,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission


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TIG Nes Govtn Tncorvr retEN dep€t&nt on t number oi r'ditio@l ff<strong>il</strong>a$ical<br />

sunDlioN of € loAqds 3ro*rh ft l@uss on CNP 8rc*1h<br />

a eruol oulcor of lmg dn<br />

oukom of<br />

.qu<strong>il</strong>'brium ntb Ery rl$ dphtN khmloSicl| chance:5<br />

'n 'ndogems<br />

prblK cnd pavlre iNshnG m hlmn t<br />

'ptEl Md Indushes lr actw rcle ro!<br />

'u38'ds 'n<br />

Dublio policy in pmoting @nomio d*lopncnt<br />

All of lhe* dwelopmeni nodels f@us on dcv€lopndt rkough dvnanic lnd modm<br />

indult<strong>il</strong>l srd. Th€ ihporL@ of a sod.m irdwLitl sbr c'mi b' iCEred but rhtt G<br />

b.yond rhc sp€ of IIE p€snt sludv.<br />

l. Pakistsn panioula y in NWFP rhe tuin i!$e is to f€d thc popuktion bv<br />

mod.nizinglhe elive rgricultuft stn. Asricultud b€<strong>il</strong>g explo<strong>il</strong>alion or natural<br />

resour.c! like lad dd w.c! and Bisine pr.duclion of crop€, idirs vegebbles ond th'<br />

nunb€r ot dituls sEd Th. mb mtiburing tacbs to agriculluE dev€lopnent 't<br />

bcttcr clidte tnd fen<strong>il</strong>. r.min. th€ oltit.blc lrnd pff h"d, tt'<strong>il</strong>'b<strong>il</strong>i9 of mtr for<br />

iFiSltion, l!'d hlE s}3r.m and tne aPplioton of clPibl b l"d' Thc edices addins 1o<br />

.griouhural poge$ tre Es.aEh, cx&nsion sdiccst transponadon! and mrketing fac<strong>il</strong>nFs<br />

Asricultubl eion, $b6idi6 on inpuk dd tt sovelmdt pricins ae policies factore<br />

cpomiblc to. i'@ in .Sticulbr ou9!t'Dlting lne lgri cdrurv lgFcukle wa<br />

*p!ndcd. Thc r of rulinc.y, rmls ond olls.quipnals '@ intodu"{t New cbpDing<br />

prfths cnerged Dne ro individull om.ship ot ltnd at:d cmmoditv poducrion lk<br />

chdmclo! of agticulture was oapiblisl Throulh the use oi nw inpuls tnd stplicarion of<br />

advrnc. knoNl€dCp Md hod.m l€chmlosi.s trnsioftd raditiontl 'griculbft sndulllv<br />

inro fodco ndvdced asriculnE o.<br />

Thc ncr dii@l ftc6t in lhe @rlv 3iig6 of &v€lotmc is tE c$d<strong>il</strong>io6 of<br />

lgricultoE seord. becou* w<strong>il</strong>houl a suPlN olfood pFducnd ov'r 3ubsisldce needs liulo<br />

el* can b. done. There would be no surplu6 laboq no eving 'nd no lood io fe'd ldbor<br />

wo ing in olns seclm Agnculture ftle@ Lbo6 iion tne land dd lh' sualus laboi ru'h<br />

indulE<strong>il</strong>l gb$rli. Prcfsr JoLsM md John Mollor h!re l'd'd firc inpotu *!)€ tn<br />

*hich lgricultlE contibrEs !o rLe pcs of 6t)|Mic &retopnqt<br />

(i) Prcduct conlribulion (ii) rjbd conlribution (iii) capibl conlribution (iv) M! 't<br />

consibur'on rvr FoEiSr e\chdiee.onr$uuor '<br />

Atrl.dh.rld.v€lopD.ol-dllf...nlthsred.dlppmehes<br />

AsiiculoE dewlopncnt is ! Pde of incdctjon tmong 2 ntrnh'r of 'lctuc w' lok<br />

d rh. @inS of lgricllbE dev.lopf.nt s $'n "d vie|€d bv Ne€la$iol and<br />

srll{nlist shsls of do!8r't.<br />


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