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Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net


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Mezereum (Mez)<br />

Cauza: eruptie de piele suprimata;<br />

Complementar: Hep. Merc (Mez = pflanzliches An von Merc). Puls. Sulph. Syph.<br />

Urmeaza bine: Calc. Caus. Euph. Ign. Lyc. Nux-v. Phos.<br />

Urmat bine de: Bell. Bry. Calc. Caus. Chrysan. Ign. Kreos. Lyc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil.<br />

Incompatibil cu: cazuri acute<br />

Antidoteaza: Calc. Chr-ac. Kali-hp. Merc. Nit-ac. Phos. Phyt. Rhus-t. Vac. Alcool.Vaccine.<br />

Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Acon. Alum. Bry. Calc. Camph. Hep. Kali-i. Merc.<br />

Nux-v. Phos. Rhus-t. Sul-ac. Sulph. Acizi. Otet. Cafea nu.<br />

Efect: 30 - 60 Zile, efect puternic ringwormoid<br />

/flegmatic/sanguinic/rheumatic/sifilitic/psoric/malarial/sicotic/<br />

Repertoriu:<br />

MEZEREUM (mez.)<br />

* Skin eruptions. Ailments from suppressed eruptions.<br />

MIND: - - ApprehenSION in stomach (Calc. Kali-c). Anxiety. emotions felt in stomach.<br />

- Desiere company. - - Conscientious about trifles. Anger at trifles.<br />

- Religious or financial melancholy. Hypochondriasis.<br />

- Sad and anxious when alone. - - Thoughts vanishing while speaking.<br />

- Indifference. everything seems death to him.<br />

- Looks through the window for hours without being conscious of objects around.<br />

GENERALITIES: - - CHILLY. < Cold/cold air.Cold to the bone/Coldness of affected parts;<br />

in spots. - -

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