September 2012 - Costa Calida Chronicle

September 2012 - Costa Calida Chronicle

September 2012 - Costa Calida Chronicle


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Spanish history in the Mediterranean as the<br />

scene of many naval campaigns against the<br />

Turks and Berbers. There were examples of<br />

armaments used at this time – a crossbow,<br />

various muskets (some 16 th Century), and<br />

manacles. Elsewhere, photographs showed<br />

the Cartagena Shipyards as they were<br />

in the early and mid 20 th Century. As well<br />

as numerous models of ships, including<br />

destroyers and submarines, many built in<br />

Cartagena, the museum had paintings on<br />

display of boats and individuals from a wide<br />

variety of eras which had some relationship<br />

with Cartagena and its naval activity. Finally,<br />

there was an exhibition related to naval<br />

diving, which was not really surprising, as this<br />

activity is headquartered in Cartagena.<br />

Remains of Mazarron I<br />

The Military Museum is situated in the<br />

Plaza General López Pinto with the entrance<br />

from Calle San Juan. When we visited it<br />

in November 2011 it opened from Mon-Sat<br />

(not holidays), between 10am-1.30pm and<br />

entrance was free.<br />

The museum has a grand collection of<br />

historic guns and artillery pieces, most with<br />

explanatory panels in both English and<br />

Spanish. One of the larger guns from the<br />

Cabo Tiñoso battery was on display, together<br />

with the sobering information that a similar<br />

gun had sunk the merchant ship Castillo de<br />

Olite, near Escombreras, on the morning of<br />

7 March 1939, producing the greatest naval<br />

catastrophe in Spanish history with 1476<br />

dead and 342 wounded. The ship had been<br />

carrying troops just before the end of the Civil<br />

War.<br />

Exhibits inside the Military Museum<br />

Across from the main entrance, was a<br />

collection of shells and bullets of all shapes<br />

and sizes and further artillery pieces. There<br />

was even a radio-controlled plane which had<br />

been used in the 1950’s by the Spanish army<br />

for fi ring practice. For us, one recurring<br />

theme as we walked around the museum was<br />

evidence of the horrors of the Spanish Civil<br />

War. Walking up the stairs to the museum’s<br />

fi rst fl oor, there was a small sign which noted<br />

that it was there that Chief of the Regiment<br />

of Artillery in Cartagena, Colonel Gerardo<br />

Elias Armentia Palacios, was shot dead by the<br />

Republican 206 th Brigade as it assaulted the<br />

building in March 1939.<br />

Upstairs, there is a long gallery with many<br />

side rooms. In one was a model showing<br />

Cartagena and its bay with the various<br />

gun batteries which were established during<br />

the early 20 th Century. Photographs of the<br />

batteries were in the next room. The central<br />

passage itself contained detailed models of<br />

guns in cases, as well as pictures of prominent<br />

Spanish military fi gures around the walls. Also<br />

to be seen on this fi rst fl oor was a collection of<br />

regimental fl ags, models of tanks, planes and<br />

military vehicles, and full sized rifl es, machine<br />

guns and handguns by the score. Add to all<br />

this a comprehensive collection of uniforms<br />

and you will appreciate that if you have the<br />

slightest interest in military history, there will<br />

be something here to interest you!<br />

Article by Clive and Rosie Palmer who have<br />

written several guide books on towns and<br />

regions in Murcia. These can be seen at, and<br />

obtained from, www.lulu.com, or contact<br />

clive.palmer5@btinternet.com. Clive<br />

and Rosie’s most recent book, “Exploring<br />

Murcia, Days Out” is now available to buy<br />

from the CHM/<strong>Costa</strong> Cálida <strong>Chronicle</strong> offi ce<br />

on Camposol B, Best Wishes (who also stock<br />

other of their books), A Time 4 A Change in El<br />

Algar or phone Patti on 986 433 978.<br />

Please Pl PPlease ea ease se tel tell el e l ou our<br />

our r cu c customers st stom omer er ers s wh wher where er ere e yo y you u sa saw saw th thei their ei e r ad adve advertisement ve v rt r is isem em e en ent t in in the<br />

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