,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission


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osliculruft. ft ats hisNig)<strong>il</strong>3 .Sricullurc !! social as *.ll s pohical unit gis lhird<br />

wo&Lr expcs thc he mture of Patisbnt aericrlturc' He fi8 rlleeed th. tbulrv<br />

stutut of agriculru€ ir P.li.Ln fot componiGins 0E p!.ducrio. pos<strong>il</strong>ihi's Hc<br />

ias hiShliShled lhc sial .nd elhical forcs for und.rstondina rh' 'eBrian ntucturc<br />

and ir5 sielncarc€ for econdnic d.velopdent He hrs de*.ib€d hov a<br />

pcdomim y aodal tucruE ch.ne6 wirh rhc p@8. oatift inio Lud.l-capitalisr<br />

nould. His foudh *orkrr is collerion of his pap.s aterdv published i. rbs jouoal<br />

ol Paknb. Inshut. of DeveloDnent ecommi.'<br />

M. ch.fin ClEnehry h$ @fticd ou. hk PhD di$edii" 6n lh' cde'<br />

Rcvoluljon and inoome inequrlities 16 fion Univm<strong>il</strong>v of wisonsi' Mtdi$n and<br />

al$ cofinbll.d s ody articl.s publisncd in mlioul.nd i edliomlioumak<br />

!6lie Nnlry[ mtibu!6 in tu th.ring aweEs abour thc whole ph<strong>il</strong>o$phv<br />

and objeclives of dcvelopnenr during C]!.n Remlurion Sone or rhe aforenentioned<br />

wod{s havc corcentacd hav<strong>il</strong>y on 'rdtit.live metlipds and olh.6 hav. usd purc<br />

eonomic thedica b hishligh incorc imqurlites rh.t blosn.d rmn E or SFen<br />

Evolutidd tebnologies, vhich occuftd during latc I960s Ihe aulhor suggens lha(<br />

$a poblm iFsho is gening d'e b.neliB ndu rhan wh is rh' nk 6f Ftum<br />

Hd.in& Ron<strong>il</strong>d and M Ghifrar Ch.udhi.v in $cn nudvrr cvaluatd rh' 1972<br />

la0d sioms ncasuft i. P.tistan, <strong>il</strong>s idp.cls o! d8licullural produciivitv, Income<br />

disdbuton rd .mploynicnl tnd higli lid obsbclA lo dEir €l,al'on.<br />

tj& Nrbi, Ncv.ed Afinrd tnd Sh.hid z.bid in cn studvre d.ste hGroncal<br />

chrnS.s in ratisttn asricuhur. .!d tb€ eff.cts of tucruml md non strucrunl ospeob<br />

of policy on 'Sncultore. Thc& annbu .E of rhe vicw thar inve$ relrrio' sh'P<br />

b.N*n fam sia md p'lnucdvity m/ no lonsd worL According ro dEn land<br />

dnrribuion and tenlncy Floms hrve littla e'I*r on Lhe pbductiv<strong>il</strong>v otagricultuE<br />

trfrn ul ltlqe s€1 for$ thc linkgc clfer bctwd fimci'8 of agpculurc ttxt<br />

asricultuGl growth in rtkbtn A dau on aCrioltDral fimnce and main croF ol<br />

Pikist.n has b..n prese.cd in the ro Th. .dv!nr.8.s of p8s book svst'n lor<br />

ssy cd to ct dii tnd tn lgdcultuEl tcn hd b€€n hignlighr'd<br />

Vaq{ Abmad and Rllhid Anjad i! ihet work.:rbesides d'$ribins P'kisEn<br />

Econont during d€ tust lhr dec t s al$ dalva the wrying d'gtee of<br />

FrloDttue<br />

of lgicultu. Th.* audDF .E of dE vlcv rh:t de Pakitu Economv<br />

semmed pnft.l<strong>il</strong>y Fom rhc iMb<strong>il</strong>ig oftgricultur ro prcvide ad'quah opponln<strong>il</strong>ies<br />

ior full emplotftnt. Tney ar8e $.t na$iv. poverty in runl secror sd a numb€! of

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