refusal was reasonable.<br />
When requesting an employee to<br />
work a public holiday, members<br />
must ensure that their employees<br />
are provided with an opportunity to<br />
accept or refuse the request. The<br />
request to work on a public holiday<br />
has to be a question, not a direction.<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
For example,<br />
• Providing a draft roster to<br />
employees and allowing<br />
employees to indicate if they<br />
would accept or refuse the shift,<br />
or<br />
• Making the request in the form of<br />
a question.<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s should also review existing<br />
employment contracts. It is<br />
recommended that employment<br />
contracts make it clear that the<br />
employee is entitled to be absent on<br />
public holidays, however due to the<br />
hospitality industry, it is likely that<br />
they will be requested to work. This<br />
will be useful to foreshadow any<br />
later request from the employer.<br />
Section 114(3) of the Act provides<br />
employees with the option to refuse<br />
the request to work on a public<br />
holiday, on reasonable grounds. If<br />
an employee refuses the request,<br />
members are encouraged to have<br />
discussions and negotiations with<br />
their employee about the refusal of<br />
the request.<br />
If after those discussions and<br />
negotiations the employer<br />
determines their request for the<br />
employee to work on the public<br />
holiday was reasonable and that<br />
the employee does not have<br />
reasonable grounds to refuse the<br />
request, the employer can require<br />
the employee to work the public<br />
holiday. This is consistent with<br />
the Federal Court’s Decision at<br />
paragraph 5:<br />
“Ultimately, after discussion or<br />
negotiation, the employer may<br />
require an employee to work on<br />
a public holiday if the request is<br />
reasonable and the employee’s<br />
refusal is unreasonable.”<br />
Section 15A of the Act provides<br />
that casual employees have the<br />
discretion whether or not to accept<br />
shifts that are offered to them,<br />
irrespective of whether it is a public<br />
holiday or just a standard day of<br />
the week. By virtue of the nature of<br />
casual employment, the employer<br />
cannot compel a casual employee<br />
to work any shift that the casual<br />
employee does not want to work.<br />
However, the employer still has an<br />
obligation under section 114(2)<br />
to request that an employee work<br />
on a public holiday regardless of<br />
whether the employee is full-time,<br />
part-time or casual.<br />
The key issue in the Full Court’s<br />
Decision was that the employer had<br />
not in the Court’s view complied<br />
with the requirement to request<br />
an employee to work on a public<br />
holiday per section 114(2) of the<br />
FW Act. The Full Court held that an<br />
employer must make a reasonable<br />
request for the employee to<br />
work on a public holiday and that<br />
the employee be provided an<br />
opportunity to make a choice to<br />
either accept or refuse the request.<br />
Importantly, the decision does<br />
clarify that if an employer makes<br />
a reasonable request and the<br />
employee unreasonably refuses,<br />
the employer can still require<br />
the employee to work on the<br />
public holiday.<br />
WITH NEW FOOD <strong>SA</strong>FETY<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s are reminded that they need<br />
to ensure that they are compliant<br />
with Food Safety Standard 3.2.2A<br />
– Food Safety Management Tools<br />
(Standards 3.2.2A).<br />
Standard 3.2.2A commenced on<br />
8 December 2022 and it placed new<br />
obligations on food businesses in<br />
Australia that handle unpackaged,<br />
ready to eat, and potentially<br />
hazardous foods.<br />
Under the Standard, Category one<br />
businesses such as hotels need to<br />
comply with three new food safety<br />
management tools which includes:<br />
• Food handler training;<br />
• The appointment of a certified<br />
food safety supervisor; and<br />
• Substantiation of critical food<br />
safety controls (evidence).<br />
A 12 month transitional period was<br />
provided to ensure that businesses<br />
implement these new management<br />
tools before 8 December <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Information and resources to<br />
assist members including a Food<br />
Safety Fundamentals Package are<br />
50 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
