Swiss Medical Informatics - SGMI

Swiss Medical Informatics - SGMI

Swiss Medical Informatics - SGMI


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Typical recommendationsare useful to prescribe themost<br />

appropriate antibiotic, according to different parameters<br />

such aspatient situation, clinical assessment, but also<br />

costs, benefits, adverse effects, and the risk of resistance<br />

development. As acase study, we started investigating<br />

guidelines for geriatrics from the University Hospitals of<br />

Geneva (HUG). Totransform such verbose documents into<br />

machine-readable data, the guidelines were transformed<br />

intodatabase tuples. The translation from French<br />

to English was performed manually, assisted by Frenchto-English<br />

translation tools (e.g. http://eagl.unige.ch/<br />

EAGLm/), and aSNOMEDcategoriser [10].For some of the<br />

queries several answers were possible –three on average<br />

–asshown in table 1, where severe diverticulitis caused<br />

by enterobacteriaceae can be treated by three different antibiotics:<br />

ceftriaxone, metronidazole and piperacillintazobactam;<br />

each of them is unambiguously associated<br />

with aunique terminological identifier.<br />

Further, two search engines corresponding to different<br />

search models were tested: easyIR (a relevance-driven<br />

searchengine well known for outperforming other search<br />

methods on MEDLINE searchtasks [11])and PubMed (the<br />

NCBI’s Boolean search instrument). In addition, different<br />

combinations of the outputs of the two engines (PubMed<br />

and easyIR) were tested to combine the strengths of both<br />

engines.<br />

All targets werenormalised using standardterminologies.<br />

Three terminologies were tested to normalise the antibiotic<br />

type of target: alist of 70 SNOMED CT terms, corresponding<br />

chiefly to the available antibiotics at the University<br />

Hospitals of Geneva, alist of MeSH terms, including<br />

synonymous terms, corresponding to the UMLS Semantic<br />

Type T195, and alist of 70 MeSH terms, including synonymous<br />

terms, corresponding mostly to the available antibiotics<br />

at the University Hospitals of Geneva, associated<br />

with WHO-ATC identifiers. The disease type of target was<br />

normalised using alist of MeSH terms corresponding to<br />

disease, corresponding tothe following UMLS Semantic<br />

Types T020, T190, T049, T019, T047, T050, T033, T037,<br />

T047, T191, T046 and T184. The pathogen type of target<br />

was normalised using asubsetofthe NEWTtaxonomy corresponding<br />

to the bacterial taxonomy.<br />

Furthermore,tofine-tune thequestion-answering module,<br />

several descriptors, in particular generic ones, needed<br />

to be removed. Thus, infectious diseases or cross-infection<br />

were removed from the descriptor list for the disease<br />

type of target. Finally, specific keywords were used tore-<br />


fine the search equation. Thus, we added context-specific<br />

descriptors such as geriatrics, elderly, etc. The impact of<br />

general keywords such asrecommended antibiotic, antibiotherapy,<br />

etc. was also tested.<br />

Results and discussion<br />

The evaluation of our results isdone with TrecEval, a<br />

program developed to evaluate TREC (Text Retrieval Conferences)<br />

results using NIST(US NationalInstitute of Standards<br />

and Technologies) evaluation procedures. Fine-tuning<br />

of the engine was based on the TREC Genomics<br />

competitions: see e.g.[11]. As usual in information retrieval<br />

[12] and factoid question-answering tasks, we focus on precision-oriented<br />

metrics. In particular, the so-called precision<br />

at recall 0, i.e. the precision of the top-returned answer,isused<br />

to evaluate the effectiveness of our approach.<br />

To complement this metrics, which provides the precision<br />

of the system used without user interaction, we also measure<br />

the recall of the system achieved by the top five answers.<br />

Thus, we try to estimate how useful such asystem<br />

would be when used by an expert able to validate the guideline<br />

generator’s ranked output.<br />

The 64 triplets generated manually are used as the gold<br />

standard. Each rule/query concerns a specific disease<br />

caused by aspecific pathogen and isrepresented by atuple<br />

of four columns(table 1). Diseases, pathogens and antibiotics<br />

wereentered for each entry.Optionally, conditions<br />

were also addeddepending on the entries, suchasweight<br />

or age. Evaluation is done with the focus on the precision<br />

of the first retrieved antibiotic, which corresponds to the<br />

top precision, noted P0 in the following.<br />

Three terminological targets have been tested. The best results<br />

are obtained using asubsetofthe MeSHincluding 70<br />

antibioticentities. P0 is of 0.58 for the PubMed engine and<br />

of 0.52 for the easyIR engine. Eachantibioticentity is mentioned<br />

by several terms, allowing more results to be retrieved.<br />

Thus, amoxycillinwith clavulanatepotassiumcan<br />

also be mentioned as amoxicillin-clavulanic acid or augmentin.<br />

Moreover, using alimited number of antibiotic<br />

entities avoids returninggeneral terms, suchasAnti-Bacterial<br />

Agents. Using keywords provides no significant improvement<br />

in top precision compared to the baseline system,<br />

but aslight decline in top precision.<br />

From figure 1weobserve that thetwo engines, which tend<br />

to perform very similarly on average, seem not tobehave<br />

Table 1<br />

Example of manually-generated rules: terminological identifiers are provided in parenthesis. In this example the infection can be treated by five different<br />

antibiotics. The use of ceftriaxone requires the precondition severe.<br />

Pathologies Pathogenic agents Antibiotics Other conditions<br />

Diverticulitis (D004238) Enterobacteriaceae (543) Amoxicillin-potassium clavulanate combination (D019980);<br />

ciprofloxacin (D002939);<br />

metronidazole (D008795)<br />

Diverticulitis (D004238) Enterobacteriaceae Ceftriaxone (D002443); Severe<br />

(543) metronidazole (D008795);<br />

piperacillin-tazobactam combination product (C085143)<br />

<strong>Swiss</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Informatics</strong> 2009; n o 67<br />


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