Norway Yearbook - 1968

Norway Yearbook - 1968

Norway Yearbook - 1968


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95<br />

Tabell 145. Hvalfangsten. 1 Whaling.<br />

I<br />

1960 1 1961 1962 1963 1 1964 1 1965 I 1966 I 1967<br />

Nordfeltene: Northern grounds:<br />

Selskaper Companies 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 2<br />

Hvalbitter Catcher boats 9 6 8 6 6 4 3 4<br />

Landstasjoner Shore stations 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 2<br />

Hval fanget Whales caught 214 256 240 149 88 133 91 56<br />

Oljeproduksjon Prod. of oil. 1000 fate 8,6 8,8 9,0 6,6 3,7 4,8 3,7 2,2<br />

Verdi av olje og biprodukter Value<br />

of oil and by -products.... mill. kr. 5,5 6,9 6,0 3,0 2,0 4,6 3,0 2,0<br />

Sorfeltene: Antarctic grounds:<br />

Selskaper Companies 9 8 8 4 4 4 2 2<br />

Personer sysselsatt 3 Persons empl 4 167 3 985 3 431 1 716 1 770 1 866 981 884<br />

Hvalbiiter Catcher boats 77 81 71 32 33 36 21 21<br />

Landstasjoner Shore stations 1 - - - - - - -<br />

Flytende kokerier Floating factories 8 8 7 4 4 4 2 2<br />

Hval fanget4 Whales caught 11 353 12 504 9 387 4 724 5 900 7 887 4 767 3 740<br />

Oljeproduksjon 4 Prod. of oil. 1000 fat' 682 744 571 228 253 234 127 107<br />

Verdi av olje og biprodukter Value<br />

of oil and by -products... mill. kr . 193,0 206,0 118,0 70,0 118,0 126,0 76,0 5 53,0<br />

Nord- og sorfelter i alt: Total:<br />

Hval fanget Whales caught 11 567 12 760 9 627 4 873 5 988 8 020 4 858 3 796<br />

Oljeproduksjon Prod. of oil. 1000 fat' 691 753 580 235 257 239 131 109<br />

Verdi av olje og biprodukter Value<br />

of oil and by -products .. mill. kr, 198,5 212,9 124,0 73,0 120,0 130,6 79,0 55,0<br />

Kilde : Norges Hvalfangstforbund. Source: Norwegian Whaling Association.<br />

No ter : 1 Fangsten i Antarktis foreghr fra hosten i det foreghende hr til varen I det anforte hr, fangsten ph Nordfeltene<br />

om sommeren i det anforte kalenderhr. 2 Fat = 170 kg. 3 GjrAder nordmenn pa norske ekspedisjoner. Nordinen ph<br />

utenlandske ekspedisjoner var i sesongen 1961-62 : 1 126 i sesongen 1902-63 : 329 og ingen i 1963-64, 1964-65 og 1965-66.<br />

Medregnet fangst og oljeproduksjon ph reise til og fra Antarktis. s Delvis beregnet.<br />

Notes: 1 The Antarctic whaling operations are from the autumn of the preceding year to the spring of the stated year. The whaling<br />

operations on the Northern grounds are in the summer of the stated year. 2 Barrel = 170 kg. ( = about '1, long ton). a Norwegians<br />

on Norwegian expeditions. Norwegians on foreign expeditions totalled in 1961-62: 1 126, in 1962-63: 329 and none in 1963<br />

-64, 1964-65 and 1965-66. a Including catch and oil production on voyage to and from Antarctic. b Partially estimated.<br />

Tabell 146. Hvalfangstselskapene. 1 Whaling companies.<br />

Selskaper<br />

Cowponies<br />

Landstasjoner<br />

Shore<br />

stations<br />

Skip i alt<br />

Vessels, total<br />

Antall Br.tonn<br />

Number Gross tons<br />

Hvalbliter<br />

Catcher boats<br />

Antall I Br.tonn<br />

Number Gross tons<br />

Flytende kokerier<br />

Floating factories<br />

Antall I Br.tonn<br />

Number !Gross tons<br />

I alt Total 1960<br />

1961<br />

1962<br />

-5-- 1963<br />

1964<br />

1965<br />

1966<br />

1967<br />

Selskapenes hjemsted og fangstfelt<br />

Home port of companies and<br />

whaling ground:<br />

Tromsdal.<br />

Nord-Norge Northern <strong>Norway</strong> .<br />

Steinshamn.<br />

Vest -Norge Western <strong>Norway</strong> .<br />

Sandefjord.<br />

Antarktis, pelagisk Antarctic,<br />

pelagic<br />

12 4 94 178 887 86 48 589 8 130 298<br />

10 2 95 179 588 87 49 290 8 130 298<br />

11 3 86 156 556 79 44 565 7 111 991<br />

6 2 42 94 806 38 23 956 4 70 850<br />

6 2 43 95 548 39 24 698 4 70 850<br />

6 2 44 96 900 40 26 050 4 70 850<br />

3 1 26 50 508 24 16 471 2 34 037<br />

1 1 3 1 327 3 327<br />

1 1 1 327 1 1 327<br />

2 23 49 120 21 15 083 2 34 037<br />

I alt Total<br />

I<br />

Kilde : Norges Hvalfangstforbund. Source: Norwegian Whaling Association.<br />

Note. 1 Se note 1 til foregdende tabell.<br />

Note: 1 See note 1 to preceding table.<br />

4 2 27 50 774 25 16 737 2 34 037

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