Case report - Blood Transfusion

Case report - Blood Transfusion

Case report - Blood Transfusion


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M Waldner et al.<br />

naturally occurring and not an immune response.<br />

However, there are published <strong>report</strong>s of rare cases of<br />

D- negative males, not immunised by transfusions,<br />

with anti-D serum alloantibodies 4,5 .<br />

In any case, after having excluded what seemed<br />

probable and obvious, we can do nothing but accept<br />

the improbable and use Issitt's words related to the<br />

complex, still unresolved problems of the Rh system,<br />

"we can only add Amen" 6 .<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank Dr. Giorgio Assali for his<br />

precious advice and help with this manuscript and all<br />

the Staff of the Immunohaematology Laboratory of<br />

our <strong>Transfusion</strong> Service for their valuable work.<br />

Tuttavia l'esistenza di rari soggetti D- negativi di sesso<br />

maschile, non immunizzati da trasfusioni, che presentano<br />

nel siero alloanticorpi anti-D è riferita in letteratura 4,5 . In<br />

ogni caso, dopo aver escluso ciò che appariva probabile<br />

ed evidente, non possiamo che accettare ciò che appare<br />

improbabile, facendo nostre le parole di Issitt relative<br />

alle complesse problematiche ancora irrisolte del sistema<br />

Rh, "we can only add Amen" 6 .<br />

Ringraziamenti<br />

Desideriamo ringraziare il Dott. Giorgio Assali per<br />

i suoi preziosi consigli e l'aiuto nella stesura del<br />

manoscritto e tutto lo Staff del laboratorio di<br />

Immunoematologia del nostro Servizio Trasfusionale<br />

per il prezioso lavoro svolto.<br />

References<br />

1) Scott ML. Monoclonal anti-D for immunoprophylaxis. Vox<br />

Sang 2001; 81: 213-8.<br />

2) Bowman JM. RhD haemolytic disease of the newborn. N<br />

Engl J Med 1998; 339: 1775-7.<br />

3) Brecher ME (Editor in Chief). Technical Manual. 14th<br />

ed., Bethseda, MD, AABB; 2003.<br />

4) Contreras M, De Silva M, Teesdale P, Mollison PL. The effect<br />

of naturally occurring Rh antibodies on the survival of<br />

serologically incompatible red cells. Br J Haematol 1987;<br />

65: 475-8.<br />

5) Algora M, Barbolla L, Contreras M. Naturally occurring anti-<br />

D, anti-K, anti-Fy a and anti-Le ab . Vox Sang 1991; 61: 141.<br />

6) Issit PD. Applied <strong>Blood</strong> Group Serology, 3 rd ed, Montgomery<br />

Scientific Publications, Miami, FL;198<br />

160 <strong>Blood</strong> Transfus 2005; 3: 157-60

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