COAST. I ARTILLERY JOURNAL, - Air Defense Artillery

COAST. I ARTILLERY JOURNAL, - Air Defense Artillery

COAST. I ARTILLERY JOURNAL, - Air Defense Artillery


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490 THE <strong>COAST</strong> <strong>ARTILLERY</strong> <strong>JOURNAL</strong><br />

Spain<br />

SYSTEMOF PROMOTIO~OF OFFICERS.-Two schools of opinion have existed in<br />

the Spanish Army on the subject of promotion for many years; advocates of one<br />

of these insisted on promotion for war merit only, others believed in promotion<br />

by seniority.<br />

Each one of the systems undoubtedly has many factors which recommend it.<br />

Ambitious officers, advocates of the first, sought duty in Morocco where opportunity<br />

might present itself for rapid advancement in the military hierarchy. The defect<br />

of this system, however, might result in the promotion of officers of high courage<br />

only, lacking in other necessary qualifications. On the other hand, with promotion<br />

by seniority alone with a large proportion of the army engaged in active service,<br />

others who remained at home in Spain would receive all of the advantages of<br />

casualties in action and deaths incident to the long.extended Moroccan campaign.<br />

The first system, that of promotion by war merit, has been in effect for some<br />

years, and many officers who have been for a long time in Morocco have attained<br />

rapid promotion by gallantry in action. General Franco, an officer of only 34<br />

years of age, is a marked example.<br />

Many years ago the <strong>Artillery</strong> and Engineers of the Spanish Army entered into<br />

a compact to refuse promotion except by seniority, accepting instead of promotions<br />

for gallantry the aWl\Id of war crosses which gave them certain annual increases<br />

in salary which were practically equivalent to what the increase in rank would bring.<br />

In order to end this unsatisfactory state of affairs, General Primo de Rivera<br />

had a decree published recently which discontinues promotion by war merit begin.<br />

ning October 1, 1926. On and after that date promotion is to be by seniority and<br />

by a system of election in proportion to the vacancies occurring annually, as follows:<br />

1/4 of vacancies of General;<br />

1/5 of vacancies of Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel;<br />

1/6 of vacancies of Major;<br />

1110 of vacancies of Captain.<br />

In order to be eligible for promotion ~o the vacancies reserved to election,<br />

applicants must fulfil the following conditions: to be in the first half of the promotion<br />

list, to have been declared apt for promotion by seniority, to have passed<br />

the preparatory course for promotion, and to have sufficient merits. A classifying<br />

board will submit to the Ministry of War a list of the most qualified officers<br />

for promotion in the months of November and December of each year. Ih estimating<br />

the merits of applicants the following qualifications among others will be<br />

considered: Special crosses granted to the officer such as those of San Fernando,<br />

Military Medal, or Maria Cristina; physical aptitude; moral character and energy;<br />

professional culture; special knowledge such as completion of the Escuela Superior<br />

de Guerra.<br />

THE GrARDIA ClvIL.--One of the most famous military police forces in the<br />

world is the Guardia Civil of Spain, ranking with the Carabineros of Italy_ The<br />

official Spanish Diaro recently published the details of the organization of the<br />

force which now consists of 1245 officers, 26,224 other ranks, and 5557 horses.<br />

This force is one of which Spain can indeed be proud. They are well paid and<br />

well dressed; they are always on the alert and most courteous upon all occasions.<br />

They give a wonderful sense of security to the traveler in Spain for wherever one<br />

goes a pair of these Ci..-il Guards are ever ready to aid and protect one.<br />

The organization is paid by the ~finistry of the Interior but as regards its<br />

organization, personnel, armament, and discipline, it is administered by the War

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