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2.t0<br />

The pEst srlrdy w @ied orn ro dPbrc tE dill€@l Fvcholoetc'l<br />

dp€€ls or chdrgs thal nay @cu h s coupl. aftff beinS dia€ros.d wilh a problen of<br />

iMbility b @n@ive. lnf€nility ce be u

pEent 'es€dh. Assrcsion QustioMaire develoFd by BBs @d Perv (1992) ws<br />

us.d to mcase the aggcssio l.vel of infcnile ed f.nil. ouPleg To mcNE lnc<br />

elf{sl€d, ruilal satf&don aid *x!rl elisf&tion, hder of S€r Esl..n Ind€x<br />

231<br />

of Ma'illl Satkfadion dd Index of Sexual Salisfdion espcctiv€lv d.veloP€d bv<br />

Huden (1982) we qsed. Irt p.o€ of adrltalion ad taNlation ha b€'n<br />

disused in pa.t I of tlis re@h The €mpiricd dlta shosed thal lhese scals h3ve<br />

sufrcicnt aliability dd vtlidity, &d @ b. us.d @nlid€trtlv for ih€ p@ 6drch<br />

Pan II of 1he prent Es€dh wd @nducied on a elaiiv€lv wll spl€ lhe<br />

objdriv. of pen It of ln€ Peet sudy s6 pt -tdling of all th€ scal€s dct'lop'd i'<br />

pad I Nd b 6nd oul 1h. n.M $41 My inicf* in ihe findinSs of nain sludv Pan<br />

Itl is @mFi$d of the mi! strdy- This pd .lals with fie D.in objcdive of ln'<br />

6esoh. l1is ludy w .{ned oul wiih E rclativ€ly l6gd ffple using the scal6<br />

adaptcd qd Edslol€d ir pst I of tlt pt€$l rcs€dh.<br />

Plt.boE.aic PbFrdd ofurd!_v.Biont of Bnl BAl, AQ' IsE IMS' ud rSS<br />


@rclared eirh @h odB 6d Ind€x of Mdir.l satisfa.tion shoeld the high.sl<br />

@Nlllion {ilh Indd of Sex{al Salhfadion, 'I1F* nndings @ ale rupporr€d by lhe<br />

evid@.s foud in &e tulthd.n lysis that ilE idenile @uple, who d dEpEs4<br />

d.l$ dio6 &d i enile oupls who N in satistine miagcs edd 6ls b.<br />

validity .3ti@t6 fo. .ll $d6 lw ale foud sarisfa.lory- Th€ 6trsE8l<br />

validity of.&h qle h evid.nr i! the item-iotal orel.tioos with th. ov.r all $al.<br />

(Tablc l8). Th. @@l{i@s of ttE irds of @h eal. with its os all $de point in<br />

th. me diretio $hil€ mphai2ing th. onsel validig of Udu-v.Biotu of BDI.<br />

BAI, AQ,lSE, IMS, dd ISS s sll th€ cor.lations w@ found lo b€ signincd. ltis<br />

indi€t* llrd .ll thc s.al6 d m$uins thc se cd$rans d suppo6.d lo m@w.<br />

Laeb md Soun6 of D.pro.ioo, Ar{.ty, S€r-Esi..E, Aggstio!, Mrritrl<br />

S.rif.criotr rd Sdu.l S.rtuf.crio! l. F.rfrl. md I ertiL CoopL3<br />

232<br />

'Ih major purpoe of th€ cu€nl 6*h was io.calain $e levels dd<br />

olB of @il!l ald exual stbf&1io4 d.prlsiotr, uicly, slf-estan, Agrsion.<br />

od *lf esteem in f.tnle ed iDf.dile @upl€s. To idotiry l4eb of aU vdisbles,<br />

fEqqcy dtlribuliotr {d cmulgtiE Frcdtag6 wF comput€d. Thc Frenril.<br />

rrls wft @mpucd to find out ihc cut ofl sEs for nild. nod@1e ed hjSI lev€h<br />

of fie!. diff€Ent vdiables. Thc diterion for cu1 ofr sco€s M rl sD ton rhe me&<br />

stds falling on 25n dd ?5$ pe|htilcs wE delemincd 6 cul of points for dl<br />

n sws, The $oEs up to 25'r pqcaril€ wcrc considered s low levels of n€6uEs,<br />

r!. sB alovc 75d pe'@tilc wd @Nidcrcd s hieh l.v.ls of n*c and Est of<br />

thc $oB \lft @6idred s Dod@ie ld.h orne5sfts.<br />

Whtr th€ lroedw s6 .lom b d€t€mift the cul ofr Pojnk tbr<br />

AggNiotr QwstiomiE. the s6 of t7 od 80 l@ found rh,r f.ll or 25d

756 pecntil.s Fspetivcly. The sco..s of 5? falting on 25o t€sntile wer<br />

@tuideed 6 low l€v€ls of.ggrc*io4 th. s@rcs al 4d abov€ 80 falling o' 75lh<br />

Fr.ndle q@ @6ideEd s high l4els of tggr$ion 4d rsr of th. sG w@<br />

@Bid€Fd 6 nod@te levels ofasgBsion (T.ble 19) For th€ grcup of high levels<br />

of aggr€sion, thc &.qum.y of iof€nilc couPles is 46 20lo $at is g!.d.r ihs th'<br />

nlquncy for lov ed ho

234<br />

For th€ d.tcmi@tion of mil4 nod.6le ad high l.vcls of oxiety of infcnib<br />

ed f€nil€ mpl€, clt ofr $oe for D€ct Ani.ty Invenlory 6 indicaLd by B*k for<br />

lLe digioal wEiotr of BAI w@ @lertaitFd- The s.@3 up ro 15 wE @sidcFd a<br />

low ldcb of didt th. eoEs r,ngrne frcn 1610 25 wre @6idd.d 6 nodcdte<br />

lwb of uidy dd s6 tughg nun 26 ro 63 'd .midecd 4 hisb L€k of<br />

diety, Frequ€nci$ dd cmulstiv. tdeitrg* of inf.nile couPl6' eres oh Ba[<br />

adi.ty Itue ory !t$ demBtd! the hiSh tEqlwi6 of itfdlil. @upl.s i..<br />

25.?% thdt lies in ibc SroW ofhid lev.l of&xiety wbercd it {a 10 5% for fcrijle<br />

soup in rhc sroup ofbid lo.l oftuiety oabl. 2l & 22).<br />

The 6nh suppons th€ hypothesis lh.l M b6cd on g€n€ral oberyalion thai<br />

i.&nile colpls e moe dios s @n!6r.d lo fqtile @4le ald 1he cvi4 of<br />

lir€sturc €,g. th€ Editor of Vorld Hedth Fom (1996) dgu€s thll in India. tle<br />

infenilc @upl6 fo. e @ly tr.ltmdt bele of tb. stigE tizllion in de sierv<br />

rcutd drcsdy afret€d ile miial od exud livs of the.oupl6. He Plads<br />

thal if<br />

such @upt.s @ Previded wilh c@tion l suPpon nd fi.ir !w lrd dd on.' ilis<br />

A3 for 6 thc cur of points for thc lrdq of Sdf-Edem, Itd.x of M&it l<br />

ssdsf&tion ed hd.x of S.xud sarisfs.tion wm @neh.4 Hudeo 0981), thc<br />

developa of all th.e tb@ ltAes, had giv@ a clini.al qntilg src of l0- Tnlt is<br />

it g.n6.lly foud ih.l F6otu *tE ohd. a sE .boE 30 h.ve a clinic.llv<br />

siclinot pobl€m h the d€a b.ine m6u€d. whil€ lhoe who $oG below l0 @<br />

gddlly fie of swh Plobld,<br />

Fr.qumy disLibulioc of infertil€ .ouples E8rrdi!8 then slf-estem sbows<br />

thal tlqency of iifcnile @upl6 is high villin thc grcup of los ldels of elf_<br />

este€m (t7 70) thh frequency is also gre * $o thd ofthe frcqusncv of fenile

@upl6 (51%) wilhin thjs sou! (ta!t 23 a 24). The ohpdien oflev.ls oa$lf'<br />

estem trrwM liie sple of iof€nile sd Ierril. couPlcs showd the s€alesl<br />

difieqe h th€ l.vels of $lf-6tccn of both grcups.. h is supponinS lhe htTotlEsis<br />

235<br />

that i.f.dil€ @upl.s show @bp6Blively l.s deerc of clf{st€d to fcnjle @!Pl6<br />

as dAdibed in lii@tw Eview lhal €lery infeltile @uple in @opdisn of fenile<br />

@upl6, ha ld *lf€t€n at erc rin in hb life. Th.y hight fe.l bad afer<br />

diaercsing the probld of infenility, Cfticis @ nate ih.m fel bad. lnfenile m€n<br />

sd wm6 on€n rilicie ihms.lrcs, Tney nay fc.l like thev en'l good enouelt<br />

uls rh./E Fdet (BbsvicL & Tonalr. 1991).<br />

Th. leveh or mdilal dd *xu.l s.tisf!.tion werc also found sisnilicddv<br />

ditr @ni betaen both lh. Smups of i.fcnile md fenile @uPles Tn @uples afi.r<br />

being diasrlos€d wirh inf.niliry rdd to hlve l* merat etisfactioD @rding 10<br />

Bry@1&d congd (1999). It w", also hyPothesiad in the P6dt ts@h dd is<br />

suppoftd by th. 6'nis of frlqudy distibution dd cM'n.dve pe@nlases Hcm<br />

O. t€qMcy of id.rtil€ coupl* on th€ ind.x of milat $thfaclion n high 48.2%<br />

wjlhin th. gbup of lo@ lev€ls of mii.l sdisfa.lion ltis frlqueocv is al$ hiSh€r<br />

6 6np.r.d io 0E a€qeicy of fcnile @upl6 (26 5vd) within tbis greup of lo*q<br />

m&ital salbfacdon (Tabl.23 & 24). This mav.oincide with studv @nduclcd bv<br />

Tushd€afia d ?n. in 1999 6 ciled it liieratuE Fvi4 Ac@dinc 10 $eb<br />

iDlility to @!eiv! rd its m€dicd tt€llnent adv*lv affccl lhe mritd ed snal<br />

slishction in @lples ilst lcsds to l6s li€qrcncv of exual contlcts. Tushen'Catid<br />

