,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission


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agricullurc cquiEs helry invcstncni in lh. iom of ftigrion pmjals. ldd @l'naron<br />

prcjdt and la.se{cale nrhaniation (vi) Binsins echnolosictl ch'nee rhar 66es<br />

podmrivny. This app@ch is sc.6tul in rut high im;nc counhi6 iEludins mo{<br />

(iii) Gmwth Str3e rbeory<br />

Thc gpfrh s10gp rhory or Pr|6s olnod€niatioD ofasdcultuE pur fovard bv<br />

'ohnsio'<br />

and John Mcllo! includ.s 6odr phvsical 6 w.ll 6 i$rirulioml facloB of producton'<br />

A.cordiq to Join Mellofs pwdprio. dE€ t@ rhre Phes of agricult@l d'velopnenl'<br />

Phe one n @hnlosjolty sbgMl bdaue of MtEihbrlitv of nodd inpub' Phd<br />

two is rshnologicauy dlmnic ,8ncul$E v<strong>il</strong>h lov capitll foming od phse $rcc N<br />

tccbmlosictlly dtusic *<strong>il</strong>h biSn opital lomi4 Thu M'llor's apptu'ch is iddifitd wirh<br />

lllc inclte in dE bt. ol dpi6l i! agriclltoE nE ctuolioD b'tren rhis *t or<br />

ltgumenls dnd tie gle.n revolnrion sralegies i6 ve'v cleqr' Ihb appo'ch lo lgnclllunr<br />

chinge i&nifi6 dE ouniN and logic of siweDirnt polic's Mirlcd *ioi srn<br />

Structurrl lh@rl6 of .8rlc tur.l d.v.lopbe<br />

Am.ding b Bdi..b d.velopn.nl is a hidoncrl D@'s<br />

rbal dcu6 wirhout b'mg<br />

co.scidsly w<strong>il</strong>led by .nym. {hioh im$cnllv chug's !h' *i.l foncwdk 'nd lhe<br />

whol e soci.9. Tbi s i s found in &e sl<strong>il</strong>ins or Kdrl Mo*s The shclure of societv and lhe<br />

sial aklion of poduction aE sFific io ot pdi'ulft hod' of poduction''" A@din8<br />

b slrutunlisrs siety .volws lh$ugh vnious slnc$ of sodes HcE asricultuE<br />

dev€ldPnenr mans chtnges in lic r.lotim of PFduction i'' s asiiculluft d'velopnent<br />

pcedi rh. Elidon of P'.ducnon rc llBti dd EconsitoLd Ew l'nes<br />

'n<br />

sbcludlisl th@n.s leused on the o*ffihip and conbl ovtt the ncons ofpc<br />

dulion Th. rebtios oi Foduction de mlvioit in tcfts of mpii'list' and 'toHtp<strong>il</strong>'lisr<br />

lom of 9,lductid A s@llv pcvl<strong>il</strong>ins ln@8tlt in rh'$ lnatus is ul d€ dcvclopMr<br />

olcapiblisn in osricultorc lsds ro imBsins .dcenhtion t'd cenhlialion ofrhe m@ns<br />

of produclion. Tiis, in lum leads ro lh€ co*aialio' of ltnd into lor8er uiib of hold'ngs<br />

This r<strong>il</strong>l i*n {w ! pblibridizrion and dcint'Snrion of $c p€oentrv Thu' tccordma<br />

ro one sohool of rnough wnbin tisbncd tuo'work, n is th' natuE ol otpiblisn b aholish<br />

orhd loms ol poduction (pEt.tiLlisl)''<br />

wirhin lhctuol<strong>il</strong>l $on6 rc haw a vsidv ofd<strong>il</strong>t'* tlditios o'nitin3 vhich<br />

do no1..c.$!.<strong>il</strong>y sh.F como f*turc' slch s'nto_Ms*isF which 3i'cc the nid_1960s<br />

h.s tud. o ldge contslhatiot. Atd rgdin within th' heo_M'disf st@l se hlve o divtFitv<br />


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