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Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net


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EYE: - - Bloodshot. Hastens absorption of intraocular hemorrhage (Arn).<br />

- Ailments after bruises, operation, etc. - - Soreness of eyes.<br />

NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas, profuse, passive, non-coagulating.<br />

> congestion of head (Meli). - - < From suppressed menses; instead of menses.<br />

MOUTH: - - Bleeding gums, dark, passive.<br />

THROAT: - - Varicose veins of throat and esophagus.<br />

AFTER: - - HEMORRHOIDS, bleeding profuse; with soreness.- - during pregnancy<br />

BLADDER: - - Hematuria.<br />

MALE GENITALIA: - - VARICOCELE. - - Pain along spermatic cord ext. into testes.<br />

- Testicles enlarged, hot, sore and painful.<br />

FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Varicose veins. - - Menses dark, with sore pains.<br />

- Metrorrhagia, passive, dark flow. - - Vicarious menses. - - Ovaritis after blow, abortion.<br />

EXTREMITIES: - - VARICOSE VEINS + soreNESS and stinging,<br />

< pregnancy, menses (Ferr, Puls). - - Thrombophlebitis.<br />

SKIN: - - Phlebitis (Vip). - - VARICOSE ULCERS, VERY SORE.<br />

- Ecchymosis. Purpura. (Arn, Led, Sul-ac) - - Traumatic inflammations.<br />

Vezi: https://homeoint.org/hidb/kent/h/hell-2.htm<br />

Tema: Perceptie<br />

Helleboris niger (Hell)<br />

Acut: de abia raspunde la intrebari cu privire la boala; voma/diaree/fara constiinta, fara dureri/simturile nu mai<br />

lucreaza/meningita + da din cap, stat pe spate<br />

Copil: slabit/gingas/sta pe spate/se uita in gol, mai rau la consolare<br />

Negativ: A. ceea ce percep il lasa indiferent (vobeste, gandeste si raspunde incet) B. ii este frig, C. simturile sunt<br />

amortite fara prevedere, D. inidre<strong>net</strong>, incet<br />

+ > la concentratie asupra simptomelor E. miscari nedorite ale unui picior, F. < orele 16 - 20 . G. < consolare;<br />

Palid/pierdut din greutate/incrunta fruntea, amortit/irascibil, disperat/FRICA + doreste ajutor, nehotarat/invidios<br />

Cauza: soc/durere sentimentala/zdruncinare de creier/eruptii suprimate/chinuit<br />

Complementar: Apis. Bar-c. Bell. Cham. Nat-m. Puls. Zinc.<br />

Urmeaza bine: Arn. Bry. Caus.Chin. Cic. Hyper. Lyc. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Sulph.<br />

Urmat bine de: Art-v. Chin. Cupr-ar. Gels. Iodof. Lyc. Merc. Nat-s. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus-t. Sep. Sulph. Tub.<br />

Antidoteaza: Op. Scarl.<br />

Antidotat de: Camph. Chin.<br />

Efect: 20 - 30 Zile diagonal, stanga jos pana dreapta sus psoric/destructiv/tifoid/<br />

leproid/ringwormoid/coleric/melancolic/flegmatic/acut/otravitor<br />

Repertory<br />

MIND<br />

Mind, absent-minded (See Forgetful) (1)<br />

Mind, absorbed, buried in thought (1)<br />

Mind, answers, reflects long (3)<br />

Mind, concentration, difficult (13)<br />

Mind, concentration, difficult, studying, reading,<br />

etc., while (13)<br />

Mind, despair (35)<br />

Mind, dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of<br />

thinking and comprehending (37)<br />

Mind, ideas, deficiency of (53)<br />

Mind, indifference, apathy, etc. (54)<br />

Mind, indifference, loved ones, to (55)<br />

Mind, indifference, pleasure, to (55)<br />

Mind, indifference, relations, to (55)<br />

Mind, irresolution (57)<br />

Mind, memory, weakness of (See Mistakes) (64)<br />

Mind, memory, weakness of, heard, for what has<br />

(64)<br />

Mind, memory, weakness of, read, for what has<br />

(65)<br />

Mind, memory, weakness of, said, for what has<br />

(65)<br />

Mind, memory, weakness of, say, for what is<br />

about to (65)<br />

Mind, sadness, mental depression (75)<br />

Mind, senses, dullness of (78)<br />


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