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ITB Berlin News - Day 2

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ITB Berlin News - Day

THURSDAY 6 th MARCH 2014 DAY 2 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW REGIONAL SPOTLIGHT: ASIA SPECIAL FEATURE: ITB BERLIN CONVENTION TRADE TALK Doug Lansky Travel writer & keynote presenter at ITB Berlin “Destination Marketing Organisations need to change the way they do their job…” Read page 9 Oyungerel Tsedevdamba H.E. Minister of Culture, Sport and Tourism, Mongolia - Partner Country 2015 “We look forward to working with ITB to bring our new brand and national tourism offerings to life” Read page 24 Darren Gearing EVP & General Manager – Shangri-La at the Shard Quality the Chinese Way “Having Mandarinspeaking staff is truly a prerequisite” Read page 10 James Reed CEO - Destination Asia “Nobody is doing anything new. If I ran an outbound tour operator company in Europe, I would change things dramatically” Read page 13 Hall 22B Stand 210 Hall 18 Stand 125 Hall 9 Stand 123 at UNWTO is once again undertaking a number of events and activities at ITB Berlin 2014. Don’t miss! 3 rd Silk Road Tour Operators’ Forum Thu 6, 11.00-13.00 Palais West UNWTO Press Conference Thu 6 March, 11.00-12.00 ICC, Hall 4/5 World Tourism Network on Child Protection Fr 7 March, 10.30-13.00 ICC, Hall 7 Breaking Boundaries Endless Possibilities ITB Berlin: where TOs and TAs discover remarkable new possibilities and ideas Yesterday’s signing of an agreement between Messe Berlin and Mongolia naming the country as ITB Berlin’s official partner country for 2015 underlines the show organisers’ vocation of to bring creative, forward-thinking tourism ideas and concepts to the market. It’s a case of thinking outside the box, spotlighting new products that could well “shake the TO tree”, meaning new opportunities and opening new channels. Indeed, in his interview in this issue (page 15), Destination Asia CEO James Reed calls for “dramatic change” and insists that European TOs should be actively seeking new source markets in order to grow. This curiosity for discovering new destinations is also spurring increasing interest in the cruise sector, which is consequently becoming more dynamic and exciting, using ITB Berlin as a hub at which ideas can be shared and developed (see our exclusive interview with keynote speaker Christine Duffy, CEO of CLIA). Read more page 14 Christine Duffy President and CEO, Cruise Lines International Association Visit the UNWTO stand Hall 20/127 Follow @UNWTO Contact THE MEETING PLACE FOR TOP BUYERS, MARSHALL HAUS REGIONAL SPOTLIGHT: ASIA In this edition, we take you to Asia, still the world’s most dynamic zone when it comes to tourism. As the outbound Chinese market continues to blossom, the local markets are adapting to an influx of new customers from this country, but in addition to this, intra-Asian travel is on the rise from other countries as well, as outlined in a recent UNWTO survey (see page 20). For TOs and TAs in Europe, new “Eldorados” are just waiting to be discovered. . Vigan, North Luzon, Philippines © Cleverdis - Luc Citrinot

ITB Berlin News