@rcludcd in rhe study rhd infeniL oupl6 rcpon d lss etisf.dion wiih th€n<br />

Mi.gcs and s.xu.l liv$ compd€d 10 Lnile group- Th.se Esulis e also in<br />

Mordd@ with th. findings of prcsl snrdy,<br />

TtE urlysk of lhc sxDal $lisfa.tio ofd. infenil. @upla b are s.m d<br />

hs been discusd for the ndi&l etisfaction. Infenile @!pl.s wilh high tuquencv<br />

(532v') fatl in th. €t 8ory of low€r sexud sdsfrcrioa whil€ |be frEquencv for

f.dile @upl6 (32.570) *it[ir lhe mc goup of loM sutl sarlf&lion is low<br />

(Tsble 23 & 24). Conp&ien with ftequetcy offenile grcup is als evealio8lhal<br />

236<br />

infenile @uples.t nonstnte les s.xud s.tisf&lioo thd fcniL @upl6. R€vi4 or<br />

rb. litedtuc aho pltglcd lhe dltt for $* finditSF thlt i@bilitv io oneive is<br />

going to adveMly aflecl$. mditaled sexual satisfdcion {Wrightet 3l l99l)<br />

h is srard rhat Nl otr poi!6 E€d in thc studv m nol ab6ol e od hG |o be<br />

.ontineBly valittll€d for ditreMt goups of popuhtioc. It is turhq slaled thal pon<br />

of 1he licr.tw my favo. ow @nclusior I show€d thal €sLblish€d doms for all $€<br />

@!slc lsed in thc pE*nr snldy @ itr lirc with the findi.lgs of vdou 3tudi6<br />

dis@ed in litq.t6 di.Bed.<br />

Difteren.B ir Depr.$lor, Ari.ty, Aee4!3ioo, S.lf_EsreeE Mtriltl '!d s'xutl<br />

S.rilf.ction Elnibit d Bv h|.rr c tud fcnilt Co[Pl6<br />

Th. sutG re {llvztit on th€ hdsit of dE smptons $al inl€nile €ouples<br />

show high degr.e of exi€lv dd somt as codpatd b f'rdle couPles lnfertile<br />

@upl6 e moE likely to f€l low slf

y@ of rine pdiod I2o, of rhe sMple had s oner of dajo. depr€ssive cphodcs lt<br />

is.ptqed from rhe siudy thlt infenility is rct rc4Milv thc pdn oldc ptsl hislorv<br />

of ihe p@pl. lufrqing Ad dep6ion blr n t thc 6ult of infcnilitv 4d s<br />

c@ped to fcrtile @upls lhe 6rio b high for inf€nile @uPl6 {o dev.loP<br />

d€F€$ion. nEse difl.des b.tw€cn idenile ed Lnile coupl€s s also sigrin'd1<br />

6 to co.vine th. @d.r ofthc crcdibilily of rhe noding of prcsl studv.<br />

The s@nd hyFrh*is thlt infenile @!Pl6 {ill disPtav noE dioB<br />

bchrvior 6 @mpar.d to Gnil. oupLE n supportcd flom tle findings ollhe pll$t<br />

study (Tabl. 39). Thft is a siglificdt ditreenc€ b.Iw€d fenile and inf€nib<br />

couples in showing their Micty tnf€rdte @lples FPorted nN int@sc felings oI<br />

di€ry sdo @m!@d to fdlil. @uPl6- Thc 6ult is in favd of the fitdings of in'<br />

rc* of Aa/c ed Roth (2002) (s di$ussd h chtp: Adiciv) *ho rcpoir'd rhtt th€<br />

.fre.ts of infenilrty dd inf€rtility trauhol on qu.lilv of li& al$vs 6ult in ffiietv<br />

HiCy .icniti@t difi@@s sw foDd lo b€ oi di'tv inlenlorv' *hich<br />

re in @netrily vilh ou culnr.t vtlu6 ard thc Prcs of pcnlhood rele<br />

sializltion. As in ou cdtua edi.d colpl4 in g.EBl ald i enlle oupl4 als<br />

under *v€re ecial prsws to n.el the dp€cutions of perfoning tladnioMr<br />

f.minift and 6.sculin. @Ls paniculdlv sith Efed@ lo their exud rc16 md ihen<br />

abiliy ro pod@ childrb. It is a sisl p6c @ thc vodg @up* to d<br />

lMrdiig b tadiliorsl rc14, Shon id6€k b.t*@ gomlioN @ a @lt of lh'<br />

p6sw3 on young ouples to b. sruallv &dve dd lo bd childG! dry d a m€m<br />

of nnding socidl @eptdnce ed longnem 3..w9<br />

'ne ihird hyFth6is ofthls study siit d rh{ id.nilc @upl6 e DoE likclv<br />

lo sg!g. in tggNion lh& f€nile @u!l6 This hvpolhdit hG b'4 likelv swpondt

tleush rh! qudy (r$1. ,lO). Thjs finding 6 b. judficd by htins irio<br />

condddlid dF c.rtrrl f.'I.||ns ofllc nudics by B.t ock a d. (193) (.s indicnld<br />

in chq&r AsgBti6). AccoldDg to ilDq n L foud rhd infeditily ir $$idcd qilh<br />

238<br />

lhc rist of sb!.qFl rggrciE t |! .mDg @!pl6 with d withour . hinort of<br />

.88rr*tiE bd.vid. h ir fouod lt.r rhd k r significr poririw Ft.tioBhip<br />

b.tcM l! infqrility .rd.i8r!.siE b.bvior. Re&h in psyclDtogicrl .!d<br />

3ociologi€l fi.|& 8gri! rh.l violoEc, ,g8r63ion rnd !.rcss d! *quiFd b.hsvi6<br />

in Gpoile 10 liultni@ p.nicddl, HIt.d non i.fq liry.<br />

Agg*iE b.hrvior @6 *h.d ouplcr nop r rerror. Withi. hoG of<br />

.lorpi!€ tatmq couplB Ey .[ow 9N fc.rlG of .gSBior F.itu! of<br />

!l'|!ncnt c.lg e im@6.d lt* d th. *tbL body d.o rhough dFF leB ro b.<br />

I lenin€ of ld$ AmoB $oF wi$ lssBiE Flonrlirics, F!.pli@ of<br />

infarility ct DeB in ft Fl! of th. br.i! rtu! @rd $id rEpolc, fintdng ,!d<br />

drairy TIE ditrctltE3 mry apl.in dry sre iD&dilc oupl6 rad ro bc mF<br />

rSgr6riw rtm ftrdl. @wld<br />

"lnfcniL @uplB *ill ilw lo1lllr d.g!e of sclf-cd€E rhu fcnil. coupl€"<br />

w lbc foEU hDoth6i! of ili, 3rrd! lbtt h.s bar iuppoi.d by rh. 6nding! ofthi3<br />

rtudr o.bb al). Ttu nyFlhatu e$ poiuldcd keDi.8 ir via rlE pllvioE sudi6<br />

cddEr.d by Croif i. 1997 lvlb !r?orr.d i. a di* uti.t d.tafqtititt art<br />

ptrctolosi@l dttt et" 6.t lDtulilnt rfr.crs $tf-cdeD of infdtit .ouplcs. TtE<br />

s!!l!@ of iti! hypoltAis d b. junifid by @siddirS thd bfarilc cooplca d<br />

hw. I F8.tirc *lf inrlgc, .!d cdctE .bout lhcir Dhysi..l .ppatucc rad FtqFy<br />

B @6Fr!d lo fdtilc splc' SEh cospta !r! goilg io fe rh. pFbLns r$ oFy<br />

.!.drpl to .d.iun b rh.ir @ird &il sud li6. 'IrE fndirgs .$in ptovids<br />

.npincd 3uprDn fd dr. ilrdy @ndod.d br An& ad Al€Edotu (1995) s cir.d in<br />

liG.6$E Fviq who rlFtcd rt'r rlE iDDitiry ro .o@irc is posirivcty @trddd

with lowq l*el ofself6tc.nr hieh lcvcls ofdepesion &d uielv, extqne sial<br />

ielation, dd $v€F sen* of guilt.<br />

239<br />

The fifth hrloth$is of ih. 31udy that tpccul.t€s a decline in mdilal<br />

satisfetion 6 6 coneqBce of infqtilily hs b4n co!6med foi infenil. sffiple bul<br />

nol for f€rtil. smple. The bypoihesh slaied ihst infenile @upl€s expres less narital<br />

elisf&lion thm rhat of fenile .ouplca, Tbe sloogcat .mpincd eviden@ lbr<br />

validation ofth€ ht?otlstu for inf.nil. smplc com.! Iibm the siSnificet difrdena<br />

b€tren inJertil€ ed fcritc's scorc on th. I.dex of Mdilal Satisfdlion (rabk 42)<br />

tlis $8g€ns tEt inf€dile.oopl* hlvc low.r kndency to bc etisfied vilh ftdiag€s<br />

lha fe.!l€ @upl€s. Tn ddon l. for $h fsding is quite logic.l @sin€d Mlh the<br />

findilgs of nudy mndud.d by Bt$ovich dd Toh.la in l99l to ne!s@<br />

pst h^rciat efects of kl*nliry *rb Mly4d rh.r infcnilc p.@N Epon les<br />

@ .nh6r, lowr l*ls of mditat .rd sxual elisfedon, ald loF FlfslaD<br />

Dirte$ aN.d by infatility h.y inpair f.nility by les$ing ndital and<br />

sual satisfactio& afieting adv&lt th! fcq@cy ot *xutl @nla.ts ud my<br />

impat the quality of spem h th. mal6. (T!s.lM-C!fi$ er .1. 1999). Anoihe.<br />

fnding in thjs Fgard is rclated to exul dilfEcdon. Scxual ethf@lion will be lowet<br />

in inledile coupl$ thm ih &rlile couplcs, w6 sixth hypoth6h of $e siudy which<br />

