THE SIMPLE ART OF MURDER by Raymond Chandler Copyright ...

THE SIMPLE ART OF MURDER by Raymond Chandler Copyright ...

THE SIMPLE ART OF MURDER by Raymond Chandler Copyright ...


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Her words came in a rush. "Would you get it for me? Oh, would you please? I'd be so grateful. I'd--"<br />

He laughed. His laugh had a low growling sound. "Get it for you, ba<strong>by</strong>? I use money in my business, too. Come on, what's the<br />

racket? Spill."<br />

She jerked away from him, but he didn't let go of her arm. He slid the gun out of sight under his coat, held her with both hands. Her<br />

voice sobbed as she whispered: "He'll kill me, if I don't get it."<br />

Very sharply, coldly, Pete Anglich said, "Who will? Trimmer Waltz?"<br />

She started violently, almost tore out of his grasp. Not quite. Steps shuffled on the sidewalk. Two dark forms showed in front of the<br />

billboards, didn't pause to pick anything up. The steps came near, cigarette tips glowed.<br />

A voice said softly: " 'Lo there, sweets. Yo' want to change yo'r boy frien', honey?"<br />

The girl shrank behind Pete Anglich. One of the Negroes laughed gently, waved the red end of his cigarette.<br />

"Hell, it's a white gal," the other one said quickly. "Le's dust."<br />

They went on, chuckling. At the corner they turned, were gone.<br />

"There you are," Pete Anglich growled. "Shows you where you are." His voice was hard, angry. "Oh, hell, stay here and I'll get your<br />

damn pay-off for you."<br />

He left the girl and went lightly along close to the front of the apartment house. At the edge of the billboards he stopped, probed the<br />

darkness with his eyes, saw the package. It was wrapped in dark material, not large but large enough to see. He bent down and looked<br />

under the billboards. He didn't see anything behind them.<br />

He went on four steps, leaned down and picked up the package, felt cloth and two thick rubber bands. He stood quite still, listening.<br />

Distant traffic hummed on a main street. A light burned across the street in a rooming house, behind a glass-paneled door. A<br />

window was open and dark above it.<br />

A woman's voice screamed shrilly behind him.<br />

He stiffened, whirled, and the light hit him between the eyes. It came from the dark window across the street, a blinding white shaft<br />

that impaled him against the billboard.<br />

His face leered in it, his eyes blinked. He didn't move any more.<br />

Shoes dropped on cement and a smaller spot stabbed at him sideways from the end of the billboards. Behind the spot a casual<br />

voice spoke: "Don't shift an eyelash, bud. You're all wrapped up in law."<br />

Men with revolvers out closed in on him from both ends of the line of billboards. Heels clicked far off on concrete. Then it was silent<br />

for a moment. Then a car with a red spotlight swung around the corner and bore down on the group of men with Pete Anglich in their<br />

midst.<br />

The man with the casual voice said: "I'm Angus, detectivelieutenant. I'll take the packet, if you don't mind. And if you'll just keep your<br />

hands together a minute--"<br />

The handcuffs clicked dryly on Pete Anglich's wrists.<br />

He listened hard for the sound of the heels far off, running away. But there was too much noise around him now.<br />

Doors opened and dark people began to boil out of the houses.<br />

THREE<br />

John Vidaury was six feet two inches in height and had the most perfect profile in Hollywood. He was dark, winsome, romantic, with<br />

an interesting touch of gray at his temples. His shoulders were wide, his hips narrow. He had the waist of an English guards officer, and<br />

his dinner clothes fit him so beautifully that it hurt.<br />

So he looked at Pete Anglich as if he was about to apologize for not knowing him. Pete Anglich looked at his handcuffs, at his worn<br />

shoes on the thick rug, at the tall chiming clock against the wall. There was a flush on his face and his eyes were bright.<br />

In a smooth, clear, modulated voice Vidaury said, "No, I've never seen him before." He smiled at Pete Anglich.<br />

Angus, the plainclothes lieutenant, leaned against one end of a carved library table and snapped a finger against the brim of his<br />

hat. Two other detectives stood near a side wall. A fourth sat at a small desk with a stenographer's notebook in front of him.<br />

Angus said, "Oh, we just thought you might know him. We can't get much of anything out of him."<br />

Vidaury raised his eyebrows, smiled very faintly. "Really I'm surprised at that." He went around collecting glasses, and took them<br />

over to a tray, started to mix more drinks.<br />

"It happens," Angus said.<br />

"I thought you had Ways," Vidaury said delicately, pouring Scotch into the glasses.<br />

Angus looked at a fingernail. 'When I say he won't tell us anything, Mr. Vidaury, I mean anything that counts. He says his name is<br />

Pete Anglich, that he used to be a fighter, but hasn't fought for several years. Up to about a year ago he was a private detective, but has<br />

no work now. He won some money in a crap game and got drunk, and was just wandering about. That's how he happened to be on<br />

Noon Street. He saw the package tossed out of your car and picked it up. We can vag him, but that's about all."<br />

"It could happen that way," Vidaury said softly. He carried the glasses two at a time to the four detectives, lifted his own, and nodded<br />

slightly before he drank. He drank gracefully, with a superb elegance of movement, "No, I don't know him," he said again. "Frankly, he<br />

doesn't look like an acid-thrower to me." He waved a hand. "So I'm afraid bringing him here--"<br />

Pete Anglich lifted his head suddenly, stared at Vidaury. His voice sneered.<br />

"It's a great compliment, Vidaury. They don't often use up the time of four coppers taking prisoners around to call on people."<br />

Vidaury smiled amiably. "That's Hollywood," he smiled. "After all, one had a reputation."<br />

"Had," Pete Anglich said. "Your last picture was a pain where you don't tell the ladies."<br />

Angus stiffened. Vidaury's face went white. He put his glass down slowly, let his hand fall to his side. He walked springily across the<br />

rug and stood in front of Pete Anglich.<br />

"That's your opinion," he said harshly, "but I warn you--"<br />

Pete Anglicli scowled at him. "Listen, big shot. You put a grand on the line because some punk promised to throw acid at you if you<br />

didn't. I picked up the grand, but I didn't get any of your nice, new money. So you got it back. You get ten grand worth of publicity and it<br />

won't cost you a nickel. I call that pretty swell."<br />

Angus said sharply, "That's enough from you, mug."<br />

"Yeah?" Pete Anglich sneered. "I thought you wanted me to talk. Well, I'm talking, and I hate pikers, see?"<br />

Vidaury breathed hard. Very suddenly he balled his fist and swung at Pete Anglich's jaw. Pete Anglich's head rolled under the blow,<br />

and his eyes blinked shut, then wide open. He shook himself and said coolly: "Elbow up and thumb down, Vidaury. You break a hand<br />


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