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Download File - BAPPEDA Aceh - Pemerintah Aceh

Download File - BAPPEDA Aceh - Pemerintah Aceh


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Tinjauan Kontribusi Sektoral<br />

Gambar 3.2 / Figure 3.2<br />

Kontribusi Subsektor dalam Sektor Industri Pengolahan Tahun 2007-2010 (persen) /<br />

Contribution of Manufacturing Industry Sector in 2007-2010 (percent)<br />

2010<br />

2009<br />

2008<br />

2007<br />

6,65<br />

7,85<br />

8,49<br />

8,65<br />

0,00 2,00 4,00 6,00 8,00 10,00 12,00<br />

32 Produk Domestik Regional Bruto <strong>Aceh</strong> 2007-2010<br />

3,04<br />

Industri Migas / Oil and Gas Manufacturing Industry<br />

3,01<br />

2,64<br />

Industri tanpa Migas / Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing Industry<br />

Industri Pengolahan / Manufacturing Industry<br />

Secara lebih rinci dapat dilihat pada<br />

lampiran-Tabel C bahwa pada tahun 2007-<br />

2010, sumbangan utama bagi subsektor ini<br />

didapatkan dari tiga kelompok industri. Pertama<br />

yaitu kelompok industri pupuk, kimia dan barang<br />

dari karet dengan nilai sekitar 1,35 – 1,70<br />

persen. Kedua, kelompok industri makanan,<br />

minuman dan tembakau dengan nilai sekitar<br />

1,01 – 1,10 persen. Ketiga, kelompok industri<br />

semen dan barang galian bukan logam dengan<br />

nilai sekitar 0,09 – 0,13 persen. Sedangkan<br />

kelompok industri lainnya masih di bawah 0,05<br />

persen.<br />

Angka ini menjadi gambaran bahwa<br />

kontribusi sektor industri pengolahan di Provinsi<br />

<strong>Aceh</strong> saat ini masih hanya bertumpu dari<br />

industri migas dan ketiga kelompok industri di<br />

atas. Sedangkan industri pengolahan yang<br />

memanfaatkan hasil dari sektor pertanian (kayu<br />

hutan, tekstil, kertas) dan pertambangan selain<br />

migas belum mampu dikembangkan dengan<br />

optimal padahal potensinya sangat besar.<br />

9,69<br />

2,51<br />

10,86<br />

11,14<br />

11,16<br />

In more detail, it can be seen in annexes<br />

Table C that in 2007-2010 period, the main<br />

contribution to this sub-sector was obtained<br />

from the three industry groups. First was the<br />

fertilizer industry, chemical and rubber goods<br />

with a value of about 1.35-1.70 percent.<br />

Second, the food industry, beverages and<br />

tobacco with a value of about 1.01 to 1.10<br />

percent. Third, the cement industry groups and<br />

non-metal mineral goods with a value of about<br />

0.09 - 0.13 percent. Meanwhile, other industry<br />

group was still below 0.05 percent.<br />

This figure was a description that the<br />

contribution of manufacturing sector in the<br />

province of <strong>Aceh</strong> was still only relied from oil<br />

and gas industry and third upper industry<br />

groups. While the manufacturing industry that<br />

utilized agricultural sector results (forest wood,<br />

textile, paper) and mining other than oil and gas<br />

had not been able to be developed optimally<br />

whereas its potential was huge.

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