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Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net

Remedii homeopate - leacuri.net


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Nux moschata = Myristica fragrans (Nux-m)<br />

Planta: Nucsoara<br />

Acut: Febra/somn de coma/nu-si aduce nimic cand se scoala<br />

Pozitiv: 1. vesel, ironic, vioi<br />

Negativ: A. nu transpira/transpira cu greutate, B. par ridicat, C. friguros D. Afectiuni + somnoros (+ friguros+<br />

fara sete )/doare la timpuri sua locuri nepotrivite) sau derutat sau gandurile ii dispar la ocupatie + continua,<br />

E. derutat/visator (lesina), F. uscaciuen (piele, mucoasa, ochi) + fara sete + vrea sa transpire,<br />

G. Imbalonare + constipatie (gravide), H. gandeste lent<br />

Spirit = lent + fara ganduri/Halucinatii, labil, totul pare departat, seriozitatea ii face placere, Frica/stres la lucru,<br />

piele rece si uscata, friguros,<br />

caldura exterioara/invelit/vreme uscata si calda/camera calda, nervi sensibili<br />

Femeie: 1. slaba, mica, lesin (la stat lung in picioare, somnoroasa, uita intamplari recente, lucreaza ca in rutina (<br />

ca in vis) 2. Nervoasa, irascibila, sensibila ( la durere + isterica), slabita, mananca mult/rapid, sete<br />

3. indiferenta/depresiva/inhibata/cu simturi atrofiate/ pierderea memoriei/somnoroasa/“ca intr-un vis“, imbalonari,<br />

piele sau mucoasa uscata<br />

Complementar: Apis. Calc. Kali-c. Lyc. Nux-v. Puls. Sep. Thuj.<br />

Urmeaza bine: Ant t. Gels. Laur. Rhus-t. Stram.<br />

Urmat bine de: Abies-c. Ant-t. Asaf. Bell. Cocc. Con. Croc. Gels. Glon. Ign. Mag-c. Mosch. Op. Phos. Rhus-t.<br />

Stram. Sulph. Ther. Valer.<br />

Antidoteaza: Ars. Calc. Chinin-s. Gels. Ign. Lach. Laur. Merc. Plb. Rad-br. Rheum. Rhod.<br />

Alcool. schlechtes Bere. Bleikoliken. Terpentin. Aburi de mercur.<br />

Antidotat de: Ars. Camph. Gels. Lach. Laur. Nux-v. Op. Rhod. Thuj. Valer. Zinc. Lichior. Bere. Chimen<br />

Efect: 60 Zile limfatic/hydrogenoid/tifoid/avortiv/sedetativ, otravitor<br />

Diverse: folosit la linistit copii cand mama pleaca de acasa =/ la adulti se creeaza substante asemantoare cu<br />

amfetamina<br />

Repertoriu:<br />

NUX MOSCHATA (nux-m.)<br />

* Sleepiness. Dullness. Confusion.<br />

MIND: - - Absent-minded. - - DULLNESS. SLEEPINESS (Op).<br />

- Confusion, spaced-out feeling (Alum/Anh/Cann-i).<br />

Feels strange, intoxicated, with irresistible drowsiness.<br />

- Alternating moods. Hilarity # dullness.<br />

- ForgetFUL for what was about to do. Weakness of memory.<br />

- Answers slowly (Hell/Ph-ac). - - Irresolution in projects.- - Bewildered, as if in a dream.<br />

- Surroundings seemed changed. - - Doesn't recognise well-known streets.<br />

- Stupefaction, < menses, pregnancy; comes to herself with a start.<br />

- “As if 2 persons, real self seems to be watching other self (Anac). Delusion has two heads.<br />

GENERALITIES: - - Chilly - - < Cold, wet/Windy, stormy weather/Changes of weather/ Menses. Pregnancy.<br />

Suppressed menses. - - > Dry, warm.<br />

- NarcolepSY; fights to stay awake. - - FAINTING fits: from pains/hysteria/sight of blood.<br />

- DRYNESS of mucous membranes.<br />

HEAD: - - Feeling of expansion, with sleepiness.<br />

Bursting headache, < cold air, vreme umeda si rece, eating little too much.<br />

- Sensation of looseness of brain < shaking head.<br />

EYE: - - Dryness, impeding movements of lids. - - Objects appear too large o. small o. distant.<br />

EAR: - - Pain, < wet weather, approach of rain or wind.<br />

NOSE: - - Dry, chronic obstruction and coryza. < Cold, damp weather.<br />

- Hay fever with marked sneezing.<br />

FACE: - - Pale with blue circles around eyes - - Dryness of lips.<br />

MOUTH: - - DrynESS. Tongue adheres to roof of mouth. - - Not thirsty (Puls. Bry).<br />

Take water and hold it in mouth to moisten it.<br />

- Mouth dry, < during menses. - - Sensation of cotton. Saliva seems thick, like cotton.<br />

- Tongue numb, paralyzed.<br />

TEETH: - - Toothache during pregnancy, > warmth.<br />

THROAT: - - Great dryness - - Sensation of lump rising.<br />

STOMACH: - - Nausea and vomiting with inclination to sleep, < pregnancy.<br />


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