@ swponed Gabl.<br />

43). The hypothF's w4 madc in @oid&ce sirh vd zyl, s<br />

lDdings (19871) abour i.fedile couples who report ihat lh€n i.ability to conceive hs<br />

sious negaive efiecis on th.ir liv6. pani.ulaly theit Fxual ed Milal relations<br />

'nE d@llnce of th€ ht?oth*G nighl b..n buled to the f&1(a indisted<br />

in chaFd squd slisfedon) thlt th. najoniy of @uplas rcponed @nflici, low

sxual sarisli.tion, 8ap h o@widbn, @onicts upon nodc of m.dical ra[nd.<br />

alsm ofsymMy md emrurhy (tudrs.r al., l9l)<br />

Geld.r Dtfieftncd In Dep@iotr, Ann.ty, Aggr.sio4 S.lt-E.t .n, M.rli.l md<br />

S.t!.I S.tirt crio! R.lDned ty llf.rtiL CouDL.<br />

240<br />

An ihtond objetivc of this $!dt wa ro |,r€ @gt)ida of the e€nd€r<br />

difeMas in lh.l.v.h ofdepresi@, exicty, self-*l€.n, aggc$ion, Edital &d<br />

sxual satislaclion of infenile .ouples. Thc study Ev€al.d inteBting patterm ofth€<br />

gendq diFeMes in t @ of all lh* pEchological chrng.s that @u in outl6<br />

ats being dilgnoi.d wilh prebld of inf€niliry, *nich qpl.jned how do tM ard<br />

mn@ dills in th€n kv€lc md menitudB of d@esion {d dxiely, how do lhey<br />

difd in f€eling klf-6tM md in exprcsing ageEsio.. dd how do lhey show<br />

diferent pat|hs of 3attf&tjon silh th.ir mmiaad and exual liv* while<br />

sinultFuly Ndliddng the dilleMr p6lh of Elarioship mong rh* sir<br />

@nsti&ls fd ceh ghder.<br />

I eGting gcod€r diif@@s w€r€ €nelged d a resull of rhc i.test amlysh of<br />

fi. d.pr*ior (Trbl.45). Il *a hypolh$i&d thar iDftnil. emo wiU disllay dor<br />

d.prsior a @npl ed lo i.f.niL no. R6ulrs indior.d rhar 6o ed wno dilld<br />

siglificddy in h.ving depF$ion.nr b€irg disgnos€d with a prcblm ofiifertiliry,<br />

\voma were fouod lo be nore likely ro denonsrdte nore deprcssion s €obpared 10<br />

m.n whd they rcMjr childl6s. Ihis finding h i! tee with 1h€ findines of rhe sludy<br />

publish€d in 1993 by Vhit€ et ol. (3 indic!&d i. Evi* of lit 6rft), who Epolled<br />

ind wona who @niinu.lly f@ de dieppointnor of ror @neiving nonth altd<br />

nontL show noc frequent si$s ofgii€f, depression md uiely. R€seNh aboul lhe<br />

ElalioEhip of inl'rdlity with depcsion cxplailed rhat depcaioo is a mdnat<br />

@lion to the cxp.ri€re of inGnility. Conpu€d wirh m.q d.p6ion is

@nnorplM dong wond feing inf.diliiy F€mles exp.rience no€ d,etv'<br />

e8cr, s€N of euiL nwo6s &d dcptc$ion d cmD6Fd to mal.s Snrdies havc<br />

shoM thar ihe ld.l of dcpBion whil. .xFne@iig infdilitv is clo$ ro fcmdcs<br />

241<br />

'Ihe 8roed5 ot whrch l[* findinSs c& be defddcd cnltil dE pN$ or<br />

gcid6 rele @iatiztion o&ush sbich qonen led Ual $ey rculd have to plod@<br />

b6by, Every soiety .mphsies rhe inpote@ of childb€din8 sbiliiv one of lh.<br />

idportdt ia.ks fo. @ude aner l)triasc k to hav€ chil&en (lre & Kuo, 2000)<br />

Childls woM f@d tlsl their lormcB would abandon lh€F, dd sepanre $m A<br />

rcmo eto is found 10 bc involved in a 6tc of mother, Bh.n diagno*d *ilh<br />

i enility, be.on€s deprssd whe@ no such noods €xists ior a mm ird'need in th€<br />

slm p@tieg Ou g€ndd rele prictic* dllow Mnd to b. involved in ihe rc1. of<br />

pddtbood DUsi an* heiage i is Mid.r.d 3 . fqdnine bch.vior slool qhich a<br />

&n.le shodd bosl viihin th. splft of hd $cial eroup, This cleifies why somo<br />

ae mor€ likdy lo deno$irat€ d.pression mood s comp4ed !o he.<br />

I is @monly @.pl€d ihat moE wom€o @ depE*d lhd rch. Tne db<br />

!ppc6 ro be aloor trc dqssed rcm.n ro €wy depm*d lm. women E<br />

nedic.l feilitid ooF ond tho mo, thcy isit a physicie mot€ f€qMtly od for<br />

mildq syntlom thd m€n do- Ihu ii My oDry app€ar $al<br />

d.pFsed b@os noc of tbd @n in fo. Eqhs . Es moE inter6litrg, $c<br />

onsd of detEsion in both no ai|d en n which fomrly ws host liequent duing<br />

the mid-forties, eems !o be noving brck in tim.. YoDS adulth@d is nos be@ming<br />

th. mo$ nlqudt tin€ for d€p6siol But, rcm.n slbw a high.r 6ie thd nq. This<br />

q diffcMe ha ben folrd not jusl in thc Udted srab or VGt E bnoF, but<br />

worldwide. This aho day coincid€ with th. work oI Bluer (1989) sto tFned thlt

eren dqelop signilimt lsels of d.pt€sioi after only a f.w monrhr of irying lo<br />

242<br />

Tne bosr srrildng diff€ren€ ss.viddt ih lh€ ulysis of di€iy for infenile<br />

n n ad women (Iabl€ 46). A siEnificsl g€ndd difercnce ws round in the srs<br />

of di€ty th.l suggdc thlr inf.rtile @n6 @ noF likely lo .xnibn the dio6<br />

b.l$vid G mpsred b infcrtil€ no. ASain thc pntiem ofgddd olc i. ou cdr@<br />

derge s lhe most plawible llen for this diffs€rce s qplain d while discusins<br />

the g6dd difl@nq in 1eo3 ofdepssio!. won€n\ likelih@d of donostrains<br />

dioN behavim is nairdrxy Elat d lo ou cultw.nd lh. pd.s of cends ole<br />

eisliztior Thc 6ndi.g prcvides empirictl support tur rhc $4h di$Nsd in<br />

rview lilerarw, .onductcd by Tdlarzis.t sl. (199r. nF aulhoB 6.clu.led lhal<br />

fenales drd nal$ ract d io the blrdd of lol hsvins children in dif€Ht ways.<br />

Womd EFncd mN int E felina3 of dxiety ed d.pBion @mpaiql to men.<br />

Arg/le dd Rorh. (2002) line of @nin8 (d iodrer€d in chlptd Adi.ty) thar rhe<br />

€fidts of tufenitit/ dd infeniliiy trefiic.t on qulity of lif€ llwys 6ult in di.g<br />

No del4trbl. g€rler ditr@@e ss lound in tems of aggasion s'hd lhc<br />

d.l. peiainine ro agBiion B@ slbjdlcd to G&dysis Gablc 4?). Si.@ rggr6sion<br />

in this snldy. w @rc.pturlizld 6 a p.Mnality thil it sholld b. dislribul€d in the<br />

populatior ir ac@rdee wilh the nomal cude iresFclive of g€nder ihat *ffi lo<br />

hlvc m direr b.!in8 upon s@h a peMndity mit 6 aggFsion. Non sienin@l<br />

g.!dd ditr@n@ found on aggBion md$ure slggdts ihtr aga6iv€ beh,vioa<br />

Bultile due 10 infenility e ev€dy engrcssd by infenile mo ed wod€n. Ior nGt<br />

@upl.s, inlenility do.$t aue thm to bc.ggresive. Howv€t, ii is posibb dat<br />

Fople who G prem to b€irg aggBir. my b@on moE sgg6ive 6 . Gull of<br />

th.n hoFls falings of id.nility. fti! finding of prcsl sfudy may @i@ide sjlh

ihe nldlnEs of Talds (1988) (6 discus$d i! €hapler Assrcsion) Thc Es@bes<br />

odd not qplai! th€ difrdncd ofihe rcsloms in lh..xprcsion ofmg.i bv Ear.s<br />

243<br />

ud fdElcs. Ii is ale B@gniz.d thal borh irfenite nm us. aletesion B d€4 of<br />

exercisins conircl over oth.r D€ople becaule for lhm by subjugaling o$er thev cd<br />

Egain lhcn eftstem. On thc othd hdd for a f.o.L the expcri.n€ of<br />

powl6sn65 Esutls in a scvcr sense of 8!i11. Mlls usullv do nol deteloP $tue or<br />

A signili@t djfl.cn@ .swial€d *ith *f-61em bct@n intdtilc neD atd<br />

wm€n m lo be lle expcctcd frding. Tlis dlle@4 ce be erplain d in tems ol'<br />

g€ndd rele $cialialion s disEsd p.fiinc to gendci ditrercnes in depre$ioh<br />

and uiety- As di$uss€d dli.r thrl inferlil€ enen @ noe lilclv lo.xhibn high<br />

deg@ of depBsion ed ui€ty s @mped lo itleftile men thal al$ posit a fi@l<br />

to the low *lf4l4n ofinLnil. wom.n. ft.oud lhis qpsled Elsliotuhip, il F6<br />

ht?oth€sizti that i.fenile somen being nor depEssed md hore mios comPared<br />

lo i.f€rtil€ n€n also d€honslrat€ low *lf{sleem vbeo compared to inlenile neo.<br />

