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Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net


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COUGH: - - Scurta, uscata, ragusita, latratoare, sfortata; de la iritatia din gat.<br />

CHEST:-- PALPITATII (+ anxietate/teama de moarte) neLINISTE; < stat intins.<br />

Ca si cum ar fi apa clocotita in piept. Ca si cum inima ar exploda. - - Pneumonie, pleurezie.<br />

- ANGINA. Durere intensa in toate directiile, in special in jos catre mana stanga cu amorteala si furnicaturi<br />

- Intepaturi in partea dreapta, < stat intins pe partea dreapra, miscare, tuse, respiratie<br />

EXTREMITIES:- - Reumatism acut cu senzatie de dilatare a partilor.<br />

- Afectiuni des asociate cu amorTEALA, FURNICATURI.<br />

- Paralizie, de la expunerea la vant rece si uscat, de la sperietura, isteric<br />

- Paralizie la mesc, incapabil de miscare, creeaza panica.<br />

SLEEP:- - Neliniste.- - Insomnie nervoasa, cu anxietate, neliniste.<br />

- Cosmaruri, in loc de atacuri de panica. - - Pozition: partea stanga.<br />

FEVER: - - FEBRA.<br />

SKIN: - - Hepatita (galbinare) la noi nascuti.- - Uscata.- - Eritem, < soare. Erizipel. Eruptii rosii.<br />

- Intepaturi usoare ca de la ace. Furnicaturi.<br />

Agaricus muscarius (Agar)<br />

Tema: soarta;<br />

Cauza: ger/are rece/suprimare;<br />

Complementar: Bar-c. Calc. Dros. Gels. Phys. Staph. Tril-p. Tub.<br />

Urmeaza bine: Bell. Cimic. Cupr. Dulc. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Puls. Rhus-t. Sil. Stann-i. Tarent.<br />

Urmat bine de: Bell. Cupr. Merc. Op. Puls. Rhus-t. Sil. Tarent (Typhus + Kopfrollen).<br />

Incompatibil cu: Bell, sare<br />

Antidoteaza: Anthraci. Tuib. Alcool<br />

Antidotat de: Absin. Atrop. Calc (la ger). Camph. Coff. Nit-ac. Physin sal. Puls. Rhus-t. Zinc. Vinum.<br />

Absinth. Eisen. Fette. Holzkohle. Cafea. Uleiuri. Vin si tarii din vin (coniac). Substante cu mercur<br />

La otravire : Atro. Puls.<br />

Efect: 40 zile Diagonal + in ambele parti + parti schimbatoare<br />

tuberculin/coleric/flegmatic/sanguinic/hydrogenoid/destructiv/tifoid/malarial/leproid/psoric/sicotic/promoveaza<br />

fecundatia<br />

Repertoriu:<br />


* Neurological symptoms. Twitchings. Convulsions.<br />

MIND: - - Suppressed, non-agressive manner (Staph. Bar-c.).<br />

- Dependant, weak-willed. Avoid responsibility (Lyc.). Seek sheltered, comfortable life.<br />

- ANXIETY about health. Fear of cancer (Ars, Kali-ar. Nit-ac. Phos). They drive you<br />

crazy with it. - - Tell everybody about their (supposed) complaints.<br />

- Desire to help people with fatal conditions. Superstitious way of doing good deeds.<br />

- Morbid thoughts (about death/disease/ghosts/graveyards/coffins). An element of<br />

spookiness about them.- - Obsessed with sufferings of people around them.<br />

- Out of body experiences which feel good, even > general state (Cann-i: terrifying<br />

experience).- - Exciting, cheerful states alternating with fearful, sad states.<br />

- Anxious when feels happy. Are sure they will die because they feel calm, happy.<br />

- Mental symptoms: Loquacity. Hilarity. Embrases everyone. Makes verses. Crazy fearlessness. Stupid'.<br />

Indifferent. - - "Dare-devil". Temerity. Runs about in dangerous places.<br />

- physical # mental symptoms. - - Hysteria after sex. Fainting.<br />

CHILDREN: - - Late learning to walk, to talk. - - Slow comprehension. Irresolution.<br />

- Dependent. Chorea, convulsions after punishment.<br />

- Restless. Fidget. Wild at playing. Bad concentration.<br />

GENERALITIES: - - CHOREA, TWITCHINGS, SPASMS, CONVULSIONS. < Coition, excitement, fright,<br />

death of oved one, suppressed eruptions or discharge.Aura: sensation of cold air going along body or spine.Chorea<br />

in children. Spasms after punishment.<br />

- Neurological disorders. Paralysis. M.S. A.L.S. - - > After sleep.<br />

- Child rolling the head, biting himself (meningitis). - - < Cold.<br />

- < Before thunderstorm. - - evening. - - < After COITION.<br />

- Sensation of HOT OR COLD needles sticking in.<br />

- Complaints diagonally: right arm, left leg. - - Alcoholism: trembling, itching.<br />

FOOD AND DRINKS: - - < Cold food and drinks.<br />

- Desire: Salt, salthy things, eggs. - - Aversiune: Bread, meat, wine.<br />

HEAD: - - Pain: sensation of icy or hot needles sticking in head.<br />

- Feels cold, esp. after scratching; forehead cold, but feels warm when touched.<br />


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