Directors - Boustead Holdings Berhad

Directors - Boustead Holdings Berhad

Directors - Boustead Holdings Berhad


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Internal Control<br />

The information on the Group’s internal control is presented in the Statement on Internal Control in the Annual<br />

Report.<br />

Relationship with External Auditors<br />

The Board has established transparent and appropriate relationship with the external auditors through the<br />

Audit Committee. The Audit Committee has always maintained a professional relationship with the external<br />

auditors, and the Committee Chairman meets with the external auditors without the presence of any<br />

management member at least once a year.<br />


The <strong>Directors</strong> are required by the Companies Act, 1965 to prepare financial statements for each year which<br />

give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and of the Company at the end of the financial<br />

year and of their results and cash flows for the financial year then ended.<br />

In preparing these financial statements, the <strong>Directors</strong> have:<br />

• adopted suitable accounting policies and applying them consistently;<br />

• made judgments and estimates that are prudent and reasonable;<br />

• ensured applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures<br />

disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and<br />

• prepared the financial statements on the going concern basis, unless it is inappropriate to presume that<br />

the Group and the Company will continue in business.<br />

The <strong>Directors</strong> are responsible for ensuring that the Company keeps proper accounting records which disclose<br />

with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group and of the Company and which<br />

enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act, 1965. The <strong>Directors</strong> have<br />

overall responsibility for taking such steps that are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the<br />

Group and the Company to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.<br />


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