Subde psnms of 8.ndd dified6 m.4ed dhlgh dE edris of ellsten ld<br />

inferlile men &d wonen (Tabl. 48). The nidine cm b. cxplained in tems or ou<br />

cdtnal vslG dd sFcifi.dly itr co .rt of 8.ldd blc sialiadon. Mon of od<br />

womd d burhi to haE E notheih@d Fl. aftd beinS lMi€d bui whm oEv de<br />

diaeroed wnh i.f€rtilig md hale peK.ption of failue to prcdu.e babv' tnev<br />

becorc depEss€d dd fdl low elf€leen. This ddfi8 *hv em€n @np6tEd to<br />

men e nGt lik€ly lo .xperioe lot elf-esl€en, nc Esult is consislelt wiih<br />

uothd revi4 by woods er al. (191) (3 indic*€d in cview lilenluc) uat covss<br />

@ s edotion4t rcsptu* to irt.,irt. The aulhoE d*nbe tnal De$tibes thar<br />

inabilrty 10 conceive adv@ly affecb females ell ih.ge md

l.!el of slf .slem ad this rsulls into . gear sme of dlienation, ftlstldon dd<br />

gri.t lftb€y de prcvid.d right tin& oftsrhe slrategies that wdd atr€ct $en<br />

mi.d *t pGilirely. ThcE e 6e wys i! snich heith ce !rcfsiorals @<br />

fa.ilitlte the d€ctcd fenal.s by imMins fcMles la.l of elf 6t.d by prcvidine<br />

.notiod! suppon from the siety md fmily' and by Mrkitr8 wilh rhos coping<br />

mcheis that qill dc.lte then bvel of p.ychologicil iob6l&@.<br />

u4<br />

A cE libl. ju{lietion fd this findins is thar in ou @icty. for wDea il is<br />

@NidcEd importdt ihat penEps won€n .xFriace mor strcss thm men becaus<br />

lhcir liv€s @nlain norc s[Estul €v.nrs, The pictN of thc arnsful life of a<br />

hm.h.td or a etu uying to @bbin. homdaring *ilh a carr is wll *nos,<br />

e fd, how€r, qe{ch h6 not shoM fiar wono qp.rie.e noE fEqufll<br />

st.ssful €vents ih& n.n or lhat they *p.ri.@ them s b.ing moe sn6sful.<br />

HMv.r, ar the s. ld.ls of sf6s, en n Eport sFptoh of low slf estcn<br />

i dsnies about twnly-fivc per@t hielB fie ns! $til. oft midr Bnclude lhll<br />

rcn.n de morc IiE lo.xp6s synpbms thar nen b€cse oui cultE qpel5 nen<br />

to Lcp a stif urper liC' enib *m€n @ allowd !o be doriooal.<br />

Th. rcjolion ofthis hypothgis tu b.justifi.d by coBid.dae lhe @tufilc.l<br />

eLn.nt of dggEsion 6d it is ms n*sarl to doelop difi@l ti@rctical<br />

fomulitioG b md.6tod in&nik m.n!s dd yome.'s dggr*sion. Lapr€$ive<br />

l[od* for w@s @rcgdicdly sea 0[t f.bal6 have to @nnol then iinitutud<br />

bchivior othcoise thcy have b fe $cial osterciation, On rhe otbq hdd<br />

theoreiical fondalions for nen *en $al nals M ageessioo b€cau* th€y e<br />

b.ins b.oefir€d by ir (Cdpbetl, 1993).<br />

Thc hlts ptrbiDing 1o lhe h}?olh.ris lhod ln. EeDd{ djfcMcd in mdi|.l<br />

sdilfadion ofer uexpected findirgs, It w6 hyporhesizd thdt Mmen e leasl

stisfi.d *nh ln.n ll6i.e6 d @bp6!!d to i.Lrtil€ n 16. Itis bFrh6t h4 not<br />

ben suppon d thrcugh this study Gable 49), A lurpnsiig yicld of rhis study rs thal<br />

no diF€r€nces w€r€ foud b.twer inf.nil€ Esl6 ed Imal€s rsgdding iheir nrilal<br />

$lisf&tion, nE failft !o 6nd a diffcmcc betren md and mmd @ b.<br />

a,tEibutc.l to th. f&i dEt fch.lec fa@ phtsical ab$ or dE rhMt of sorbq wifc by<br />

thei. hubands dE to theh inability to prcdu€ childr€n. Socially they be@c oulcdr<br />

od h4 to fe hMililrioN ar rhc fdily 8!th.rines.<br />

The $ul1s e not in lire with pdios €st*hcs, As clov€r cr al. (1999)<br />

argu€d ihat fenale menbqs ol coupl6 exp.dsnc6 mrilal &d sexu,l disadsfa.lion<br />

tbs fi.ir m16. 6 d*ribd h chaprer M&iral S,rda.rion The hlTolnsis ws<br />

nade qhilc ouid*ine lhc f&1 dsr primdily wonen s Mciion io inl€rriliry wnhout<br />

m exdimiion of how rh. other dmb.r of rh€ ouple is Factilg ro rhe sc ev€nl<br />

o. how @h !€rh.ds qpqic@ is !f,€.ring the oth6 p6nEr i5 alEys ! deline in<br />

rheir Miial $iisfa.tion (GFil, 1997).<br />

Simildly, inf€rtile E.D & wno h.d not shom diff.dt pan€m of sxual<br />

elisfa.lion (Table 50). Orc d.|. do nor $pton d. nyF1h6is rhrr infenilc n n ed<br />

wom€n would differ in th.n slal sdisfaction. Result of rhis salysis d@s not<br />

indicar. thal id.rtil€ women e l.s likely ro exually erisry 6 .onpdd lo men.<br />

ft€ BdB Ftrai.ing lo 86dq dmebq i! @nal and *xual edsfe on e in<br />

@ntrssr with lnc 6.dings of Afe.t dd Disod (2003) s indicared i. ftvid<br />

ftmte eho dsluared thc diflftn€d in Fychological disrtlss, @iial stisf.crioq<br />

dd sud s.dsf&tion. He Eport d lLal hsb6ndr Ev€lted noE disfEs in neir.l<br />

ed sexual stisfaction 4 .ompd€d to wiv.s,<br />

'ft€ rejecdor ofthb htlollesis mighl b€ alrribnled ro ih. f&1(a di$wd ii<br />

ch,piq Squd $tisfa.tion) rh.l ene ofih. @upl6 Eponcd that inf.riilily poblen<br />


etully inpiove their relatioNhip that moy lead 10 exual sltisf&tion (Hulb€n et 51 ,<br />

246<br />

193). BoU rhc gendd, dd€ fqnalc d cqu.lly victim of moE Nicty, loa elf<br />

€$m, blmc dld ietaiion ed this @ lcld io sxutl iddcq@y paniculdly qh€n<br />

the Eal caue li6 vilh the nDl.s.(webb & Deiluk, I99).<br />

A3 n@tiorcd sticr while dislsine tne inls-s.d. @@latios tot all six<br />

n4ws u.d in pF$ sndy, inf.nilc @upl.s who @ deprcsed Bould be<br />

d.6nit ly moE uios s fould hish @el.lion hr@tt d.pEsion and di€ly<br />

$5ls (T61. l7). Th€ sMp(d h6 bc! suppon d by rhc atrdings of F€*nr<br />

study. A onmon thead th.i.ne.ged fom Dr. Dondt FwNh (1999) is lh€ frcl<br />

thar d€pNion In€d in pidmt! duing inf.nilny. In f&l il app.6 t!.t detesior is<br />

mE clely ssiared witb idetiility the dieg. Il do6 *m ih.i qtta<br />

depFsion Gdu@s in. Eroup ofvery d€pres.d ihf€nil€ women, lh. concaPtion 6te<br />

Aloth.r findiq cd bc ddon liad by the fad thai infcnile couplcs who m<br />

h d€pEssioo dd diety would h{e th. feelings oI low ellestem a foud higltlv<br />

pcitire @GlatioN monr &pr6sioq dicty and low *lfGi.em (Tablc l7). The<br />

6nd'nes @ suggslibl€ for ih. suppon of thee dsmpiioD lhd infenil. @upl6<br />

wilh hieh d.s@ or deFe$ion &d tuiery aE norc lilcly ro have low *ll.seem<br />

bfertiL @upl6' likelilood of d@osmlinS ndiral elitfdtion is al$ if,volved in<br />

sul stisf&tion thal h moiDgfinly Elaled io the f&l about tbose couples who @<br />

in stisryirg mdiares ae .le in srare of $isfacid wilh th€ir et!.j liv6<br />

lof.rtllc Coupl€t Ov.nll Prcfile lftlp.ciive OfF.nily SydeD on Urdu<br />

vcBio!. of BDI, BAI, Aq lsq IMS' .nd ISS<br />

Wifiin th€ @ ext of ldily sysrd. wc hlve only two f.mily syicms F.s1<br />

in ou fdily sellines i,e, nucl€s ed joiht living syslems, Th€ fsnilt srsiem in

Palislan is cloely i .n*ir.d or.. A fuily in P*istan is diff.@t nom Amdi6<br />

dd ENFan &niu.s in imm@bl€ @urn nd6 seh a culluE, wys of livinS,<br />

Frltds fo. eldtr @mbin€d fmily systcm, .nd . mol€r ed trong€t contdd with<br />

e&h oth€r (Mohsin, 1990). WtEn d.t w€!€ fudrs dalyzcd lo €xploE lhe<br />

ph.@m.oon of psy.hological a$e.b of inf.nilily on tne din€Nion of fuily sysen<br />

ir. trala .nd joinl 6mily system, no one difrem I foud suri$icrtly<br />

siSnificdt (Lble 5l), It vd nold $d i.fenile olpl€s frcm diff@ {mily<br />

syst€ms did no1 dilLr on ihe me6w of dcprcssion. Inf.rlil€ couph non nEI*<br />

.rd joiDl 6nily sytLm ale showd m dif.!4. on rhe m@d of diety implying<br />

rhal fmily sr$en dG noI apFu to @ninbde lo d@Bion rnd diely of<br />

'nfenile<br />

couples a il wa ht?othcsi&d. Al th€ sdc iime infenile coupl.s ftom nucl€d ud<br />

joint feilid hav€ simil& kiod of fndins fo, their self.d*n Ir suss.s$ tnat fmily<br />

