THE SIMPLE ART OF MURDER by Raymond Chandler Copyright ...

THE SIMPLE ART OF MURDER by Raymond Chandler Copyright ...

THE SIMPLE ART OF MURDER by Raymond Chandler Copyright ...


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drew in a harsh breath and blew it out and almost whispered: "Tell it, copper. Tell it fast, or <strong>by</strong> God I'll--"<br />

Delaguerra's voice cut in on him coldly, without any emotion at all: "Imlay went to see Marr all right. Why wouldn't he? He didn't know<br />

he was double-crossed. Only he went to see him last night, not today. He rode up to the cabin at Puma Lake with him, to talk things over<br />

in a friendly way. That was the gag, anyhow. Then, up there, they had their fight and Imlay got killed, got dumped off the end of the porch,<br />

got his head smashed open on some rocks. He's dead as last Christmas, in the woodshed of Marr's cabin . . . Okey, Marr hid him and<br />

came back to town. Then today he got a phone call, mentioning the name Imlay, making a date for twelve-fifteen. What would Marr do?<br />

Stall, of course, send his office girl off to lunch, put a gun where he could reach it in a hurry. He was all set for trouble then. Only the<br />

visitor fooled him and he didn't use the gun."<br />

Masters said gruffly: "Hell, man, you're just cracking wise. You couldn't know all those things."<br />

He looked back at Drew. Drew was gray-faced, taut. Aage came a little farther away from the wall and stood close to Drew. The<br />

blonde girl didn't move a muscle.<br />

Delaguerra said wearily: "Sure, I'm guessing, but I'm guessing to fit the facts. It had to be like that. Marr was no slouch with a gun<br />

and he was on edge, all set. Why didn't he get a shot in? Because it was a woman that called on him."<br />

He lifted an arm, pointed at the blonde. "There's your killer. She loved Imlay even though she framed him. She's a junkie and junkies<br />

are like that. She got sad and sorry and she went after Marr herself. Ask her!"<br />

The blonde stood up in a smooth lunge. Her right hand jerked up from the cushions with a small automatic in it, the one she had<br />

shot Delaguerra with. Her green eyes were pale and empty and staring. Masters whirled around, flailed at her arm with the shiny<br />

revolver.<br />

She shot him twice, point-blank, without a flicker of hesitation. Blood spurted from the side of his thick neck, down the front of his<br />

coat. He staggered, dropped the shiny revolver, almost at Delaguerra's feet. He fell outwards towards the wall behind Delaguerra's<br />

chair, one arm groping out for the wall. His hand hit the wall and trailed down it as he fell. He crashed heavily, didn't move again.<br />

Delaguerra had the shiny revolver almost in his hand.<br />

Drew was on his feet yelling. The girl turned slowly towards Aage, seemed to ignore Delaguerra. Aage jerked a Luger from under<br />

his arm and knocked Drew out of the way with his arm. The small automatic and the Luger roared at the same time. The small gun<br />

missed. The girl was flung down on the davenport, her left hand clutching at her breast. She rolled her eyes, tried to lift the gun again.<br />

Then she fell sidewise on the cushions and her left hand went lax, dropped away from her breast. The front of her dress was a sudden<br />

welter of blood. Her eyes opened and shut, opened and stayed open.<br />

Aage swung the Luger towards Delaguerra. His eyebrows were twisted up into a sharp grin of intense strain. His smoothly<br />

combed, sand-colored hair flowed down his bony scalp as tightly as though it were painted on it.<br />

Delaguerra shot him four times, so rapidly that the explosions were like the rattle of a machine gun.<br />

In the instant of time before he fell Aage's face became the thin, empty face of an old man, his eyes the vacant eyes of an idiot. Then<br />

his long body jackknifed to the floor, the Luger still in his hand. One leg doubled under him as if there was no bone in it.<br />

Powder smell was sharp in the air. The air was stunned <strong>by</strong> the sound of guns. Delaguerra got to his feet slowly, motioned to Drew<br />

with the shiny revolver.<br />

"Your party, Commissioner. Is this anything like what you wanted?"<br />

Drew nodded slowly, white-faced, quivering. He swallowed, moved slowly across the floor, past Aage's sprawled body. He looked<br />

down at the girl on the davenport, shook his head. He went over to Masters, went down on one knee, touched him. He stood up again.<br />

"All dead, I think," he muttered.<br />

Delaguerra said: "That's swell. What happened to the big boy? The bruiser?"<br />

"They sent him away. I--I don't think they meant to kill you, Delaguerra."<br />

Delaguerra nodded a little. His face began to soften, the rigid lines began to go out of it. The side that was not a bloodstained mask<br />

began to look human again. He soppeci at his face with a handkerchief. It came away bright red with blood. He threw it away and lightly<br />

fingered his matted hair into place. Some of it was caught in the dried blood.<br />

"The hell they didn't," he said.<br />

The house was very still. There was no noise outside. Drew listened, sniffed, went to the front door and looked out. The street<br />

outside was dark, silent. He came back close to Delaguerra. Very slowly a smile worked itself on to his face.<br />

"It's a hell of a note," he said, "when a commissioner of police has to be his own undercover man--and a square cop had to be<br />

framed off the force to help him."<br />

Delaguerra looked at him without expression. "You want to play it that way?"<br />

Drew spoke calmly now. The pink was back in his face. "For the good of the department, man, and the city--and ourselves, it's the<br />

only way to play it."<br />

Delaguerra looked him straight in the eyes.<br />

"I like it that way too," he said in a dead voice. "If it gets played--exactly that way."<br />


Marcus braked the car to a stop and grinned admiringly at the big tree-shaded house.<br />

"Pretty nice," he said. "I could go for a long rest there myself."<br />

Delaguerra got out of the car slowly, as if he was stiff and very tired. He was hatless, carried his straw under his arm. Part of the left<br />

side of his head was shaved and the shaved part covered <strong>by</strong> a thick pad of gauze and tape, over the stitches. A wick of wiry black hair<br />

stuck up over one edge of the bandage, with a ludicrous effect.<br />

He said: "Yeah--but I'm not staying here, sap. Wait for me."<br />

He went along the path of stones that wound through the grass. Trees speared long shadows across the lawn, through the<br />

morning sunlight. The house was very still, with drawn blinds, a dark wreath on the brass knocker. Delaguerra didn't go up to the door.<br />

He turned off along another path under the windows and went along the side of the house past the gladioli beds.<br />

There were more trees at the back, more lawn, more flowers, more sun and shadow. There was a pond with water lilies in it and a<br />

big stone bullfrog. Beyond was a half-circle of lawn chairs around an iron table with a tile top. In one of the chairs Belle Marr sat.<br />

She wore a black-and-white dress, loose and casual, and there was a wide-brimmed garden hat on her chestnut hair. She sat very<br />

still, looking into the distance across the lawn. Her face was white. The make-up glared on it.<br />

She turned her head slowly, smiled a dull smile, motioned to a chair beside her. Delaguerra didn't sit down. He took his straw from<br />

under his arm, snapped a finger at the brim, said: "The case is closed. There'll be inquests, investigations, threats, a lot of people<br />


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