deur: nico patrick swartz

deur: nico patrick swartz

deur: nico patrick swartz


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van die aardse lewe, waaruit alles ontstaan en vergaan, wat individuele vorm betref. Die<br />

gedagte van beweging tree baie sterk op die voorgrond. 43<br />

1.2.8 Vorm-motief : ou;sia<br />

Volgens Thomas Aquinas is die vorm onvernietigbaar en is dit in die intellek vergestalt.<br />

Die intellek wat ook volgens hom die siel is, is ook die liggaam van die mens. 44<br />

“ IN his quae sunt sine materia, idem est intellectus et quod intelligitur, ut dicitur III De An. Sed mens<br />

humana est sine materia “, non enim est actus corporis alicuius, ut supra dictum est. Ergo in mente<br />

humana est idem intellectus et quod intelligitur. Ergo intelligit se per essentiam suam…<br />

( That the intellect knows matter only according to its proportion to form. )<br />

Summa Theologica I, Questio LXVI, Articulus II: “ Utrum una sit materia informis omnium corporalium<br />

“ Videtur quod una sit materia informis omnium corporalium. Ergo una est materia omnium corporalium.<br />

Diversus actus fit in diversa potentia, et unus in una. Sed omniuim corporum est una forma, scilicet<br />

corporeitas. Ergo omnium corporalium est materia una. Materia in se considerata est solum in potentia.<br />

Sed distinctio est per formas. Ergo materia in se considerata est una tantum omnium corporalium.<br />

( That things that are one in genus are one in matter.)<br />

43 H. Dooyeweerd, Vernieuwing en Bezinning, Zutphen, 1959, P. 111.<br />

44 James F. Anderson, Treatise on Man. St. Thomas Aquinas.<br />

Summa Theologica III, Q. LXXVI, A. I, p. 15.<br />

“ It seems that the intellectual principle is not united to the body as its form. For Aristotle says that “ the<br />

intellect is separate,” and that “ it is not the act of any body. “ Die vorm kan nie sonder sy eie behoorlike<br />

materie nie. Maar bestaan in die intellektuele beginsel omdat dit nie-korrupteerlik is nie. En dit bly<br />

geskeie van die liggaam na die liggaamlike ontbinding.<br />

Summa Theologica I, Q. LXXV, A. II. “ Die intellektuele beginsel is nie verenig met die liggaam as sy<br />

vorm nie. Volgens Aristoteles word differensie afgelei van ‘n ding se vorm. ( Metaphysics VII, 2<br />

( 1043a19 ) ). Die differensie wat die mens konstitueer is egter rasioneel wat van die mens gesê kan word<br />

weens sy intellektuele beginsel. Dus is die intellektuele beginsel die mens. “For the soul is the primary<br />

source of our nourishmen, sensation, and local movement; and likewise our undertstanding. Therefore the<br />

primary source of understanding in us, whether it be called the intellect or the intellectual soul, is the form<br />

of the body.” Dit is die demonstrasie gebruik <strong>deur</strong> Aristoteles. ( On the Soul II, 2 ( 414a12 ).<br />

“But if anyone says that the intellectual soul is not the form of the body, he must explain how it is that this<br />

action of understanding is the action of this particular man; for each one is conscious that it is he himself<br />

who understands. Now an action is attributed to anyone in three ways, as is clear from what Aristotle<br />

says.” ( Physics V, I ( 224a31 ). ‘n Ding kan gesê word beweeg of handel <strong>deur</strong> sy geheel self of <strong>deur</strong> ‘n<br />

aksidentele kwaliteit. “ One cannot sense without a body, and therefore the body must be some part of<br />

man.”<br />

Summa Theologica I-II, Q. XLIX, A. II: “ Utrum summum bonum quod est deus sit causa mali.”<br />

Videtur quod summum bonum, quod est Deus, sit causa mali. Dicitu enim Isaiae XLV: “ Ego Dominus,<br />

et non est alter Deus, formans lucem et creans tenebras, faciens pacem et creans malum.”<br />

( That the form and nature of a thing is an end.)<br />

Summa Theologica I-II, Q. LII, A. I: “ Utrum Angelus sit in loco. “ Videtur quod angelus non sit in loco.<br />

Dicit enim Boëthius in libro De Hebdom: “ Communis animi conceptio apud sapientes est incorporalia in<br />

loco non esse.” Et Aristoteles, in IV Physic, dicit quod “ non omne quod est, est in loco sed mobile<br />

corpus.” Locus est quantitas positionem habens. Hoc enim convenit corpori locato, prout est quantum<br />

quantitate dimensiva…<br />


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