“Ultimately, after discussion or negotiation, the employer<br />
may require an employee to work on a public holiday if<br />
the request is reasonable and the employee’s refusal is<br />
unreasonable.”<br />
contained in the members only<br />
portal of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> website under<br />
the Food Safety tab.<br />
The Federal Government’s Fair Work<br />
Legislation Amendment (Secure<br />
Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022 (Cth)<br />
introduced changes with respect to<br />
the use of fixed term contracts of<br />
employment.<br />
From 6 December <strong>2023</strong> onwards<br />
an employer that engages an<br />
employee on a fixed term contract<br />
of employment, will need to:<br />
• Provide the employee with a<br />
Fair Work Fixed Term Contract<br />
Information Statement. The<br />
Statement will be available to<br />
download off the Fair Work<br />
Ombudsman’s website from 6<br />
December <strong>2023</strong>. Employers will<br />
need to provide employees with the<br />
Fixed Term Contract Information<br />
Statement as well as the current<br />
Fair Work Information Statement.<br />
• Ensure that they do not provide<br />
an employee (excluding casuals)<br />
with a fixed term contract that is<br />
for a period of greater than 2 years<br />
for the same role, including any<br />
extensions or renewals of contract.<br />
• Ensure the fixed term contract<br />
cannot be extended or renewed<br />
more than once for the same role,<br />
even if the combined period is<br />
less than 2 years.<br />
There are further limitations in<br />
relation to consecutive contracts.<br />
There are also exceptions to<br />
these new fixed term contract<br />
limitations such as those working<br />
on government funded contracts,<br />
high income earners, temporary<br />
absences, traineeships and<br />
apprenticeships and where a<br />
modern award allows for multiple<br />
contract renewals.<br />
For further advice on fixed term<br />
contracts we recommend that<br />
members contact the AHA|<strong>SA</strong><br />
workplace relations team.<br />
Reach the decision makers in <strong>SA</strong> hotels<br />
by advertising in <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong>.<br />
08 8233 9433<br /><br />
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The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> wishes<br />
all Members and<br />
Corporate Partners<br />
a Merry Christmas,<br />
Happy New Year and<br />
a prosperous <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
52 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
GAMING CARE works with all South Australian <strong>Hotel</strong>s with gaming<br />
machines to reduce the harm caused by problem gambling.<br />
Providing the hotel industry with the capacity to respond to community concerns related<br />
to the harm associated with gambling by contributing to early intervention and support<br />
for problem gamblers and their families.<br />
Minimising the harm caused by problem gambling behaviour by fostering a compliant<br />
and proactive industry that works with regulators, gambling help services and gaming<br />
patrons to minimise harm caused by gambling.<br />
Assisting licensees and hotel staff with their compliance obligations, and supporting<br />
venue staff through education and training regarding the recognition of problem<br />
gambling indicators and assisting in accurately documenting patron behaviour.<br />
Providing licensees and hotel staff with the confidence and skills required to engage<br />
directly with patrons who are showing indicators of potential problem gambling, enabling<br />
them to intervene early and refer the patron to a gambling help service, or other support<br />
options if required.<br />
Contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our Office, for<br />
information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue.<br />
For any assistance or support<br />
please contact your local<br />
Gaming Care Officer, or our office<br />
for information on how Gaming<br />
Care can assist your venue.<br />
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CORPORATE PARTNERS <strong>2023</strong>/24<br />
D I A M O N D<br />
P L A T I N U M<br />
G O L D<br />
S I L V E R<br />
131 733<br />
AED Authority<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology<br />
Boylen<br />
Campari Group<br />
IGT<br />
For full product range and details<br />
of your nearest branch<br />