.nvibmdt difding from @n orh6 for inf.nile @u!16, de mt @nEibute 10 lhc<br />

sF of lo* self

P.lisiani f.mily sysLn, it ffi d'.r otho .lderly mmbe6 prcsd in ihe rmily<br />

srch s gEd p!mt! .!c, my ndfiU motioD.l ne€ds of infcniL @uples. In thc<br />

pr.sEM of g@d puerts dd so{all€d authority fi8rEs do nol use orpodl<br />

puistuhdn for inf.rlil€. hdce, fuily systen does nor *d lo plly e impotul rele<br />

in de.linina Dqit l etisfacdon of infenilc @!plcs.<br />

244<br />

The difr€de in exFri€ncing $c *xud satisfddon b.iwd infenilc<br />

couples lion .uclcd and joinl fuili€s qas also idenlified nod+ig.ificadce. h 16<br />

.l5o aothd inpoirdt asmplion ol rh. plwnl study lhat fmily sysren would<br />

@nliib|ne b rh. lo*r l.vel of ex!.I sri5f&don. Th. hypod.sis @ncdins tnc<br />

s|!c!Mr fiat infcnilc @lples expced to nal@ f.nili6 d l6s lik€ly to fel<br />

sxud salhf*l'on s @mpa@d io infertile @uples exposed to joint fmilis, ha not<br />

bea eupponed by th€ nndings of pBmt srudy. Th€ Ejalion of rh. hypoth€sis might<br />

b. rlt ibuted ro ihc fad dBr i.f.nil..@pt.s tu nEl@ fdily sysllh misht<br />

innencldby eionomy ed€latedncs In $e ontext of fdily auioiomy mes the<br />

tlee@ of ind€pendmc. ed iodividualily od f@doo €xpdi€nce by ihe pan 6<br />

(R.!l.in-EsqB er !1., 1997) whe@ clalcdhds t b6ic.lly rbe .xFri€nce of<br />

cloens dd @n6d.ic€ b.t*a lhe prnEu. Blln ln.* feroF aE signifi@ily<br />

@rel.ted ml ody with @h ollq bur ds e indictjve of adiElrDot rnd tn. lelel<br />

ofsatisfa.lio. in thc pann6, WleEs, inf.nile @lples injoint fmily system ntlt<br />

d.vclop l!€ en* of shdin8 dd intim&y wirh their fmily nmb.B,lhat co hav€<br />

poiitirc innll.1G on th.ir mdnal adjNrm.nt dd exud $tisf!.tion.<br />

Id€nile Couplc'3 Ov.nll Pofil€ lcp..riv€ of Ars ro wbicl Ih., B.lory, or<br />

Urdu V.Biotrr ofBDI, BAI,AQ,ISE, rMS, !trd ISS<br />

A@tlFr hypothBis @ fomulal.d aboul lhe .M to which infedile smpl.<br />

belolg. It E alsM.d ltat infcnil. @upl* muld hare signifimt ditreMes

249<br />

iftsFclive of residcntial @ lo which thcy belong, in displayine their mods of<br />

&F€sioa intesny of uiety, levcl of *lf-.$eb, &d nqritude of,eer6riot!<br />

dce@ of Milat &d 3qual etisfaclion. fte rcsdts of ou csrch shoved lhai<br />

inf.nile @lples hav. significel dif@nc6 in th€n Ror€s on AQ_Urdu qith teSnrd<br />

to .@ bul en*igiifidt diffemcd rcrc found d BDl, BAI, ISE, IMS md ISS.<br />

Thc data wE dlt'zed by dividing infcnil€ @wl6 into tso greupa; lle infcnilc<br />

@upl.s livins in tunl @ ud inf.nile couPlcs livinS in ube e. lt is ou sen@l<br />

obc.flaiion thal infeniL coupl€s &on runl ea may be psycholoeicallv mo!.<br />

disdwtaged d@ to the pobld of infcnil'ly 6 conpded lo inf.nile @upl6 lron<br />

uttdr !e The findines 016. study p6nially suppoded rhe ht?othdis (Toble 52) lt<br />

suSg$ied tnal infaril. couples of @l @s w€E nor€ ogtged in a€gBsion ihs<br />

in&nil€ ouples of !6@ aM,<br />

!.<br />

wire Difi.Eos in DcpBio!, Aori.ty, AggBioq s.lf 6i.cn' l|t tirrl<br />

.Nl SeNll Srtif.clion ofhl€iil€ *npl.<br />

Agine is @e of those poes6 which afie.t €veryonc difleMtlv. Response to<br />

aeing is En lly slow and pii6 larins- Phtsical deline begiD al6lv addthood, but<br />

n is hle in d€ lit. whcn Fople beme lwe of il. Mdy *Mry abilitics su€h 6<br />

vhlal acui9, audiiory accur@y, musclc stFhgn ed Frclio. time dini.hh<br />

ghdu.Iy. h the old ag. $€ onet of a thc.t ning ailnol lilc tLlEssiot! &xielv<br />


m.G th bfenil. @ud6 wftn diffGMr .ge l€v.ls will denomtEr. thc diffctnt<br />

lcv.h of deFt6sio4 diety ed aggr$ion. h wa ale amed rhat infcnilc @upls<br />

muld l6s litcly 10 hav€ $lfareenr ndiid ed exurl etislaction. The nndinrr @<br />

in@$istcni wiur ou hypoth€sis exc.pi for $c asp.cl of s.xual etisfaction. Contrary<br />

to ou hypolh.sis, nrdings prcposed lhal fsclor oa Ege N nol dsciat€d snh vgrying<br />

deg@r of d.prcsiotr di€ty, Flf-.ilcm, a8Ar€ssion and milal erbf&tion (T.bls<br />

54). Only fo. sxu,l salisft.tioa .9. ha ben foud a signfica sssial€d f&!or<br />

panicd&ly for the age gou! of 5C65 tt4 old eh€n @opdd to yomSd dg.<br />

soup of 26-15 ys old od 3G45 rs old (Table 55). Itey had 3ilnificmily<br />

sharper ni.s of declining sexual saihfa.rion the did the young€r ag€ group who<br />

Tn preposd ationale for this Bult isl m6t Fople 6sme rhat ir is oFional<br />

lo Fod@ childm stuneE ln.y vel.d, Bu ancr spodiig

laels didlly diffa in then depe$ion, Mi.ty, el|{sted! aCige$ion, ndital aid<br />

sual eijsf&tiotr. ft w6 cl€rly @Ni&Fd thal ditr€Enl edMtioml l€vels wuld<br />

@ .ibut to the psycbolosicrl foc.G of inf.diliry. The Bdts ofone Wat Anal)sh<br />

of vdia@ for s6 of inf.nil. on BDl, BAI,ISE ad ISS sho*ed non sienifi@l<br />

.frel or eduorion (Table 5D. -rhe findings implicd rhol 0!e infedile sple<br />

bclonging 1o difleMr €duqtio.d l.vels did not difld in d€picting th€ir depesion,<br />

diety, rr+slen ed *xul erisfacrio..<br />

25t<br />

Tbe Mults orceming rhe sm. bt?olhesis tunh€r show€d sis.ifist<br />

difrer€rces a@ng the six grcups of diffoftnl educalional level on the mdures of<br />

aggEsion ed ntrit l etisfeiion. h M hypoihcsi4d thal aCgssion ed n{ilrl<br />

stbf&tion muld b€ in ditr@r ratctu for ditr @t Smups of bfenjle Fople<br />

b.lo4ing lo ditreql caftgori6 of .ducgtion. Thc nidings ol the pe*nt Fseeh<br />

supporr.d rh. hyporheis which impli.d thlt diflemt Cioups of Bpondeo|s showd<br />

difrcEnt degr of agglsi@ ed n&it l stisf&lion. 'nE findings of posl-n@<br />

(Trbl. 58) t6! perfoded ro *'owins {hicb sDups @ dislanr to @h orhd on<br />

AggEsior Qn slio@irc ffidized 1hat inferile sple eiih naric qualificaio.<br />

e.l infenile suple wiih posl eradutc qu.lilicaiion depicred difereni Fltehs of<br />

aggesive behavior. Sinilaly th€ indioSs fo. mdiral saristaciioo indicated ihe<br />

$iti@t diffeme b€tm bf.rlilc smple lhal e belo* moliic and inf€rlile<br />

spL with F.A qualifiation (Tlble 59), On th. b6is of drse fndhes i1c& be<br />


252<br />

In Prtjslani *id se1 u! @e 6n& r sl@p @nurn in fmilies, on rh€ om<br />

hnd belonging to very high &d, o th. oiha nand bel@ging io ve.y low incone<br />

The data s@ tutlq &altzed lo exploe thc rcle ofin@h.l€v€l lo {tich infertil€<br />

@'al6 @ dpoe4 in dEi! deprsion, Mi.ry, $r

Lusut8. rik Difi€rcmq b DepBriont Ari€ty, Aglrecrioq S€lf-f,lr.en,<br />

M.rtt l Sirilfatio! .!d Ssurl Soltlf.cti,n ol I .rtil.ebpL<br />

253<br />

11 @Ds to be impofi&i 10 give andion !o oduing ed significot 6pect of<br />

ou $cicty |har tuy flouish sid cfeienc. lo th€s quhs. Most evid.nt in lnis<br />

Fgr.d is laguage. L{lgu,g. t lls u a gut d.al about a culrG. ln @ntat io ene<br />

otha culic, lagug€ pem€ates all pans of s@iety. Tne dsla wre frmne! &altz€d<br />

