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Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net


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VERTIGO: - - From heights. When crossing a narrow bridge.<br />

HEAD: - - Pain starts gradually, stops suddenly.Headache from fright/mental exertion. With weakness.<br />

EYE: - - Photophobia < warm room.- - Purulent opthalmia, esp. in babies.<br />

- ConjunctiviTIS. Bright red, raw area, like raw meat. - - Ulcers of conjunctiva, cornea.<br />

THROAT: - - Inflammations, splinterlike pains, < swallowing, > cold drinks.<br />

- Sudden HoarseNESS, LOSS of voice in PUBLIC speakers, singers.<br />

- Polyps, condylomata vocal cords.<br />

STOMACH: - - Loud explosive eructtaTIONS. - - Vomiting mucus during Diaree. -- Ulcers.<br />

ABDOMEN: - - DISTENSION.- - Pain when lying on right side.<br />

RECTUM: - - Flatulence. - - Diaree from anticipation, excitement, sweets.<br />

URINARY: - - Frequent urination from anticipation. - - Involuntary urination.<br />

MALE GENITALIA: - - Sexual desire increased. - - IMPOTENCY, loses erection because of sudden fixed idea<br />

during sex.<br />

FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Sensation of swelling at right ovary. - - Metrorrhagia < after coition.<br />

RESPIRATION: - - Dyspnea, < room full of people, taking deep breath.<br />

CHEST: - - Sensation heart is beating so violent that it will jump out of place.<br />

- Palpitations < lying right side.<br />

EXTREMITIES: - - ATAXIA, esp. lower limbs. Paralysis. - - Weakness, heaviness.<br />

- Numbness in forearms, < sleep, touch.- - Coldness in forearms during menses.<br />

- Restlessness. Chorea.<br />

Arsenicum album (Ars)<br />

Gen: „Gzarcit“ „Aristrocrat“ „Fricos“ „Functionar public“ „Fundamentalist“<br />

Tema: Isolatie/Aparare;<br />

Complementar: All-s. Aes-c Ant-t. Anthraci. Arn. Apis. Ars-i. (wann Ars versagt). Bapt. Bar-c. Blat-o. Berb. Bry.<br />

Cact. Calc-p. Carb-v. Cars. Cean. Cham. Chel. Chin. Colch (= vegetabiles An). Cupr. Cupr-ar. Dig. Echi. Euph<br />

(cand Ars nu-si face efectul). Ferr. Graph. Hydr. Iod (= An). Ip. Jug-r (= pflanzliches An)..Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kreos.<br />

Lach. Lyc. Malar. Merc. Merc-c (= An). Nat-m. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Osm. Phos. Psor. Puls. Pyrog (Acut = asemanator<br />

cu Ars). Rat. Rhus-t. Sars. Sec. Senn. Ser-ang. Staphyc. Sil. Stroph-h. Sulph. Sul-i. Syph. Tarax. Tarent; Tarent-c.<br />

Thuj.Tub. Verat (= An). Verat-v.<br />

Bar-c + Nat-s + Thuj = C.<br />

*Ars - Carb-v - Kali-c* *Ars - Carb-v - Kali-c - Sulph*<br />

*Iod - Merc - Ars* *Ars - Thuj - Tarent* *Ferr-p. + Ars. + Caps.* (Otitis)<br />

Urmeaza bine: Acon. Ambra. Bell. Canth. Euphr. Ferr-p. Fl-ac. Hyp. Op. Parat-B. Phos (Plamani). Sil-mar.<br />

Stram. Stront-c. Sul-ac. Sulph (Sensibil la caldura). Tab. Tub (sensibil la frig)..<br />

Urmat bine de: Aran. Bell. Cic. Fl-ac. Nux-v. Ran-sc. Stry. Strych-g.<br />

Intermediar: Carb-v. Hep. Scir. Sulph. Syph.<br />

Incompatibil cu: dilutii sub D 6<br />

Antidoteaza: Adren. All-c. Anthraci. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Brom. Carb-an. Carb-v. Chin. Dig. Chinin-s. Colch:<br />

Elaps. Eucal.Euph. Ferr. Ferr p. Graph. Ham. Hep. Hyp. Iod. Ip. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kali-p. Kreos. Lac-vf. Lach.<br />

Leon. Mag-c. Mag-m. Mag-p. Malar. Merc. Mill. Nat-c. Nat-m. Nat-p. Nux-v. Phos. Plb. Rhus-t. Samb-n. Sapon.<br />

Seneg. Stry. Stry-n. Sulph. Tab. Tarent-c. Thyr. Verat.<br />

Alcool. Folositul de iod, otravire cu plumb.<br />

Antidotat de: carbune de animale, Magnesium (lichid). Tarii din vin. Tutun (copii care au fumat). Nucsoara.<br />

Bapt. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cann-s. Carb-ac. Carb-v. Cham. Chin. Chinin-s. Dig. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Iod. Ip.<br />

Iris. Kali-bi. Lach. Merc. Nat-c. Nit-sd. Nux-m. Nux-v. Ol-j. Op. Phos.Plb. Plat. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. Samb-n. Suli.<br />

Sulph. Tab. Tarent. Thuj. Verat.<br />

Otravire cu arsen: Ars. Cytisin. Phos. Rhus-t. DMPS. Sul-i.<br />

Substanta: Anhidridă arsenioasă<br />

Anxietate, durere arzătoare ameliorată la căldurâ , slăbire a stării generale<br />

Tulburări ORL:<br />

Dispnee de efort sau la poziţia întins; criză de astm; agravare către ora 1 dimineaţa, cu o stare generală de frig<br />


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