Konami Australia Pty Ltd<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers<br />
Digital Marketing AOK<br />
Light & Wonder<br />
PFD063 <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> Advert (1/4 Page).indd 1<br />
18/05/09 11:47 AM<br />
Samuel Smith & Son<br />
Bank<strong>SA</strong><br />
Empire Liquor<br />
Liquor Marketing Group<br />
Stoddart Food Equipment<br />
Big Screen Video<br />
Bluize<br />
Foxtel<br />
GFR Pro<br />
Novatech Creative Event<br />
Technology<br />
Tanda<br />
B R O N Z E<br />
1800 ON HOLD<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality<br />
Alliance College<br />
Consillion<br />
Alsco<br />
Banktech<br />
Bentleys Accountants<br />
Billsons<br />
Big Shed Brewing Concern<br />
BK Electronics<br />
T<br />
BOC<br />
08<br />
Limited<br />
8100 2499 F 08 8232 JLL 4979<br />
Bunnings Group<br />
Bunzl<br />
Cashzone<br />
Class A Energy Solutions<br />
Compnow<br />
COMS Systems<br />
Concept Collections<br />
Eckermann Lawyers<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis<br />
H O T E L I N D U S T R Y S U P P O R T E R<br />
4TH FLOOR AHA|<strong>SA</strong> HOUSE<br />
60 HINDMARSH SQUARE, ADELAIDE <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
Knight Frank Valuations &<br />
Advisory <strong>SA</strong><br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
Mister Lincoln<br />
Next Payments<br />
ORTC Clothing Co<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth<br />
Advisers<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers<br />
Power Maintenance Group<br />
Ryan & Co. Solicitors<br />
A Cleaner World (ACW)<br />
Art Images Gallery<br />
Solstice Media<br />
Statewide Gaming<br />
St John<br />
Studio Nine Architects<br />
Supagas<br />
The Banner Crew<br />
The Kingsmen<br />
The Card Network<br />
54 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents<br />
Bupa<br />
Trans Tasman Energy Group<br />
Vix Vision<br />
Wallmans Lawyers<br />
Winnall & Co<br />
Maxima<br />
Migration Solutions<br />
Think ST Solutions
A H A | S A C O R P O R A T E P A R T N E R S<br />
Bentleys <strong>SA</strong> 8372 7900<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Mister Lincoln 0402 777 326<br />
Studio Nine Architects 8132 3999<br />
Art Images Gallery 8363 0806<br />
ATMS<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
Cashzone 1300 305 600<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Big Screen Video 1300 244 727<br />
Novatech Creative Event Technology<br />
8352 0300<br />
Foxtel Music 1300 148 729<br />
Moov Music 1300 139 913<br />
Zoo Business Media 07 5587 7222<br />
Bank <strong>SA</strong> 0403 603 018<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Billsons 0451 531 580<br />
BOC Limited 0424 647 568<br />
Supagas 8252 7472<br />
Accolade Wines 8392 2238<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744<br />
Big Shed Brewing Concern 8240 5037<br />
Campari Group 02 9478 2727<br />
Carlton & United Breweries 13 BEER (13 2337)<br />
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners 8416 9547<br />
Coopers Brewery 8440 1800<br />
CUB Premium Beverages 8416 7819<br />
Diageo Australia 0401 120 872<br />
Empire Liquor 8371 0088<br />
Lion 8354 8888<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants 1800 628 539<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants 8346 9111<br />
Pernod Ricard Australia 8208 2400<br />
Samuel Smith & Son 8112 4200<br />
Treasury Wine Estates 8301 5400<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
BK Electronics 0431 509 409<br />
Cardtronics 03 9574 4878<br />
Coms Systems 0408 462 321<br />
Consillion 1800 500 994<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
A Cleaner World 0426 887 364<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
Grinders Coffee 1300 476 377<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
Compnow 8133 8000<br />
AED Authority 03 8710 8666<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 78 5646<br />
Class A Energy Solutions 8391 4853<br />
Power Maintenance Group 1300 700 500<br />
Trans Tasman Energy 1300 118 834<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
COMS Systems 1800 324 918<br />
Vix Vision 0400 310 326<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
FOOD <strong>SA</strong>FETY<br />
Think ST Solutions 0422 285 720<br />
Bidfood 0427 099 558<br />
Galipo Foods 8168 2000<br />
PFD Foodservice 8114 2300<br />
Thomas Foods 8162 8400<br />
Concept Collections 1300 269 800<br />
Mister Lincoln 0402 777 326<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
The Lott 132 315<br />