10 s t!. inpad of laneue. oo depr€sio4 diety, *lf4tftr! a€ersion, hdilal<br />

.!d sud sltisf&tion 6ult d dE lo infd{liry in @uplcs. Thc cfrer ol l&8uge ol<br />

inl€dile olples on theb psycholoSical states h6 nelcr been invesriSaied 6<br />

dbnuehly by thc cseeh6, althouS! it w6 offiderEd thar difI.Ht lsguag€s @<br />

@dbute ro tlillFnr l€vcls of delcsion, diety, *lf€rcd, aggrBsiorr Miral<br />

Thc sulysis sho*td th. vital rele of leguee Dorticuldly<br />

for the m6ws of<br />

d€p6sion, didy ad *xual saisfadior (Tsbl€ 63). Tn findings of lhe p6enl<br />

study suSg€sted lhfi the inf.nilc coupl€s of Ud! dd Pujabi l&e!ae6 di{'ded in<br />

l.m of dcpBiotr R4llts indicate 6ar U'{u sleting rspoftlcnts e moc likely<br />

Io h€ deprcs!.d N @mpd.d io Pujabi spe6li.g Bpond€nrs (Table 64). The r€sults<br />

firnha indi@l.d thal the di{fcrene in displgyi.g Miery b.tyeo Urdu ldg@ge<br />

erc'D dd Pbjabi lesu.gc goup m higily signifi@t, *hich inpli.s th.t Urdu<br />

sroup tpottcd noe uiery when @npaFd io Pujabi grcup (Trble 65). A ocdible<br />

juslific{ion for this findii8 cd b. supponcd by the evid.rc 3 diswd h th€<br />

cDftla,tion stultsis of all m6B b b. studied ir th€ pa*ni srudy dal dcprc$ion<br />

dd uiely ec nighly rbsitively @ftlaied wilh eoch orhcr. Ir explai.s th.l people<br />

*rD @ d.pGsed e noE likely to havc dxicty, This amplion t supDon ! by<br />

thc fudings of cll€ t of ldguec on deprsio! and dxi.ly which suggd thal ihe

grelp of U.du l&guage feb hirhr lev.l of diety, dcP6ion simulra!@Blv. 6<br />

comp@d to sroup of Pujabi lNguase.<br />

254<br />

As for s tE nnding €lar€d to sust satisfaction is otrcm.d' the sulls<br />

indi@ied sigrrifiMl inpgct of lmgu.ae on exu,l sdshcrion (Tlble 66). Th€<br />

ht?oihet Fnsining b tlE diff.rcnce in th. tleere of sexul satisfaction of infefiil.<br />

@upl6 has bdn suPpon€d by lh. frdings of p|tgt study- The infeMrid tnalvsis<br />

suggested fie surynsingly diffede fosd b€l\{d Smiki ud ?6jabi leguge<br />

ereups. IrE fnding 61aik lh. i.ldpet lioi thal both 86u!s diff{ in their *xutl<br />

latisflction od Suiki e l.$ likely lo b. s.tisfied 6 @nPEEd to Pujlbi goup<br />

t qtile Corpl.! Orenl Pmfd.I|cP.divc ofPer..plior ol ld.rtili9 Rruot<br />

Dl.gD6.d io Coupl$ On Urdo-v.Bio.! of BDI, BAI, AQ' ISE IMS' .nd I*5<br />

The dita ot l[. pllst study rr@ tutth€r aFlyad fion @lhd as!6t for<br />

shich th€ infcnil. smpl€ wm grcuFd into fou categotils on th€ bais oftnowing<br />

the caw of inf.nility pment in Espond4r, in hith€r P.nftr,<br />

in bolh ot in non of<br />

ih.E. PLucd @mpdis@ wd *l6rcd ard il 6 htTotheized that lhe lonn s<br />

who h.ve been idotii€d wilh a ca$ of in&nilitv will sbow th€ gtsalet sisns of<br />

d.p6ioa di.ry, atld low slfsl€a! snd high aggcsiolL low @ila1 3d sul<br />

The 6ull3 & @nsist nt wilh lhc ht?olhsis onlv for self$ten md sxual<br />

$rbfa.ti@ (Table 67)- I1jc findin8s slDw€d thai the pstnca who N idcntified e'th<br />

c!@ of infenility hdve siStifi@l diflerenoes on th€ lbdcx of s.lf

pdtcs idoti6.d wilh caue @ morc likcly io haE lov elf

c.e in l0 - 40 % of sll infenilrty c.g- In @tber l0 - 15 7o a @nbiDrion of mde<br />

ard f€dEle factoB coniribut€s €qually. Inf.nilrty inv€stigations should D@foF<br />

dM'5 ircld. a thoreueh lsgtuq of boll p€irlr6, The €botional ed<br />

psycholo8rc.l impd of m6le inf.rdliry is on€n od€Estimalcd. Co@ling .rd<br />

suppon by 6 infertility t !tr! for bolh pdtFB, is !@tm.ndcd to help linil lhe<br />

potdtiaUy &l8tating cmolioEl inp.cr.<br />

256<br />

D6criptiv. @lysis of 6oos foi inf.nility shosrd thsl inability to @nceivc<br />

@ b. €!s.d by di$rdc6 found in dE @uplcs (40r), in 9mcn .lore (23.sv.) or ii<br />

th€ nale par|nd al@e (28%). In some of ih. c@s no Rd case for inf.ltilily k<br />

oh.dvd (08.50,4). Thft my @imide {ih th. FE .se ntio sMied by EsttRE<br />

Clpri \vo*shop (196) s di$ued in chapt r Phtsiological AsFctr of In&nilily.<br />

SuDury of Re€xeslo! A!tly!l! for v.rl.bls h.dlctirg D.pB3ioq Ariely,<br />

Aitrq.i.o, Scr-EllFD, M.nd .d sq!.| s.tid..aioo of ldcrtiL Corpls<br />

T1E d.L of pcsnt E*@h w* fiu1n€r analyzed to cxplore ihc pFdiclin8<br />

dility of all vaiables srch 6 dcpBion, ui.ty, !8grcsion, elf

dePBsiol Ih. fndin8s highlighl rh. facl dlt di.ty and elf-61€d e signifi@t<br />

factoF .onributing towErds deprclsion (Table 69), As dgued by Blaevich &d<br />

Tonaka 09D, infenile coupl€s who rcpon low elfdte€m 6lso Fpon ksg<br />

q@redmar.nd mE ldi€ty. hreugh tnis ftrdins. ! !w sutpriting yield hs bccn<br />

cone to ud.r shrdy that aggFsioo is als sothr siSnficet lactor lb.t may lead lo<br />

Th. 6dt. shom alovc eay l€d G b @n@pnEli& rhc impon ne ot<br />

sigri6@t Etatiorohipe dorg d€pBioa diely agg6ion ad *lf4l@m. Th.<br />

lite€te r€vhw hd 61rc rcved€d th. enpirical suppod for ihese lindi.8s. As AnaL<br />

dd Akercdolq (1995) rcpo €d thal fie imbilily to @neiv. is Fhted with<br />

251<br />

F'lhotogicd Foblens paniculely *ial islalion, €xd4. $@ of euilt hiSkr<br />

lryel of uiety ed d.pBion, od low lev€l of *lf..s1*h in both god6.<br />

Wrfl dd1a *re dalyzed 10 investigdte th. ctTdl of depEssion, mi€tv'<br />

lgg6iion ed elf{sr.d on lMitd ard exutl elisfa.ion of<br />

'nf.ttil€<br />

@uples' n<br />

E foud hc!@ th. Mitat dd $rual srisfacrion e positivelt @rclaled *itl<br />

e&h othq which impli€s th* @uplct who .E it sdhrying Miag€s would h.v.<br />

*xud etisfetion. The €sllis irnhd indicliqi that low€t lev€l of self'6tm of<br />

inldtilc @upl6 is . riSllf@t indicab tor l[cn .Lcli.6 in odital and sod<br />

stisf!.tior (Table 73 & 74).<br />

Regrcssion dalysh .ondncted to find ihe impsd of all vdigbl€s ot Mild<br />

salisfetion sho$€d $e signin@t cff4tr- S*xual etisf*lion dd slf-*ten e<br />

fourd siifi@t for mdilal satjsfedon edich indiet€d lh.t both of dE flclo6 N<br />

sienific&i prcdicloB of Ddilal etbf&tion (Tablc ?3) Ih€ Fgession onalvsh<br />

perfomed to dcremir. the inportane of vdiabl€s cott ibrtirg to{atds slf4$eed<br />

shoqd a FqloniMt ble of dcpBiolr sxi.ty dd, Edrd lrd exu,l srista.tion<br />

'nE fig)lest p w€i8l is a indi€tive of lo*d self_esteen (Tsble 72) This findins is

$pportiv. of pdor @hes B cir.{ in tic6n@ Evi*. Afi€.r nd Di$rd (2ool)<br />

er6lurd the diFctoes in pdtchotogiol disE*, Mir.l s.dsfrctio4 ed Fxu:l<br />

slisfa.rion. H. @nclud€d rhat disft$ qus.d by irfediliry rsutted in t.$ Dsilll<br />

ed sxul !.lisfaction night be a stronS.sl phcnom€noa for loqering lhc *lf-qtceh,<br />

Qu.llbttv. Ar.lyi, of S.ol-Strucrurcd rni.Fiws wirb l!f.rdt. S.npt.<br />

InGFis wirt 60 tq dd 60 rcmcn we @nder€d 10 inwnigrle .o@o!<br />

FMprbis of rhc .a'B of infqdliiy, ibF.r of chiku$6s ard vlrE Dg ,r!d<br />

hbh @!|mnly sek @. Both mo ud woo@ p6@ived infcrtiliry i. wono io<br />

bc cau.d by dil spirils or physical pbbl€ns dd infeniliiy in n€n io bo ihe rcsuh of<br />

psycho*xusl prebl€ns md physical problens. The i.t€ni€w@s p€rceived heftalks<br />

aad raditional heal€B to b€ mns's b.sr ftarndt oprion. Fq @n, howcv6,<br />

@iaa. w rloughl to be th. b.$ oprio,r follou€d by wldng hGtp &on<br />

h.rb.lisrs dd .indig.@u qDerrs.<br />

Ii is intcesdng ro obwc lh.t mosl of thc panicipels imFct'w of rheir<br />

8ee, gcn&r 8d education beliered lhai in&rtility is caused by a suFFnaiural<br />

phenon€m p€niculely srcery wit hcnffs dd cws. Whd il wd turihq.xplond<br />

th.y al$ sighted some oth€r cau6 of infenilily such s pronieuity, use of<br />

@nr&.priv6 and abordo4 b msl of thc cas intcttitity 6 drributed !o fchal6<br />

bur whd ir w.s disu*d wirb ftd $ey ats cm. to @li& fi.t inf.niliry @ b.<br />

@!5.d by th. dcad or wqt sFnhs of msl.s. Wh@evd rh€E js a pDbl.m of<br />

ini€niliiy ii is inilioUy dieNed by th€ ctddly femole nembes oflhe fdity who<br />

may ar fin$ Folmend sde h@tL{ herbal dE6dn€ s they my aho visit .p@8.'<br />

ed eD. orh.r t didonal n€al6 ud rhat b titclt b atr€ct tn n€alrh of fd.l6 s<br />

wll4 mal6. Kidr.y flilE is v.ry omon bd.B of rhis iedcqutc n rM of<br />


trsting irfdtility. Ir b stoogly @omc.ded rhat lr*trndt ofcnud6sn€$ sbould<br />

b. a pan ofprieary hedltl c@.<br />

259<br />

Fcnde Feption of i.f€rtility w de Mined rhrclgb i epi.wi wy<br />

f.w qm.n had &y id.! $out Ed ca@ of inJcnility 84ol. of ih. Epondqns wE<br />

of th. vi€v rhal child binn is bAicslry e issue of divine will. Those wom€n who<br />

ewnt pbpq t@rn nl for bf.rriliry @8. from 2el. b 5fl.. 527d of ll|e infcnitc<br />

@mq onsulted uadirion.l MBlim lF.LE lile "pe6" dd .!mih , l87o<br />

conlullcd herbalist nd othcr fons of "Tib.,c.youndi" siSnificei p@ntases visircd<br />

$dd plac$ like BdEuddin Zaldiya romb, Data Ddbe of t torc, Bab6 F&i.l-u,<br />

Infdrile fmales h.d . e@l *.e of itu4uity rhey .pprchod€d ihar ilcir<br />

hub8.d would t t soih6 wife or my j6r abatulon rhm. In $me ofth. c4es<br />

tulB phrsically ab@ rhet *iv* or &.n i cltitit. r.fenitc *o'n s@ *&d of<br />

soci.l tunclim beae rh.y w€E sodlly hmili.r€d fo. rheir b€itre infenile. 20yo<br />

of inf.nile wom€n repon.d rhal they did nol go for the prop.r medicat heatncnr<br />

b€a@ of its high cGrs. Womd sldng iitcniliry netrndt suatly witcd &<br />

.v@gc of I y€6 and rhen Miagc ud dajodry of th. rcspondqc haw sone fo'<br />

diflwni cows of reaim.ri.<br />

Fdily @d rel5riv6 suppon chitdl€ss femLs 10 find oui a $lutior in ou<br />

Daldli.dl *iety. Mordy infcrril. f€bqt6 go ro rlc trldirionat ed herb.t h.jt.E_ rt<br />

lhcy b@he fail, nerly hslf of th€m go !o the hospiial qh.rc ilEy foud ih.<br />

tr.alndt optioN very lop in nhber ed haphuard. F€n.l.s tatt abour lh.n<br />

inl€nility in tudirionrl ways, s resii of hotd by spiriq. rcgativ. match bet*m<br />

rhe Frl!'G' blood- Ext!!roitd *xul rbrions ft 6lmor 10 sucb kind of femd.s<br />

to have a pGgndcy, dd sone f€males adopi.d a child, All wono Epon€d the

felincs of sadn*s md jealousy, &d feh lonely be@uc they were €xctuded fon<br />

ene impo.Ln &dviti* &d ..@on'$ in ou sietis. ,<br />

2@<br />

N.v€nhclc$, fou ala e inponsl $ar rcsbicr acess to tVF (ln Viro<br />

Fenilialion) at the l@al lcvel in dercloping @urics: lsct of loowl.

opponulty for conelion. nowver, lh. siapwis PmsNion<br />

261<br />

thrcugh the plotdol<br />

q pnpel psriats .nd ftdmor $aff alik. b nove to Nc c6pld sreps wiihoul<br />

ncppilg bact to ld.q@tely @midq thc boa&r viw of thc d.cision for qdplc,<br />

rbe inminsly complex elhic.l dilenms, dd of the nmy l.vels of secrcy tlat<br />

hay etrs. As thc momentum of paricDls' €morion l 4d limcial invdmenl<br />

i@F.s, it bam6 noe dd noE difficuh to mate tbe dc.ision 1o sloP lie5rltrcnr<br />

ln lhe qud lo hclp p.opl., we @ forg.l lhd pan of reatm.nl ddisiotu nay be<br />

hdping individuals throus! the difrcult d4isioDs t€gddirg a possibly childlds life<br />

i! rb. tuw. Exciling adrt]g ir kchlology hold the preni* of incF.s.d<br />

@r.eption Er6. For mey, n oil nd rh. rcaliztior of dEir hop.s fd chil&tr<br />

But lor ilos oabl. to @Mive elo qiih ihpnved lehnologi/, the pronise will<br />

Fove<br />

1o be ody d illuio., ed k may s@ a con€slonding increse in dhrcss<br />

Ad@s itr GpFductiv€ t .hroloe/ my aflord incrEs€d @nuol ovc Fprod@don<br />

Bul b.licf in thtu @rlrot @ pove !o be illuery for tho* unable to @neivc,<br />

h.idlenine the dba.$ ih.y qperidce in a wdd wher€ .v.n ihc oth€E who @<br />

infcrlil€ m 6miving. Wilh the inc@ in choia will mn. to th€ incFed budo<br />

of choi.e, shich m.y afal lhe quality of lif€ dd psychological wn-b€ing fot<br />

qdyoE irrolved? Psriois @ chooe th. nyle of @lBling lhil b6t sils tbcjt<br />

n .d! wh€iha individurt @ueling colpL @weling or Smup @Deling.<br />

The word inf.dilily hs a delstaling elleci upon @jority of individub.<br />

Evm tho* Fopl. who wd. hjClly ad@rcd my ac@p1 n 6ion lly but ii beon6<br />

very ditrcult for tlEn b a.ce n morioNlly. TLi. rl.rionship @ be adveely<br />

dfl4&d paniculdly $.ir level of Mital ed exod elisfeliol Thh is<br />

l@m@ded that parird should ot oly coDnuicate wifi each other, underst2ld<br />

.!.h olh.ls pmblm .nd rsl€ mrFou .Lcision fd the Eelulion of dE ptubld.

Corcluio!<br />

The pr.s.ni siudy my be odidcrcd a pioneding Gsdch in studyihe<br />

psycholqrcsl aF.Ls of i enility with speiffc EfeEM to Palisllni cultual<br />

@ qt ftc sudy faus€d l[. morion l ch&g.s thal ()cq<br />

'.<br />

762<br />

@upl6 !fter beinS<br />

diagno*d with. ptoblcn of irtuility thd 6 mosly neel@led ud l4r hcard- The<br />

psot studl h!.! idendfied $v€Bl dim.nsio.s relal€d lo infeiiilily &d ils<br />

Fychological ell6rr, Majof c@cluioN ofltr€ study m given below,<br />

In lirc with thc @jn hyporh€sis of lhis studn the Bult i.di€ted ilBt<br />

inf€rtiL @upl.s cld !o ddonsunc high6 levels of d.p!6sioa dicly,<br />

sggEssion, ed low€r levels of elf.dlco, @iial elisfetioD &d qual<br />

salisli!.lion a conpared b fertile ouples.<br />

Findines of th. g..der dif€Mc.r sugg6r€d thar n les &d f.ma16 h.re no<br />

difl*n6 in $en l4els of aggEsior dd, mnil,l md exual sdsfa.tion.<br />

Howvd, i.fcnile ferBls rad ro h!v. highq l*ls of dcpr$ion, diety<br />

ed loq levds ot *lt."seem s @hplEd ro inJenilemale!.<br />

R€sulls @ncming ed!.alioEl l.vels indicdled thd infenilc p@ple wilh<br />

nrtric qualilic.tioc e mot aggtsiv€ d cdped ro infcnilc Fople wnh<br />

posr gdduL qualifclliG ed infcnile p6ple wnh bcllow naFic<br />

qualifi@tioa e in les edsryiog naElg.s 6 conped lo infertilc p@pl€<br />

Ir wB also foud thal ase of subj€cts hls no €ffd on th.l levels of<br />

d@6io'! diety, .gg6i@, *lf€rc4.nd odital s&f&tio..xept on<br />

sld s.ti.f@tion. It nem th.t inf.nilc Foplc wnn aC€ 8rcups of26-35 and<br />

36 to 45 @ less ss1is6€d with thch sxual li& a conpd.d io in&nile people<br />

wiih age of 56 to 65 y€d.

26J<br />

Conlrary to our ssunpdom, the dat ptuvid€d th€ cvidene tlBr i.conc,<br />

frmily syst m and ru&Yubm @ do not play inporl,nt tul.s in de&rionrion<br />

of mori@al dtuiurborc of inf.dile @upl*. Onlt onc difltu is ro b.<br />

foud signiffcbt on aggBsior Ggltdiog rudyubm ea. Th* findin8r<br />

3ugCEel€d lhat inf.nile @upl6 fron uat al@ aG noE oglged in<br />

lggBive b.hivio6 a @nparcd to infcniL onple lion uban al@<br />

Th. findinss nnh€r shsed rhc positiv. ole plsy.d by langug. for<br />

dep$sion, ui.ty ed sexul elilfaclion bur non{igni6cmr eflat of<br />

ldgu.ge on .8gt!$ion. *lf€$..n 6d lMilll sltisfacdon. It n@s lhal<br />

sple of Urdu luguage e tuE likely to be d€pa*d dd uios 6<br />

obFred to Pujabi spsline spL. R6nrs als sbo*cd th{ effd of<br />

laneuaee is conrdbutins in th€ diflcFrcB of exual srisfaction oI Pojabi<br />

ed S@itj sp€akiog mpl€.<br />

The sludy yield.d inpondt lindi.gs thrr tbe partF s,io is diagnoed wiih<br />

cae of infenility is likely to have I.!s exul salisf.ction sd low elf-este.n<br />

a ompeed to oilr.r partrd with no caue of i.f.nilily,<br />

IE fDdings of ljiis sndy wrc ale suggcdive of this fa.t thar die @upt6.<br />

who have thc m.lc-f&tor infenility. e nore dio6 md haw a delir. in<br />

then lev€l of elf€ste€n nd sxual stisfaclion s @npsed io colples<br />

having f€b.leef&tor infenility.<br />

'I1!. egBion &rlysis showcd fi.l aicq, aggt6ion 6d sr

264<br />

ASg6ior is Eg6s€d |4or dcpBidl, uicry. elt

265<br />

tujor Gtricrion in *ldring ! cptt$ranv. sPl€ of this kind of<br />

Unwiltingnes ofthe padiciponts to psniciplie jn the present r€edcb b@ause<br />

of ilE ssilivig of ltE iss of infcnility lhat h.s a t!o..dos impa.l on lne<br />

wlt beiry of a @uplc, is mthr linirdi@ for Lting epllgtative splq<br />

It is llened dli4 tbal inf€nility is on€n a lodely snd conftsing banle for<br />

@upl6, e ln€ $dity of IHdd Fstricted to el@l lhe spl. bcs.d otr<br />

@nwni€@ mpling instead of a n ionally FpF..nlative ore-<br />

Th€ study sd r$tnct€d to th. habiiarts of $ne big cilies of povin@ of<br />

Psja!. ILe eeeh @ mt b. satElized lo dE infeirile @upl.s of the<br />

*holc @mt y. eFciatly lloF who hold iEdiioDl valr ed *hct g.ndd<br />

ol.s re nore spccined ed strictly inposd like in oth{ pFvind of<br />

R.vicw of the litra w€ tvel€d ih.i Dosl of thc @4hes o. studyiDg th€<br />

psychologrcal sFcls of inf.rlility wc onductcd in rhe wdsLm dd<br />

E@pcan culoG. So, rhc fldln83 @ nor be g4nliz€d to mn'w$6n<br />

sicties. The pt*nt re*dh *s rct a cbs{uhual r€s€@h in ihc true<br />

r.M, a l!€ rakistrnis e with 6 viriety of valuca. Bul lhe pr€ent Femh<br />

s j!.r libii.d to infettle p@pl. or Puja!. But th. diflffic in oveEll<br />

Bpones of infedil. @lples sugg.sl thai cullutal diffcrcnco @uld make big<br />

d'l&t!lr6 mon81h€n in showinS th.i. FycholoSical e&toE lowdds th€<br />

A3 it h4 b.en Falo.ed wli€l thai the non-elailabiliiy of 6!esse.t<br />

inslimdrs for th. D.affmdt of dt l4cb of depesion, 8i.ty,<br />

agg6io4 *lf+!r@n, Eirat 4d su.l siisf&ion of infenilc 6uPl6

266<br />

mdc dE rast of th! pE$Dr l6€4h quil. nedc dd lenglhy ll 6 6li4d<br />

while con@iving tn. .l€si8n of llrc asmn thal e explonlion inlo su.h a<br />

sitiv. isE of irfcdiliiy wolld mt be @mpl.t€d utrls sm. b6i€ tools<br />

for th. 6e$t@t of d.prcsion, dicty, aeigFssion, elf

267<br />

Ncvdlh.l.ss, rhe prelelt sludy hN si€nificddy contobuling in N6sing ihe<br />

pq.lolo8icd aslets of i.fgtiliiy srch 3 &prsio., dicly, aggBion,<br />

elfr$am, ndial dd Fxual etisfetion qith p@dir Ef€tnce b ?olkani<br />

culftdl cod.n. n i! 3ugg.sted thd DoE t!!.ahs sbould b. tri.d out<br />

with a la.g.r suple froB difffit prcvires of Paki$an with E&@ne to<br />

id.nility dd its psychologic.l cfrFl3, A larg.r s&nple b.longing to diff.Glt<br />

a@ of Pakistar may give a b.ttq imidr into irlenility and ic Gl.Ld<br />

psychological prcblm, A brcld b6ed awelss oI infertiliry dd iis<br />

6ut!n cfrel3 on @upls slDuld b. eircn . hi8nq priority ror mdimm<br />

b.nefit to th. ilfenile couples,<br />

AldougL lhc $ftcidl pdyctoncEic pmFd6 of lle adart d and rmslal.d<br />

eal6 wer€ .lctmin€d but ir Eds hoc validsrion sMi€s io slrenelhen ih.<br />

p6ychobcbic !6pcni6 of aI th. ed6 Fo! flrthd lt$eh a 6tio.tl<br />

sple mly be itrcludcd in th€ nudy. Il will hqlp paniculely. to *tablish<br />

nom, @mllml validity and Fli.bilrty of thc s.ales. So it b sAgcsl.d !o<br />

@Dpute tunlq &alysis with a ldlpr dd Ep6dialiE sdnPle 10 porc iis<br />

'Ih. pn@on€m of prychologi€l .spets of inf.tuliiy sbould be *PloEd<br />

ton qu.lil.tive oethods of es.@h 4 reU. Ce snrdy h.lhod muld be<br />

b6l 10 irtc . de? iruidr for p@nfns . dircMl 4d cul$ml spcinc<br />

picne of inf.ni!. @upl.s with p€.ulis EfeEnc. io Patisbni s@i.ty sel up.<br />

A i.€d fo. i!fomdi@.| pogms on inGrtility eeatding its p6ycholoSidl<br />

aspets ed its me.g€not is felt stongly. Mosl ihpond is Lite<br />

iDpldo||tion of @l@liog enlrs for tbc 8lid8re of itf

264<br />

rlat d lo inf€rtihy could b€ reported ud psychological help shonld be<br />

Idplicrtiotr! of rte StudY<br />

Ap.n non the lindingr of lh€ tEsnl Es€4h, th€ sludv ha n@b.r of<br />

inplicari@s in Elaled lo infenility.<br />

'r<br />

. I}€ p6e.t sludy, ried b lgt€ into osiddtion ihe cnaidl i$E of<br />

inf.nility, rhe don n.gl6ted d ir psycholosicd Esrch in Pllillrn snn<br />

sFd to infenility. NdertlELs, thc prcs.l 6@h my bc @nsid€r€d a<br />

pio.ecdne in the aM of infenility, The prsenl 6wch hN opened n€w<br />

v€nss for les€4h in ln. aE of infcnility ad il5 psy.hologi€l apc.ts sdilc<br />

bkinS inlo rc6ut c€tuin oth.r felos.<br />

. The nodioCs ot ilF study ha explot€d lle islc of Psychologrcal 6p€ls of<br />

inf.nitiy nob difi.Enl dim.BiN dd it ha d$ bcd ftuittul in indi@titr3<br />

tudrci al@ of mpiiical inle€sls noh cdt@l sd m€thodologiol poinl of<br />

vid, The p66t r€slNh my irnlrcr h.lp 10 uddc6iand 1n€ ph.nonda of<br />

irldtility Aon othq F6letiv6<br />

and my sugS.st erc dlfr.dt Knds of<br />

@niribuiing factos such s adopdon ol a child, divoee in @uple due to<br />

infcnility ed husbed\ so ffij.ge b€€e of ltmining childl€$.<br />

Anolhd aM which nclds !!sdh it snidyine the.f€.r of fie rc*jns ed<br />

non-working status of intuile fenales on lheir s@ial FlalioN. h dav be<br />

wonh tying lo $udy rn o$d f&1os in Flatio! lo i.f€dilily for fiiw<br />

. The study hs madc najoi @diibuiion lo 1he a@a of itJenilily a3 wcll d<br />

pst holoercrr incdcnlioB s ir hG povided six indigtusly adlpl€d .d<br />

r,mshr|d sde' The s.al6 nay b. us€d 6 Fli.bL D6uG fo lhe<br />

ds.$sment of deprcsion, diely. ag8ression, self..sl*m md, hdital and

269<br />

sxual sarisfetion of @upls in clinicil *nitrcr e'lEn lhey @m to<br />

@seline. Tlrc findings of the pFst study nay help in $lablishing 3it€$<br />

interventions srd n n g@.ot t chniqu*<br />

Msltment instrmen8 pDvided by this study bsed on w.ll6@hcd md<br />

v.lida&d @snucls qitl c@bte thc tutue rcs€4h6 ro d€.| !i@ effctiv.ly<br />

wiih this eBitiv. isw of<br />

'nfenilty,<br />

'ft. Esulb of the p@rt sDdy may povid. a uiqE isue tor nnlhd<br />

a@h in rhh Na od ! lor of Es.eh is io b. @n€d oui lo s!€.gh.n the<br />

firdiler ofpesed snrdy. Th€ isE ofpsycholoei.al aiFcls ofinf.rtilily has<br />

1o b. turthd strengthcncd by dployirg lder sd EFE*itliive mpt. from<br />

vdios Egiotu of Pakbtdi population,<br />

Thc $al6 6 p.ovide staiistjcs about inferlilc @upl6 *ith '!sp.ct io lhen<br />

psychologicdl sllb aner bei.8 diagnoed with prcbl€D of irf€ iliiy, The<br />

pG.ot study is iFr of its tisd and Ue 6ndine! of rhe pilol ud min lnrdy<br />

would help the pnblic snd coustli.g psychologhls to u.de$bnd 6boul<br />

u.dalyirg feroB of irf.riility. II iay help in nising .*lffi of @upl6<br />

ed ileir fmily nenb.s i! this rcgaid. Public my not be !\'@ ofthc hm<br />

dEy @ 6E the inf.nile @upl6- Tbet e simply @9w ol rhe<br />

psy.holoeical dd emotional n*ds of rbm dd e als @we of ibat<br />

infdlile @upl6 rlwats dcmald sid s.plon $iich they ody @ Pbvide

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