UBET 8354 7300<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Winnall & Co 8379 3159<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology 0409 171 616<br />
Aristocrat Technologies Australia 8273 9900<br />
Coms Systems 0409 283 066<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
IGT 8231 8430<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Konami Australia Pty Ltd 0409 047 899<br />
MAX 8275 9700<br />
Light & Wonder 0400 002 229<br />
Statewide Gaming 0448 076 144<br />
The Card Network 1300 375 346<br />
Bupa 1300 662 074 (#2146982)<br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 0410 605 224<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 8414 7800<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Digital Marketing AOK 1300 658 543<br />
Max Systems 8275 9700<br />
Aon Risk Solutions 8301 1111<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
Stoddart Food Service Equipment<br />
0468 923 320<br />
<strong>SA</strong> Lotteries 13 18 68<br />
Eckermann Lawyers 8235 3990<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers 8205 3318<br />
Ryan & Co Solicitors 0421 595 815<br />
Wallmans Lawyers 8235 3018<br />
Alsco 1300 659 892<br />
ORTC Clothing Co 0422 515 213<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
MEDIA<br />
FIVEaa 8419 1395<br />
Foxtel 1300 138 898<br />
Solstice Media 8224 1600<br />
Migration Solutions 8210 9800<br />
ONHOLD/MES<strong>SA</strong>GING<br />
1800 ON HOLD 8125 9370<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Tanda 1300 859 117<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Bepoz 1300 023 769<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory<br />
8233 5222<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
The Banner Crew 8240 0242<br />
Foxtel 1300 790 182<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality 8338 1492<br />
Alliance College 1300 665 065<br />
The Kingsmen 0410 416 655<br />
Maxima 8340 7766<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
HostPlus 0418 327 607<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
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L I C E N S E E T R A N S F E R S<br />
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Commercial <strong>Hotel</strong> Cowell 06.11.23 <strong>SA</strong> Country Pubs Pty Ltd<br />
Colonel Light Garden Adelaide 09.11.23 South Australian <strong>Hotel</strong> Pty Ltd<br />
King William <strong>Hotel</strong> (formerly<br />
Ambassadors <strong>Hotel</strong>)<br />
Adelaide 14.11.23 Darren Paul Brown & Sotirios Albert Stoios<br />
Edithburgh <strong>Hotel</strong> Edithburgh 17.11.23 Ventureholics Pty Ltd<br />
Pirie Social: The Venue (formerly<br />
The Fam Pirie)<br />
Port Pirie 20.11.23 Hidden Events Pty Ltd<br />
Sundowner <strong>Hotel</strong> Motel Whyalla Norrie 27.11.23 Duxton Risdon Custodian Pty Ltd<br />
OFFICE<br />
Level 4, 60 Hindmarsh<br />
Square, Adelaide <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
POSTAL<br />
PO Box 3092,<br />
Rundle Mall <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
P (08) 8232 4525<br />
P 1800 814 525 Toll Free<br />
F (08) 8232 4979<br />
E<br />
W<br />
President<br />
Vice President<br />
Deputy Vice President<br />
<strong>SA</strong>M McINNES<br />
Secretary Treasurer<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
CEO<br />
Chief of Staff<br />
ALI<strong>SA</strong> WENZEL<br />
Financial Controller<br />
Workplace Relations, Liquor<br />
Licensing & Gaming<br />
Legal and Advocacy<br />
Membership & Business<br />
Services<br />
Accommodation<br />
Australia (<strong>SA</strong>) and<br />
Tourism<br />
Communications<br />
Events & Partnerships<br />
Liquor & Gaming<br />
Views expressed in <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> are not necessarily those of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> or the publisher and neither can accept, and therefore disclaims any liability, to any party for loss or damage<br />
caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. We do not endorse any advertising materials, services offered within advertisements or products,<br />
special offers or goods promoted therein.<br />
+<br />
Training Coordinator<br />
Executive Assistant<br />
+<br />
3/288 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton <strong>SA</strong> 5063<br />
P (08) 8233 9433 W<br />
TIM BOYLEN Managing Director<br /><br />
JAMIE RICHARDSON Advertising<br /><br />
Studio Manager/Graphic Designer<br />
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
56 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents